//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Plainamp, Open source Winamp core // // Copyright © 2005 Sebastian Pipping <webmaster@hartwork.org> // // --> http://www.hartwork.org // // This source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). // See GPL.txt for details. Any non-GPL usage is strictly forbidden. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Global.h" #include "Font.h" #include "InputPlugin.h" #include "OutputPlugin.h" #include "VisPlugin.h" #include "DspPlugin.h" #include "GenPlugin.h" #include "Main.h" #include "Rebar.h" #include "Playlist.h" #include "Status.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Emabox/Emabox.h" #define PLUS_ALT ( FVIRTKEY | FALT ) #define PLUS_CONTROL ( FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL ) #define PLUS_CONTROL_ALT ( FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FALT ) #define PLUS_CONTROL_SHIFT ( FVIRTKEY | FCONTROL | FSHIFT ) #define PLUS_SHIFT ( FVIRTKEY | FSHIFT ) HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; // extern TCHAR * szHomeDir = NULL; // extern int iHomeDirLen = 0; // extern TCHAR * szPluginDir = NULL; // extern int iPluginDirLen = 0; // extern TCHAR szCurDir[ MAX_PATH + 1 ] = TEXT( "" ); ConfCurDir ccdCurDir( szCurDir, TEXT( "CurDir" ) ); bool bWarnPluginsMissing; ConfBool cbWarnPluginsMissing( &bWarnPluginsMissing, TEXT( "WarnPluginsMissing" ), CONF_MODE_PUBLIC, true ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { g_hInstance = hInstance; // Load full config Conf::Init( hInstance ); // Get home dir szHomeDir = new TCHAR[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; iHomeDirLen = GetModuleFileName( NULL, szHomeDir, MAX_PATH ); if( !iHomeDirLen ) return 1; TCHAR * walk = szHomeDir + iHomeDirLen - 1; while( ( walk > szHomeDir ) && ( *walk != TEXT( '\\' ) ) ) walk--; walk++; *walk = TEXT( '\0' ); iHomeDirLen = walk - szHomeDir; // Get plugins dir szPluginDir = new TCHAR[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; memcpy( szPluginDir, szHomeDir, iHomeDirLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); memcpy( szPluginDir + iHomeDirLen, TEXT( "Plugins" ), 7 * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); szPluginDir[ iHomeDirLen + 7 ] = TEXT( '\0' ); Font::Create(); BuildMainWindow(); Prefs::Create(); // Show window ShowWindow( WindowMain, SW_SHOW ); SetForegroundWindow( WindowMain ); SetFocus( WindowMain ); Plugin::FindAll<InputPlugin> ( szPluginDir, TEXT( "in_*.dll" ), true ); Plugin::FindAll<OutputPlugin>( szPluginDir, TEXT( "out_*.dll" ), false ); Plugin::FindAll<VisPlugin> ( szPluginDir, TEXT( "vis_*.dll" ), false ); Plugin::FindAll<DspPlugin> ( szPluginDir, TEXT( "dsp_*.dll" ), false ); Plugin::FindAll<GenPlugin> ( szPluginDir, TEXT( "gen_*.dll" ), true ); PluginManager::Fill(); // Check plugin presence // One msgbox maximum if( bWarnPluginsMissing ) { if( input_plugins.empty() ) { // No input plugins TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ]; _stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "No input plugins were found.\n" "\n" "Please install at least one Winamp input plugin to \n" "%s " ), szPluginDir ); int iNeverAgain = bWarnPluginsMissing ? 0 : 1; EmaBox( 0, szBuffer, TEXT( "Input plugins missing" ), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_CHECKNEVERAGAIN, &iNeverAgain ); bWarnPluginsMissing = ( iNeverAgain == 0 ); } else if( output_plugins.empty() ) { // No output plugins TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ]; _stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "No output plugins were found.\n" "\n" "Please install at least one Winamp output plugin to \n" "%s " ), szPluginDir ); int iNeverAgain = bWarnPluginsMissing ? 0 : 1; EmaBox( 0, szBuffer, TEXT( "Output plugins missing" ), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_CHECKNEVERAGAIN, &iNeverAgain ); bWarnPluginsMissing = ( iNeverAgain == 0 ); } } // Todo: all the rest... ACCEL accels[] = { { PLUS_CONTROL, 'A', ID_PE_SELECTALL }, // [Ctrl] + [A] { PLUS_CONTROL, 'I', ID_PE_INVERT }, // [Ctrl] + [I] { PLUS_CONTROL, 'N', ID_PE_NEW }, // [Ctrl] + [N] { PLUS_CONTROL, 'O', ID_PE_OPEN }, // [Ctrl] + [O] { PLUS_CONTROL, 'P', WINAMP_OPTIONS_PREFS }, // [Ctrl] + [P] { PLUS_CONTROL, 'S', ID_PE_SAVEAS }, // [Ctrl] + [S] { PLUS_CONTROL, VK_F1, WINAMP_HELP_ABOUT }, // [Ctrl] + [F1] { PLUS_CONTROL_SHIFT, 'A', ID_PE_NONE }, // [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A] { PLUS_CONTROL_SHIFT, VK_DELETE, ID_PE_CLEAR }, // [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del] { PLUS_ALT, 'F', WINAMP_MAINMENU }, // [Alt] + [F] { PLUS_ALT, VK_F4, WINAMP_FILE_QUIT } // [Alt] + [F4] }; HACCEL hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( accels, sizeof( accels ) / sizeof( ACCEL ) ); if( !hAccel ) { MessageBox( 0, TEXT( "Accelerator table error" ), TEXT( "" ), 0 ); } // Message loop MSG msg; while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) > 0 ) { // Note: Keys without [Alt] or [Ctrl] not everywhere! if( ( ( msg.hwnd == WindowMain ) || IsChild( WindowMain, msg.hwnd ) ) && TranslateAccelerator( WindowMain, hAccel, &msg ) ) { // MessageBox( 0, TEXT( "Trans" ), TEXT( "" ), 0 ); } TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } DestroyAcceleratorTable( hAccel ); // Input vector <InputPlugin *>::iterator iter_input = input_plugins.begin(); while( iter_input != input_plugins.end() ) { ( *iter_input )->Unload(); iter_input++; } // Output vector <OutputPlugin *>::iterator iter_output = output_plugins.begin(); while( iter_output != output_plugins.end() ) { ( *iter_output )->Unload(); iter_output++; } // General vector <GenPlugin *>::iterator iter_gen = gen_plugins.begin(); while( iter_gen != gen_plugins.end() ) { ( *iter_gen )->Unload(); iter_gen++; } // TODO: create main::destroy // UnregisterClass( PA_CLASSNAME, g_hInstance ); Prefs::Destroy(); Font::Destroy(); /* delete [] szPluginDir; delete [] szHomeDir; */ Conf::Write(); return 0; }