// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#include "DiscIO/Blob.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/IOFile.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"

#include "DiscIO/CISOBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/CompressedBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/DirectoryBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/FileBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/NFSBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/SplitFileBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/TGCBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/WIABlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/WbfsBlob.h"

namespace DiscIO
std::string GetName(BlobType blob_type, bool translate)
  const auto translate_str = [translate](const std::string& str) {
    return translate ? Common::GetStringT(str.c_str()) : str;

  switch (blob_type)
  case BlobType::PLAIN:
    return "ISO";
  case BlobType::DIRECTORY:
    return translate_str("Directory");
  case BlobType::GCZ:
    return "GCZ";
  case BlobType::CISO:
    return "CISO";
  case BlobType::WBFS:
    return "WBFS";
  case BlobType::TGC:
    return "TGC";
  case BlobType::WIA:
    return "WIA";
  case BlobType::RVZ:
    return "RVZ";
  case BlobType::MOD_DESCRIPTOR:
    return translate_str("Mod");
  case BlobType::NFS:
    return "NFS";
  case BlobType::SPLIT_PLAIN:
    return translate_str("Multi-part ISO");
    return "";

void SectorReader::SetSectorSize(int blocksize)
  m_block_size = std::max(blocksize, 0);
  for (auto& cache_entry : m_cache)
    cache_entry.data.resize(m_chunk_blocks * m_block_size);

void SectorReader::SetChunkSize(int block_cnt)
  m_chunk_blocks = std::max(block_cnt, 1);
  // Clear cache and resize the data arrays


const SectorReader::Cache* SectorReader::FindCacheLine(u64 block_num)
  auto itr = std::find_if(m_cache.begin(), m_cache.end(),
                          [&](const Cache& entry) { return entry.Contains(block_num); });
  if (itr == m_cache.end())
    return nullptr;

  return &*itr;

SectorReader::Cache* SectorReader::GetEmptyCacheLine()
  Cache* oldest = &m_cache[0];
  // Find the Least Recently Used cache line to replace.
  std::for_each(m_cache.begin() + 1, m_cache.end(), [&](Cache& line) {
    if (line.IsLessRecentlyUsedThan(*oldest))
      oldest = &line;
  return oldest;

const SectorReader::Cache* SectorReader::GetCacheLine(u64 block_num)
  if (auto entry = FindCacheLine(block_num))
    return entry;

  // Cache miss. Fault in the missing entry.
  Cache* cache = GetEmptyCacheLine();
  // We only read aligned chunks, this avoids duplicate overlapping entries.
  u64 chunk_idx = block_num / m_chunk_blocks;
  u32 blocks_read = ReadChunk(cache->data.data(), chunk_idx);
  if (!blocks_read)
    return nullptr;
  cache->Fill(chunk_idx * m_chunk_blocks, blocks_read);

  // Secondary check for out-of-bounds read.
  // If we got less than m_chunk_blocks, we may still have missed.
  // We do this after the cache fill since the cache line itself is
  // fine, the problem is being asked to read past the end of the disk.
  return cache->Contains(block_num) ? cache : nullptr;

bool SectorReader::Read(u64 offset, u64 size, u8* out_ptr)
  if (offset + size > GetDataSize())
    return false;

  u64 remain = size;
  u64 block = 0;
  u32 position_in_block = static_cast<u32>(offset % m_block_size);

  while (remain > 0)
    block = offset / m_block_size;

    const Cache* cache = GetCacheLine(block);
    if (!cache)
      return false;

    // Cache entries are aligned chunks, we may not want to read from the start
    u32 read_offset = static_cast<u32>(block - cache->block_idx) * m_block_size + position_in_block;
    u32 can_read = m_block_size * cache->num_blocks - read_offset;
    u32 was_read = static_cast<u32>(std::min<u64>(can_read, remain));

    std::copy(cache->data.begin() + read_offset, cache->data.begin() + read_offset + was_read,

    offset += was_read;
    out_ptr += was_read;
    remain -= was_read;
    position_in_block = 0;
  return true;

// Crap default implementation if not overridden.
bool SectorReader::ReadMultipleAlignedBlocks(u64 block_num, u64 cnt_blocks, u8* out_ptr)
  for (u64 i = 0; i < cnt_blocks; ++i)
    if (!GetBlock(block_num + i, out_ptr))
      return false;
    out_ptr += m_block_size;
  return true;

u32 SectorReader::ReadChunk(u8* buffer, u64 chunk_num)
  u64 block_num = chunk_num * m_chunk_blocks;
  u32 cnt_blocks = m_chunk_blocks;

  // If we are reading the end of a disk, there may not be enough blocks to
  // read a whole chunk. We need to clamp down in that case.
  u64 end_block = (GetDataSize() + m_block_size - 1) / m_block_size;
  if (end_block)
    cnt_blocks = static_cast<u32>(std::min<u64>(m_chunk_blocks, end_block - block_num));

  if (ReadMultipleAlignedBlocks(block_num, cnt_blocks, buffer))
    if (cnt_blocks < m_chunk_blocks)
      std::fill(buffer + cnt_blocks * m_block_size, buffer + m_chunk_blocks * m_block_size, 0u);
    return cnt_blocks;

  // end_block may be zero on real disks if we fail to get the media size.
  // We have to fallback to probing the disk instead.
  if (!end_block)
    for (u32 i = 0; i < cnt_blocks; ++i)
      if (!GetBlock(block_num + i, buffer))
        std::fill(buffer, buffer + (cnt_blocks - i) * m_block_size, 0u);
        return i;
      buffer += m_block_size;
    return cnt_blocks;
  return 0;

std::unique_ptr<BlobReader> CreateBlobReader(const std::string& filename)
  File::IOFile file(filename, "rb");
  u32 magic;
  if (!file.ReadArray(&magic, 1))
    return nullptr;

  // Conveniently, every supported file format (except for plain disc images and
  // extracted discs) starts with a 4-byte magic number that identifies the format,
  // so we just need a simple switch statement to create the right blob type. If the
  // magic number doesn't match any known magic number and the directory structure
  // doesn't match the directory blob format, we assume it's a plain disc image. If
  // that assumption is wrong, the volume code that runs later will notice the error
  // because the blob won't provide the right data when reading the GC/Wii disc header.

  switch (magic)
  case CISO_MAGIC:
    return CISOFileReader::Create(std::move(file));
  case GCZ_MAGIC:
    return CompressedBlobReader::Create(std::move(file), filename);
  case TGC_MAGIC:
    return TGCFileReader::Create(std::move(file));
  case WBFS_MAGIC:
    return WbfsFileReader::Create(std::move(file), filename);
  case WIA_MAGIC:
    return WIAFileReader::Create(std::move(file), filename);
  case RVZ_MAGIC:
    return RVZFileReader::Create(std::move(file), filename);
  case NFS_MAGIC:
    return NFSFileReader::Create(std::move(file), filename);
    if (auto directory_blob = DirectoryBlobReader::Create(filename))
      return std::move(directory_blob);
    if (auto split_blob = SplitPlainFileReader::Create(filename))
      return std::move(split_blob);

    return PlainFileReader::Create(std::move(file));

}  // namespace DiscIO