mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:46:49 +01:00

git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1887 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
805 lines
22 KiB
805 lines
22 KiB
// Plainamp, Open source Winamp core
// Copyright © 2005 Sebastian Pipping <webmaster@hartwork.org>
// --> http://www.hartwork.org
// This source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
// See GPL.txt for details. Any non-GPL usage is strictly forbidden.
#include "Playback.h"
#include "InputPlugin.h"
#include "Output.h"
#include "Playlist.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "Unicode.h"
#include "Rebar.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Status.h"
int iCurVol = 255;
ConfIntMinMax ciCurVol( &iCurVol, TEXT( "Volume" ), CONF_MODE_INTERNAL, 255, 0, 255 );
int iCurPan = 0;
ConfIntMinMax ciCurPan( &iCurPan, TEXT( "Panning" ), CONF_MODE_INTERNAL, 0, -127, 127 );
#define VOLUME_STEP ( 255 / 10 )
bool bPlaying = false;
bool bPaused = false;
bool bTimerRunning = false;
// Only for reference comparison!!!
TCHAR * szCurrentFilename = NULL;
// =======================================================================================
// The timer that calls WndprocMain every second
void EnableTimer( bool bEnabled )
// Return if the timer is already activated
if( bEnabled == bTimerRunning ) return;
if( bEnabled )
SetTimer( WindowMain, TIMER_SEEK_UPDATE, 1000, NULL );
Console::Print( "EnableTimer > Activated\n" );
KillTimer( WindowMain, TIMER_SEEK_UPDATE );
Console::Print( "EnableTimer > Killed\n" );
bTimerRunning = bEnabled;
// =======================================================================================
bool OpenPlay( TCHAR * szFilename, int iNumber )
// =======================================================================================
#ifdef NOGUI
//Console::Print( "Playback.cpp: OpenPlay > Begin <%i> <%s>\n" , iNumber, szFilename );
TCHAR sszBuffer[ 5000 ];
_stprintf( sszBuffer, TEXT( "Playback.cpp: OpenPlay was called <%i> <%s>" ), iNumber, szFilename );
Console::Append( sszBuffer );
// =======================================================================================
// =======================================================================================
// Get the right input plugin
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( !szFilename ) return false;
szCurrentFilename = szFilename;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: non-file support
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get file extension
const int iLen = ( int )_tcslen( szFilename );
TCHAR * walk = szFilename + iLen - 1;
while( ( walk >= szFilename ) && ( *walk != TEXT( '.' ) ) ) walk--;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int iExtLen = ( int )_tcslen( walk );
TCHAR * szExt = new TCHAR[ iExtLen + 1 ];
memcpy( szExt, walk, iExtLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
szExt[ iExtLen ] = TEXT( '\0' );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compare the extension to the supported extension by the current input plugins
map <TCHAR *, InputPlugin *, TextCompare>::iterator iter =
ext_map.find( szExt );
delete [] szExt;
if( iter == ext_map.end() )
Console::Append( TEXT( "ERROR: Extension not supported" ) );
Console::Append( " " );
Console::Print("OpenPlay > ERROR: Extension not supported\n");
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Now that we know which input pugin to use we set that one as active
InputPlugin * old_input = active_input_plugin; // Save the last one, if any
active_input_plugin = iter->second;
Console::Print("OpenPlay > Input plugin '%s' activated\n", active_input_plugin->GetFilename());
// =======================================================================================
if( old_input )
// if( active_input_plugin != old_input ) ----> TODO unload old plugin
// Some output plugins require a call to Close() before each
// call to Open(). Calling Input::Stop() will make the input plugin
// call Output::Close() and thus solve this problem.
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin )
Console::Append( TEXT( "ERROR: Input plugin is NULL" ) );
Console::Append( " " );
Console::Print("OpenPlay > ERROR: Input plugin is NULL\n");
return false;
// Connect
//Console::Print( "OpenPlay > OutMod\n" );
active_input_plugin->plugin->outMod = &output_server; // output->plugin;
// =======================================================================================
// Re-apply volume and panning
//active_input_plugin->plugin->SetVolume( iCurVol );
//active_input_plugin->plugin->SetPan( iCurPan );
// =======================================================================================
// Play
// Filename
const int iFilenameLen = _tcslen( szFilename );
char * szTemp = new char[ iFilenameLen + 1 ];
ToAnsi( szTemp, szFilename, iFilenameLen );
szTemp[ iFilenameLen ] = '\0';
// Ansi Title
char szAnsiTitle[ 2000 ] = "\0";
int length_in_ms;
active_input_plugin->plugin->GetFileInfo( szTemp, szAnsiTitle, &length_in_ms );
const int iAnsiTitleLen = strlen( szAnsiTitle );
// Unicode title
TCHAR szTitle[ 2000 ];
ToTchar( szTitle, szAnsiTitle, iFilenameLen, iAnsiTitleLen );
szTitle[ iAnsiTitleLen ] = TEXT( "\0" );
active_input_plugin->plugin->Play( szTemp );
delete [] szTemp;
// =======================================================================================
// Play the file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Title
TCHAR szTitle[ 2000 ] = TEXT( "\0" );
int length_in_ms;
//Console::Print( "OpenPlay > GetFileInfo\n" );
active_input_plugin->plugin->GetFileInfo( szFilename, szTitle, &length_in_ms );
//Console::Print( "OpenPlay > Play\n" );
active_input_plugin->plugin->Play( szFilename );
// =======================================================================================
bPlaying = true;
bPaused = false;
// =======================================================================================
// Title
//TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ];
//_stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "%i. %s - Plainamp" ), iNumber, szTitle );
//SetWindowText( WindowMain, szBuffer );
// =======================================================================================
TCHAR * szBasename = szFilename + uLen - 1;
while( ( szBasename > szFilename ) && ( *szBasename != TEXT( '\\' ) ) ) szBasename--;
// Timer ON
//EnableTimer( true );
//Console::Print( "OpenPlay > End\n" );
return true;
bool Playback_PrevOrNext( bool bPrevOrNext )
// todo: prev/next in pause mode?
if( !active_input_plugin ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return false;
int iNextIndex = playlist->GetCurIndex();
int iMaxIndex = playlist->GetMaxIndex();
if( iMaxIndex < 0 || iNextIndex < 0 ) return false;
bool res;
if( bPrevOrNext )
res = Playback::Order::Prev( iNextIndex, iMaxIndex );
res = Playback::Order::Next( iNextIndex, iMaxIndex );
if( res )
if( bPlaying )
// NOT TWICE active_input_plugin->plugin->Stop();
bPlaying = false;
bPaused = false;
// Timer OFF
EnableTimer( false );
TCHAR * szFilename = Playlist::GetFilename( iNextIndex );
if( !szFilename ) return false;
playlist->SetCurIndex( iNextIndex );
return OpenPlay( szFilename, iNextIndex + 1 );
return false;
return true;
bool Playback::Prev()
return Playback_PrevOrNext( true );
// Play the file
bool Playback::Play()
static int iLastIndex = -1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef NOGUI
TCHAR sszBuffer[ 5000 ];
_stprintf( sszBuffer, TEXT( "Playback::Play() with bPlaying <%i>\n" ), bPlaying );
Console::Append( sszBuffer );
Console::Append( TEXT( " " ) );
//Console::Print( "Playback::Play() > Begin <%i>\n" , bPlaying );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( bPlaying ) // If we are currently playing a file
if( !active_input_plugin ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return false;
const int iIndex = playlist->GetCurIndex();
if( iIndex < 0 ) return false;
TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ];
_stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "OLD [%i] NEW [%i]" ), iLastIndex, iIndex );
SetWindowText( WindowMain, szBuffer );
// If we are not playing the same track/file as before
TCHAR * szFilename = Playlist::GetFilename( iIndex );
if( szFilename != szCurrentFilename )
// New track!
// Stop
// NOT TWICE active_input_plugin->plugin->Stop();
// Timer OFF
//EnableTimer( false );
// Get filename
if( !szFilename )
Console::Append( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not resolve filename" ) );
Console::Append( " " );
return false;
// Play
iLastIndex = iIndex;
bPlaying = OpenPlay( szFilename, iIndex + 1 );
bPaused = false;
// Same track!
if( bPaused )
// Unpause
bPaused = false;
// Timer ON
//EnableTimer( true );
// Restart at beginning
active_input_plugin->plugin->SetOutputTime( 0 );
// =======================================================================================
else // we are not currently playing
const int iIndex = playlist->GetCurIndex();
if( iIndex < 0 ) return false;
// Get filename
TCHAR * szFilename = Playlist::GetFilename( iIndex );
// =======================================================================================
//bool bPlaying = false;
//TCHAR * szFilename = TEXT("C:\Files\Spel och spelfusk\Console\Gamecube\Code\vgmstream (isolate ast)\Music\demo36_02.ast");
//bPlaying = OpenPlay( szFilename, 1 );
//bPlaying = OpenPlay( szFilename, iIndex + 1 );
//Console::Append( TEXT( "Playback.cpp:Playback::Play() called OpenPlay" ) );
// =======================================================================================
if( !szFilename )
Console::Append( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not resolve filename" ) );
Console::Append( " " );
return false;
#ifndef NOGUI
TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ];
_stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "Playback.cpp: Play() got the filename <%s>" ), szFilename);
Console::Append( szBuffer );
//Console::Append( TEXT( " " ) );
//Console::Print( "Playback::Play() > Filename <%s>\n", szFilename);
// Play
iLastIndex = iIndex;
bPlaying = OpenPlay( szFilename, iIndex + 1 );
bPaused = false;
return true;
// =======================================================================================
bool Playback::Pause()
if( !bPlaying ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return false;
if( bPaused )
// Unpause
bPaused = false;
// Timer ON
//EnableTimer( true );
// Pause
bPaused = true;
// Timer OFF
//EnableTimer( false );
// Console::Append( TEXT( "Playback::Pause" ) );
return true;
bool Playback::Stop()
if( !bPlaying ) return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stop
if( active_input_plugin && active_input_plugin->plugin )
active_input_plugin = NULL; // QUICK FIX
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bPlaying = false;
bPaused = false;
// Timer OFF > It was never turned on
//EnableTimer( false );
// Reset seekbar > We don't need this
return true;
bool Playback::Next()
return Playback_PrevOrNext( false );
bool Playback::IsPlaying()
return bPlaying;
bool Playback::IsPaused()
return bPaused;
//int getlength();
//int getoutputtime();
bool Playback::UpdateSeek()
#ifdef NOGUI
printf( "Playback::UpdateSeek > Begin\n" );
if( active_input_plugin )
printf( "GetLength() > Begin\n" );
const int ms_len = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetLength();
//const int ms_cur = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetOutputTime();
//const int ms_len = getlength();
//const int ms_cur = getoutputtime();
//printf( "Current position is <%i of %i>\n", ms_cur, ms_len );
return true;
static bool bSliderEnabledBefore = false;
bool bSliderEnabledAfter;
//if( !WindowSeek ) return false;
int iVal = 0;
// If it has not been set
if( !active_input_plugin || !active_input_plugin->plugin )
if( bSliderEnabledBefore )
// Update slider
PostMessage( WindowSeek, TBM_SETPOS, ( WPARAM )( TRUE ), iVal );
// Disable slider
EnableWindow( WindowSeek, FALSE );
bSliderEnabledBefore = false;
const int ms_len = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetLength();
if( ms_len )
const int ms_cur = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetOutputTime();
iVal = ( ms_cur * 1000 ) / ms_len;
if( iVal > 1000 ) iVal = 0;
// =======================================================================================
//TCHAR szBuffer[ 5000 ];
//_stprintf( szBuffer, TEXT( "Current position is <%i of %i>" ), ms_cur, ms_len );
//Console::Append( szBuffer );
//Console::Append( TEXT( " " ) );
printf( "Current position is <%i of %i>\n", ms_cur, ms_len );
// =======================================================================================
if( !bSliderEnabledBefore )
EnableWindow( WindowSeek, TRUE );
bSliderEnabledBefore = true;
// Update slider
PostMessage( WindowSeek, TBM_SETPOS, ( WPARAM )( TRUE ), iVal );
return true;
int Playback::PercentToMs( float fPercent )
if( !active_input_plugin ) return -1;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return -1;
const int ms_len = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetLength();
const int ms_res = ( int )( ms_len * fPercent / 100.0f );
return ms_res;
bool Playback::SeekPercent( float fPercent )
// TODO update slider, NOT HERE!!!
if( !bPlaying ) return false;
if( bPaused ) return false; // TODO: apply seek when unpausing
if( !active_input_plugin ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return false;
if( fPercent < 0.0f )
fPercent = 0.0f;
else if( fPercent > 100.0f )
fPercent = 100.0f;
const int ms_len = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetLength();
const int ms_cur = ( int )( ms_len * fPercent / 100.0f );
active_input_plugin->plugin->SetOutputTime( ms_cur );
return true;
bool SeekRelative( int ms )
if( !bPlaying ) return false;
if( bPaused ) return false; // TODO: apply seek when unpausing
if( !active_input_plugin ) return false;
if( !active_input_plugin->plugin ) return false;
const int ms_len = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetLength();
const int ms_old = active_input_plugin->plugin->GetOutputTime();
int ms_new = ms_old + ms;
if( ms_new < 0 )
ms_new = 0;
else if( ms_new > ms_len )
ms_new = ms_len;
if( ms_new == ms_old ) return true;
active_input_plugin->plugin->SetOutputTime( ms_new );
// PostMessage( hwnd, PBM_SETPOS , ( WPARAM )( iVal ), 0 );
PostMessage( wnd_pos, TBM_SETPOS, ( WPARAM )( TRUE ), ms_cur * 1000 / ms_len );
return true;
bool Playback::Forward()
return SeekRelative( 5000 );
bool Playback::Rewind()
return SeekRelative( -5000 );
void Playback::NotifyTrackEnd()
bPlaying = false;
bPaused = false;
// Timer
EnableTimer( false );
int Playback::Volume::Get()
return iCurVol;
inline void Playback_Volume_Set( int iVol )
if( active_input_plugin && active_input_plugin->plugin )
active_input_plugin->plugin->SetVolume( iVol );
bool Playback::Volume::Set( int iVol )
const int iCurVolBackup = iCurVol;
iCurVol = iVol;
if( iCurVol != iCurVolBackup )
Playback_Volume_Set( iCurVol );
return true;
bool Playback::Volume::Up()
if( ciCurVol.IsMax() ) return true;
const int iCurVolBackup = iCurVol;
if( iCurVol != iCurVolBackup )
Console::Append( TEXT( "Volume UP" ) );
Playback_Volume_Set( iCurVol );
return true;
bool Playback::Volume::Down()
if( ciCurVol.IsMin() ) return true;
const int iCurVolBackup = iCurVol;
if( iCurVol != iCurVolBackup )
Console::Append( TEXT( "Volume DOWN" ) );
Playback_Volume_Set( iCurVol );
return true;
int Playback::Pan::Get()
return iCurPan;
bool Playback::Pan::Set( int iPan )
const int iCurPanBackup = iCurPan;
iCurPan = iPan;
if( ( iCurPan != iCurPanBackup ) && active_input_plugin && active_input_plugin->plugin )
active_input_plugin->plugin->SetPan( iCurPan );
return true;