CasualPokePlayer c1698c93e2 Add SYSCONF country code to DTM
Recently there was some issues in TASVideos trying to sync a Donkey Kong Country Returns TAS. It eventually was synced by directly using the config from the TAS author. The exact setting which caused the desync was narrowed down to being in SYSCONF, with the country code. The TAS author lives in the US, so the country code matched the US country code, while the person attempting to sync the TAS did not live in the US.

Adding SYSCONF country code to the DTM should avoid this being an issue for future Dolphin versions.
2024-12-30 07:50:22 -08:00

282 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
struct BootParameters;
struct GCPadStatus;
class PointerWrap;
namespace Core
class System;
namespace ExpansionInterface
enum class Slot : int;
namespace WiimoteCommon
class DataReportBuilder;
namespace WiimoteEmu
class EncryptionKey;
enum ExtensionNumber : u8;
} // namespace WiimoteEmu
// Per-(video )Movie actions
namespace Movie
// Enumerations and structs
enum class ControllerType
None = 0,
using ControllerTypeArray = std::array<ControllerType, 4>;
using WiimoteEnabledArray = std::array<bool, 4>;
// GameCube Controller State
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ControllerState
bool Start : 1, A : 1, B : 1, X : 1, Y : 1, Z : 1; // Binary buttons, 6 bits
bool DPadUp : 1, DPadDown : 1, // Binary D-Pad buttons, 4 bits
DPadLeft : 1, DPadRight : 1;
bool L : 1, R : 1; // Binary triggers, 2 bits
bool disc : 1; // Checks for disc being changed
bool reset : 1; // Console reset button
bool is_connected : 1; // Should controller be treated as connected
bool get_origin : 1; // Special bit to indicate analog origin reset
u8 TriggerL, TriggerR; // Triggers, 16 bits
u8 AnalogStickX, AnalogStickY; // Main Stick, 16 bits
u8 CStickX, CStickY; // Sub-Stick, 16 bits
static_assert(sizeof(ControllerState) == 8, "ControllerState should be 8 bytes");
#pragma pack(pop)
// When making changes to the DTM format, keep in mind that there are programs other
// than Dolphin that parse DTM files. The format is expected to be relatively stable.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct DTMHeader
std::string_view GetGameID() const
return {, strnlen(, gameID.size())};
std::array<u8, 4> filetype; // Unique Identifier (always "DTM"0x1A)
std::array<char, 6> gameID; // The Game ID
bool bWii; // Wii game
u8 controllers; // Controllers plugged in (from least to most significant,
// the bits are GC controllers 1-4 and Wiimotes 1-4)
bFromSaveState; // false indicates that the recording started from bootup, true for savestate
u64 frameCount; // Number of frames in the recording
u64 inputCount; // Number of input frames in recording
u64 lagCount; // Number of lag frames in the recording
u64 uniqueID; // (not implemented) A Unique ID comprised of: md5(time + Game ID)
u32 numRerecords; // Number of rerecords/'cuts' of this TAS
std::array<char, 32> author; // Author's name (encoded in UTF-8)
std::array<char, 16> videoBackend; // UTF-8 representation of the video backend
std::array<char, 16> audioEmulator; // UTF-8 representation of the audio emulator
std::array<u8, 16> md5; // MD5 of game iso
u64 recordingStartTime; // seconds since 1970 that recording started (used for RTC)
bool bSaveConfig; // Loads the settings below on startup if true
bool bSkipIdle;
bool bDualCore;
bool bProgressive;
bool bDSPHLE;
bool bFastDiscSpeed;
u8 CPUCore; // Uses the values of PowerPC::CPUCore
bool bEFBAccessEnable;
bool bEFBCopyEnable;
bool bSkipEFBCopyToRam;
bool bEFBCopyCacheEnable;
bool bEFBEmulateFormatChanges;
bool bImmediateXFB;
bool bSkipXFBCopyToRam;
u8 memcards; // Memcards inserted (from least to most significant, the bits are slot A and B)
bool bClearSave; // Create a new memory card when playing back a movie if true
u8 bongos; // Bongos plugged in (from least to most significant, the bits are ports 1-4)
bool bSyncGPU;
bool bNetPlay;
bool bPAL60;
u8 language;
u8 reserved3;
bool bFollowBranch;
bool bUseFMA;
u8 GBAControllers; // GBA Controllers plugged in (the bits are ports 1-4)
bool bWidescreen; // true indicates SYSCONF aspect ratio is 16:9, false for 4:3
u8 countryCode; // SYSCONF country code
std::array<u8, 5> reserved; // Padding for any new config options
std::array<char, 40> discChange; // Name of iso file to switch to, for two disc games.
std::array<u8, 20> revision; // Git hash
u32 DSPiromHash;
u32 DSPcoefHash;
u64 tickCount; // Number of ticks in the recording
std::array<u8, 11> reserved2; // Make heading 256 bytes, just because we can
static_assert(sizeof(DTMHeader) == 256, "DTMHeader should be 256 bytes");
#pragma pack(pop)
enum class PlayMode
None = 0,
class MovieManager
explicit MovieManager(Core::System& system);
MovieManager(const MovieManager& other) = delete;
MovieManager(MovieManager&& other) = delete;
MovieManager& operator=(const MovieManager& other) = delete;
MovieManager& operator=(MovieManager&& other) = delete;
void FrameUpdate();
void InputUpdate();
void Init(const BootParameters& boot);
void SetPolledDevice();
bool IsRecordingInput() const;
bool IsRecordingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsJustStartingRecordingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsJustStartingPlayingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsPlayingInput() const;
bool IsMovieActive() const;
bool IsReadOnly() const;
u64 GetRecordingStartTime() const;
u64 GetCurrentFrame() const;
u64 GetTotalFrames() const;
u64 GetCurrentInputCount() const;
u64 GetTotalInputCount() const;
u64 GetCurrentLagCount() const;
u64 GetTotalLagCount() const;
void SetClearSave(bool enabled);
void SignalDiscChange(const std::string& new_path);
void SetReset(bool reset);
bool IsConfigSaved() const;
bool IsStartingFromClearSave() const;
bool IsUsingMemcard(ExpansionInterface::Slot slot) const;
void SetGraphicsConfig();
bool IsNetPlayRecording() const;
bool IsUsingPad(int controller) const;
bool IsUsingWiimote(int wiimote) const;
bool IsUsingBongo(int controller) const;
bool IsUsingGBA(int controller) const;
void ChangePads();
void ChangeWiiPads(bool instantly = false);
void SetReadOnly(bool bEnabled);
bool BeginRecordingInput(const ControllerTypeArray& controllers,
const WiimoteEnabledArray& wiimotes);
void RecordInput(const GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
void RecordWiimote(int wiimote, const u8* data, u8 size);
bool PlayInput(const std::string& movie_path, std::optional<std::string>* savestate_path);
void LoadInput(const std::string& movie_path);
void ReadHeader();
void PlayController(GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
bool PlayWiimote(int wiimote, WiimoteCommon::DataReportBuilder& rpt,
WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber ext, const WiimoteEmu::EncryptionKey& key);
void EndPlayInput(bool cont);
void SaveRecording(const std::string& filename);
void DoState(PointerWrap& p);
void Shutdown();
void CheckPadStatus(const GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
void CheckWiimoteStatus(int wiimote, const WiimoteCommon::DataReportBuilder& rpt,
WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber ext, const WiimoteEmu::EncryptionKey& key);
std::string GetInputDisplay();
std::string GetRTCDisplay() const;
std::string GetRerecords() const;
void GetSettings();
void CheckInputEnd();
void CheckMD5();
void GetMD5();
bool m_read_only = true;
u32 m_rerecords = 0;
PlayMode m_play_mode = PlayMode::None;
std::array<ControllerType, 4> m_controllers{};
std::array<bool, 4> m_wiimotes{};
ControllerState m_pad_state{};
DTMHeader m_temp_header{};
std::vector<u8> m_temp_input;
u64 m_current_byte = 0;
u64 m_current_frame = 0;
u64 m_total_frames = 0; // VI
u64 m_current_lag_count = 0;
u64 m_total_lag_count = 0;
u64 m_current_input_count = 0;
u64 m_total_input_count = 0;
u64 m_total_tick_count = 0;
u64 m_tick_count_at_last_input = 0;
u64 m_recording_start_time = 0; // seconds since 1970 that recording started
bool m_save_config = false;
bool m_net_play = false;
bool m_clear_save = false;
bool m_has_disc_change = false;
bool m_reset = false;
std::string m_author;
std::string m_disc_change_filename;
std::array<u8, 16> m_md5{};
u8 m_bongos = 0;
u8 m_memcards = 0;
std::array<u8, 20> m_revision{};
u32 m_dsp_irom_hash = 0;
u32 m_dsp_coef_hash = 0;
bool m_recording_from_save_state = false;
bool m_polled = false;
std::string m_current_file_name;
// m_input_display is used by both CPU and GPU (is mutable).
std::mutex m_input_display_lock;
std::array<std::string, 8> m_input_display;
Core::System& m_system;
} // namespace Movie