# GEZE8P - Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg [Core] # Values set here will override the main Dolphin settings. [OnFrame] # Add memory patches to be applied every frame here. [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here. $16:9 Widescreen [gamemasterplc] 04007188 4800000C C20305DC 00000003 C0228024 C0410008 EC420072 D0410008 C0410010 00000000 C20CCEE0 00000003 38810020 C0228024 C0440000 EC420824 D0440000 00000000 C210FC8C 00000003 933D0060 C0228024 C05D0048 EC420072 D05D0048 00000000 0428639C C1D40000 042863B4 41D40000 04286514 C1D40000 04286730 421F0000 0428673C 41540000 04286748 C1540000 04286754 C21F0000 04286790 C2343333 042867A8 42540000 042867C0 42680000 04286890 41D40000 0428689C C17E6666 042868A8 C17E6666 042C6304 3F413522 042C6328 3FE22222 [AR_RetroAchievements_Verified] $16:9 Widescreen [gamemasterplc]