// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once #include <string> #include "Common/BitField.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #pragma pack(4) enum { BPMEM_GENMODE = 0x00, BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER = 0x01, // 0x01 + 4 BPMEM_IND_MTXA = 0x06, // 0x06 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_MTXB = 0x07, // 0x07 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_MTXC = 0x08, // 0x08 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_IMASK = 0x0F, BPMEM_IND_CMD = 0x10, // 0x10 + 16 BPMEM_SCISSORTL = 0x20, BPMEM_SCISSORBR = 0x21, BPMEM_LINEPTWIDTH = 0x22, BPMEM_PERF0_TRI = 0x23, BPMEM_PERF0_QUAD = 0x24, BPMEM_RAS1_SS0 = 0x25, BPMEM_RAS1_SS1 = 0x26, BPMEM_IREF = 0x27, BPMEM_TREF = 0x28, // 0x28 + 8 BPMEM_SU_SSIZE = 0x30, // 0x30 + (2 * 8) BPMEM_SU_TSIZE = 0x31, // 0x31 + (2 * 8) BPMEM_ZMODE = 0x40, BPMEM_BLENDMODE = 0x41, BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA = 0x42, BPMEM_ZCOMPARE = 0x43, BPMEM_FIELDMASK = 0x44, BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE = 0x45, BPMEM_BUSCLOCK0 = 0x46, BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID = 0x47, BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID = 0x48, BPMEM_EFB_TL = 0x49, BPMEM_EFB_BR = 0x4A, BPMEM_EFB_ADDR = 0x4B, BPMEM_MIPMAP_STRIDE = 0x4D, BPMEM_COPYYSCALE = 0x4E, BPMEM_CLEAR_AR = 0x4F, BPMEM_CLEAR_GB = 0x50, BPMEM_CLEAR_Z = 0x51, BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY = 0x52, BPMEM_COPYFILTER0 = 0x53, BPMEM_COPYFILTER1 = 0x54, BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1 = 0x55, BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2 = 0x56, BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF = 0x57, BPMEM_REVBITS = 0x58, BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET = 0x59, BPMEM_PRELOAD_ADDR = 0x60, BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMEVEN = 0x61, BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMODD = 0x62, BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE = 0x63, BPMEM_LOADTLUT0 = 0x64, BPMEM_LOADTLUT1 = 0x65, BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE = 0x66, BPMEM_PERF1 = 0x67, BPMEM_FIELDMODE = 0x68, BPMEM_BUSCLOCK1 = 0x69, BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 = 0x80, // 0x80 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 = 0x84, // 0x84 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 = 0x88, // 0x88 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 = 0x8C, // 0x8C + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 = 0x90, // 0x90 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 = 0x94, // 0x94 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT = 0x98, // 0x98 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 = 0xA0, // 0xA0 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 = 0xA4, // 0xA4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 = 0xA8, // 0xA8 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 = 0xAC, // 0xA4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 = 0xB0, // 0xB0 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 = 0xB4, // 0xB4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 = 0xB8, // 0xB8 + 4 BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV = 0xC0, // 0xC0 + (2 * 16) BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV = 0xC1, // 0xC1 + (2 * 16) BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA = 0xE0, // 0xE0 + (2 * 4) BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG = 0xE1, // 0xE1 + (2 * 4) BPMEM_FOGRANGE = 0xE8, // 0xE8 + 6 BPMEM_FOGPARAM0 = 0xEE, BPMEM_FOGBMAGNITUDE = 0xEF, BPMEM_FOGBEXPONENT = 0xF0, BPMEM_FOGPARAM3 = 0xF1, BPMEM_FOGCOLOR = 0xF2, BPMEM_ALPHACOMPARE = 0xF3, BPMEM_BIAS = 0xF4, BPMEM_ZTEX2 = 0xF5, BPMEM_TEV_KSEL = 0xF6, // 0xF6 + 8 BPMEM_BP_MASK = 0xFE, }; // Tev/combiner things // TEV scaling type enum : u32 { TEVSCALE_1 = 0, TEVSCALE_2 = 1, TEVSCALE_4 = 2, TEVDIVIDE_2 = 3 }; enum : u32 { TEVCMP_R8 = 0, TEVCMP_GR16 = 1, TEVCMP_BGR24 = 2, TEVCMP_RGB8 = 3 }; // TEV combiner operator enum : u32 { TEVOP_ADD = 0, TEVOP_SUB = 1, TEVCMP_R8_GT = 8, TEVCMP_R8_EQ = 9, TEVCMP_GR16_GT = 10, TEVCMP_GR16_EQ = 11, TEVCMP_BGR24_GT = 12, TEVCMP_BGR24_EQ = 13, TEVCMP_RGB8_GT = 14, TEVCMP_RGB8_EQ = 15, TEVCMP_A8_GT = TEVCMP_RGB8_GT, TEVCMP_A8_EQ = TEVCMP_RGB8_EQ }; // TEV color combiner input enum : u32 { TEVCOLORARG_CPREV = 0, TEVCOLORARG_APREV = 1, TEVCOLORARG_C0 = 2, TEVCOLORARG_A0 = 3, TEVCOLORARG_C1 = 4, TEVCOLORARG_A1 = 5, TEVCOLORARG_C2 = 6, TEVCOLORARG_A2 = 7, TEVCOLORARG_TEXC = 8, TEVCOLORARG_TEXA = 9, TEVCOLORARG_RASC = 10, TEVCOLORARG_RASA = 11, TEVCOLORARG_ONE = 12, TEVCOLORARG_HALF = 13, TEVCOLORARG_KONST = 14, TEVCOLORARG_ZERO = 15 }; // TEV alpha combiner input enum : u32 { TEVALPHAARG_APREV = 0, TEVALPHAARG_A0 = 1, TEVALPHAARG_A1 = 2, TEVALPHAARG_A2 = 3, TEVALPHAARG_TEXA = 4, TEVALPHAARG_RASA = 5, TEVALPHAARG_KONST = 6, TEVALPHAARG_ZERO = 7 }; // TEV output registers enum : u32 { GX_TEVPREV = 0, GX_TEVREG0 = 1, GX_TEVREG1 = 2, GX_TEVREG2 = 3 }; // Z-texture formats enum : u32 { TEV_ZTEX_TYPE_U8 = 0, TEV_ZTEX_TYPE_U16 = 1, TEV_ZTEX_TYPE_U24 = 2 }; // Z texture operator enum : u32 { ZTEXTURE_DISABLE = 0, ZTEXTURE_ADD = 1, ZTEXTURE_REPLACE = 2 }; // TEV bias value enum : u32 { TEVBIAS_ZERO = 0, TEVBIAS_ADDHALF = 1, TEVBIAS_SUBHALF = 2, TEVBIAS_COMPARE = 3 }; // Indirect texture format enum : u32 { ITF_8 = 0, ITF_5 = 1, ITF_4 = 2, ITF_3 = 3 }; // Indirect texture bias enum : u32 { ITB_NONE = 0, ITB_S = 1, ITB_T = 2, ITB_ST = 3, ITB_U = 4, ITB_SU = 5, ITB_TU = 6, ITB_STU = 7 }; // Indirect texture bump alpha enum : u32 { ITBA_OFF = 0, ITBA_S = 1, ITBA_T = 2, ITBA_U = 3 }; // Indirect texture wrap value enum : u32 { ITW_OFF = 0, ITW_256 = 1, ITW_128 = 2, ITW_64 = 3, ITW_32 = 4, ITW_16 = 5, ITW_0 = 6 }; union IND_MTXA { struct { s32 ma : 11; s32 mb : 11; u32 s0 : 2; // bits 0-1 of scale factor u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; union IND_MTXB { struct { s32 mc : 11; s32 md : 11; u32 s1 : 2; // bits 2-3 of scale factor u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; union IND_MTXC { struct { s32 me : 11; s32 mf : 11; u32 s2 : 2; // bits 4-5 of scale factor u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; struct IND_MTX { IND_MTXA col0; IND_MTXB col1; IND_MTXC col2; }; union IND_IMASK { struct { u32 mask : 24; u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; struct TevStageCombiner { union ColorCombiner { struct //abc=8bit,d=10bit { u32 d : 4; // TEVSELCC_X u32 c : 4; // TEVSELCC_X u32 b : 4; // TEVSELCC_X u32 a : 4; // TEVSELCC_X u32 bias : 2; u32 op : 1; u32 clamp : 1; u32 shift : 2; u32 dest : 2; //1,2,3 }; u32 hex; }; union AlphaCombiner { struct { u32 rswap : 2; u32 tswap : 2; u32 d : 3; // TEVSELCA_ u32 c : 3; // TEVSELCA_ u32 b : 3; // TEVSELCA_ u32 a : 3; // TEVSELCA_ u32 bias : 2; //GXTevBias u32 op : 1; u32 clamp : 1; u32 shift : 2; u32 dest : 2; //1,2,3 }; u32 hex; }; ColorCombiner colorC; AlphaCombiner alphaC; }; // several discoveries: // GXSetTevIndBumpST(tevstage, indstage, matrixind) // if ( matrix == 2 ) realmat = 6; // 10 // else if ( matrix == 3 ) realmat = 7; // 11 // else if ( matrix == 1 ) realmat = 5; // 9 // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage, indstage, 0, 3, realmat, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0) // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage+1, indstage, 0, 3, realmat+4, 6, 6, 1, 0, 0) // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage+2, indstage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) union TevStageIndirect { struct { u32 bt : 2; // Indirect tex stage ID u32 fmt : 2; // Format: ITF_X u32 bias : 3; // ITB_X u32 bs : 2; // ITBA_X, indicates which coordinate will become the 'bump alpha' u32 mid : 4; // Matrix ID to multiply offsets with u32 sw : 3; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for S of regular coord u32 tw : 3; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for T of regular coord u32 lb_utclod : 1; // Use modified or unmodified texture coordinates for LOD computation u32 fb_addprev : 1; // 1 if the texture coordinate results from the previous TEV stage should be added u32 pad0 : 3; u32 rid : 8; }; struct { u32 hex : 21; u32 unused : 11; }; // If bs and mid are zero, the result of the stage is independent of // the texture sample data, so we can skip sampling the texture. bool IsActive() { return bs != ITBA_OFF || mid != 0; } }; union TwoTevStageOrders { struct { u32 texmap0 : 3; // Indirect tex stage texmap u32 texcoord0 : 3; u32 enable0 : 1; // 1 if should read from texture u32 colorchan0 : 3; // RAS1_CC_X u32 pad0 : 2; u32 texmap1 : 3; u32 texcoord1 : 3; u32 enable1 : 1; // 1 if should read from texture u32 colorchan1 : 3; // RAS1_CC_X u32 pad1 : 2; u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; int getTexMap(int i){return i?texmap1:texmap0;} int getTexCoord(int i){return i?texcoord1:texcoord0;} int getEnable(int i){return i?enable1:enable0;} int getColorChan(int i){return i?colorchan1:colorchan0;} }; union TEXSCALE { struct { u32 ss0 : 4; // Indirect tex stage 0, 2^(-ss0) u32 ts0 : 4; // Indirect tex stage 0 u32 ss1 : 4; // Indirect tex stage 1 u32 ts1 : 4; // Indirect tex stage 1 u32 pad : 8; u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; union RAS1_IREF { struct { u32 bi0 : 3; // Indirect tex stage 0 ntexmap u32 bc0 : 3; // Indirect tex stage 0 ntexcoord u32 bi1 : 3; u32 bc1 : 3; u32 bi2 : 3; u32 bc3 : 3; u32 bi4 : 3; u32 bc4 : 3; u32 rid : 8; }; u32 hex; u32 getTexCoord(int i) { return (hex>>(6*i+3))&7; } u32 getTexMap(int i) { return (hex>>(6*i))&7; } }; // Texture structs union TexMode0 { enum TextureFilter : u32 { TEXF_NONE = 0, TEXF_POINT = 1, TEXF_LINEAR = 2 }; struct { u32 wrap_s : 2; u32 wrap_t : 2; u32 mag_filter : 1; u32 min_filter : 3; u32 diag_lod : 1; s32 lod_bias : 8; u32 pad0 : 2; u32 max_aniso : 2; u32 lod_clamp : 1; }; u32 hex; }; union TexMode1 { struct { u32 min_lod : 8; u32 max_lod : 8; }; u32 hex; }; union TexImage0 { struct { u32 width : 10; // Actually w-1 u32 height : 10; // Actually h-1 u32 format : 4; }; u32 hex; }; union TexImage1 { struct { u32 tmem_even : 15; // TMEM line index for even LODs u32 cache_width : 3; u32 cache_height : 3; u32 image_type : 1; // 1 if this texture is managed manually (0 means we'll autofetch the texture data whenever it changes) }; u32 hex; }; union TexImage2 { struct { u32 tmem_odd : 15; // tmem line index for odd LODs u32 cache_width : 3; u32 cache_height : 3; }; u32 hex; }; union TexImage3 { struct { u32 image_base: 24; //address in memory >> 5 (was 20 for GC) }; u32 hex; }; union TexTLUT { struct { u32 tmem_offset : 10; u32 tlut_format : 2; }; u32 hex; }; union ZTex1 { struct { u32 bias : 24; }; u32 hex; }; union ZTex2 { struct { u32 type : 2; // TEV_Z_TYPE_X u32 op : 2; // GXZTexOp }; u32 hex; }; struct FourTexUnits { TexMode0 texMode0[4]; TexMode1 texMode1[4]; TexImage0 texImage0[4]; TexImage1 texImage1[4]; TexImage2 texImage2[4]; TexImage3 texImage3[4]; TexTLUT texTlut[4]; u32 unknown[4]; }; // Geometry/other structs union GenMode { enum CullMode : u32 { CULL_NONE = 0, CULL_BACK = 1, // cull back-facing primitives CULL_FRONT = 2, // cull front-facing primitives CULL_ALL = 3, // cull all primitives }; BitField< 0,4,u32> numtexgens; BitField< 4,3,u32> numcolchans; // 1 bit unused? BitField< 8,1,u32> flat_shading; // unconfirmed BitField< 9,1,u32> multisampling; BitField<10,4,u32> numtevstages; BitField<14,2,CullMode> cullmode; BitField<16,3,u32> numindstages; BitField<19,1,u32> zfreeze; u32 hex; }; union LPSize { struct { u32 linesize : 8; // in 1/6th pixels u32 pointsize : 8; // in 1/6th pixels u32 lineoff : 3; u32 pointoff : 3; u32 lineaspect : 1; // interlacing: adjust for pixels having AR of 1/2 u32 padding : 1; }; u32 hex; }; union X12Y12 { struct { u32 y : 12; u32 x : 12; }; u32 hex; }; union X10Y10 { struct { u32 x : 10; u32 y : 10; }; u32 hex; }; // Framebuffer/pixel stuff (incl fog) union BlendMode { enum BlendFactor : u32 { ZERO = 0, ONE = 1, SRCCLR = 2, // for dst factor INVSRCCLR = 3, // for dst factor DSTCLR = SRCCLR, // for src factor INVDSTCLR = INVSRCCLR, // for src factor SRCALPHA = 4, INVSRCALPHA = 5, DSTALPHA = 6, INVDSTALPHA = 7 }; enum LogicOp : u32 { CLEAR = 0, AND = 1, AND_REVERSE = 2, COPY = 3, AND_INVERTED = 4, NOOP = 5, XOR = 6, OR = 7, NOR = 8, EQUIV = 9, INVERT = 10, OR_REVERSE = 11, COPY_INVERTED = 12, OR_INVERTED = 13, NAND = 14, SET = 15 }; BitField< 0,1,u32> blendenable; BitField< 1,1,u32> logicopenable; BitField< 2,1,u32> dither; BitField< 3,1,u32> colorupdate; BitField< 4,1,u32> alphaupdate; BitField< 5,3,BlendFactor> dstfactor; BitField< 8,3,BlendFactor> srcfactor; BitField<11,1,u32> subtract; BitField<12,4,LogicOp> logicmode; u32 hex; }; union FogParam0 { struct { u32 mantissa : 11; u32 exponent : 8; u32 sign : 1; }; float GetA() { union { u32 i; float f; } dummy; dummy.i = ((u32)sign << 31) | ((u32)exponent << 23) | ((u32)mantissa << 12); // scale mantissa from 11 to 23 bits return dummy.f; } u32 hex; }; union FogParam3 { struct { u32 c_mant : 11; u32 c_exp : 8; u32 c_sign : 1; u32 proj : 1; // 0 - perspective, 1 - orthographic u32 fsel : 3; // 0 - off, 2 - linear, 4 - exp, 5 - exp2, 6 - backward exp, 7 - backward exp2 }; // amount to subtract from eyespacez after range adjustment float GetC() { union { u32 i; float f; } dummy; dummy.i = ((u32)c_sign << 31) | ((u32)c_exp << 23) | ((u32)c_mant << 12); // scale mantissa from 11 to 23 bits return dummy.f; } u32 hex; }; union FogRangeKElement { struct { u32 HI : 12; u32 LO : 12; u32 regid : 8; }; // TODO: Which scaling coefficient should we use here? This is just a guess! float GetValue(int i) { return (i ? HI : LO) / 256.f; } u32 HEX; }; struct FogRangeParams { union RangeBase { struct { u32 Center : 10; // viewport center + 342 u32 Enabled : 1; u32 unused : 13; u32 regid : 8; }; u32 hex; }; RangeBase Base; FogRangeKElement K[5]; }; // final eq: ze = A/(B_MAG - (Zs>>B_SHF)); struct FogParams { FogParam0 a; u32 b_magnitude; u32 b_shift; // b's exp + 1? FogParam3 c_proj_fsel; union FogColor { struct { u32 b : 8; u32 g : 8; u32 r : 8; }; u32 hex; }; FogColor color; //0:b 8:g 16:r - nice! }; union ZMode { enum CompareMode : u32 { NEVER = 0, LESS = 1, EQUAL = 2, LEQUAL = 3, GREATER = 4, NEQUAL = 5, GEQUAL = 6, ALWAYS = 7 }; BitField<0,1,u32> testenable; BitField<1,3,CompareMode> func; BitField<4,1,u32> updateenable; u32 hex; }; union ConstantAlpha { struct { u32 alpha : 8; u32 enable : 1; }; u32 hex; }; union FieldMode { struct { u32 texLOD : 1; // adjust vert tex LOD computation to account for interlacing }; u32 hex; }; union FieldMask { struct { // If bit is not set, do not write field to EFB u32 odd : 1; u32 even : 1; }; u32 hex; }; union PEControl { enum PixelFormat : u32 { RGB8_Z24 = 0, RGBA6_Z24 = 1, RGB565_Z16 = 2, Z24 = 3, Y8 = 4, U8 = 5, V8 = 6, YUV420 = 7, INVALID_FMT = 0xffffffff, // Used by Dolphin to represent a missing value. }; enum DepthFormat : u32 { ZLINEAR = 0, ZNEAR = 1, ZMID = 2, ZFAR = 3, // It seems these Z formats aren't supported/were removed ? ZINV_LINEAR = 4, ZINV_NEAR = 5, ZINV_MID = 6, ZINV_FAR = 7 }; BitField< 0,3,PixelFormat> pixel_format; BitField< 3,3,DepthFormat> zformat; BitField< 6,1,u32> early_ztest; u32 hex; }; // Texture coordinate stuff union TCInfo { struct { u32 scale_minus_1 : 16; u32 range_bias : 1; u32 cylindric_wrap : 1; // These bits only have effect in the s field of TCoordInfo u32 line_offset : 1; u32 point_offset : 1; }; u32 hex; }; struct TCoordInfo { TCInfo s; TCInfo t; }; union TevReg { u64 hex; // Access to individual registers BitField< 0, 32,u64> low; BitField<32, 32,u64> high; // TODO: Check if Konst uses all 11 bits or just 8 // Low register BitField< 0,11,s64> red; BitField<12,11,s64> alpha; BitField<23, 1,u64> type_ra; // High register BitField<32,11,s64> blue; BitField<44,11,s64> green; BitField<55, 1,u64> type_bg; }; union TevKSel { struct { u32 swap1 : 2; u32 swap2 : 2; u32 kcsel0 : 5; u32 kasel0 : 5; u32 kcsel1 : 5; u32 kasel1 : 5; }; u32 hex; int getKC(int i) {return i?kcsel1:kcsel0;} int getKA(int i) {return i?kasel1:kasel0;} }; union AlphaTest { enum CompareMode : u32 { NEVER = 0, LESS = 1, EQUAL = 2, LEQUAL = 3, GREATER = 4, NEQUAL = 5, GEQUAL = 6, ALWAYS = 7 }; enum Op : u32 { AND = 0, OR = 1, XOR = 2, XNOR = 3 }; BitField< 0,8, u32> ref0; BitField< 8,8, u32> ref1; BitField<16,3, CompareMode> comp0; BitField<19,3, CompareMode> comp1; BitField<22,2, Op> logic; u32 hex; enum TEST_RESULT { UNDETERMINED = 0, FAIL = 1, PASS = 2, }; __forceinline TEST_RESULT TestResult() const { switch (logic) { case AND: if (comp0 == ALWAYS && comp1 == ALWAYS) return PASS; if (comp0 == NEVER || comp1 == NEVER) return FAIL; break; case OR: if (comp0 == ALWAYS || comp1 == ALWAYS) return PASS; if (comp0 == NEVER && comp1 == NEVER) return FAIL; break; case XOR: if ((comp0 == ALWAYS && comp1 == NEVER) || (comp0 == NEVER && comp1 == ALWAYS)) return PASS; if ((comp0 == ALWAYS && comp1 == ALWAYS) || (comp0 == NEVER && comp1 == NEVER)) return FAIL; break; case XNOR: if ((comp0 == ALWAYS && comp1 == NEVER) || (comp0 == NEVER && comp1 == ALWAYS)) return FAIL; if ((comp0 == ALWAYS && comp1 == ALWAYS) || (comp0 == NEVER && comp1 == NEVER)) return PASS; break; default: return UNDETERMINED; } return UNDETERMINED; } }; union UPE_Copy { u32 Hex; BitField< 0,1,u32> clamp0; // if set clamp top BitField< 1,1,u32> clamp1; // if set clamp bottom BitField< 2,1,u32> yuv; // if set, color conversion from RGB to YUV BitField< 3,4,u32> target_pixel_format; // realformat is (fmt/2)+((fmt&1)*8).... for some reason the msb is the lsb (pattern: cycling right shift) BitField< 7,2,u32> gamma; // gamma correction.. 0 = 1.0 ; 1 = 1.7 ; 2 = 2.2 ; 3 is reserved BitField< 9,1,u32> half_scale; // "mipmap" filter... 0 = no filter (scale 1:1) ; 1 = box filter (scale 2:1) BitField<10,1,u32> scale_invert; // if set vertical scaling is on BitField<11,1,u32> clear; BitField<12,2,u32> frame_to_field; // 0 progressive ; 1 is reserved ; 2 = interlaced (even lines) ; 3 = interlaced 1 (odd lines) BitField<14,1,u32> copy_to_xfb; BitField<15,1,u32> intensity_fmt; // if set, is an intensity format (I4,I8,IA4,IA8) BitField<16,1,u32> auto_conv; // if 0 automatic color conversion by texture format and pixel type u32 tp_realFormat() { return target_pixel_format / 2 + (target_pixel_format & 1) * 8; } }; union BPU_PreloadTileInfo { u32 hex; struct { u32 count : 15; u32 type : 2; }; }; struct BPS_TmemConfig { u32 preload_addr; u32 preload_tmem_even; u32 preload_tmem_odd; BPU_PreloadTileInfo preload_tile_info; u32 tlut_src; u32 tlut_dest; u32 texinvalidate; }; // All of BP memory struct BPCmd { int address; int changes; int newvalue; }; struct BPMemory { GenMode genMode; u32 display_copy_filter[4]; // 01-04 u32 unknown; // 05 // indirect matrices (set by GXSetIndTexMtx, selected by TevStageIndirect::mid) // abc form a 2x3 offset matrix, there's 3 such matrices // the 3 offset matrices can either be indirect type, S-type, or T-type // 6bit scale factor s is distributed across IND_MTXA/B/C. // before using matrices scale by 2^-(s-17) IND_MTX indmtx[3];//06-0e GXSetIndTexMtx, 2x3 matrices IND_IMASK imask;//0f TevStageIndirect tevind[16];//10 GXSetTevIndirect X12Y12 scissorTL; //20 X12Y12 scissorBR; //21 LPSize lineptwidth; //22 line and point width u32 sucounter; //23 u32 rascounter; //24 TEXSCALE texscale[2]; //25-26 GXSetIndTexCoordScale RAS1_IREF tevindref; //27 GXSetIndTexOrder TwoTevStageOrders tevorders[8]; //28-2F TCoordInfo texcoords[8]; //0x30 s,t,s,t,s,t,s,t... ZMode zmode; //40 BlendMode blendmode; //41 ConstantAlpha dstalpha; //42 PEControl zcontrol; //43 GXSetZCompLoc, GXPixModeSync FieldMask fieldmask; //44 u32 drawdone; //45, bit1=1 if end of list u32 unknown5; //46 clock? u32 petoken; //47 u32 petokenint; // 48 X10Y10 copyTexSrcXY; // 49 X10Y10 copyTexSrcWH; // 4a u32 copyTexDest; //4b// 4b == CopyAddress (GXDispCopy and GXTexCopy use it) u32 unknown6; //4c u32 copyMipMapStrideChannels; // 4d usually set to 4 when dest is single channel, 8 when dest is 2 channel, 16 when dest is RGBA // also, doubles whenever mipmap box filter option is set (excent on RGBA). Probably to do with number of bytes to look at when smoothing u32 dispcopyyscale; //4e u32 clearcolorAR; //4f u32 clearcolorGB; //50 u32 clearZValue; //51 UPE_Copy triggerEFBCopy; //52 u32 copyfilter[2]; //53,54 u32 boundbox0;//55 u32 boundbox1;//56 u32 unknown7[2];//57,58 X10Y10 scissorOffset; //59 u32 unknown8[6]; //5a,5b,5c,5d, 5e,5f BPS_TmemConfig tmem_config; // 60-66 u32 metric; //67 FieldMode fieldmode;//68 u32 unknown10[7];//69-6F u32 unknown11[16];//70-7F FourTexUnits tex[2]; //80-bf TevStageCombiner combiners[16]; //0xC0-0xDF TevReg tevregs[4]; //0xE0 FogRangeParams fogRange; // 0xE8 FogParams fog; //0xEE,0xEF,0xF0,0xF1,0xF2 AlphaTest alpha_test; //0xF3 ZTex1 ztex1; //0xf4,0xf5 ZTex2 ztex2; TevKSel tevksel[8];//0xf6,0xf7,f8,f9,fa,fb,fc,fd u32 bpMask; //0xFE u32 unknown18; //ff bool UseEarlyDepthTest() const { return zcontrol.early_ztest && zmode.testenable; } bool UseLateDepthTest() const { return !zcontrol.early_ztest && zmode.testenable; } }; #pragma pack() extern BPMemory bpmem; void LoadBPReg(u32 value0); void LoadBPRegPreprocess(u32 value0); void GetBPRegInfo(const u8* data, std::string* name, std::string* desc);