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synced 2025-03-10 11:37:43 +01:00

This is a remake of https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/3749 Full credit goes to phire. Old message: "If none of the texture registers have changed and TMEM hasn't been invalidated or changed in other ways, we can blindly reuse the old texture cache entries without rehashing. Not only does this fix the bloom effect in Spyro: A Hero's Tail (The game abused texture cache) but it will also provide speedups for other games which use the same texture over multiple draw calls, especially when safe texture cache is in use." Changed the pr per phire's instructions to only return the current texture(s) if none of the texture registers were changed. If any texture register was changed, fall back to the default hashing and rebuilding textures from memory.
230 lines
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230 lines
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// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "VideoCommon/AbstractTexture.h"
#include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/TextureConfig.h"
#include "VideoCommon/TextureDecoder.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h"
struct VideoConfig;
class TextureCacheBase
static const int FRAMECOUNT_INVALID = 0;
struct TCacheEntry
// common members
std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> texture;
u32 addr;
u32 size_in_bytes;
u64 base_hash;
u64 hash; // for paletted textures, hash = base_hash ^ palette_hash
u32 format; // bits 0-3 will contain the in-memory format.
u32 memory_stride;
bool is_efb_copy;
bool is_custom_tex;
bool may_have_overlapping_textures = true;
bool tmem_only = false; // indicates that this texture only exists in the tmem cache
unsigned int native_width,
native_height; // Texture dimensions from the GameCube's point of view
unsigned int native_levels;
// used to delete textures which haven't been used for TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD frames
int frameCount = FRAMECOUNT_INVALID;
// Keep an iterator to the entry in textures_by_hash, so it does not need to be searched when
// removing the cache entry
std::multimap<u64, TCacheEntry*>::iterator textures_by_hash_iter;
// This is used to keep track of both:
// * efb copies used by this partially updated texture
// * partially updated textures which refer to this efb copy
std::unordered_set<TCacheEntry*> references;
explicit TCacheEntry(std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> tex);
void SetGeneralParameters(u32 _addr, u32 _size, u32 _format)
addr = _addr;
size_in_bytes = _size;
format = _format;
void SetDimensions(unsigned int _native_width, unsigned int _native_height,
unsigned int _native_levels)
native_width = _native_width;
native_height = _native_height;
native_levels = _native_levels;
memory_stride = _native_width;
void SetHashes(u64 _base_hash, u64 _hash)
base_hash = _base_hash;
hash = _hash;
// This texture entry is used by the other entry as a sub-texture
void CreateReference(TCacheEntry* other_entry)
// References are two-way, so they can easily be destroyed later
void SetEfbCopy(u32 stride);
bool OverlapsMemoryRange(u32 range_address, u32 range_size) const;
bool IsEfbCopy() const { return is_efb_copy; }
u32 NumBlocksY() const;
u32 BytesPerRow() const;
u64 CalculateHash() const;
u32 GetWidth() const { return texture->GetConfig().width; }
u32 GetHeight() const { return texture->GetConfig().height; }
u32 GetNumLevels() const { return texture->GetConfig().levels; }
u32 GetNumLayers() const { return texture->GetConfig().layers; }
AbstractTextureFormat GetFormat() const { return texture->GetConfig().format; }
virtual ~TextureCacheBase(); // needs virtual for DX11 dtor
void OnConfigChanged(VideoConfig& config);
// Removes textures which aren't used for more than TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD frames,
// frameCount is the current frame number.
void Cleanup(int _frameCount);
void Invalidate();
virtual void CopyEFB(u8* dst, const EFBCopyFormat& format, u32 native_width, u32 bytes_per_row,
u32 num_blocks_y, u32 memory_stride, bool is_depth_copy,
const EFBRectangle& src_rect, bool scale_by_half) = 0;
virtual bool CompileShaders() = 0;
virtual void DeleteShaders() = 0;
TCacheEntry* Load(const u32 stage);
static void InvalidateAllBindPoints() { valid_bind_points.reset(); }
static bool IsValidBindPoint(u32 i) { return valid_bind_points.test(i); }
void BindTextures();
void CopyRenderTargetToTexture(u32 dstAddr, unsigned int dstFormat, u32 dstStride,
bool is_depth_copy, const EFBRectangle& srcRect, bool isIntensity,
bool scaleByHalf);
virtual void ConvertTexture(TCacheEntry* entry, TCacheEntry* unconverted, void* palette,
TlutFormat format) = 0;
// Returns true if the texture data and palette formats are supported by the GPU decoder.
virtual bool SupportsGPUTextureDecode(TextureFormat format, TlutFormat palette_format)
return false;
// Decodes the specified data to the GPU texture specified by entry.
// width, height are the size of the image in pixels.
// aligned_width, aligned_height are the size of the image in pixels, aligned to the block size.
// row_stride is the number of bytes for a row of blocks, not pixels.
virtual void DecodeTextureOnGPU(TCacheEntry* entry, u32 dst_level, const u8* data,
size_t data_size, TextureFormat format, u32 width, u32 height,
u32 aligned_width, u32 aligned_height, u32 row_stride,
const u8* palette, TlutFormat palette_format)
alignas(16) u8* temp = nullptr;
size_t temp_size = 0;
std::array<TCacheEntry*, 8> bound_textures{};
static std::bitset<8> valid_bind_points;
// Minimal version of TCacheEntry just for TexPool
struct TexPoolEntry
std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> texture;
int frameCount = FRAMECOUNT_INVALID;
TexPoolEntry(std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> tex) : texture(std::move(tex)) {}
typedef std::multimap<u32, TCacheEntry*> TexAddrCache;
typedef std::multimap<u64, TCacheEntry*> TexHashCache;
typedef std::unordered_multimap<TextureConfig, TexPoolEntry, TextureConfig::Hasher> TexPool;
void SetBackupConfig(const VideoConfig& config);
TCacheEntry* ApplyPaletteToEntry(TCacheEntry* entry, u8* palette, u32 tlutfmt);
void ScaleTextureCacheEntryTo(TCacheEntry* entry, u32 new_width, u32 new_height);
TCacheEntry* DoPartialTextureUpdates(TCacheEntry* entry_to_update, u8* palette, u32 tlutfmt);
void DumpTexture(TCacheEntry* entry, std::string basename, unsigned int level);
void CheckTempSize(size_t required_size);
TCacheEntry* AllocateCacheEntry(const TextureConfig& config);
std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> AllocateTexture(const TextureConfig& config);
TexPool::iterator FindMatchingTextureFromPool(const TextureConfig& config);
TexAddrCache::iterator GetTexCacheIter(TCacheEntry* entry);
// Return all possible overlapping textures. As addr+size of the textures is not
// indexed, this may return false positives.
std::pair<TexAddrCache::iterator, TexAddrCache::iterator>
FindOverlappingTextures(u32 addr, u32 size_in_bytes);
virtual std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> CreateTexture(const TextureConfig& config) = 0;
virtual void CopyEFBToCacheEntry(TCacheEntry* entry, bool is_depth_copy,
const EFBRectangle& src_rect, bool scale_by_half,
unsigned int cbuf_id, const float* colmat) = 0;
// Removes and unlinks texture from texture cache and returns it to the pool
TexAddrCache::iterator InvalidateTexture(TexAddrCache::iterator t_iter);
TCacheEntry* ReturnEntry(unsigned int stage, TCacheEntry* entry);
TexAddrCache textures_by_address;
TexHashCache textures_by_hash;
TexPool texture_pool;
// Backup configuration values
struct BackupConfig
int color_samples;
bool texfmt_overlay;
bool texfmt_overlay_center;
bool hires_textures;
bool cache_hires_textures;
bool copy_cache_enable;
bool stereo_3d;
bool efb_mono_depth;
bool gpu_texture_decoding;
BackupConfig backup_config = {};
extern std::unique_ptr<TextureCacheBase> g_texture_cache;