skidau 80f4475e76 Added a Dolby Pro Logic II (DPL2) decoder in the OpenAL backend. DPL2 audio is decoded to 5.1. Code adapted from ffdshow.
Added an option in the DSP settings to disable the DPL2 decoder in case Dolphin incorrectly detects a 5.1 audio system.
Updated the OpenAL files to OpenAL Soft 1.15.1 in the Windows build.

Fixes issue 3023.
2013-01-11 14:03:09 +11:00

657 lines
25 KiB

#ifndef AL_AL_H
#define AL_AL_H
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#ifndef AL_API
#if defined(AL_LIBTYPE_STATIC)
#define AL_API
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#define AL_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define AL_API extern
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define AL_APIENTRY __cdecl
/** Deprecated macro. */
#define OPENAL
#define ALAPI AL_API
#define AL_INVALID (-1)
/** Supported AL version. */
#define AL_VERSION_1_0
#define AL_VERSION_1_1
/** 8-bit boolean */
typedef char ALboolean;
/** character */
typedef char ALchar;
/** signed 8-bit 2's complement integer */
typedef signed char ALbyte;
/** unsigned 8-bit integer */
typedef unsigned char ALubyte;
/** signed 16-bit 2's complement integer */
typedef short ALshort;
/** unsigned 16-bit integer */
typedef unsigned short ALushort;
/** signed 32-bit 2's complement integer */
typedef int ALint;
/** unsigned 32-bit integer */
typedef unsigned int ALuint;
/** non-negative 32-bit binary integer size */
typedef int ALsizei;
/** enumerated 32-bit value */
typedef int ALenum;
/** 32-bit IEEE754 floating-point */
typedef float ALfloat;
/** 64-bit IEEE754 floating-point */
typedef double ALdouble;
/** void type (for opaque pointers only) */
typedef void ALvoid;
/* Enumerant values begin at column 50. No tabs. */
/** "no distance model" or "no buffer" */
#define AL_NONE 0
/** Boolean False. */
#define AL_FALSE 0
/** Boolean True. */
#define AL_TRUE 1
* Relative source.
* Type: ALboolean
* Range: [AL_TRUE, AL_FALSE]
* Default: AL_FALSE
* Specifies if the Source has relative coordinates.
#define AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE 0x202
* Inner cone angle, in degrees.
* Type: ALint, ALfloat
* Range: [0 - 360]
* Default: 360
* The angle covered by the inner cone, where the source will not attenuate.
#define AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE 0x1001
* Outer cone angle, in degrees.
* Range: [0 - 360]
* Default: 360
* The angle covered by the outer cone, where the source will be fully
* attenuated.
#define AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE 0x1002
* Source pitch.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.5 - 2.0]
* Default: 1.0
* A multiplier for the frequency (sample rate) of the source's buffer.
#define AL_PITCH 0x1003
* Source or listener position.
* Type: ALfloat[3], ALint[3]
* Default: {0, 0, 0}
* The source or listener location in three dimensional space.
* OpenAL, like OpenGL, uses a right handed coordinate system, where in a
* frontal default view X (thumb) points right, Y points up (index finger), and
* Z points towards the viewer/camera (middle finger).
* To switch from a left handed coordinate system, flip the sign on the Z
* coordinate.
#define AL_POSITION 0x1004
* Source direction.
* Type: ALfloat[3], ALint[3]
* Default: {0, 0, 0}
* Specifies the current direction in local space.
* A zero-length vector specifies an omni-directional source (cone is ignored).
#define AL_DIRECTION 0x1005
* Source or listener velocity.
* Type: ALfloat[3], ALint[3]
* Default: {0, 0, 0}
* Specifies the current velocity in local space.
#define AL_VELOCITY 0x1006
* Source looping.
* Type: ALboolean
* Range: [AL_TRUE, AL_FALSE]
* Default: AL_FALSE
* Specifies whether source is looping.
#define AL_LOOPING 0x1007
* Source buffer.
* Type: ALuint
* Range: any valid Buffer.
* Specifies the buffer to provide sound samples.
#define AL_BUFFER 0x1009
* Source or listener gain.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - ]
* A value of 1.0 means unattenuated. Each division by 2 equals an attenuation
* of about -6dB. Each multiplicaton by 2 equals an amplification of about
* +6dB.
* A value of 0.0 is meaningless with respect to a logarithmic scale; it is
* silent.
#define AL_GAIN 0x100A
* Minimum source gain.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - 1.0]
* The minimum gain allowed for a source, after distance and cone attenation is
* applied (if applicable).
#define AL_MIN_GAIN 0x100D
* Maximum source gain.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - 1.0]
* The maximum gain allowed for a source, after distance and cone attenation is
* applied (if applicable).
#define AL_MAX_GAIN 0x100E
* Listener orientation.
* Type: ALfloat[6]
* Default: {0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}
* Effectively two three dimensional vectors. The first vector is the front (or
* "at") and the second is the top (or "up").
* Both vectors are in local space.
#define AL_ORIENTATION 0x100F
* Source state (query only).
* Type: ALint
#define AL_SOURCE_STATE 0x1010
/** Source state value. */
#define AL_INITIAL 0x1011
#define AL_PLAYING 0x1012
#define AL_PAUSED 0x1013
#define AL_STOPPED 0x1014
* Source Buffer Queue size (query only).
* Type: ALint
* The number of buffers queued using alSourceQueueBuffers, minus the buffers
* removed with alSourceUnqueueBuffers.
#define AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED 0x1015
* Source Buffer Queue processed count (query only).
* Type: ALint
* The number of queued buffers that have been fully processed, and can be
* removed with alSourceUnqueueBuffers.
* Looping sources will never fully process buffers because they will be set to
* play again for when the source loops.
* Source reference distance.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - ]
* Default: 1.0
* The distance in units that no attenuation occurs.
* At 0.0, no distance attenuation ever occurs on non-linear attenuation models.
* Source rolloff factor.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - ]
* Default: 1.0
* Multiplier to exaggerate or diminish distance attenuation.
* At 0.0, no distance attenuation ever occurs.
#define AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR 0x1021
* Outer cone gain.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - 1.0]
* Default: 0.0
* The gain attenuation applied when the listener is outside of the source's
* outer cone.
#define AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN 0x1022
* Source maximum distance.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - ]
* Default: +inf
* The distance above which the source is not attenuated any further with a
* clamped distance model, or where attenuation reaches 0.0 gain for linear
* distance models with a default rolloff factor.
#define AL_MAX_DISTANCE 0x1023
/** Source buffer position, in seconds */
#define AL_SEC_OFFSET 0x1024
/** Source buffer position, in sample frames */
#define AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET 0x1025
/** Source buffer position, in bytes */
#define AL_BYTE_OFFSET 0x1026
* Source type (query only).
* Type: ALint
* A Source is Static if a Buffer has been attached using AL_BUFFER.
* A Source is Streaming if one or more Buffers have been attached using
* alSourceQueueBuffers.
* A Source is Undetermined when it has the NULL buffer attached using
#define AL_SOURCE_TYPE 0x1027
/** Source type value. */
#define AL_STATIC 0x1028
#define AL_STREAMING 0x1029
#define AL_UNDETERMINED 0x1030
/** Buffer format specifier. */
#define AL_FORMAT_MONO8 0x1100
#define AL_FORMAT_MONO16 0x1101
#define AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 0x1102
#define AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 0x1103
/** Buffer frequency (query only). */
#define AL_FREQUENCY 0x2001
/** Buffer bits per sample (query only). */
#define AL_BITS 0x2002
/** Buffer channel count (query only). */
#define AL_CHANNELS 0x2003
/** Buffer data size (query only). */
#define AL_SIZE 0x2004
* Buffer state.
* Not for public use.
#define AL_UNUSED 0x2010
#define AL_PENDING 0x2011
#define AL_PROCESSED 0x2012
/** No error. */
#define AL_NO_ERROR 0
/** Invalid name paramater passed to AL call. */
#define AL_INVALID_NAME 0xA001
/** Invalid enum parameter passed to AL call. */
#define AL_INVALID_ENUM 0xA002
/** Invalid value parameter passed to AL call. */
#define AL_INVALID_VALUE 0xA003
/** Illegal AL call. */
/** Not enough memory. */
#define AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0xA005
/** Context string: Vendor ID. */
#define AL_VENDOR 0xB001
/** Context string: Version. */
#define AL_VERSION 0xB002
/** Context string: Renderer ID. */
#define AL_RENDERER 0xB003
/** Context string: Space-separated extension list. */
#define AL_EXTENSIONS 0xB004
* Doppler scale.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0 - ]
* Default: 1.0
* Scale for source and listener velocities.
#define AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR 0xC000
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDopplerFactor(ALfloat value);
* Doppler velocity (deprecated).
* A multiplier applied to the Speed of Sound.
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDopplerVelocity(ALfloat value);
* Speed of Sound, in units per second.
* Type: ALfloat
* Range: [0.0001 - ]
* Default: 343.3
* The speed at which sound waves are assumed to travel, when calculating the
* doppler effect.
#define AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND 0xC003
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSpeedOfSound(ALfloat value);
* Distance attenuation model.
* Type: ALint
* The model by which sources attenuate with distance.
* None - No distance attenuation.
* Inverse - Doubling the distance halves the source gain.
* Linear - Linear gain scaling between the reference and max distances.
* Exponent - Exponential gain dropoff.
* Clamped variations work like the non-clamped counterparts, except the
* distance calculated is clamped between the reference and max distances.
#define AL_DISTANCE_MODEL 0xD000
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDistanceModel(ALenum distanceModel);
/** Distance model value. */
/** Renderer State management. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alEnable(ALenum capability);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDisable(ALenum capability);
AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsEnabled(ALenum capability);
/** State retrieval. */
AL_API const ALchar* AL_APIENTRY alGetString(ALenum param);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBooleanv(ALenum param, ALboolean *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetIntegerv(ALenum param, ALint *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetFloatv(ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetDoublev(ALenum param, ALdouble *values);
AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alGetBoolean(ALenum param);
AL_API ALint AL_APIENTRY alGetInteger(ALenum param);
AL_API ALfloat AL_APIENTRY alGetFloat(ALenum param);
AL_API ALdouble AL_APIENTRY alGetDouble(ALenum param);
* Error retrieval.
* Obtain the first error generated in the AL context since the last check.
AL_API ALenum AL_APIENTRY alGetError(void);
* Extension support.
* Query for the presence of an extension, and obtain any appropriate function
* pointers and enum values.
AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsExtensionPresent(const ALchar *extname);
AL_API void* AL_APIENTRY alGetProcAddress(const ALchar *fname);
AL_API ALenum AL_APIENTRY alGetEnumValue(const ALchar *ename);
/** Set Listener parameters */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListenerf(ALenum param, ALfloat value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListener3f(ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListenerfv(ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListeneri(ALenum param, ALint value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListener3i(ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alListeneriv(ALenum param, const ALint *values);
/** Get Listener parameters */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListenerf(ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListener3f(ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListenerfv(ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListeneri(ALenum param, ALint *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListener3i(ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetListeneriv(ALenum param, ALint *values);
/** Create Source objects. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGenSources(ALsizei n, ALuint *sources);
/** Delete Source objects. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDeleteSources(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
/** Verify a handle is a valid Source. */
AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsSource(ALuint source);
/** Set Source parameters. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcef(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSource3f(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcefv(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcei(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSource3i(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceiv(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALint *values);
/** Get Source parameters. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcef(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3f(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcefv(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourcei(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSource3i(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetSourceiv(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *values);
/** Play, replay, or resume (if paused) a list of Sources */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcePlayv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
/** Stop a list of Sources */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceStopv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
/** Rewind a list of Sources */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceRewindv(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
/** Pause a list of Sources */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcePausev(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
/** Play, replay, or resume a Source */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcePlay(ALuint source);
/** Stop a Source */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceStop(ALuint source);
/** Rewind a Source (set playback postiton to beginning) */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceRewind(ALuint source);
/** Pause a Source */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourcePause(ALuint source);
/** Queue buffers onto a source */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceQueueBuffers(ALuint source, ALsizei nb, const ALuint *buffers);
/** Unqueue processed buffers from a source */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alSourceUnqueueBuffers(ALuint source, ALsizei nb, ALuint *buffers);
/** Create Buffer objects */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGenBuffers(ALsizei n, ALuint *buffers);
/** Delete Buffer objects */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alDeleteBuffers(ALsizei n, const ALuint *buffers);
/** Verify a handle is a valid Buffer */
AL_API ALboolean AL_APIENTRY alIsBuffer(ALuint buffer);
/** Specifies the data to be copied into a buffer */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBufferData(ALuint buffer, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq);
/** Set Buffer parameters, */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBufferf(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBuffer3f(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBufferfv(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBufferi(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBuffer3i(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alBufferiv(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, const ALint *values);
/** Get Buffer parameters. */
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBufferf(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBuffer3f(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBufferfv(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBufferi(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *value);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBuffer3i(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alGetBufferiv(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *values);
/** Pointer-to-function type, useful for dynamically getting AL entry points. */
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALENABLE)(ALenum capability);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDISABLE)(ALenum capability);
typedef ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *LPALISENABLED)(ALenum capability);
typedef const ALchar* (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSTRING)(ALenum param);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBOOLEANV)(ALenum param, ALboolean *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETINTEGERV)(ALenum param, ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETFLOATV)(ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETDOUBLEV)(ALenum param, ALdouble *values);
typedef ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBOOLEAN)(ALenum param);
typedef ALint (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETINTEGER)(ALenum param);
typedef ALfloat (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETFLOAT)(ALenum param);
typedef ALdouble (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETDOUBLE)(ALenum param);
typedef ALenum (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETERROR)(void);
typedef ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *LPALISEXTENSIONPRESENT)(const ALchar *extname);
typedef void* (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETPROCADDRESS)(const ALchar *fname);
typedef ALenum (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETENUMVALUE)(const ALchar *ename);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENERF)(ALenum param, ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENER3F)(ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENERFV)(ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENERI)(ALenum param, ALint value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENER3I)(ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALLISTENERIV)(ALenum param, const ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENERF)(ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENER3F)(ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENERFV)(ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENERI)(ALenum param, ALint *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENER3I)(ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETLISTENERIV)(ALenum param, ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGENSOURCES)(ALsizei n, ALuint *sources);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDELETESOURCES)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
typedef ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *LPALISSOURCE)(ALuint source);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEF)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCE3F)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEFV)(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEI)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCE3I)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEIV)(ALuint source, ALenum param, const ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCEF)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCE3F)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCEFV)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCEI)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCE3I)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETSOURCEIV)(ALuint source, ALenum param, ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEPLAYV)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCESTOPV)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEREWINDV)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEPAUSEV)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *sources);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEPLAY)(ALuint source);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCESTOP)(ALuint source);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEREWIND)(ALuint source);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEPAUSE)(ALuint source);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEQUEUEBUFFERS)(ALuint source, ALsizei nb, const ALuint *buffers);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSOURCEUNQUEUEBUFFERS)(ALuint source, ALsizei nb, ALuint *buffers);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGENBUFFERS)(ALsizei n, ALuint *buffers);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDELETEBUFFERS)(ALsizei n, const ALuint *buffers);
typedef ALboolean (AL_APIENTRY *LPALISBUFFER)(ALuint buffer);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFERDATA)(ALuint buffer, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFERF)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFER3F)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat value1, ALfloat value2, ALfloat value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFERFV)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, const ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFERI)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFER3I)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint value1, ALint value2, ALint value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALBUFFERIV)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, const ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFERF)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFER3F)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *value1, ALfloat *value2, ALfloat *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFERFV)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALfloat *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFERI)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFER3I)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *value1, ALint *value2, ALint *value3);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALGETBUFFERIV)(ALuint buffer, ALenum param, ALint *values);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDOPPLERFACTOR)(ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDOPPLERVELOCITY)(ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALSPEEDOFSOUND)(ALfloat value);
typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *LPALDISTANCEMODEL)(ALenum distanceModel);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* AL_AL_H */