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// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "Core/CoreTiming.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/ChunkFile.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/SPSCQueue.h"
#include "Core/AchievementManager.h"
#include "Core/CPUThreadConfigCallback.h"
#include "Core/Config/AchievementSettings.h"
#include "Core/Config/MainSettings.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
#include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Fifo.h"
#include "VideoCommon/OnScreenDisplay.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PerformanceMetrics.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
namespace CoreTiming
static constexpr int MAX_SLICE_LENGTH = 20000;
static void EmptyTimedCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
CoreTimingManager::CoreTimingManager(Core::System& system) : m_system(system)
// Changing the CPU speed in Dolphin isn't actually done by changing the physical clock rate,
// but by changing the amount of work done in a particular amount of time. This tends to be more
// compatible because it stops the games from actually knowing directly that the clock rate has
// changed, and ensures that anything based on waiting a specific number of cycles still works.
// Technically it might be more accurate to call this changing the IPC instead of the CPU speed,
// but the effect is largely the same.
int CoreTimingManager::DowncountToCycles(int downcount) const
return static_cast<int>(downcount * m_globals.last_OC_factor_inverted);
int CoreTimingManager::CyclesToDowncount(int cycles) const
return static_cast<int>(cycles * m_last_oc_factor);
EventType* CoreTimingManager::RegisterEvent(const std::string& name, TimedCallback callback)
// check for existing type with same name.
// we want event type names to remain unique so that we can use them for serialization.
ASSERT_MSG(POWERPC, !m_event_types.contains(name),
"CoreTiming Event \"{}\" is already registered. Events should only be registered "
"during Init to avoid breaking save states.",
auto info = m_event_types.emplace(name, EventType{callback, nullptr});
EventType* event_type = &info.first->second;
event_type->name = &info.first->first;
return event_type;
void CoreTimingManager::UnregisterAllEvents()
ASSERT_MSG(POWERPC, m_event_queue.empty(), "Cannot unregister events with events pending");
void CoreTimingManager::Init()
m_registered_config_callback_id =
CPUThreadConfigCallback::AddConfigChangedCallback([this]() { RefreshConfig(); });
m_last_oc_factor = m_config_oc_factor;
m_globals.last_OC_factor_inverted = m_config_oc_inv_factor;
m_system.GetPPCState().downcount = CyclesToDowncount(MAX_SLICE_LENGTH);
m_globals.slice_length = MAX_SLICE_LENGTH;
m_globals.global_timer = 0;
m_idled_cycles = 0;
// The time between CoreTiming being intialized and the first call to Advance() is considered
// the slice boundary between slice -1 and slice 0. Dispatcher loops must call Advance() before
// executing the first PPC cycle of each slice to prepare the slice length and downcount for
// that slice.
m_is_global_timer_sane = true;
// Reset data used by the throttling system
m_event_fifo_id = 0;
m_ev_lost = RegisterEvent("_lost_event", &EmptyTimedCallback);
void CoreTimingManager::Shutdown()
std::lock_guard lk(m_ts_write_lock);
void CoreTimingManager::RefreshConfig()
m_config_oc_factor =
Config::Get(Config::MAIN_OVERCLOCK_ENABLE) ? Config::Get(Config::MAIN_OVERCLOCK) : 1.0f;
m_config_oc_inv_factor = 1.0f / m_config_oc_factor;
m_config_sync_on_skip_idle = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_SYNC_ON_SKIP_IDLE);
// A maximum fallback is used to prevent the system from sleeping for
// too long or going full speed in an attempt to catch up to timings.
m_max_fallback = std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_ms(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MAX_FALLBACK)));
m_max_variance = std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_ms(Config::Get(Config::MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE)));
if (AchievementManager::GetInstance().IsHardcoreModeActive() &&
Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED) < 1.0f &&
Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED) > 0.0f)
Config::SetCurrent(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED, 1.0f);
m_emulation_speed = 1.0f;
OSD::AddMessage("Minimum speed is 100% in Hardcore Mode");
m_emulation_speed = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED);
void CoreTimingManager::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
std::lock_guard lk(m_ts_write_lock);
m_globals.last_OC_factor_inverted = 1.0f / m_last_oc_factor;
p.DoEachElement(m_event_queue, [this](PointerWrap& pw, Event& ev) {
// this is why we can't have (nice things) pointers as userdata
// we can't savestate ev.type directly because events might not get registered in the same
// order (or at all) every time.
// so, we savestate the event's type's name, and derive ev.type from that when loading.
std::string name;
if (!pw.IsReadMode())
name = *ev.type->name;
if (pw.IsReadMode())
auto itr = m_event_types.find(name);
if (itr != m_event_types.end())
ev.type = &itr->second;
"Lost event from savestate because its type, \"{}\", has not been registered.",
ev.type = m_ev_lost;
if (p.IsReadMode())
// When loading from a save state, we must assume the Event order is random and meaningless.
// The exact layout of the heap in memory is implementation defined, therefore it is platform
// and library version specific.
std::ranges::make_heap(m_event_queue, std::ranges::greater{});
// The stave state has changed the time, so our previous Throttle targets are invalid.
// Especially when global_time goes down; So we create a fake throttle update.
// This should only be called from the CPU thread. If you are calling
// it from any other thread, you are doing something evil
u64 CoreTimingManager::GetTicks() const
u64 ticks = static_cast<u64>(m_globals.global_timer);
if (!m_is_global_timer_sane)
int downcount = DowncountToCycles(m_system.GetPPCState().downcount);
ticks += m_globals.slice_length - downcount;
return ticks;
u64 CoreTimingManager::GetIdleTicks() const
return static_cast<u64>(m_idled_cycles);
void CoreTimingManager::ClearPendingEvents()
void CoreTimingManager::ScheduleEvent(s64 cycles_into_future, EventType* event_type, u64 userdata,
FromThread from)
ASSERT_MSG(POWERPC, event_type, "Event type is nullptr, will crash now.");
bool from_cpu_thread;
if (from == FromThread::ANY)
from_cpu_thread = Core::IsCPUThread();
from_cpu_thread = from == FromThread::CPU;
ASSERT_MSG(POWERPC, from_cpu_thread == Core::IsCPUThread(),
"A \"{}\" event was scheduled from the wrong thread ({})", *event_type->name,
from_cpu_thread ? "CPU" : "non-CPU");
if (from_cpu_thread)
s64 timeout = GetTicks() + cycles_into_future;
// If this event needs to be scheduled before the next advance(), force one early
if (!m_is_global_timer_sane)
m_event_queue.emplace_back(Event{timeout, m_event_fifo_id++, userdata, event_type});
std::ranges::push_heap(m_event_queue, std::ranges::greater{});
if (Core::WantsDeterminism())
"Someone scheduled an off-thread \"{}\" event while netplay or "
"movie play/record was active. This is likely to cause a desync.",
std::lock_guard lk(m_ts_write_lock);
m_ts_queue.Push(Event{m_globals.global_timer + cycles_into_future, 0, userdata, event_type});
void CoreTimingManager::RemoveEvent(EventType* event_type)
const size_t erased =
std::erase_if(m_event_queue, [&](const Event& e) { return e.type == event_type; });
// Removing random items breaks the invariant so we have to re-establish it.
if (erased != 0)
std::ranges::make_heap(m_event_queue, std::ranges::greater{});
void CoreTimingManager::RemoveAllEvents(EventType* event_type)
void CoreTimingManager::ForceExceptionCheck(s64 cycles)
cycles = std::max<s64>(0, cycles);
auto& ppc_state = m_system.GetPPCState();
if (DowncountToCycles(ppc_state.downcount) > cycles)
// downcount is always (much) smaller than MAX_INT so we can safely cast cycles to an int here.
// Account for cycles already executed by adjusting the m_globals.slice_length
m_globals.slice_length -= DowncountToCycles(ppc_state.downcount) - static_cast<int>(cycles);
ppc_state.downcount = CyclesToDowncount(static_cast<int>(cycles));
void CoreTimingManager::MoveEvents()
for (Event ev; m_ts_queue.Pop(ev);)
ev.fifo_order = m_event_fifo_id++;
std::ranges::push_heap(m_event_queue, std::ranges::greater{});
void CoreTimingManager::Advance()
auto& power_pc = m_system.GetPowerPC();
auto& ppc_state = power_pc.GetPPCState();
int cyclesExecuted = m_globals.slice_length - DowncountToCycles(ppc_state.downcount);
m_globals.global_timer += cyclesExecuted;
m_last_oc_factor = m_config_oc_factor;
m_globals.last_OC_factor_inverted = m_config_oc_inv_factor;
m_globals.slice_length = MAX_SLICE_LENGTH;
m_is_global_timer_sane = true;
while (!m_event_queue.empty() && m_event_queue.front().time <= m_globals.global_timer)
Event evt = std::move(m_event_queue.front());
std::ranges::pop_heap(m_event_queue, std::ranges::greater{});
evt.type->callback(m_system, evt.userdata, m_globals.global_timer - evt.time);
m_is_global_timer_sane = false;
// Still events left (scheduled in the future)
if (!m_event_queue.empty())
m_globals.slice_length = static_cast<int>(
std::min<s64>(m_event_queue.front().time - m_globals.global_timer, MAX_SLICE_LENGTH));
ppc_state.downcount = CyclesToDowncount(m_globals.slice_length);
// Check for any external exceptions.
// It's important to do this after processing events otherwise any exceptions will be delayed
// until the next slice:
// Pokemon Box refuses to boot if the first exception from the audio DMA is received late
void CoreTimingManager::Throttle(const s64 target_cycle)
// Based on number of cycles and emulation speed, increase the target deadline
const s64 cycles = target_cycle - m_throttle_last_cycle;
// Prevent any throttling code if the amount of time passed is < ~0.122ms
if (cycles < m_throttle_min_clock_per_sleep)
m_throttle_last_cycle = target_cycle;
const double speed = Core::GetIsThrottlerTempDisabled() ? 0.0 : m_emulation_speed;
if (0.0 < speed)
m_throttle_deadline +=
std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_s(cycles) / (speed * m_throttle_clock_per_sec));
const TimePoint time = Clock::now();
const TimePoint min_deadline = time - m_max_fallback;
const TimePoint max_deadline = time + m_max_fallback;
if (m_throttle_deadline > max_deadline)
m_throttle_deadline = max_deadline;
else if (m_throttle_deadline < min_deadline)
DEBUG_LOG_FMT(COMMON, "System can not to keep up with timings! [relaxing timings by {} us]",
DT_us(min_deadline - m_throttle_deadline).count());
m_throttle_deadline = min_deadline;
const TimePoint vi_deadline = time - std::min(m_max_fallback, m_max_variance) / 2;
// Skip the VI interrupt if the CPU is lagging by a certain amount.
// It doesn't matter what amount of lag we skip VI at, as long as it's constant.
m_throttle_disable_vi_int = 0.0 < speed && m_throttle_deadline < vi_deadline;
// Only sleep if we are behind the deadline
if (time < m_throttle_deadline)
// Count amount of time sleeping for analytics
const TimePoint time_after_sleep = Clock::now();
g_perf_metrics.CountThrottleSleep(time_after_sleep - time);
void CoreTimingManager::ResetThrottle(s64 cycle)
m_throttle_last_cycle = cycle;
m_throttle_deadline = Clock::now();
TimePoint CoreTimingManager::GetCPUTimePoint(s64 cyclesLate) const
return TimePoint(std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(DT_s(m_globals.global_timer - cyclesLate) /
bool CoreTimingManager::GetVISkip() const
return m_throttle_disable_vi_int && g_ActiveConfig.bVISkip && !Core::WantsDeterminism();
bool CoreTimingManager::UseSyncOnSkipIdle() const
return m_config_sync_on_skip_idle;
void CoreTimingManager::LogPendingEvents() const
auto clone = m_event_queue;
for (const Event& ev : clone)
INFO_LOG_FMT(POWERPC, "PENDING: Now: {} Pending: {} Type: {}", m_globals.global_timer, ev.time,
// Should only be called from the CPU thread after the PPC clock has changed
void CoreTimingManager::AdjustEventQueueTimes(u32 new_ppc_clock, u32 old_ppc_clock)
m_throttle_clock_per_sec = new_ppc_clock;
m_throttle_min_clock_per_sleep = new_ppc_clock / 1200;
for (Event& ev : m_event_queue)
const s64 ticks = (ev.time - m_globals.global_timer) * new_ppc_clock / old_ppc_clock;
ev.time = m_globals.global_timer + ticks;
void CoreTimingManager::Idle()
if (m_config_sync_on_skip_idle)
// When the FIFO is processing data we must not advance because in this way
// the VI will be desynchronized. So, We are waiting until the FIFO finish and
// while we process only the events required by the FIFO.
auto& ppc_state = m_system.GetPPCState();
PowerPC::UpdatePerformanceMonitor(ppc_state.downcount, 0, 0, ppc_state);
m_idled_cycles += DowncountToCycles(ppc_state.downcount);
ppc_state.downcount = 0;
std::string CoreTimingManager::GetScheduledEventsSummary() const
std::string text = "Scheduled events\n";
auto clone = m_event_queue;
for (const Event& ev : clone)
text += fmt::format("{} : {} {:016x}\n", *ev.type->name, ev.time, ev.userdata);
return text;
u32 CoreTimingManager::GetFakeDecStartValue() const
return m_fake_dec_start_value;
void CoreTimingManager::SetFakeDecStartValue(u32 val)
m_fake_dec_start_value = val;
u64 CoreTimingManager::GetFakeDecStartTicks() const
return m_fake_dec_start_ticks;
void CoreTimingManager::SetFakeDecStartTicks(u64 val)
m_fake_dec_start_ticks = val;
u64 CoreTimingManager::GetFakeTBStartValue() const
return m_globals.fake_TB_start_value;
void CoreTimingManager::SetFakeTBStartValue(u64 val)
m_globals.fake_TB_start_value = val;
u64 CoreTimingManager::GetFakeTBStartTicks() const
return m_globals.fake_TB_start_ticks;
void CoreTimingManager::SetFakeTBStartTicks(u64 val)
m_globals.fake_TB_start_ticks = val;
void GlobalAdvance()
void GlobalIdle()
} // namespace CoreTiming