// Copyright 2023 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>

#include "VideoCommon/Assets/CustomAssetLibrary.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Assets/CustomTextureData.h"

namespace VideoCommon
// This class implements 'CustomAssetLibrary' and loads any assets
// directly from the filesystem
class DirectFilesystemAssetLibrary final : public CustomAssetLibrary
  using AssetMap = std::map<std::string, std::filesystem::path>;

  LoadInfo LoadTexture(const AssetID& asset_id, TextureData* data) override;
  LoadInfo LoadPixelShader(const AssetID& asset_id, PixelShaderData* data) override;
  LoadInfo LoadMaterial(const AssetID& asset_id, MaterialData* data) override;

  // Gets the latest time from amongst all the files in the asset map
  TimeType GetLastAssetWriteTime(const AssetID& asset_id) const override;

  // Assigns the asset id to a map of files, how this map is read is dependent on the data
  // For instance, a raw texture would expect the map to have a single entry and load that
  // file as the asset.  But a model file data might have its data spread across multiple files
  void SetAssetIDMapData(const AssetID& asset_id, AssetMap asset_path_map);

  // Loads additional mip levels into the texture structure until _mip<N> texture is not found
  bool LoadMips(const std::filesystem::path& asset_path, CustomTextureData::ArraySlice* data);

  // Gets the asset map given an asset id
  AssetMap GetAssetMapForID(const AssetID& asset_id) const;

  mutable std::mutex m_lock;
  std::map<AssetID, std::map<std::string, std::filesystem::path>> m_assetid_to_asset_map_path;
}  // namespace VideoCommon