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synced 2025-03-16 11:35:25 +01:00

This lets us reduce the number of USE_RETRO_ACHIEVEMENTS ifdefs in the code base, reducing visual clutter. In particular, needing an ifdef for each call to IsHardcodeModeActive was annoying to me. This also reduces the risk that someone writes code that accidentally fails to compile with USE_RETRO_ACHIEVEMENTS disabled. We could cut down on ifdefs even further by making HardcodeWarningWidget always exist, but that would result in non-trivial code ending up in the binary even with USE_RETRO_ACHIEVEMENTS disabled, so I'm leaving it out of this PR. It's not a lot of code though, so I might end up revisiting it at some point.
678 lines
23 KiB
678 lines
23 KiB
// Copyright 2021 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "DiscIO/RiivolutionPatcher.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/IOFile.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Core/AchievementManager.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
#include "Core/HLE/HLE.h"
#include "Core/HW/Memmap.h"
#include "Core/IOS/FS/FileSystem.h"
#include "Core/PowerPC/MMU.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "DiscIO/DirectoryBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/RiivolutionParser.h"
namespace DiscIO::Riivolution
FileDataLoader::~FileDataLoader() = default;
FileDataLoaderHostFS::FileDataLoaderHostFS(std::string sd_root, const std::string& xml_path,
std::string_view patch_root)
: m_sd_root(std::move(sd_root))
// Riivolution treats 'external' file paths as follows:
// - If it starts with a '/', it's an absolute path, ie. relative to the SD card root.
// - Otherwise:
// - If the 'root' parameter of the current patch is not set or is empty, the path is relative
// to the folder the XML file is in.
// - If the 'root' parameter of the current patch starts with a '/', the path is relative to
// that folder on the SD card, starting at the SD card root.
// - If the 'root' parameter of the current patch starts without a '/', the path is relative to
// that folder on the SD card, starting at the folder the XML file is in.
// The following initialization should properly replicate this behavior.
// First set m_patch_root to the folder the parsed XML file is in.
SplitPath(xml_path, &m_patch_root, nullptr, nullptr);
// Then try to resolve the given patch_root as if it was a file path, and on success replace the
// m_patch_root with it.
if (!patch_root.empty())
auto r = MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(patch_root);
if (r)
m_patch_root = std::move(*r);
FileDataLoaderHostFS::MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(std::string_view external_relative_path)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Riivolution treats a backslash as just a standard filename character, but we can't replicate
// this properly on Windows. So if a file contains a backslash, immediately error out.
if (external_relative_path.find("\\") != std::string_view::npos)
return std::nullopt;
const std::string& root = external_relative_path.starts_with('/') ? m_sd_root : m_patch_root;
std::string result = root;
std::string_view work = external_relative_path;
// Strip away all leading and trailing path separators.
while (work.starts_with('/'))
while (work.ends_with('/'))
size_t depth = 0;
while (true)
if (work.empty())
// Extract a single path element.
size_t separator_position = work.find('/');
std::string_view element = work.substr(0, separator_position);
if (element == ".")
// This is a harmless element, doesn't change any state.
else if (element == "..")
// We're going up a level.
// If this isn't possible someone is trying to exit the root directory, prevent that.
if (depth == 0)
return std::nullopt;
// Remove the last path element from the result string.
// This must have been previously attached in the branch below (otherwise depth would have
// been 0), so there's no need to check whether the string is empty or anything like that.
while (result.back() != '/')
else if (std::all_of(element.begin(), element.end(), [](char c) { return c == '.'; }))
// This is a triple, quadruple, etc. dot.
// Some file systems treat this as several 'up' path traversals, but Riivolution does not.
// If someone tries this just error out, it wouldn't work sensibly in Riivolution anyway.
return std::nullopt;
// We're going down a level.
// Append path element to result string.
result += '/';
result += element;
// Riivolution assumes a case-insensitive file system, which means it's possible that an XML
// file references a 'file.bin' but the actual file is named 'File.bin' or 'FILE.BIN'. To
// preserve this behavior, we modify the file path to match any existing file in the file
// system, if one exists.
if (!::File::Exists(result))
// Drop path element again so we can search in the directory.
result.erase(result.size() - element.size(), element.size());
// Re-attach an element that actually matches the capitalization in the host filesystem.
auto possible_files = ::File::ScanDirectoryTree(result, false);
bool found = false;
for (auto& f : possible_files.children)
if (Common::CaseInsensitiveEquals(element, f.virtualName))
result += f.virtualName;
found = true;
// If there isn't any file that matches just use the given element.
if (!found)
result += element;
// If this was the last path element, we're done.
if (separator_position == std::string_view::npos)
// Remove element from work string.
work = work.substr(separator_position + 1);
// Remove any potential extra path separators.
while (work.starts_with('/'))
work = work.substr(1);
return result;
FileDataLoaderHostFS::GetExternalFileSize(std::string_view external_relative_path)
auto path = MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(external_relative_path);
if (!path)
return std::nullopt;
::File::FileInfo f(*path);
if (!f.IsFile())
return std::nullopt;
return f.GetSize();
std::vector<u8> FileDataLoaderHostFS::GetFileContents(std::string_view external_relative_path)
auto path = MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(external_relative_path);
if (!path)
return {};
::File::IOFile f(*path, "rb");
if (!f)
return {};
const u64 length = f.GetSize();
std::vector<u8> value;
if (!f.ReadBytes(value.data(), length))
return {};
return value;
FileDataLoaderHostFS::GetFolderContents(std::string_view external_relative_path)
auto path = MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(external_relative_path);
if (!path)
return {};
::File::FSTEntry external_files = ::File::ScanDirectoryTree(*path, false);
std::vector<FileDataLoader::Node> nodes;
for (auto& file : external_files.children)
nodes.emplace_back(FileDataLoader::Node{std::move(file.virtualName), file.isDirectory});
return nodes;
FileDataLoaderHostFS::MakeContentSource(std::string_view external_relative_path,
u64 external_offset, u64 external_size, u64 disc_offset)
auto path = MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(external_relative_path);
if (!path)
return BuilderContentSource{disc_offset, external_size, ContentFixedByte{0}};
return BuilderContentSource{disc_offset, external_size,
ContentFile{std::move(*path), external_offset}};
FileDataLoaderHostFS::ResolveSavegameRedirectPath(std::string_view external_relative_path)
return MakeAbsoluteFromRelative(external_relative_path);
// 'before' and 'after' should be two copies of the same source
// 'split_at' needs to be between the start and end of the source, may not match either boundary
static void SplitAt(BuilderContentSource* before, BuilderContentSource* after, u64 split_at)
const u64 start = before->m_offset;
const u64 size = before->m_size;
const u64 end = start + size;
// The source before the split point just needs its length reduced.
before->m_size = split_at - start;
// The source after the split needs its length reduced and its start point adjusted.
after->m_offset += before->m_size;
after->m_size = end - split_at;
if (std::holds_alternative<ContentFile>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentFile>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
else if (std::holds_alternative<ContentMemory>(after->m_source))
after->m_source = std::make_shared<std::vector<u8>>(
std::get<ContentMemory>(after->m_source)->begin() + before->m_size,
else if (std::holds_alternative<ContentPartition>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentPartition>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
else if (std::holds_alternative<ContentVolume>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentVolume>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
static void ApplyPatchToFile(const Patch& patch, DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* file_node,
std::string_view external_filename, u64 file_patch_offset,
u64 raw_external_file_offset, u64 file_patch_length, bool resize)
const auto f = patch.m_file_data_loader->GetExternalFileSize(external_filename);
if (!f)
auto& content = std::get<std::vector<BuilderContentSource>>(file_node->m_content);
const u64 raw_external_filesize = *f;
const u64 external_file_offset = std::min(raw_external_file_offset, raw_external_filesize);
const u64 external_filesize = raw_external_filesize - external_file_offset;
const u64 patch_start = file_patch_offset;
const u64 patch_size = file_patch_length == 0 ? external_filesize : file_patch_length;
const u64 patch_end = patch_start + patch_size;
const u64 target_filesize = resize ? patch_end : std::max(file_node->m_size, patch_end);
size_t insert_where = 0;
if (patch_start >= file_node->m_size)
// If the patch is at or past the end of the existing file no existing content needs to be
// touched, just extend the file.
if (patch_start > file_node->m_size)
// Insert an padding area between the old file and the patch data.
content.emplace_back(BuilderContentSource{file_node->m_size, patch_start - file_node->m_size,
insert_where = content.size();
// Patch is at the start or somewhere in the middle of the existing file. At least one source
// needs to be modified or removed, and a new source with the patch data inserted instead.
// To make this easier, we first split up existing sources at the patch start and patch end
// offsets, then discard all overlapping sources and insert the patch sources there.
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i)
const u64 source_start = content[i].m_offset;
const u64 source_end = source_start + content[i].m_size;
if (patch_start > source_start && patch_start < source_end)
content.insert(content.begin() + i + 1, content[i]);
SplitAt(&content[i], &content[i + 1], patch_start);
if (patch_end > source_start && patch_end < source_end)
content.insert(content.begin() + i + 1, content[i]);
SplitAt(&content[i], &content[i + 1], patch_end);
// Now discard the overlapping areas and remember where they were so we can insert there.
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i)
if (patch_start == content[i].m_offset)
insert_where = i;
while (i < content.size() && patch_end >= content[i].m_offset + content[i].m_size)
content.erase(content.begin() + insert_where, content.begin() + i);
// Insert the actual patch data.
if (patch_size > 0 && external_filesize > 0)
BuilderContentSource source = patch.m_file_data_loader->MakeContentSource(
external_filename, external_file_offset, std::min(patch_size, external_filesize),
content.emplace(content.begin() + insert_where, std::move(source));
// Pad with zeroes if the patch file is smaller than the patch size.
if (external_filesize < patch_size)
BuilderContentSource padding{patch_start + external_filesize, patch_size - external_filesize,
content.emplace(content.begin() + insert_where, std::move(padding));
// Update the filesize of the file.
file_node->m_size = target_filesize;
// Drop any source past the new end of the file -- this can happen on file truncation.
while (!content.empty() && content.back().m_offset >= target_filesize)
static void ApplyPatchToFile(const Patch& patch, const File& file_patch,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* file_node)
// The last two bits of the offset seem to be ignored by actual Riivolution.
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file_node, file_patch.m_external, file_patch.m_offset & ~u64(3),
file_patch.m_fileoffset, file_patch.m_length, file_patch.m_resize);
static FSTBuilderNode* FindFileNodeInFST(std::string_view path, std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
bool create_if_not_exists)
const size_t path_separator = path.find('/');
const bool is_file = path_separator == std::string_view::npos;
const std::string_view name = is_file ? path : path.substr(0, path_separator);
const auto it = std::find_if(fst->begin(), fst->end(), [&](const FSTBuilderNode& node) {
return Common::CaseInsensitiveEquals(node.m_filename, name);
if (it == fst->end())
if (!create_if_not_exists)
return nullptr;
if (is_file)
return &fst->emplace_back(
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode{std::string(name), 0, std::vector<BuilderContentSource>()});
auto& new_folder = fst->emplace_back(
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode{std::string(name), 0, std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>()});
return FindFileNodeInFST(path.substr(path_separator + 1),
&std::get<std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>>(new_folder.m_content), true);
const bool is_existing_node_file = it->IsFile();
if (is_file != is_existing_node_file)
return nullptr;
if (is_file)
return &*it;
return FindFileNodeInFST(path.substr(path_separator + 1),
static DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* FindFilenameNodeInFST(std::string_view filename,
std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>& fst)
for (FSTBuilderNode& node : fst)
if (node.IsFolder())
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* result = FindFilenameNodeInFST(filename, node.GetFolderContent());
if (result)
return result;
else if (Common::CaseInsensitiveEquals(node.m_filename, filename))
return &node;
return nullptr;
static void ApplyFilePatchToFST(const Patch& patch, const File& file,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* dol_node)
if (!file.m_disc.empty() && file.m_disc[0] == '/')
// If the disc path starts with a / then we should patch that specific disc path.
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* node =
FindFileNodeInFST(std::string_view(file.m_disc).substr(1), fst, file.m_create);
if (node)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file, node);
else if (dol_node && Common::CaseInsensitiveEquals(file.m_disc, "main.dol"))
// Special case: If the filename is "main.dol", we want to patch the main executable.
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file, dol_node);
// Otherwise we want to patch the first file in the FST that matches that filename.
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* node = FindFilenameNodeInFST(file.m_disc, *fst);
if (node)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file, node);
static void ApplyFolderPatchToFST(const Patch& patch, const Folder& folder,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* dol_node, std::string_view disc_path,
std::string_view external_path)
const auto external_files = patch.m_file_data_loader->GetFolderContents(external_path);
for (const auto& child : external_files)
const auto combine_paths = [](std::string_view a, std::string_view b) {
if (a.empty())
return std::string(b);
if (b.empty())
return std::string(a);
if (a.ends_with('/'))
if (b.starts_with('/'))
return fmt::format("{}/{}", a, b);
std::string child_disc_path = combine_paths(disc_path, child.m_filename);
std::string child_external_path = combine_paths(external_path, child.m_filename);
if (child.m_is_directory)
if (folder.m_recursive)
ApplyFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, fst, dol_node, child_disc_path, child_external_path);
File file;
file.m_disc = std::move(child_disc_path);
file.m_external = std::move(child_external_path);
file.m_resize = folder.m_resize;
file.m_create = folder.m_create;
file.m_length = folder.m_length;
ApplyFilePatchToFST(patch, file, fst, dol_node);
static void ApplyFolderPatchToFST(const Patch& patch, const Folder& folder,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* dol_node)
ApplyFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, fst, dol_node, folder.m_disc, folder.m_external);
void ApplyPatchesToFiles(std::span<const Patch> patches, PatchIndex index,
std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>* fst, FSTBuilderNode* dol_node)
for (const auto& patch : patches)
const auto& file_patches =
index == PatchIndex::DolphinSysFiles ? patch.m_sys_file_patches : patch.m_file_patches;
const auto& folder_patches =
index == PatchIndex::DolphinSysFiles ? patch.m_sys_folder_patches : patch.m_folder_patches;
for (const auto& file : file_patches)
ApplyFilePatchToFST(patch, file, fst, dol_node);
for (const auto& folder : folder_patches)
ApplyFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, fst, dol_node);
static bool MemoryMatchesAt(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, u32 offset,
std::span<const u8> value)
for (u32 i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
auto result = PowerPC::MMU::HostTryReadU8(guard, offset + i);
if (!result || result->value != value[i])
return false;
return true;
static void ApplyMemoryPatch(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, u32 offset,
std::span<const u8> value, std::span<const u8> original)
if (AchievementManager::GetInstance().IsHardcoreModeActive())
if (value.empty())
if (!original.empty() && !MemoryMatchesAt(guard, offset, original))
auto& system = guard.GetSystem();
const u32 size = static_cast<u32>(value.size());
for (u32 i = 0; i < size; ++i)
PowerPC::MMU::HostTryWriteU8(guard, value[i], offset + i);
const u32 overlapping_hook_count = HLE::UnpatchRange(system, offset, offset + size);
if (overlapping_hook_count != 0)
WARN_LOG_FMT(OSHLE, "Riivolution memory patch overlaps {} HLE hook(s) at {:08x} (size: {})",
overlapping_hook_count, offset, value.size());
static std::vector<u8> GetMemoryPatchValue(const Patch& patch, const Memory& memory_patch)
if (!memory_patch.m_valuefile.empty())
return patch.m_file_data_loader->GetFileContents(memory_patch.m_valuefile);
return memory_patch.m_value;
static void ApplyMemoryPatch(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, const Patch& patch,
const Memory& memory_patch)
if (memory_patch.m_offset == 0)
ApplyMemoryPatch(guard, memory_patch.m_offset | 0x80000000,
GetMemoryPatchValue(patch, memory_patch), memory_patch.m_original);
static void ApplySearchMemoryPatch(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, const Patch& patch,
const Memory& memory_patch, u32 ram_start, u32 length)
if (memory_patch.m_original.empty() || memory_patch.m_align == 0)
const u32 stride = memory_patch.m_align;
for (u32 i = 0; i < length - (stride - 1); i += stride)
const u32 address = ram_start + i;
if (MemoryMatchesAt(guard, address, memory_patch.m_original))
ApplyMemoryPatch(guard, address, GetMemoryPatchValue(patch, memory_patch), {});
static void ApplyOcarinaMemoryPatch(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, const Patch& patch,
const Memory& memory_patch, u32 ram_start, u32 length)
if (memory_patch.m_offset == 0)
const std::vector<u8> value = GetMemoryPatchValue(patch, memory_patch);
if (value.empty())
auto& system = guard.GetSystem();
for (u32 i = 0; i < length; i += 4)
// first find the pattern
const u32 address = ram_start + i;
if (MemoryMatchesAt(guard, address, value))
for (; i < length; i += 4)
// from the pattern find the next blr instruction
const u32 blr_address = ram_start + i;
auto blr = PowerPC::MMU::HostTryReadU32(guard, blr_address);
if (blr && blr->value == 0x4e800020)
// and replace it with a jump to the given offset
const u32 target = memory_patch.m_offset | 0x80000000;
const u32 jmp = ((target - blr_address) & 0x03fffffc) | 0x48000000;
PowerPC::MMU::HostTryWriteU32(guard, jmp, blr_address);
const u32 overlapping_hook_count =
HLE::UnpatchRange(system, blr_address, blr_address + 4);
if (overlapping_hook_count != 0)
WARN_LOG_FMT(OSHLE, "Riivolution ocarina patch overlaps HLE hook at {}", blr_address);
void ApplyGeneralMemoryPatches(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, std::span<const Patch> patches)
const auto& system = guard.GetSystem();
const auto& system_memory = system.GetMemory();
for (const auto& patch : patches)
for (const auto& memory : patch.m_memory_patches)
if (memory.m_ocarina)
if (memory.m_search)
ApplySearchMemoryPatch(guard, patch, memory, 0x80000000, system_memory.GetRamSize());
ApplyMemoryPatch(guard, patch, memory);
void ApplyApploaderMemoryPatches(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, std::span<const Patch> patches,
u32 ram_address, u32 ram_length)
for (const auto& patch : patches)
for (const auto& memory : patch.m_memory_patches)
if (!memory.m_ocarina && !memory.m_search)
if (memory.m_ocarina)
ApplyOcarinaMemoryPatch(guard, patch, memory, ram_address, ram_length);
ApplySearchMemoryPatch(guard, patch, memory, ram_address, ram_length);
std::optional<SavegameRedirect> ExtractSavegameRedirect(std::span<const Patch> riivolution_patches)
for (const auto& patch : riivolution_patches)
if (!patch.m_savegame_patches.empty())
const auto& save_patch = patch.m_savegame_patches[0];
auto resolved = patch.m_file_data_loader->ResolveSavegameRedirectPath(save_patch.m_external);
if (resolved)
return SavegameRedirect{std::move(*resolved), save_patch.m_clone};
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace DiscIO::Riivolution