mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 02:05:19 +01:00

A texture was still being bound when OMSetRenderTargets is called. State manager resource cache must be flushed to unbind it. This fixes The Last Story cut scene rendering.
1445 lines
47 KiB
1445 lines
47 KiB
// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "Core/HW/Memmap.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/D3DBase.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/D3DShader.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/D3DState.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/FramebufferManager.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/PSTextureEncoder.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/Render.h"
#include "VideoBackends/D3D/TextureCache.h"
// "Static mode" will compile a new EFB encoder shader for every combination of
// encoding configurations. It's compatible with Shader Model 4.
// "Dynamic mode" will use the dynamic-linking feature of Shader Model 5. Only
// one shader needs to be compiled.
// Unfortunately, the June 2010 DirectX SDK includes a broken HLSL compiler
// which cripples dynamic linking for us.
// See <http://www.gamedev.net/topic/587232-dx11-dynamic-linking-compilation-warnings/>.
// Dynamic mode is disabled for now. To enable it, uncomment the line below.
// FIXME: When Microsoft fixes their HLSL compiler, make Dolphin enable dynamic
// mode on Shader Model 5-compatible cards.
namespace DX11
union EFBEncodeParams
FLOAT NumHalfCacheLinesX;
FLOAT NumBlocksY;
FLOAT TexLeft;
FLOAT TexRight;
FLOAT TexBottom;
// Constant buffers must be a multiple of 16 bytes in size.
u8 pad[32]; // Pad to the next multiple of 16 bytes
static const char EFB_ENCODE_VS[] =
"// dolphin-emu EFB encoder vertex shader\n"
"cbuffer cbParams : register(b0)\n"
"struct\n" // Should match EFBEncodeParams above
"float NumHalfCacheLinesX;\n"
"float NumBlocksY;\n"
"float PosX;\n" // Upper-left corner of source
"float PosY;\n"
"float TexLeft;\n" // Rectangle within EFBTexture representing the actual EFB (normalized)
"float TexTop;\n"
"float TexRight;\n"
"float TexBottom;\n"
"} Params;\n"
"struct Output\n"
"float4 Pos : SV_Position;\n"
"float2 Coord : ENCODECOORD;\n"
"Output main(in float2 Pos : POSITION)\n"
"Output result;\n"
"result.Pos = float4(2*Pos.x-1, -2*Pos.y+1, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
"result.Coord = Pos * float2(Params.NumHalfCacheLinesX, Params.NumBlocksY);\n"
"return result;\n"
static const char EFB_ENCODE_PS[] =
"// dolphin-emu EFB encoder pixel shader\n"
// Input
"cbuffer cbParams : register(b0)\n"
"struct\n" // Should match EFBEncodeParams above
"float NumHalfCacheLinesX;\n"
"float NumBlocksY;\n"
"float PosX;\n" // Upper-left corner of source
"float PosY;\n"
"float TexLeft;\n" // Rectangle within EFBTexture representing the actual EFB (normalized)
"float TexTop;\n"
"float TexRight;\n"
"float TexBottom;\n"
"} Params;\n"
"Texture2D EFBTexture : register(t0);\n"
"sampler EFBSampler : register(s0);\n"
// Constants
"static const float2 INV_EFB_DIMS = float2(1.0/640.0, 1.0/528.0);\n"
// FIXME: Is this correct?
"static const float3 INTENSITY_COEFFS = float3(0.257, 0.504, 0.098);\n"
"static const float INTENSITY_ADD = 16.0/255.0;\n"
// Utility functions
"uint4 Swap4_32(uint4 v) {\n"
"return (((v >> 24) & 0xFF) | ((v >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((v << 8) & 0xFF0000) | ((v << 24) & 0xFF000000));\n"
"uint4 UINT4_8888_BE(uint4 a, uint4 b, uint4 c, uint4 d) {\n"
"return (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | a;\n"
"uint UINT_44444444_BE(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint f, uint g, uint h) {\n"
"return (g << 28) | (h << 24) | (e << 20) | (f << 16) | (c << 12) | (d << 8) | (a << 4) | b;\n"
"uint UINT_1555(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d) {\n"
"return (a << 15) | (b << 10) | (c << 5) | d;\n"
"uint UINT_3444(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d) {\n"
"return (a << 12) | (b << 8) | (c << 4) | d;\n"
"uint UINT_565(uint a, uint b, uint c) {\n"
"return (a << 11) | (b << 5) | c;\n"
"uint UINT_1616(uint a, uint b) {\n"
"return (a << 16) | b;\n"
"uint Float8ToUint3(float v) {\n"
"return (uint)round(v*255.0) >> 5;\n"
"uint Float8ToUint4(float v) {\n"
"return (uint)round(v*255.0) >> 4;\n"
"uint Float8ToUint5(float v) {\n"
"return (uint)round(v*255.0) >> 3;\n"
"uint Float8ToUint6(float v) {\n"
"return (uint)round(v*255.0) >> 2;\n"
"uint EncodeRGB5A3(float4 pixel) {\n"
"if (pixel.a >= 224.0/255.0) {\n"
// Encode to ARGB1555
"return UINT_1555(1, Float8ToUint5(pixel.r), Float8ToUint5(pixel.g), Float8ToUint5(pixel.b));\n"
"} else {\n"
// Encode to ARGB3444
"return UINT_3444(Float8ToUint3(pixel.a), Float8ToUint4(pixel.r), Float8ToUint4(pixel.g), Float8ToUint4(pixel.b));\n"
"uint EncodeRGB565(float4 pixel) {\n"
"return UINT_565(Float8ToUint5(pixel.r), Float8ToUint6(pixel.g), Float8ToUint5(pixel.b));\n"
"float2 CalcTexCoord(float2 coord)\n"
// Add 0.5,0.5 to sample from the center of the EFB pixel
"float2 efbCoord = coord + float2(0.5,0.5);\n"
"return lerp(float2(Params.TexLeft,Params.TexTop), float2(Params.TexRight,Params.TexBottom), efbCoord * INV_EFB_DIMS);\n"
// Interface and classes for different source formats
"float4 Fetch_0(float2 coord)\n"
"float2 texCoord = CalcTexCoord(coord);\n"
"float4 result = EFBTexture.Sample(EFBSampler, texCoord);\n"
"result.a = 1.0;\n"
"return result;\n"
"float4 Fetch_1(float2 coord)\n"
"float2 texCoord = CalcTexCoord(coord);\n"
"return EFBTexture.Sample(EFBSampler, texCoord);\n"
"float4 Fetch_2(float2 coord)\n"
"float2 texCoord = CalcTexCoord(coord);\n"
"float4 result = EFBTexture.Sample(EFBSampler, texCoord);\n"
"result.a = 1.0;\n"
"return result;\n"
"float4 Fetch_3(float2 coord)\n"
"float2 texCoord = CalcTexCoord(coord);\n"
"uint depth24 = 0xFFFFFF * EFBTexture.Sample(EFBSampler, texCoord).r;\n"
"uint4 bytes = uint4(\n"
"(depth24 >> 16) & 0xFF,\n" // r
"(depth24 >> 8) & 0xFF,\n" // g
"depth24 & 0xFF,\n" // b
"255);\n" // a
"return bytes / 255.0;\n"
"#ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE\n"
"interface iFetch\n"
"float4 Fetch(float2 coord);\n"
// Source format 0
"class cFetch_0 : iFetch\n"
"float4 Fetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return Fetch_0(coord); }\n"
// Source format 1
"class cFetch_1 : iFetch\n"
"float4 Fetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return Fetch_1(coord); }\n"
// Source format 2
"class cFetch_2 : iFetch\n"
"float4 Fetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return Fetch_2(coord); }\n"
// Source format 3
"class cFetch_3 : iFetch\n"
"float4 Fetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return Fetch_3(coord); }\n"
// Declare fetch interface; must be set by application
"iFetch g_fetch;\n"
"#define IMP_FETCH g_fetch.Fetch\n"
"#endif\n" // #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE
"#ifndef IMP_FETCH\n"
"#error No Fetch specified\n"
// Interface and classes for different intensity settings (on or off)
"float4 Intensity_0(float4 sample)\n"
"return sample;\n"
"float4 Intensity_1(float4 sample)\n"
"sample.r = dot(INTENSITY_COEFFS, sample.rgb) + INTENSITY_ADD;\n"
// FIXME: Is this correct? What happens if you use one of the non-R
// formats with intensity on?
"sample = sample.rrrr;\n"
"return sample;\n"
"#ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE\n"
"interface iIntensity\n"
"float4 Intensity(float4 sample);\n"
// Intensity off
"class cIntensity_0 : iIntensity\n"
"float4 Intensity(float4 sample)\n"
"{ return Intensity_0(sample); }\n"
// Intensity on
"class cIntensity_1 : iIntensity\n"
"float4 Intensity(float4 sample)\n"
"{ return Intensity_1(sample); }\n"
// Declare intensity interface; must be set by application
"iIntensity g_intensity;\n"
"#define IMP_INTENSITY g_intensity.Intensity\n"
"#endif\n" // #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE
"#ifndef IMP_INTENSITY\n"
"#error No Intensity specified\n"
// Interface and classes for different scale/filter settings (on or off)
"float4 ScaledFetch_0(float2 coord)\n"
"return IMP_FETCH(float2(Params.PosX,Params.PosY) + coord);\n"
"float4 ScaledFetch_1(float2 coord)\n"
"float2 ul = float2(Params.PosX,Params.PosY) + 2*coord;\n"
"float4 sample0 = IMP_FETCH(ul+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = IMP_FETCH(ul+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = IMP_FETCH(ul+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample3 = IMP_FETCH(ul+float2(1,1));\n"
// Average all four samples together
// FIXME: Is this correct?
"return 0.25 * (sample0+sample1+sample2+sample3);\n"
"#ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE\n"
"interface iScaledFetch\n"
"float4 ScaledFetch(float2 coord);\n"
// Scale off
"class cScaledFetch_0 : iScaledFetch\n"
"float4 ScaledFetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return ScaledFetch_0(coord); }\n"
// Scale on
"class cScaledFetch_1 : iScaledFetch\n"
"float4 ScaledFetch(float2 coord)\n"
"{ return ScaledFetch_1(coord); }\n"
// Declare scaled fetch interface; must be set by application code
"iScaledFetch g_scaledFetch;\n"
"#define IMP_SCALEDFETCH g_scaledFetch.ScaledFetch\n"
"#endif\n" // #ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE
"#error No ScaledFetch specified\n"
// Main EFB-sampling function: performs all steps of fetching pixels, scaling,
// applying intensity function
"float4 SampleEFB(float2 coord)\n"
// FIXME: Does intensity happen before or after scaling? Or does
// it matter?
"float4 sample = IMP_SCALEDFETCH(coord);\n"
"return IMP_INTENSITY(sample);\n"
// Interfaces and classes for different destination formats
"uint4 Generate_0(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // R4
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,8);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 4*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample[32];\n"
"for (uint y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {\n"
"for (uint x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {\n"
"sample[y*8+x] = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(x,y));\n"
"uint dw[4];\n"
"for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {\n"
"dw[i] = UINT_44444444_BE(\n"
"return uint4(dw[0], dw[1], dw[2], dw[3]);\n"
// FIXME: Untested
"uint4 Generate_1(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // R8 (FIXME: Duplicate of R8 below?)
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.r, sample4.r, sample8.r, sampleC.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.r, sample5.r, sample9.r, sampleD.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample2.r, sample6.r, sampleA.r, sampleE.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample3.r, sample7.r, sampleB.r, sampleF.r))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
// FIXME: Untested
"uint4 Generate_2(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // A4 R4
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint dw0 = UINT_44444444_BE(\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample0.a), Float8ToUint4(sample0.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample1.a), Float8ToUint4(sample1.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample2.a), Float8ToUint4(sample2.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample3.a), Float8ToUint4(sample3.r)\n"
"uint dw1 = UINT_44444444_BE(\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample4.a), Float8ToUint4(sample4.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample5.a), Float8ToUint4(sample5.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample6.a), Float8ToUint4(sample6.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample7.a), Float8ToUint4(sample7.r)\n"
"uint dw2 = UINT_44444444_BE(\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample8.a), Float8ToUint4(sample8.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sample9.a), Float8ToUint4(sample9.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleA.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleA.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleB.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleB.r)\n"
"uint dw3 = UINT_44444444_BE(\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleC.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleC.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleD.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleD.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleE.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleE.r),\n"
"Float8ToUint4(sampleF.a), Float8ToUint4(sampleF.r)\n"
"return uint4(dw0, dw1, dw2, dw3);\n"
// FIXME: Untested
"uint4 Generate_3(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // A8 R8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.a, sample2.a, sample4.a, sample6.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.r, sample2.r, sample4.r, sample6.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.a, sample3.a, sample5.a, sample7.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.r, sample3.r, sample5.r, sample7.r))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"uint4 Generate_4(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // R5 G6 B5
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint dw0 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB565(sample0), EncodeRGB565(sample1));\n"
"uint dw1 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB565(sample2), EncodeRGB565(sample3));\n"
"uint dw2 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB565(sample4), EncodeRGB565(sample5));\n"
"uint dw3 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB565(sample6), EncodeRGB565(sample7));\n"
"return Swap4_32(uint4(dw0, dw1, dw2, dw3));\n"
"uint4 Generate_5(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // 1 R5 G5 B5 or 0 A3 R4 G4 G4
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint dw0 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB5A3(sample0), EncodeRGB5A3(sample1));\n"
"uint dw1 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB5A3(sample2), EncodeRGB5A3(sample3));\n"
"uint dw2 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB5A3(sample4), EncodeRGB5A3(sample5));\n"
"uint dw3 = UINT_1616(EncodeRGB5A3(sample6), EncodeRGB5A3(sample7));\n"
"return Swap4_32(uint4(dw0, dw1, dw2, dw3));\n"
"uint4 Generate_6(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // A8 R8 A8 R8 | G8 B8 G8 B8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(4,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4;\n"
"if (cacheCoord.x % 4 < 2)\n"
// First cache line gets AR
"dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.a, sample2.a, sample4.a, sample6.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.r, sample2.r, sample4.r, sample6.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.a, sample3.a, sample5.a, sample7.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.r, sample3.r, sample5.r, sample7.r))\n"
// Second cache line gets GB
"dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.g, sample2.g, sample4.g, sample6.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.b, sample2.b, sample4.b, sample6.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.g, sample3.g, sample5.g, sample7.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.b, sample3.b, sample5.b, sample7.b))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"uint4 Generate_7(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // A8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.a, sample4.a, sample8.a, sampleC.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.a, sample5.a, sample9.a, sampleD.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample2.a, sample6.a, sampleA.a, sampleE.a)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample3.a, sample7.a, sampleB.a, sampleF.a))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"uint4 Generate_8(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // R8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.r, sample4.r, sample8.r, sampleC.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.r, sample5.r, sample9.r, sampleD.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample2.r, sample6.r, sampleA.r, sampleE.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample3.r, sample7.r, sampleB.r, sampleF.r))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
// FIXME: Untested
"uint4 Generate_9(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // G8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.g, sample4.g, sample8.g, sampleC.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.g, sample5.g, sample9.g, sampleD.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample2.g, sample6.g, sampleA.g, sampleE.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample3.g, sample7.g, sampleB.g, sampleF.g))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"uint4 Generate_A(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // B8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(8,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,0));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,0));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,0));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,0));\n"
"float4 sample8 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample9 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sampleA = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sampleB = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"float4 sampleC = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(4,1));\n"
"float4 sampleD = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(5,1));\n"
"float4 sampleE = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(6,1));\n"
"float4 sampleF = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(7,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.b, sample4.b, sample8.b, sampleC.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.b, sample5.b, sample9.b, sampleD.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample2.b, sample6.b, sampleA.b, sampleE.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample3.b, sample7.b, sampleB.b, sampleF.b))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"uint4 Generate_B(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // G8 R8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.g, sample2.g, sample4.g, sample6.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.r, sample2.r, sample4.r, sample6.r)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.g, sample3.g, sample5.g, sample7.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.r, sample3.r, sample5.r, sample7.r))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
// FIXME: Untested
"uint4 Generate_C(float2 cacheCoord)\n" // B8 G8
"float2 blockCoord = floor(cacheCoord / float2(2,1));\n"
"float2 blockUL = blockCoord * float2(4,4);\n"
"float2 subBlockUL = blockUL + float2(0, 2*(cacheCoord.x%2));\n"
"float4 sample0 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,0));\n"
"float4 sample1 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,0));\n"
"float4 sample2 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,0));\n"
"float4 sample3 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,0));\n"
"float4 sample4 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(0,1));\n"
"float4 sample5 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(1,1));\n"
"float4 sample6 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(2,1));\n"
"float4 sample7 = SampleEFB(subBlockUL+float2(3,1));\n"
"uint4 dw4 = UINT4_8888_BE(\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.b, sample2.b, sample4.b, sample6.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample0.g, sample2.g, sample4.g, sample6.g)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.b, sample3.b, sample5.b, sample7.b)),\n"
"round(255*float4(sample1.g, sample3.g, sample5.g, sample7.g))\n"
"return dw4;\n"
"#ifdef DYNAMIC_MODE\n"
"interface iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord);\n"
"class cGenerator_4 : iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord)\n"
"{ return Generate_4(cacheCoord); }\n"
"class cGenerator_5 : iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord)\n"
"{ return Generate_5(cacheCoord); }\n"
"class cGenerator_6 : iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord)\n"
"{ return Generate_6(cacheCoord); }\n"
"class cGenerator_8 : iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord)\n"
"{ return Generate_8(cacheCoord); }\n"
"class cGenerator_B : iGenerator\n"
"uint4 Generate(float2 cacheCoord)\n"
"{ return Generate_B(cacheCoord); }\n"
// Declare generator interface; must be set by application
"iGenerator g_generator;\n"
"#define IMP_GENERATOR g_generator.Generate\n"
"#ifndef IMP_GENERATOR\n"
"#error No generator specified\n"
"void main(out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target, in float4 Pos : SV_Position, in float2 fCacheCoord : ENCODECOORD)\n"
"float2 cacheCoord = floor(fCacheCoord);\n"
"ocol0 = IMP_GENERATOR(cacheCoord);\n"
: m_ready(false), m_out(nullptr), m_outRTV(nullptr), m_outStage(nullptr),
m_quad(nullptr), m_vShader(nullptr), m_quadLayout(nullptr),
m_efbEncodeBlendState(nullptr), m_efbEncodeDepthState(nullptr),
m_efbEncodeRastState(nullptr), m_efbSampler(nullptr),
m_dynamicShader(nullptr), m_classLinkage(nullptr)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
m_fetchClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
m_scaledFetchClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
m_intensityClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
m_generatorClass[i] = nullptr;
static const struct QuadVertex
float posX;
float posY;
} QUAD_VERTS[4] = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 } };
void PSTextureEncoder::Init()
m_ready = false;
// Create output texture RGBA format
// This format allows us to generate one cache line in two pixels.
hr = D3D::device->CreateTexture2D(&t2dd, nullptr, &m_out);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode output texture");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_out, "efb encoder output texture");
// Create output render target view
hr = D3D::device->CreateRenderTargetView(m_out, &rtvd, &m_outRTV);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode output render target view");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_outRTV, "efb encoder output rtv");
// Create output staging buffer
t2dd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
t2dd.BindFlags = 0;
t2dd.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
hr = D3D::device->CreateTexture2D(&t2dd, nullptr, &m_outStage);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode output staging buffer");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_outStage, "efb encoder output staging buffer");
// Create constant buffer for uploading data to shaders
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bd = CD3D11_BUFFER_DESC(sizeof(EFBEncodeParams),
hr = D3D::device->CreateBuffer(&bd, nullptr, &m_encodeParams);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode params buffer");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_encodeParams, "efb encoder params buffer");
// Create vertex quad
hr = D3D::device->CreateBuffer(&bd, &srd, &m_quad);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode quad vertex buffer");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_quad, "efb encoder quad vertex buffer");
// Create vertex shader
D3DBlob* bytecode = nullptr;
if (!D3D::CompileVertexShader(EFB_ENCODE_VS, &bytecode))
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "EFB encode vertex shader failed to compile");
hr = D3D::device->CreateVertexShader(bytecode->Data(), bytecode->Size(), nullptr, &m_vShader);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode vertex shader");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_vShader, "efb encoder vertex shader");
// Create input layout for vertex quad using bytecode from vertex shader
hr = D3D::device->CreateInputLayout(QUAD_LAYOUT_DESC,
bytecode->Data(), bytecode->Size(), &m_quadLayout);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode quad vertex layout");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_quadLayout, "efb encoder quad layout");
// Create pixel shader
if (!InitDynamicMode())
if (!InitStaticMode())
// Create blend state
hr = D3D::device->CreateBlendState(&bld, &m_efbEncodeBlendState);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode blend state");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_efbEncodeBlendState, "efb encoder blend state");
// Create depth state
dsd.DepthEnable = FALSE;
hr = D3D::device->CreateDepthStencilState(&dsd, &m_efbEncodeDepthState);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode depth state");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_efbEncodeDepthState, "efb encoder depth state");
// Create rasterizer state
rd.CullMode = D3D11_CULL_NONE;
rd.DepthClipEnable = FALSE;
hr = D3D::device->CreateRasterizerState(&rd, &m_efbEncodeRastState);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode rast state");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_efbEncodeRastState, "efb encoder rast state");
// Create efb texture sampler
hr = D3D::device->CreateSamplerState(&sd, &m_efbSampler);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode texture sampler");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_efbSampler, "efb encoder texture sampler");
m_ready = true;
void PSTextureEncoder::Shutdown()
m_ready = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
for (auto& it : m_staticShaders)
size_t PSTextureEncoder::Encode(u8* dst, unsigned int dstFormat,
PEControl::PixelFormat srcFormat, const EFBRectangle& srcRect,
bool isIntensity, bool scaleByHalf)
if (!m_ready) // Make sure we initialized OK
return 0;
// Clamp srcRect to 640x528. BPS: The Strike tries to encode an 800x600
// texture, which is invalid.
EFBRectangle correctSrc = srcRect;
correctSrc.ClampUL(0, 0, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
// Validate source rect size
if (correctSrc.GetWidth() <= 0 || correctSrc.GetHeight() <= 0)
return 0;
unsigned int blockW = BLOCK_WIDTHS[dstFormat];
unsigned int blockH = BLOCK_HEIGHTS[dstFormat];
// Round up source dims to multiple of block size
unsigned int actualWidth = correctSrc.GetWidth() / (scaleByHalf ? 2 : 1);
actualWidth = (actualWidth + blockW-1) & ~(blockW-1);
unsigned int actualHeight = correctSrc.GetHeight() / (scaleByHalf ? 2 : 1);
actualHeight = (actualHeight + blockH-1) & ~(blockH-1);
unsigned int numBlocksX = actualWidth/blockW;
unsigned int numBlocksY = actualHeight/blockH;
unsigned int cacheLinesPerRow;
if (dstFormat == 0x6) // RGBA takes two cache lines per block; all others take one
cacheLinesPerRow = numBlocksX*2;
cacheLinesPerRow = numBlocksX;
_assert_msg_(VIDEO, cacheLinesPerRow*32 <= MAX_BYTES_PER_BLOCK_ROW, "cache lines per row sanity check");
unsigned int totalCacheLines = cacheLinesPerRow * numBlocksY;
_assert_msg_(VIDEO, totalCacheLines*32 <= MAX_BYTES_PER_ENCODE, "total encode size sanity check");
size_t encodeSize = 0;
// Reset API
// Set up all the state for EFB encoding
if (SetDynamicShader(dstFormat, srcFormat, isIntensity, scaleByHalf))
if (SetStaticShader(dstFormat, srcFormat, isIntensity, scaleByHalf))
D3D11_VIEWPORT vp = CD3D11_VIEWPORT(0.f, 0.f, FLOAT(cacheLinesPerRow*2), FLOAT(numBlocksY));
D3D::context->RSSetViewports(1, &vp);
UINT stride = sizeof(QuadVertex);
UINT offset = 0;
D3D::stateman->SetVertexBuffer(m_quad, stride, offset);
EFBRectangle fullSrcRect;
fullSrcRect.left = 0;
fullSrcRect.top = 0;
fullSrcRect.right = EFB_WIDTH;
fullSrcRect.bottom = EFB_HEIGHT;
TargetRectangle targetRect = g_renderer->ConvertEFBRectangle(fullSrcRect);
EFBEncodeParams params = { 0 };
params.NumHalfCacheLinesX = FLOAT(cacheLinesPerRow*2);
params.NumBlocksY = FLOAT(numBlocksY);
params.PosX = FLOAT(correctSrc.left);
params.PosY = FLOAT(correctSrc.top);
params.TexLeft = float(targetRect.left) / g_renderer->GetTargetWidth();
params.TexTop = float(targetRect.top) / g_renderer->GetTargetHeight();
params.TexRight = float(targetRect.right) / g_renderer->GetTargetWidth();
params.TexBottom = float(targetRect.bottom) / g_renderer->GetTargetHeight();
D3D::context->UpdateSubresource(m_encodeParams, 0, nullptr, ¶ms, 0, 0);
D3D::context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &m_outRTV, nullptr);
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pEFB = (srcFormat == PEControl::Z24) ?
FramebufferManager::GetEFBDepthTexture()->GetSRV() :
// FIXME: Instead of resolving EFB, it would be better to pick out a
// single sample from each pixel. The game may break if it isn't
// expecting the blurred edges around multisampled shapes.
D3D::stateman->SetTexture(0, pEFB);
D3D::stateman->SetSampler(0, m_efbSampler);
// Encode!
D3D::context->Draw(4, 0);
// Copy to staging buffer
D3D11_BOX srcBox = CD3D11_BOX(0, 0, 0, cacheLinesPerRow*2, numBlocksY, 1);
D3D::context->CopySubresourceRegion(m_outStage, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_out, 0, &srcBox);
// Clean up state
D3D::context->OMSetRenderTargets(0, nullptr, nullptr);
D3D::stateman->SetSampler(0, nullptr);
D3D::stateman->SetTexture(0, nullptr);
D3D::stateman->SetVertexBuffer(nullptr, 0, 0);
// Transfer staging buffer to GameCube/Wii RAM
hr = D3D::context->Map(m_outStage, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &map);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "map staging buffer (0x%x)", hr);
u8* src = (u8*)map.pData;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < numBlocksY; ++y)
memcpy(dst, src, cacheLinesPerRow*32);
dst += bpmem.copyMipMapStrideChannels*32;
src += map.RowPitch;
D3D::context->Unmap(m_outStage, 0);
encodeSize = bpmem.copyMipMapStrideChannels*32 * numBlocksY;
// Restore API
return encodeSize;
bool PSTextureEncoder::InitStaticMode()
// Nothing to really do.
return true;
static const char* FETCH_FUNC_NAMES[4] = {
"Fetch_0", "Fetch_1", "Fetch_2", "Fetch_3"
static const char* SCALEDFETCH_FUNC_NAMES[2] = {
"ScaledFetch_0", "ScaledFetch_1"
static const char* INTENSITY_FUNC_NAMES[2] = {
"Intensity_0", "Intensity_1"
bool PSTextureEncoder::SetStaticShader(unsigned int dstFormat, PEControl::PixelFormat srcFormat,
bool isIntensity, bool scaleByHalf)
size_t fetchNum = static_cast<size_t>(srcFormat);
size_t scaledFetchNum = scaleByHalf ? 1 : 0;
size_t intensityNum = isIntensity ? 1 : 0;
size_t generatorNum = dstFormat;
ComboKey key = MakeComboKey(dstFormat, srcFormat, isIntensity, scaleByHalf);
ComboMap::iterator it = m_staticShaders.find(key);
if (it == m_staticShaders.end())
const char* generatorFuncName = nullptr;
switch (generatorNum)
case 0x0: generatorFuncName = "Generate_0"; break;
case 0x1: generatorFuncName = "Generate_1"; break;
case 0x2: generatorFuncName = "Generate_2"; break;
case 0x3: generatorFuncName = "Generate_3"; break;
case 0x4: generatorFuncName = "Generate_4"; break;
case 0x5: generatorFuncName = "Generate_5"; break;
case 0x6: generatorFuncName = "Generate_6"; break;
case 0x7: generatorFuncName = "Generate_7"; break;
case 0x8: generatorFuncName = "Generate_8"; break;
case 0x9: generatorFuncName = "Generate_9"; break;
case 0xA: generatorFuncName = "Generate_A"; break;
case 0xB: generatorFuncName = "Generate_B"; break;
case 0xC: generatorFuncName = "Generate_C"; break;
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "No generator available for dst format 0x%X; aborting", generatorNum);
m_staticShaders[key] = nullptr;
return false;
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Compiling efb encoding shader for dstFormat 0x%X, srcFormat %d, isIntensity %d, scaleByHalf %d",
dstFormat, static_cast<int>(srcFormat), isIntensity ? 1 : 0, scaleByHalf ? 1 : 0);
// Shader permutation not found, so compile it
D3DBlob* bytecode = nullptr;
D3D_SHADER_MACRO macros[] = {
{ "IMP_GENERATOR", generatorFuncName },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
if (!D3D::CompilePixelShader(EFB_ENCODE_PS, &bytecode, macros))
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "EFB encoder shader for dstFormat 0x%X, srcFormat %d, isIntensity %d, scaleByHalf %d failed to compile",
dstFormat, static_cast<int>(srcFormat), isIntensity ? 1 : 0, scaleByHalf ? 1 : 0);
// Add dummy shader to map to prevent trying to compile over and
// over again
m_staticShaders[key] = nullptr;
return false;
ID3D11PixelShader* newShader;
HRESULT hr = D3D::device->CreatePixelShader(bytecode->Data(), bytecode->Size(), nullptr, &newShader);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encoder pixel shader");
it = m_staticShaders.insert(std::make_pair(key, newShader)).first;
if (it != m_staticShaders.end())
if (it->second)
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool PSTextureEncoder::InitDynamicMode()
D3D_SHADER_MACRO macros[] = {
{ "DYNAMIC_MODE", nullptr },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
D3DBlob* bytecode = nullptr;
if (!D3D::CompilePixelShader(EFB_ENCODE_PS, &bytecode, macros))
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "EFB encode pixel shader failed to compile");
return false;
hr = D3D::device->CreateClassLinkage(&m_classLinkage);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode class linkage");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_classLinkage, "efb encoder class linkage");
hr = D3D::device->CreatePixelShader(bytecode->Data(), bytecode->Size(), m_classLinkage, &m_dynamicShader);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create efb encode pixel shader");
D3D::SetDebugObjectName(m_dynamicShader, "efb encoder pixel shader");
// Use D3DReflect
ID3D11ShaderReflection* reflect = nullptr;
hr = PD3DReflect(bytecode->Data(), bytecode->Size(), IID_ID3D11ShaderReflection, (void**)&reflect);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "reflect on efb encoder shader");
// Get number of slots and create dynamic linkage array
UINT numSlots = reflect->GetNumInterfaceSlots();
m_linkageArray.resize(numSlots, nullptr);
// Get interface slots
ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* var = reflect->GetVariableByName("g_fetch");
m_fetchSlot = var->GetInterfaceSlot(0);
var = reflect->GetVariableByName("g_scaledFetch");
m_scaledFetchSlot = var->GetInterfaceSlot(0);
var = reflect->GetVariableByName("g_intensity");
m_intensitySlot = var->GetInterfaceSlot(0);
var = reflect->GetVariableByName("g_generator");
m_generatorSlot = var->GetInterfaceSlot(0);
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Fetch slot %d, scaledFetch slot %d, intensity slot %d, generator slot %d",
m_fetchSlot, m_scaledFetchSlot, m_intensitySlot, m_generatorSlot);
// Class instances will be created at the time they are used
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
m_fetchClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
m_scaledFetchClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
m_intensityClass[i] = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
m_generatorClass[i] = nullptr;
return true;
static const char* FETCH_CLASS_NAMES[4] = {
"cFetch_0", "cFetch_1", "cFetch_2", "cFetch_3"
static const char* SCALEDFETCH_CLASS_NAMES[2] = {
"cScaledFetch_0", "cScaledFetch_1"
static const char* INTENSITY_CLASS_NAMES[2] = {
"cIntensity_0", "cIntensity_1"
bool PSTextureEncoder::SetDynamicShader(unsigned int dstFormat,
PEControl::PixelFormat srcFormat, bool isIntensity, bool scaleByHalf)
size_t fetchNum = static_cast<size_t>(srcFormat);
size_t scaledFetchNum = scaleByHalf ? 1 : 0;
size_t intensityNum = isIntensity ? 1 : 0;
size_t generatorNum = dstFormat;
// FIXME: Not all the possible generators are available as classes yet.
// When dynamic mode is usable, implement them.
const char* generatorName = nullptr;
switch (generatorNum)
case 0x4: generatorName = "cGenerator_4"; break;
case 0x5: generatorName = "cGenerator_5"; break;
case 0x6: generatorName = "cGenerator_6"; break;
case 0x8: generatorName = "cGenerator_8"; break;
case 0xB: generatorName = "cGenerator_B"; break;
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "No generator available for dst format 0x%X; aborting", generatorNum);
return false;
// Make sure class instances are available
if (!m_fetchClass[fetchNum])
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Creating %s class instance for encoder 0x%X",
FETCH_CLASS_NAMES[fetchNum], dstFormat);
HRESULT hr = m_classLinkage->CreateClassInstance(
FETCH_CLASS_NAMES[fetchNum], 0, 0, 0, 0, &m_fetchClass[fetchNum]);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create fetch class instance");
if (!m_scaledFetchClass[scaledFetchNum])
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Creating %s class instance for encoder 0x%X",
SCALEDFETCH_CLASS_NAMES[scaledFetchNum], dstFormat);
HRESULT hr = m_classLinkage->CreateClassInstance(
SCALEDFETCH_CLASS_NAMES[scaledFetchNum], 0, 0, 0, 0,
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create scaled fetch class instance");
if (!m_intensityClass[intensityNum])
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Creating %s class instance for encoder 0x%X",
INTENSITY_CLASS_NAMES[intensityNum], dstFormat);
HRESULT hr = m_classLinkage->CreateClassInstance(
INTENSITY_CLASS_NAMES[intensityNum], 0, 0, 0, 0,
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create intensity class instance");
if (!m_generatorClass[generatorNum])
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Creating %s class instance for encoder 0x%X",
generatorName, dstFormat);
HRESULT hr = m_classLinkage->CreateClassInstance(
generatorName, 0, 0, 0, 0, &m_generatorClass[generatorNum]);
CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr), "create generator class instance");
// Assemble dynamic linkage array
if (m_fetchSlot != UINT(-1))
m_linkageArray[m_fetchSlot] = m_fetchClass[fetchNum];
if (m_scaledFetchSlot != UINT(-1))
m_linkageArray[m_scaledFetchSlot] = m_scaledFetchClass[scaledFetchNum];
if (m_intensitySlot != UINT(-1))
m_linkageArray[m_intensitySlot] = m_intensityClass[intensityNum];
if (m_generatorSlot != UINT(-1))
m_linkageArray[m_generatorSlot] = m_generatorClass[generatorNum];
m_linkageArray.empty() ? nullptr : &m_linkageArray[0],
return true;