// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "InputCommon/ControlReference/ExpressionParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "InputCommon/ControlReference/FunctionExpression.h" namespace ciface::ExpressionParser { using namespace ciface::Core; class ControlExpression; // Check if operator is usable with assignment, e.g. += -= *= bool IsCompoundAssignmentUsableBinaryOperator(TokenType type) { return type >= TOK_COMPOUND_ASSIGN_OPS_BEGIN && type < TOK_COMPOUND_ASSIGN_OPS_END; } TokenType GetBinaryOperatorTokenTypeFromChar(char c) { switch (c) { case '+': return TOK_ADD; case '-': return TOK_SUB; case '*': return TOK_MUL; case '/': return TOK_DIV; case '%': return TOK_MOD; case '=': return TOK_ASSIGN; case '<': return TOK_LTHAN; case '>': return TOK_GTHAN; case ',': return TOK_COMMA; case '^': return TOK_XOR; case '&': return TOK_AND; case '|': return TOK_OR; default: return TOK_INVALID; } } class HotkeySuppressions { public: using Modifiers = std::vector>; struct InvokingDeleter { template void operator()(T* func) { (*func)(); delete func; } }; using Suppressor = std::unique_ptr, InvokingDeleter>; bool IsSuppressed(Device::Input* input) const { // Input is suppressed if it exists in the map at all. return m_suppressions.lower_bound({input, nullptr}) != m_suppressions.lower_bound({input + 1, nullptr}); } bool IsSuppressedIgnoringModifiers(Device::Input* input, const Modifiers& ignore_modifiers) const; // Suppresses each input + modifier pair. // The returned object removes the suppression on destruction. Suppressor MakeSuppressor(const Modifiers* modifiers, const std::unique_ptr* final_input); private: using Suppression = std::pair; using SuppressionLevel = u16; void RemoveSuppression(Device::Input* modifier, Device::Input* final_input) { auto it = m_suppressions.find({final_input, modifier}); if (it != m_suppressions.end() && (--it->second) == 0) m_suppressions.erase(it); } // Holds counts of suppressions for each input/modifier pair. std::map m_suppressions; }; static HotkeySuppressions s_hotkey_suppressions; Token::Token(TokenType type_) : type(type_) { } Token::Token(TokenType type_, std::string data_) : type(type_), data(std::move(data_)) { } bool Token::IsBinaryOperator() const { return type >= TOK_BINARY_OPS_BEGIN && type < TOK_BINARY_OPS_END; } Lexer::Lexer(std::string expr_) : expr(std::move(expr_)) { it = expr.begin(); } Token Lexer::GetDelimitedToken(TokenType type, char delimeter) { const std::string value = FetchCharsWhile([&](char c) { return c != delimeter && c != '\n'; }); if (it == expr.end() || *it != delimeter) return Token(TOK_INVALID); ++it; return Token(type, value); } std::string Lexer::FetchWordChars() { return FetchCharsWhile([](char c) { return std::isalpha(c, std::locale::classic()) || std::isdigit(c, std::locale::classic()) || c == '_'; }); } Token Lexer::GetDelimitedLiteral() { return GetDelimitedToken(TOK_LITERAL, '\''); } Token Lexer::GetVariable() { return Token(TOK_VARIABLE, FetchWordChars()); } Token Lexer::GetFullyQualifiedControl() { return GetDelimitedToken(TOK_CONTROL, '`'); } Token Lexer::GetBareword(char first_char) { return Token(TOK_BAREWORD, first_char + FetchWordChars()); } Token Lexer::GetRealLiteral(char first_char) { std::string value; value += first_char; value += FetchCharsWhile([](char c) { return isdigit(c, std::locale::classic()) || ('.' == c); }); static const std::regex re(R"(\d+(\.\d+)?)"); if (std::regex_match(value, re)) return Token(TOK_LITERAL, value); return Token(TOK_INVALID); } Token Lexer::PeekToken() { const auto old_it = it; const auto tok = NextToken(); it = old_it; return tok; } Token Lexer::NextToken() { if (it == expr.end()) return Token(TOK_EOF); const char c = *it++; // Handle /* */ style comments. if (c == '/' && it != expr.end() && *it == '*') { ++it; const auto end_of_comment = expr.find("*/", it - expr.begin()); if (end_of_comment == std::string::npos) return Token(TOK_INVALID); it = expr.begin() + end_of_comment + 2; return Token(TOK_COMMENT); } const auto tok_type = GetBinaryOperatorTokenTypeFromChar(c); if (tok_type != TOK_INVALID) { // Check for compound assignment op, e.g. + immediately followed by =. if (IsCompoundAssignmentUsableBinaryOperator(tok_type) && it != expr.end() && *it == '=') { ++it; return Token(TOK_ASSIGN, std::string{c}); } return Token(tok_type); } switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': return Token(TOK_WHITESPACE); case '(': return Token(TOK_LPAREN); case ')': return Token(TOK_RPAREN); case '@': return Token(TOK_HOTKEY); case '?': return Token(TOK_QUESTION); case ':': return Token(TOK_COLON); case '!': return Token(TOK_NOT); case '\'': return GetDelimitedLiteral(); case '$': return GetVariable(); case '`': return GetFullyQualifiedControl(); default: if (isalpha(c, std::locale::classic())) return GetBareword(c); else if (isdigit(c, std::locale::classic())) return GetRealLiteral(c); else return Token(TOK_INVALID); } } ParseStatus Lexer::Tokenize(std::vector& tokens) { while (true) { const std::string::iterator prev_it = it; Token tok = NextToken(); tok.string_position = prev_it - expr.begin(); tok.string_length = it - prev_it; tokens.push_back(tok); if (tok.type == TOK_INVALID) return ParseStatus::SyntaxError; if (tok.type == TOK_EOF) break; } return ParseStatus::Successful; } Expression* Expression::GetLValue() { return this; } class ControlExpression : public Expression { public: explicit ControlExpression(ControlQualifier qualifier) : m_qualifier(std::move(qualifier)) {} ControlState GetValue() override { if (s_hotkey_suppressions.IsSuppressed(m_input)) return 0; return GetValueIgnoringSuppression(); } ControlState GetValueIgnoringSuppression() const { if (!m_input) return 0.0; // Note: Inputs may return negative values in situations where opposing directions are // activated. We clamp off the negative values here. // FYI: Clamping values greater than 1.0 is purposely not done to support unbounded values in // the future. (e.g. raw accelerometer/gyro data) return std::max(0.0, m_input->GetState()); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { if (m_output) m_output->SetState(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return (m_input || m_output) ? 1 : 0; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_device = env.FindDevice(m_qualifier); m_input = env.FindInput(m_qualifier); m_output = env.FindOutput(m_qualifier); } Device::Input* GetInput() const { return m_input; } private: // Keep a shared_ptr to the device so the control pointer doesn't become invalid. std::shared_ptr m_device; ControlQualifier m_qualifier; Device::Input* m_input = nullptr; Device::Output* m_output = nullptr; }; bool HotkeySuppressions::IsSuppressedIgnoringModifiers(Device::Input* input, const Modifiers& ignore_modifiers) const { // Input is suppressed if it exists in the map with a modifier that we aren't ignoring. auto it = m_suppressions.lower_bound({input, nullptr}); auto it_end = m_suppressions.lower_bound({input + 1, nullptr}); // We need to ignore L_Ctrl R_Ctrl when supplied Ctrl and vice-versa. const auto is_same_modifier = [](Device::Input* i1, Device::Input* i2) { return i1 && i2 && (i1 == i2 || i1->IsChild(i2) || i2->IsChild(i1)); }; return std::any_of(it, it_end, [&](const auto& s) { return std::ranges::none_of(ignore_modifiers, [&](const auto& m) { return is_same_modifier(m->GetInput(), s.first.second); }); }); } HotkeySuppressions::Suppressor HotkeySuppressions::MakeSuppressor(const Modifiers* modifiers, const std::unique_ptr* final_input) { for (auto& modifier : *modifiers) { // Inputs might be null, don't add nullptr to the map if ((*final_input)->GetInput() && modifier->GetInput()) { ++m_suppressions[{(*final_input)->GetInput(), modifier->GetInput()}]; } } return Suppressor(std::make_unique>([this, modifiers, final_input]() { for (auto& modifier : *modifiers) RemoveSuppression(modifier->GetInput(), (*final_input)->GetInput()); }).release(), InvokingDeleter{}); } class BinaryExpression : public Expression { public: TokenType op; std::unique_ptr lhs; std::unique_ptr rhs; BinaryExpression(TokenType op_, std::unique_ptr&& lhs_, std::unique_ptr&& rhs_) : op(op_), lhs(std::move(lhs_)), rhs(std::move(rhs_)) { } ControlState GetValue() override { if (op == TOK_ASSIGN || op == TOK_COMMA) { return GetLValue()->GetValue(); } // Strict evaluation order of lhs,rhs in case of side effects. const ControlState lhs_value = lhs->GetValue(); const ControlState rhs_value = rhs->GetValue(); return CalculateValue(op, lhs_value, rhs_value); } static ControlState CalculateValue(TokenType op, ControlState lhs_value, ControlState rhs_value) { switch (op) { case TOK_AND: return std::min(lhs_value, rhs_value); case TOK_OR: return std::max(lhs_value, rhs_value); case TOK_ADD: return lhs_value + rhs_value; case TOK_SUB: return lhs_value - rhs_value; case TOK_MUL: return lhs_value * rhs_value; case TOK_DIV: { const ControlState result = lhs_value / rhs_value; return std::isinf(result) ? 0.0 : result; } case TOK_MOD: { const ControlState result = std::fmod(lhs_value, rhs_value); return std::isnan(result) ? 0.0 : result; } case TOK_LTHAN: return lhs_value < rhs_value; case TOK_GTHAN: return lhs_value > rhs_value; case TOK_XOR: return std::max(std::min(1 - lhs_value, rhs_value), std::min(lhs_value, 1 - rhs_value)); default: assert(false); return 0; } } Expression* GetLValue() override { switch (op) { case TOK_ASSIGN: { Expression* const lvalue = lhs->GetLValue(); const ControlState rvalue = rhs->GetValue(); lvalue->SetValue(rvalue); return lvalue; } case TOK_COMMA: lhs->GetValue(); return rhs->GetLValue(); default: return this; } } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { // Don't do anything special with the op we have. // Treat "A & B" the same as "A | B". lhs->SetValue(value); rhs->SetValue(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return lhs->CountNumControls() + rhs->CountNumControls(); } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { lhs->UpdateReferences(env); rhs->UpdateReferences(env); } }; class CompoundAssignmentExpression : public BinaryExpression { public: using BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression; ControlState GetValue() override { return GetLValue()->GetValue(); } Expression* GetLValue() override { Expression* const lvalue = lhs->GetLValue(); const ControlState lhs_value = lvalue->GetValue(); const ControlState rhs_value = rhs->GetValue(); lvalue->SetValue(CalculateValue(op, lhs_value, rhs_value)); return lvalue; } }; class LiteralExpression : public Expression { public: void SetValue(ControlState) override { // Do nothing. } int CountNumControls() const override { return 1; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment&) override { // Nothing needed. } protected: virtual std::string GetName() const = 0; }; class LiteralReal : public LiteralExpression { public: explicit LiteralReal(ControlState value) : m_value(value) {} ControlState GetValue() override { return m_value; } std::string GetName() const override { return ValueToString(m_value); } private: const ControlState m_value{}; }; static ParseResult MakeLiteralExpression(const Token& token) { ControlState val{}; if (TryParse(token.data, &val)) return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::make_unique(val)); else return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(token, Common::GetStringT("Invalid literal.")); } class VariableExpression : public Expression { public: explicit VariableExpression(std::string name) : m_name(std::move(name)) {} ControlState GetValue() override { return m_variable_ptr ? *m_variable_ptr : 0; } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { if (m_variable_ptr) *m_variable_ptr = value; } int CountNumControls() const override { return 1; } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_variable_ptr = env.GetVariablePtr(m_name); } protected: const std::string m_name; std::shared_ptr m_variable_ptr; }; class HotkeyExpression : public Expression { public: explicit HotkeyExpression(std::vector> inputs) : m_modifiers(std::move(inputs)) { m_final_input = std::move(m_modifiers.back()); m_modifiers.pop_back(); } ControlState GetValue() override { // True if we have no modifiers const bool modifiers_pressed = std::ranges::all_of( m_modifiers, [](const auto& input) { return input->GetValue() > CONDITION_THRESHOLD; }); const auto final_input_state = m_final_input->GetValueIgnoringSuppression(); if (modifiers_pressed) { // Ignore suppression of our own modifiers. This also allows superset modifiers to function. const bool is_suppressed = s_hotkey_suppressions.IsSuppressedIgnoringModifiers( m_final_input->GetInput(), m_modifiers); if (final_input_state <= CONDITION_THRESHOLD) m_is_blocked = false; // If some other hotkey suppressed us, require a release of final input to be ready again. if (is_suppressed) m_is_blocked = true; if (m_is_blocked) return 0; EnableSuppression(); // Our modifiers are active. Pass through the final input. return final_input_state; } else { m_suppressor = {}; m_is_blocked = final_input_state > CONDITION_THRESHOLD; } return 0; } void SetValue(ControlState) override {} int CountNumControls() const override { int result = 0; for (auto& input : m_modifiers) result += input->CountNumControls(); return result + m_final_input->CountNumControls(); } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { for (auto& input : m_modifiers) input->UpdateReferences(env); m_final_input->UpdateReferences(env); // We must update our suppression with valid pointers. if (m_suppressor) EnableSuppression(true); } private: void EnableSuppression(bool force = false) { if (!m_suppressor || force) m_suppressor = s_hotkey_suppressions.MakeSuppressor(&m_modifiers, &m_final_input); } HotkeySuppressions::Modifiers m_modifiers; std::unique_ptr m_final_input; HotkeySuppressions::Suppressor m_suppressor; bool m_is_blocked = false; }; // This class proxies all methods to its either left-hand child if it has bound controls, or its // right-hand child. Its intended use is for supporting old-style barewords expressions. // Note that if you have a keyboard device as default device and the expression is a single digit // number, this will usually resolve in a numerical key instead of a numerical value. // Though if this expression belongs to NumericSetting, it will likely be simplifed back to a value. class CoalesceExpression : public Expression { public: CoalesceExpression(std::unique_ptr&& lhs, std::unique_ptr&& rhs) : m_lhs(std::move(lhs)), m_rhs(std::move(rhs)) { } ControlState GetValue() override { return GetActiveChild()->GetValue(); } void SetValue(ControlState value) override { GetActiveChild()->SetValue(value); } int CountNumControls() const override { return GetActiveChild()->CountNumControls(); } void UpdateReferences(ControlEnvironment& env) override { m_lhs->UpdateReferences(env); m_rhs->UpdateReferences(env); } private: const std::unique_ptr& GetActiveChild() const { return m_lhs->CountNumControls() > 0 ? m_lhs : m_rhs; } std::unique_ptr m_lhs; std::unique_ptr m_rhs; }; std::shared_ptr ControlEnvironment::FindDevice(const ControlQualifier& qualifier) const { if (qualifier.has_device) return container.FindDevice(qualifier.device_qualifier); else return container.FindDevice(default_device); } Device::Input* ControlEnvironment::FindInput(const ControlQualifier& qualifier) const { const std::shared_ptr device = FindDevice(qualifier); if (!device) return nullptr; return device->FindInput(qualifier.control_name); } Device::Output* ControlEnvironment::FindOutput(const ControlQualifier& qualifier) const { const std::shared_ptr device = FindDevice(qualifier); if (!device) return nullptr; return device->FindOutput(qualifier.control_name); } std::shared_ptr ControlEnvironment::GetVariablePtr(const std::string& name) { // Do not accept an empty string as key, even if the expression parser already prevents this case. if (name.empty()) return nullptr; std::shared_ptr& variable = m_variables[name]; // If new, make a shared ptr if (!variable) { variable = std::make_shared(); } return variable; } void ControlEnvironment::CleanUnusedVariables() { for (auto it = m_variables.begin(); it != m_variables.end();) { // Don't count ourselves as reference if (it->second.use_count() <= 1) m_variables.erase(it++); else ++it; } } ParseResult ParseResult::MakeEmptyResult() { ParseResult result; result.status = ParseStatus::EmptyExpression; return result; } ParseResult ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::unique_ptr&& expr) { ParseResult result; result.status = ParseStatus::Successful; result.expr = std::move(expr); return result; } ParseResult ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(Token token, std::string description) { ParseResult result; result.status = ParseStatus::SyntaxError; result.token = std::move(token); result.description = std::move(description); return result; } bool IsInertToken(const Token& tok) { return tok.type == TOK_COMMENT || tok.type == TOK_WHITESPACE; } class Parser { public: explicit Parser(const std::vector& tokens_) : tokens(tokens_) { m_it = tokens.begin(); } ParseResult Parse() { ParseResult result = ParseToplevel(); if (ParseStatus::Successful != result.status) return result; if (Peek().type == TOK_EOF) return result; return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(Peek(), Common::GetStringT("Expected end of expression.")); } private: const std::vector& tokens; std::vector::const_iterator m_it; Token Chew() { const Token tok = Peek(); if (TOK_EOF != tok.type) ++m_it; return tok; } Token Peek() { while (IsInertToken(*m_it)) ++m_it; return *m_it; } bool Expects(TokenType type) { Token tok = Chew(); return tok.type == type; } ParseResult ParseFunctionArguments(const std::string_view& func_name, std::unique_ptr&& func, const Token& func_tok) { std::vector> args; if (TOK_LPAREN != Peek().type) { // Single argument with no parens (useful for unary ! function) const auto tok = Chew(); auto arg = ParseAtom(tok); if (ParseStatus::Successful != arg.status) return arg; args.emplace_back(std::move(arg.expr)); } else { // Chew the L-Paren Chew(); // Check for empty argument list: if (TOK_RPAREN == Peek().type) { Chew(); } else { while (true) { // Read one argument. // Grab an expression, but stop at comma. auto arg = ParseInfixOperations(OperatorPrecedence(TOK_COMMA)); if (ParseStatus::Successful != arg.status) return arg; args.emplace_back(std::move(arg.expr)); // Right paren is the end of our arguments. const Token tok = Chew(); if (TOK_RPAREN == tok.type) break; // Comma before the next argument. if (TOK_COMMA != tok.type) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected closing paren.")); }; } } func->SetArguments(std::move(args)); const auto argument_validation = func->ValidateArguments(); if (std::holds_alternative(argument_validation)) { const auto text = std::string(func_name) + '(' + std::get(argument_validation).text + ')'; return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(func_tok, Common::FmtFormatT("Expected arguments: {0}", text)); } return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::move(func)); } ParseResult ParseAtom(const Token& tok) { switch (tok.type) { case TOK_BAREWORD: { auto func = MakeFunctionExpression(tok.data); if (!func) { // Invalid function, interpret this as a bareword control. Token control_tok(tok); control_tok.type = TOK_CONTROL; return ParseAtom(control_tok); } return ParseFunctionArguments(tok.data, std::move(func), tok); } case TOK_CONTROL: { ControlQualifier cq; cq.FromString(tok.data); return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::make_unique(cq)); } case TOK_NOT: { return ParseFunctionArguments("not", MakeFunctionExpression("not"), tok); } case TOK_LITERAL: { return MakeLiteralExpression(tok); } case TOK_VARIABLE: { if (tok.data.empty()) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected variable name.")); else return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::make_unique(tok.data)); } case TOK_LPAREN: { return ParseParens(); } case TOK_HOTKEY: { return ParseHotkeys(); } case TOK_SUB: { // An atom was expected but we got a subtraction symbol. // Interpret it as a unary minus function. return ParseFunctionArguments("minus", MakeFunctionExpression("minus"), tok); } case TOK_ADD: { // An atom was expected but we got an addition symbol. // Interpret it as a unary plus. return ParseFunctionArguments("plus", MakeFunctionExpression("plus"), tok); } default: { return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected start of expression.")); } } } static constexpr int OperatorPrecedence(TokenType type = TOK_EOF) { switch (type) { case TOK_MUL: case TOK_DIV: case TOK_MOD: return 1; case TOK_ADD: case TOK_SUB: return 2; case TOK_GTHAN: case TOK_LTHAN: return 3; case TOK_AND: return 4; case TOK_XOR: return 5; case TOK_OR: return 6; case TOK_ASSIGN: case TOK_QUESTION: return 7; case TOK_COMMA: return 8; default: return 999; } } static bool IsRTLBinaryOp(TokenType type) { return type == TOK_ASSIGN; } static bool IsBinaryOpWithPrecedence(Token tok, int precedence) { if (!tok.IsBinaryOperator()) return false; const int tok_precedence = OperatorPrecedence(tok.type); return (tok_precedence < precedence) || (IsRTLBinaryOp(tok.type) && tok_precedence <= precedence); } ParseResult ParseInfixOperations(int precedence = OperatorPrecedence()) { ParseResult lhs = ParseAtom(Chew()); if (lhs.status == ParseStatus::SyntaxError) return lhs; std::unique_ptr expr = std::move(lhs.expr); while (true) { const Token op = Peek(); if (IsBinaryOpWithPrecedence(op, precedence)) { Chew(); ParseResult rhs = ParseInfixOperations(OperatorPrecedence(op.type)); if (rhs.status == ParseStatus::SyntaxError) return rhs; // Compound assignment token has operator in the data string. if (op.type == TOK_ASSIGN && !op.data.empty()) { const TokenType op_type = GetBinaryOperatorTokenTypeFromChar(op.data[0]); expr = std::make_unique(op_type, std::move(expr), std::move(rhs.expr)); } else { expr = std::make_unique(op.type, std::move(expr), std::move(rhs.expr)); } } else if (op.type == TOK_QUESTION && OperatorPrecedence(TOK_QUESTION) <= precedence) { // Handle conditional operator: (a ? b : c) Chew(); auto true_result = ParseInfixOperations(OperatorPrecedence(op.type)); if (true_result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) return true_result; const Token should_be_colon = Chew(); if (should_be_colon.type != TOK_COLON) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(should_be_colon, Common::GetStringT("Expected colon.")); auto false_result = ParseInfixOperations(OperatorPrecedence(op.type)); if (false_result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) return false_result; auto conditional = MakeFunctionExpression("if"); std::vector> args; args.emplace_back(std::move(expr)); args.emplace_back(std::move(true_result.expr)); args.emplace_back(std::move(false_result.expr)); conditional->SetArguments(std::move(args)); expr = std::move(conditional); } else { break; } } return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::move(expr)); } ParseResult ParseParens() { // lparen already chewed ParseResult result = ParseToplevel(); if (result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) return result; const auto rparen = Chew(); if (rparen.type != TOK_RPAREN) { return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(rparen, Common::GetStringT("Expected closing paren.")); } return result; } ParseResult ParseHotkeys() { Token tok = Chew(); if (tok.type != TOK_LPAREN) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected opening paren.")); std::vector> inputs; while (true) { tok = Chew(); if (tok.type != TOK_CONTROL && tok.type != TOK_BAREWORD) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected name of input.")); ControlQualifier cq; cq.FromString(tok.data); inputs.emplace_back(std::make_unique(std::move(cq))); tok = Chew(); if (tok.type == TOK_ADD) continue; if (tok.type == TOK_RPAREN) break; return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(tok, Common::GetStringT("Expected + or closing paren.")); } return ParseResult::MakeSuccessfulResult(std::make_unique(std::move(inputs))); } ParseResult ParseToplevel() { return ParseInfixOperations(); } }; // namespace ExpressionParser ParseResult ParseTokens(const std::vector& tokens) { return Parser(tokens).Parse(); } static ParseResult ParseComplexExpression(const std::string& str) { Lexer l(str); std::vector tokens; const ParseStatus tokenize_status = l.Tokenize(tokens); if (tokenize_status != ParseStatus::Successful) return ParseResult::MakeErrorResult(Token(TOK_INVALID), Common::GetStringT("Tokenizing failed.")); return ParseTokens(tokens); } static std::unique_ptr ParseBarewordExpression(const std::string& str) { ControlQualifier qualifier; qualifier.control_name = str; qualifier.has_device = false; // This control expression will only work (find the specified control) with the default device. return std::make_unique(qualifier); } ParseResult ParseExpression(const std::string& str) { if (StripWhitespace(str).empty()) return ParseResult::MakeEmptyResult(); auto bareword_expr = ParseBarewordExpression(str); ParseResult complex_result = ParseComplexExpression(str); if (complex_result.status != ParseStatus::Successful) { // This is a bit odd. // Return the error status of the complex expression with the fallback barewords expression. complex_result.expr = std::move(bareword_expr); return complex_result; } complex_result.expr = std::make_unique(std::move(bareword_expr), std::move(complex_result.expr)); return complex_result; } } // namespace ciface::ExpressionParser