/* * wiiuse * * Written By: * Michael Laforest < para > * Email: < thepara (--AT--) g m a i l [--DOT--] com > * * Copyright 2006-2007 * * This file is part of wiiuse. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * $Header$ * */ /** * @file * @brief Handles wiimote events. * * The file includes functions that handle the events * that are sent from the wiimote to us. */ #include <stdio.h> #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #else #include <winsock2.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "definitions.h" #include "io.h" #include "wiiuse_internal.h" #include "dynamics.h" #include "ir.h" #include "nunchuk.h" #include "classic.h" #include "guitar_hero_3.h" #include "wiiboard.h" #include "events.h" static void idle_cycle(struct wiimote_t* wm); static void clear_dirty_reads(struct wiimote_t* wm); static void propagate_event(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte event, byte* msg); static void event_data_read(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg); static void event_status(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg); static void handle_expansion(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg); static void save_state(struct wiimote_t* wm); static int state_changed(struct wiimote_t* wm); /** * @brief Poll the wiimotes for any events. * * @param wm An array of pointers to wiimote_t structures. * @param wiimotes The number of wiimote_t structures in the \a wm array. * * @return Returns number of wiimotes that an event has occured on. * * It is necessary to poll the wiimote devices for events * that occur. If an event occurs on a particular wiimote, * the event variable will be set. */ int wiiuse_poll(struct wiimote_t** wm, int wiimotes) { int evnt = 0; /* * Windows, Unix and Apple */ int i; if (!wm) return 0; for (i = 0; i < wiimotes; ++i) { wm[i]->event = WIIUSE_NONE; if (wiiuse_io_read(wm[i])) { /* propagate the event */ propagate_event(wm[i], wm[i]->event_buf[0], wm[i]->event_buf+1); evnt += (wm[i]->event != WIIUSE_NONE); /* clear out the event buffer */ memset(wm[i]->event_buf, 0, sizeof(wm[i]->event_buf)); } else { idle_cycle(wm[i]); } } return evnt; } /** * @brief Called on a cycle where no significant change occurs. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. */ static void idle_cycle(struct wiimote_t* wm) { /* * Smooth the angles. * * This is done to make sure that on every cycle the orientation * angles are smoothed. Normally when an event occurs the angles * are updated and smoothed, but if no packet comes in then the * angles remain the same. This means the angle wiiuse reports * is still an old value. Smoothing needs to be applied in this * case in order for the angle it reports to converge to the true * angle of the device. */ if (WIIUSE_USING_ACC(wm) && WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_SMOOTHING)) { apply_smoothing(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->orient, SMOOTH_ROLL); apply_smoothing(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->orient, SMOOTH_PITCH); } /* clear out any old read requests */ clear_dirty_reads(wm); } /** * @brief Clear out all old 'dirty' read requests. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. */ static void clear_dirty_reads(struct wiimote_t* wm) { struct read_req_t* req = wm->read_req; while (req && req->dirty) { WIIUSE_DEBUG("Cleared old read request for address: %x", req->addr); wm->read_req = req->next; free(req); req = wm->read_req; } } /** * @brief Analyze the event that occured on a wiimote. * * @param wm An array of pointers to wiimote_t structures. * @param event The event that occured. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. * * Pass the event to the registered event callback. */ static void propagate_event(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte event, byte* msg) { save_state(wm); switch (event) { case WM_RPT_BTN: { /* button */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); break; } case WM_RPT_BTN_ACC: { /* button - motion */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); wm->accel.x = msg[2]; wm->accel.y = msg[3]; wm->accel.z = msg[4]; /* calculate the remote orientation */ calculate_orientation(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->orient, WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_SMOOTHING)); /* calculate the gforces on each axis */ calculate_gforce(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->gforce); break; } case WM_RPT_READ: { /* data read */ event_data_read(wm, msg); /* yeah buttons may be pressed, but this wasn't an "event" */ return; } case WM_RPT_CTRL_STATUS: { /* controller status */ event_status(wm, msg); /* don't execute the event callback */ return; } case WM_RPT_BTN_EXP: { /* button - expansion */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); handle_expansion(wm, msg+2); break; } case WM_RPT_BTN_ACC_EXP: { /* button - motion - expansion */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); wm->accel.x = msg[2]; wm->accel.y = msg[3]; wm->accel.z = msg[4]; calculate_orientation(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->orient, WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_SMOOTHING)); calculate_gforce(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->gforce); handle_expansion(wm, msg+5); break; } case WM_RPT_BTN_ACC_IR: { /* button - motion - ir */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); wm->accel.x = msg[2]; wm->accel.y = msg[3]; wm->accel.z = msg[4]; calculate_orientation(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->orient, WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_SMOOTHING)); calculate_gforce(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->gforce); /* ir */ calculate_extended_ir(wm, msg+5); break; } case WM_RPT_BTN_IR_EXP: { /* button - ir - expansion */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); handle_expansion(wm, msg+12); /* ir */ calculate_basic_ir(wm, msg+2); break; } case WM_RPT_BTN_ACC_IR_EXP: { /* button - motion - ir - expansion */ wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); wm->accel.x = msg[2]; wm->accel.y = msg[3]; wm->accel.z = msg[4]; calculate_orientation(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->orient, WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_SMOOTHING)); calculate_gforce(&wm->accel_calib, &wm->accel, &wm->gforce); handle_expansion(wm, msg+15); /* ir */ calculate_basic_ir(wm, msg+5); break; } case WM_RPT_WRITE: { /* write feedback - safe to skip */ break; } default: { WIIUSE_WARNING("Unknown event, can not handle it [Code 0x%x].", event); return; } } /* was there an event? */ if (state_changed(wm)) wm->event = WIIUSE_EVENT; } /** * @brief Find what buttons are pressed. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. */ void wiiuse_pressed_buttons(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { short now; /* convert to big endian */ now = BIG_ENDIAN_SHORT(*(short*)msg) & WIIMOTE_BUTTON_ALL; /* pressed now & were pressed, then held */ wm->btns_held = (now & wm->btns); /* were pressed or were held & not pressed now, then released */ wm->btns_released = ((wm->btns | wm->btns_held) & ~now); /* buttons pressed now */ wm->btns = now; } /** * @brief Received a data packet from a read request. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. * * Data from the wiimote comes in packets. If the requested * data segment size is bigger than one packet can hold then * several packets will be received. These packets are first * reassembled into one, then the registered callback function * that handles data reads is invoked. */ static void event_data_read(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { /* we must always assume the packet received is from the most recent request */ byte err; byte len; unsigned short offset; struct read_req_t* req = wm->read_req; wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); /* find the next non-dirty request */ while (req && req->dirty) req = req->next; /* if we don't have a request out then we didn't ask for this packet */ if (!req) { WIIUSE_WARNING("Received data packet when no request was made."); return; } err = msg[2] & 0x0F; if (err == 0x08) WIIUSE_WARNING("Unable to read data - address does not exist."); else if (err == 0x07) WIIUSE_WARNING("Unable to read data - address is for write-only registers."); else if (err) WIIUSE_WARNING("Unable to read data - unknown error code %x.", err); if (err) { /* this request errored out, so skip it and go to the next one */ /* delete this request */ wm->read_req = req->next; free(req); /* if another request exists send it to the wiimote */ if (wm->read_req) wiiuse_send_next_pending_read_request(wm); return; } len = ((msg[2] & 0xF0) >> 4) + 1; offset = BIG_ENDIAN_SHORT(*(unsigned short*)(msg + 3)); req->addr = (req->addr & 0xFFFF); req->wait -= len; if (req->wait >= req->size) /* this should never happen */ req->wait = 0; WIIUSE_DEBUG("Received read packet:"); WIIUSE_DEBUG(" Packet read offset: %i bytes", offset); WIIUSE_DEBUG(" Request read offset: %i bytes", req->addr); WIIUSE_DEBUG(" Read offset into buf: %i bytes", offset - req->addr); WIIUSE_DEBUG(" Read data size: %i bytes", len); WIIUSE_DEBUG(" Still need: %i bytes", req->wait); /* reconstruct this part of the data */ memcpy((req->buf + offset - req->addr), (msg + 5), len); #ifdef WITH_WIIUSE_DEBUG { int i = 0; printf("Read: "); for (; i < req->size - req->wait; ++i) printf("%x ", req->buf[i]); printf("\n"); } #endif /* if all data has been received, execute the read event callback or generate event */ if (!req->wait) { if (req->cb) { /* this was a callback, so invoke it now */ req->cb(wm, req->buf, req->size); /* delete this request */ wm->read_req = req->next; free(req); } else { /* * This should generate an event. * We need to leave the event in the array so the client * can access it still. We'll flag is as being 'dirty' * and give the client one cycle to use it. Next event * we will remove it from the list. */ wm->event = WIIUSE_READ_DATA; req->dirty = 1; } /* if another request exists send it to the wiimote */ if (wm->read_req) wiiuse_send_next_pending_read_request(wm); } } /** * @brief Read the controller status. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. * * Read the controller status and execute the registered status callback. */ static void event_status(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { int led[4] = {0}; int attachment = 0; int ir = 0; int exp_changed = 0; /* * An event occured. * This event can be overwritten by a more specific * event type during a handshake or expansion removal. */ wm->event = WIIUSE_STATUS; wiiuse_pressed_buttons(wm, msg); /* find what LEDs are lit */ if (msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_LED_1) led[0] = 1; if (msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_LED_2) led[1] = 1; if (msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_LED_3) led[2] = 1; if (msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_LED_4) led[3] = 1; /* is an attachment connected to the expansion port? */ if ((msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_ATTACHMENT) == WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_ATTACHMENT) attachment = 1; /* is the speaker enabled? */ if ((msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_SPEAKER_ENABLED) == WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_SPEAKER_ENABLED) WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_SPEAKER); /* is IR sensing enabled? */ if ((msg[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_IR_ENABLED) == WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_IR_ENABLED) ir = 1; /* find the battery level and normalize between 0 and 1 */ wm->battery_level = (msg[5] / (float)WM_MAX_BATTERY_CODE); /* expansion port */ if (attachment && !WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) { /* send the initialization code for the attachment */ handshake_expansion(wm, NULL, 0); exp_changed = 1; } else if (!attachment && WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) { /* attachment removed */ disable_expansion(wm); exp_changed = 1; } #ifdef WIN32 if (!attachment) { WIIUSE_DEBUG("Setting timeout to normal %i ms.", wm->normal_timeout); wm->timeout = wm->normal_timeout; } #endif /* * From now on the remote will only send status packets. * We need to send a WIIMOTE_CMD_REPORT_TYPE packet to * reenable other incoming reports. */ if (exp_changed && WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_IR)) { /* * Since the expansion status changed IR needs to * be reset for the new IR report mode. */ WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_IR); wiiuse_set_ir(wm, 1); } else wiiuse_set_report_type(wm); } /** * @brief Handle data from the expansion. * * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet for the expansion. */ static void handle_expansion(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { switch (wm->exp.type) { case EXP_NUNCHUK: nunchuk_event(&wm->exp.nunchuk, msg); break; case EXP_CLASSIC: classic_ctrl_event(&wm->exp.classic, msg); break; case EXP_GUITAR_HERO_3: guitar_hero_3_event(&wm->exp.gh3, msg); break; case EXP_WII_BOARD: wii_board_event(&wm->exp.wb, msg); break; default: break; } } /** * @brief Handle the handshake data from the expansion device. * * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param data The data read in from the device. * @param len The length of the data block, in bytes. * * Tries to determine what kind of expansion was attached * and invoke the correct handshake function. * * If the data is NULL then this function will try to start * a handshake with the expansion. */ void handshake_expansion(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* data, unsigned short len) { int wid; if (!data) { byte* handshake_buf; byte buf = 0x00; if (WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) disable_expansion(wm); /* increase the timeout until the handshake completes */ #ifdef WIN32 WIIUSE_DEBUG("Setting timeout to expansion %i ms.", wm->exp_timeout); wm->timeout = wm->exp_timeout; #endif wiiuse_write_data(wm, WM_EXP_MEM_ENABLE, &buf, 1); /* get the calibration data */ handshake_buf = (byte *)malloc(EXP_HANDSHAKE_LEN * sizeof(byte)); wiiuse_read_data_cb(wm, handshake_expansion, handshake_buf, WM_EXP_MEM_CALIBR, EXP_HANDSHAKE_LEN); /* tell the wiimote to send expansion data */ WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP); return; } wid = BIG_ENDIAN_LONG(*(int*)(data + 220)); /* call the corresponding handshake function for this expansion */ switch (wid) { case EXP_ID_CODE_NUNCHUK: { if (nunchuk_handshake(wm, &wm->exp.nunchuk, data, len)) wm->event = WIIUSE_NUNCHUK_INSERTED; break; } case EXP_ID_CODE_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER: { if (classic_ctrl_handshake(wm, &wm->exp.classic, data, len)) wm->event = WIIUSE_CLASSIC_CTRL_INSERTED; break; } case EXP_ID_CODE_GUITAR: { if (guitar_hero_3_handshake(wm, &wm->exp.gh3, data, len)) wm->event = WIIUSE_GUITAR_HERO_3_CTRL_INSERTED; break; } case EXP_ID_CODE_WII_BOARD: { if (wii_board_handshake(wm, &wm->exp.wb, data, len)) wm->event = WIIUSE_WII_BOARD_CTRL_INSERTED; break; } default: { WIIUSE_WARNING("Unknown expansion type. Code: 0x%x", wid); break; } } free(data); } /** * @brief Disable the expansion device if it was enabled. * * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param data The data read in from the device. * @param len The length of the data block, in bytes. * * If the data is NULL then this function will try to start * a handshake with the expansion. */ void disable_expansion(struct wiimote_t* wm) { if (!WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) return; /* tell the assoicated module the expansion was removed */ switch (wm->exp.type) { case EXP_NUNCHUK: nunchuk_disconnected(&wm->exp.nunchuk); wm->event = WIIUSE_NUNCHUK_REMOVED; break; case EXP_CLASSIC: classic_ctrl_disconnected(&wm->exp.classic); wm->event = WIIUSE_CLASSIC_CTRL_REMOVED; break; case EXP_GUITAR_HERO_3: guitar_hero_3_disconnected(&wm->exp.gh3); wm->event = WIIUSE_GUITAR_HERO_3_CTRL_REMOVED; break; case EXP_WII_BOARD: wii_board_disconnected(&wm->exp.wb); wm->event = WIIUSE_WII_BOARD_CTRL_REMOVED; break; default: break; } WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP); wm->exp.type = EXP_NONE; } /** * @brief Save important state data. * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. */ static void save_state(struct wiimote_t* wm) { /* wiimote */ wm->lstate.btns = wm->btns; wm->lstate.accel = wm->accel; /* ir */ if (WIIUSE_USING_IR(wm)) { wm->lstate.ir_ax = wm->ir.ax; wm->lstate.ir_ay = wm->ir.ay; wm->lstate.ir_distance = wm->ir.distance; } /* expansion */ switch (wm->exp.type) { case EXP_NUNCHUK: wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang = wm->exp.nunchuk.js.ang; wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag = wm->exp.nunchuk.js.mag; wm->lstate.exp_btns = wm->exp.nunchuk.btns; wm->lstate.exp_accel = wm->exp.nunchuk.accel; break; case EXP_CLASSIC: wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang = wm->exp.classic.ljs.ang; wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag = wm->exp.classic.ljs.mag; wm->lstate.exp_rjs_ang = wm->exp.classic.rjs.ang; wm->lstate.exp_rjs_mag = wm->exp.classic.rjs.mag; wm->lstate.exp_r_shoulder = wm->exp.classic.r_shoulder; wm->lstate.exp_l_shoulder = wm->exp.classic.l_shoulder; wm->lstate.exp_btns = wm->exp.classic.btns; break; case EXP_GUITAR_HERO_3: wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang = wm->exp.gh3.js.ang; wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag = wm->exp.gh3.js.mag; wm->lstate.exp_r_shoulder = wm->exp.gh3.whammy_bar; wm->lstate.exp_btns = wm->exp.gh3.btns; break; case EXP_NONE: break; } } /** * @brief Determine if the current state differs significantly from the previous. * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @return 1 if a significant change occured, 0 if not. */ static int state_changed(struct wiimote_t* wm) { #define STATE_CHANGED(a, b) if (a != b) return 1 #define CROSS_THRESH(last, now, thresh) \ do { \ if (WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_ORIENT_THRESH)) { \ if ((diff_f(last.roll, now.roll) >= thresh) || \ (diff_f(last.pitch, now.pitch) >= thresh) || \ (diff_f(last.yaw, now.yaw) >= thresh)) \ { \ last = now; \ return 1; \ } \ } else { \ if (last.roll != now.roll) return 1; \ if (last.pitch != now.pitch) return 1; \ if (last.yaw != now.yaw) return 1; \ } \ } while (0) #define CROSS_THRESH_XYZ(last, now, thresh) \ do { \ if (WIIMOTE_IS_FLAG_SET(wm, WIIUSE_ORIENT_THRESH)) { \ if ((diff_f(last.x, now.x) >= thresh) || \ (diff_f(last.y, now.y) >= thresh) || \ (diff_f(last.z, now.z) >= thresh)) \ { \ last = now; \ return 1; \ } \ } else { \ if (last.x != now.x) return 1; \ if (last.y != now.y) return 1; \ if (last.z != now.z) return 1; \ } \ } while (0) /* ir */ if (WIIUSE_USING_IR(wm)) { STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.ir_ax, wm->ir.ax); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.ir_ay, wm->ir.ay); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.ir_distance, wm->ir.distance); } /* accelerometer */ if (WIIUSE_USING_ACC(wm)) { /* raw accelerometer */ CROSS_THRESH_XYZ(wm->lstate.accel, wm->accel, wm->accel_threshold); /* orientation */ CROSS_THRESH(wm->lstate.orient, wm->orient, wm->orient_threshold); } /* expansion */ switch (wm->exp.type) { case EXP_NUNCHUK: { STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang, wm->exp.nunchuk.js.ang); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag, wm->exp.nunchuk.js.mag); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_btns, wm->exp.nunchuk.btns); CROSS_THRESH(wm->lstate.exp_orient, wm->exp.nunchuk.orient, wm->exp.nunchuk.orient_threshold); CROSS_THRESH_XYZ(wm->lstate.exp_accel, wm->exp.nunchuk.accel, wm->exp.nunchuk.accel_threshold); break; } case EXP_CLASSIC: { STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang, wm->exp.classic.ljs.ang); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag, wm->exp.classic.ljs.mag); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_rjs_ang, wm->exp.classic.rjs.ang); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_rjs_mag, wm->exp.classic.rjs.mag); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_r_shoulder, wm->exp.classic.r_shoulder); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_l_shoulder, wm->exp.classic.l_shoulder); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_btns, wm->exp.classic.btns); break; } case EXP_GUITAR_HERO_3: { STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_ang, wm->exp.gh3.js.ang); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_ljs_mag, wm->exp.gh3.js.mag); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_r_shoulder, wm->exp.gh3.whammy_bar); STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.exp_btns, wm->exp.gh3.btns); break; } case EXP_WII_BOARD: { STATE_CHANGED(wm->exp.wb.ltr,wm->exp.wb.tr); STATE_CHANGED(wm->exp.wb.ltl,wm->exp.wb.tl); STATE_CHANGED(wm->exp.wb.lbr,wm->exp.wb.br); STATE_CHANGED(wm->exp.wb.lbl,wm->exp.wb.bl); break; } case EXP_NONE: { break; } } STATE_CHANGED(wm->lstate.btns, wm->btns); return 0; }