mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:46:49 +01:00

Previously we were using this workaround when using framebuffer fetch to emulate dual source blending, but it seems like we also need to use it when using framebuffer fetch to emulate logic ops, otherwise some Adreno devices get a crash when compiling OpenGL ES ubershaders. Using the workaround in specialized shaders doesn't seem to be necessary, but I've made the same change there for consistency. This gets us closer to fixing https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/12791 but doesn't actually fix it.
1334 lines
56 KiB
1334 lines
56 KiB
// Copyright 2015 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.h"
#include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/DriverDetails.h"
#include "VideoCommon/NativeVertexFormat.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.h"
#include "VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
#include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h"
namespace UberShader
PixelShaderUid GetPixelShaderUid()
PixelShaderUid out;
pixel_ubershader_uid_data* const uid_data = out.GetUidData();
uid_data->num_texgens = xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens;
uid_data->early_depth = bpmem.UseEarlyDepthTest() &&
(g_ActiveConfig.bFastDepthCalc ||
bpmem.alpha_test.TestResult() == AlphaTestResult::Undetermined) &&
!(bpmem.zmode.testenable && bpmem.genMode.zfreeze);
uid_data->per_pixel_depth =
(bpmem.ztex2.op != ZTexOp::Disabled && bpmem.UseLateDepthTest()) ||
(!g_ActiveConfig.bFastDepthCalc && bpmem.zmode.testenable && !uid_data->early_depth) ||
(bpmem.zmode.testenable && bpmem.genMode.zfreeze);
uid_data->uint_output = bpmem.blendmode.UseLogicOp();
return out;
void ClearUnusedPixelShaderUidBits(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
PixelShaderUid* uid)
pixel_ubershader_uid_data* const uid_data = uid->GetUidData();
// OpenGL and Vulkan convert implicitly normalized color outputs to their uint representation.
// Therefore, it is not necessary to use a uint output on these backends. We also disable the
// uint output when logic op is not supported (i.e. driver/device does not support D3D11.1).
if (api_type != APIType::D3D || !host_config.backend_logic_op)
uid_data->uint_output = 0;
ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
const pixel_ubershader_uid_data* uid_data)
const bool per_pixel_lighting = host_config.per_pixel_lighting;
const bool msaa = host_config.msaa;
const bool ssaa = host_config.ssaa;
const bool stereo = host_config.stereo;
const bool use_dual_source = host_config.backend_dual_source_blend;
const bool use_shader_blend = !use_dual_source && host_config.backend_shader_framebuffer_fetch;
const bool use_shader_logic_op =
!host_config.backend_logic_op && host_config.backend_shader_framebuffer_fetch;
const bool use_framebuffer_fetch = use_shader_blend || use_shader_logic_op;
const bool early_depth = uid_data->early_depth != 0;
const bool per_pixel_depth = uid_data->per_pixel_depth != 0;
const bool bounding_box = host_config.bounding_box;
const u32 numTexgen = uid_data->num_texgens;
ShaderCode out;
out.Write("// Pixel UberShader for {} texgens{}{}\n", numTexgen,
early_depth ? ", early-depth" : "", per_pixel_depth ? ", per-pixel depth" : "");
WriteBitfieldExtractHeader(out, api_type, host_config);
WritePixelShaderCommonHeader(out, api_type, host_config, bounding_box);
if (per_pixel_lighting)
// Shader inputs/outputs in GLSL (HLSL is in main).
if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Framebuffer fetch is only supported by Metal, so ensure that we're running Vulkan (MoltenVK)
// if we want to use it.
if (api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
if (use_dual_source)
out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 {};\n"
"FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n",
use_framebuffer_fetch ? "real_ocol0" : "ocol0");
// Metal doesn't support a single unified variable for both input and output,
// so when using framebuffer fetch, we declare the input separately below.
out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 {}};\n",
use_framebuffer_fetch ? "real_ocol0" : "ocol0");
if (use_framebuffer_fetch)
// Subpass inputs will be converted to framebuffer fetch by SPIRV-Cross.
out.Write("INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BINDING(0, 0, 0) uniform subpassInput in_ocol0;\n");
bool has_broken_decoration =
out.Write("{} {} vec4 {};\n",
has_broken_decoration ? "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0)" :
use_framebuffer_fetch ? "FRAGMENT_INOUT" : "out",
use_framebuffer_fetch ? "real_ocol0" : "ocol0");
if (use_dual_source)
out.Write("{} out vec4 ocol1;\n", has_broken_decoration ?
if (per_pixel_depth)
out.Write("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n");
if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, numTexgen, host_config,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, true));
if (stereo)
out.Write(" flat int layer;\n");
// Let's set up attributes
u32 counter = 0;
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; ++i)
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
if (per_pixel_lighting)
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
// Uniform index -> texture coordinates
// Quirk: when the tex coord is not less than the number of tex gens (i.e. the tex coord does
// not exist), then tex coord 0 is used (though sometimes glitchy effects happen on console).
// This affects the Mario portrait in Luigi's Mansion, where the developers forgot to set
// the number of tex gens to 2 (bug 11462).
if (numTexgen > 0)
out.Write("int2 selectTexCoord(uint index");
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
out.Write(", int2 fixpoint_uv{}", i);
out.Write(") {{\n");
if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
out.Write(" switch (index) {{\n");
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
out.Write(" case {}u:\n"
" return fixpoint_uv{};\n",
i, i);
out.Write(" default:\n"
" return fixpoint_uv0;\n"
" }}\n");
out.Write(" if (index >= {}u) {{\n", numTexgen);
out.Write(" return fixpoint_uv0;\n"
" }}\n");
if (numTexgen > 4)
out.Write(" if (index < 4u) {{\n");
if (numTexgen > 2)
out.Write(" if (index < 2u) {{\n");
if (numTexgen > 1)
out.Write(" return (index == 0u) ? fixpoint_uv0 : fixpoint_uv1;\n");
out.Write(" return fixpoint_uv0;\n");
if (numTexgen > 2)
out.Write(" }} else {{\n"); // >= 2 < min(4, numTexgen)
if (numTexgen > 3)
out.Write(" return (index == 2u) ? fixpoint_uv2 : fixpoint_uv3;\n");
out.Write(" return fixpoint_uv2;\n");
out.Write(" }}\n");
if (numTexgen > 4)
out.Write(" }} else {{\n"); // >= 4 < min(8, numTexgen)
if (numTexgen > 6)
out.Write(" if (index < 6u) {{\n");
if (numTexgen > 5)
out.Write(" return (index == 4u) ? fixpoint_uv4 : fixpoint_uv5;\n");
out.Write(" return fixpoint_uv4;\n");
if (numTexgen > 6)
out.Write(" }} else {{\n"); // >= 6 < min(8, numTexgen)
if (numTexgen > 7)
out.Write(" return (index == 6u) ? fixpoint_uv6 : fixpoint_uv7;\n");
out.Write(" return fixpoint_uv6;\n");
out.Write(" }}\n");
out.Write(" }}\n");
// =====================
// Texture Sampling
// =====================
if (host_config.backend_dynamic_sampler_indexing)
// Doesn't look like DirectX supports this. Oh well the code path is here just in case it
// supports this in the future.
out.Write("int4 sampleTextureWrapper(uint texmap, int2 uv, int layer) {{\n");
if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
out.Write(" return sampleTexture(texmap, samp[texmap], uv, layer);\n");
else if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
out.Write(" return sampleTexture(texmap, tex[texmap], samp[texmap], uv, layer);\n");
out.Write("int4 sampleTextureWrapper(uint sampler_num, int2 uv, int layer) {{\n"
" // This is messy, but DirectX, OpenGL 3.3, and OpenGL ES 3.0 don't support "
"dynamic indexing of the sampler array\n"
" // With any luck the shader compiler will optimise this if the hardware supports "
"dynamic indexing.\n"
" switch(sampler_num) {{\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
out.Write(" case {0}u: return sampleTexture({0}u, samp[{0}u], uv, layer);\n", i);
else if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
out.Write(" case {0}u: return sampleTexture({0}u, tex[{0}u], samp[{0}u], uv, layer);\n",
out.Write(" }}\n"
// ======================
// Arbitrary Swizzling
// ======================
out.Write("int4 Swizzle(uint s, int4 color) {{\n"
" // AKA: Color Channel Swapping\n"
" int4 ret;\n");
out.Write(" ret.r = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract<&TevKSel::swap1>("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)"));
out.Write(" ret.g = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract<&TevKSel::swap2>("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)"));
out.Write(" ret.b = color[{}];\n",
BitfieldExtract<&TevKSel::swap1>("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)"));
out.Write(" ret.a = color[{}];\n",
BitfieldExtract<&TevKSel::swap2>("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)"));
out.Write(" return ret;\n"
// ======================
// Indirect Wrapping
// ======================
out.Write("int Wrap(int coord, uint mode) {{\n"
" if (mode == 0u) // ITW_OFF\n"
" return coord;\n"
" else if (mode < 6u) // ITW_256 to ITW_16\n"
" return coord & (0xfffe >> mode);\n"
" else // ITW_0\n"
" return 0;\n"
// ======================
// Indirect Lookup
// ======================
const auto LookupIndirectTexture = [&out](std::string_view out_var_name,
std::string_view in_index_name) {
// in_index_name is the indirect stage, not the tev stage
// bpmem_iref is packed differently from RAS1_IREF
// This function assumes bpmem_iref is nonzero (i.e. matrix is not off, and the
// indirect texture stage is enabled).
" uint iref = bpmem_iref({});\n"
" uint texcoord = bitfieldExtract(iref, 0, 3);\n"
" uint texmap = bitfieldExtract(iref, 8, 3);\n"
" int2 fixedPoint_uv = getTexCoord(texcoord);\n"
" if (({} & 1u) == 0u)\n"
" fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].xy;\n"
" else\n"
" fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].zw;\n"
" {} = sampleTextureWrapper(texmap, fixedPoint_uv, layer).abg;\n"
in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, out_var_name);
// ======================
// TEV's Special Lerp
// ======================
const auto WriteTevLerp = [&out](std::string_view components) {
"// TEV's Linear Interpolate, plus bias, add/subtract and scale\n"
"int{0} tevLerp{0}(int{0} A, int{0} B, int{0} C, int{0} D, uint bias, bool op, "
"uint scale) {{\n"
" // Scale C from 0..255 to 0..256\n"
" C += C >> 7;\n"
" // Add bias to D\n"
" if (bias == 1u) D += 128;\n"
" else if (bias == 2u) D -= 128;\n"
" int{0} lerp = (A << 8) + (B - A)*C;\n"
" if (scale != 3u) {{\n"
" lerp = lerp << scale;\n"
" D = D << scale;\n"
" }}\n"
" // TODO: Is this rounding bias still added when the scale is divide by 2? Currently we "
"do not apply it.\n"
" if (scale != 3u)\n"
" lerp = lerp + (op ? 127 : 128);\n"
" int{0} result = lerp >> 8;\n"
" // Add/Subtract D\n"
" if (op) // Subtract\n"
" result = D - result;\n"
" else // Add\n"
" result = D + result;\n"
" // Most of the Scale was moved inside the lerp for improved precision\n"
" // But we still do the divide by 2 here\n"
" if (scale == 3u)\n"
" result = result >> 1;\n"
" return result;\n"
WriteTevLerp(""); // int
WriteTevLerp("3"); // int3
// =======================
// TEV's Color Compare
// =======================
"// Implements operations 0-5 of TEV's compare mode,\n"
"// which are common to both color and alpha channels\n"
"bool tevCompare(uint op, int3 color_A, int3 color_B) {{\n"
" switch (op) {{\n"
" case 0u: // TevCompareMode::R8, TevComparison::GT\n"
" return (color_A.r > color_B.r);\n"
" case 1u: // TevCompareMode::R8, TevComparison::EQ\n"
" return (color_A.r == color_B.r);\n"
" case 2u: // TevCompareMode::GR16, TevComparison::GT\n"
" int A_16 = (color_A.r | (color_A.g << 8));\n"
" int B_16 = (color_B.r | (color_B.g << 8));\n"
" return A_16 > B_16;\n"
" case 3u: // TevCompareMode::GR16, TevComparison::EQ\n"
" return (color_A.r == color_B.r && color_A.g == color_B.g);\n"
" case 4u: // TevCompareMode::BGR24, TevComparison::GT\n"
" int A_24 = (color_A.r | (color_A.g << 8) | (color_A.b << 16));\n"
" int B_24 = (color_B.r | (color_B.g << 8) | (color_B.b << 16));\n"
" return A_24 > B_24;\n"
" case 5u: // TevCompareMode::BGR24, TevComparison::EQ\n"
" return (color_A.r == color_B.r && color_A.g == color_B.g && color_A.b == color_B.b);\n"
" default:\n"
" return false;\n"
" }}\n"
// =================
// Input Selects
// =================
out.Write("struct State {{\n"
" int4 Reg[4];\n"
" int4 TexColor;\n"
" int AlphaBump;\n"
"struct StageState {{\n"
" uint stage;\n"
" uint order;\n"
" uint cc;\n"
" uint ac;\n"
"int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1);\n"
"int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss);\n"
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, CompareMode::Always> tev_alpha_funcs_table{
"return false;", // CompareMode::Never
"return a < b;", // CompareMode::Less
"return a == b;", // CompareMode::Equal
"return a <= b;", // CompareMode::LEqual
"return a > b;", // CompareMode::Greater
"return a != b;", // CompareMode::NEqual
"return a >= b;", // CompareMode::GEqual
"return true;" // CompareMode::Always
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, TevColorArg::Zero> tev_c_input_table{
"return s.Reg[0].rgb;", // CPREV,
"return s.Reg[0].aaa;", // APREV,
"return s.Reg[1].rgb;", // C0,
"return s.Reg[1].aaa;", // A0,
"return s.Reg[2].rgb;", // C1,
"return s.Reg[2].aaa;", // A1,
"return s.Reg[3].rgb;", // C2,
"return s.Reg[3].aaa;", // A2,
"return s.TexColor.rgb;", // TEXC,
"return s.TexColor.aaa;", // TEXA,
"return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).rgb;", // RASC,
"return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).aaa;", // RASA,
"return int3(255, 255, 255);", // ONE
"return int3(128, 128, 128);", // HALF
"return getKonstColor(s, ss).rgb;", // KONST
"return int3(0, 0, 0);", // ZERO
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, TevAlphaArg::Zero> tev_a_input_table{
"return s.Reg[0].a;", // APREV,
"return s.Reg[1].a;", // A0,
"return s.Reg[2].a;", // A1,
"return s.Reg[3].a;", // A2,
"return s.TexColor.a;", // TEXA,
"return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).a;", // RASA,
"return getKonstColor(s, ss).a;", // KONST, (hw1 had quarter)
"return 0;", // ZERO
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, TevOutput::Color2> tev_regs_lookup_table{
"return s.Reg[0];",
"return s.Reg[1];",
"return s.Reg[2];",
"return s.Reg[3];",
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, TevOutput::Color2> tev_c_set_table{
"s.Reg[0].rgb = color;",
"s.Reg[1].rgb = color;",
"s.Reg[2].rgb = color;",
"s.Reg[3].rgb = color;",
static constexpr Common::EnumMap<std::string_view, TevOutput::Color2> tev_a_set_table{
"s.Reg[0].a = alpha;",
"s.Reg[1].a = alpha;",
"s.Reg[2].a = alpha;",
"s.Reg[3].a = alpha;",
out.Write("// Helper function for Alpha Test\n"
"bool alphaCompare(int a, int b, uint compare) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "compare", tev_alpha_funcs_table, 2, false);
"int3 selectColorInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
"uint index) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "index", tev_c_input_table, 2, false);
"int selectAlphaInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
"uint index) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "index", tev_a_input_table, 2, false);
"int4 getTevReg(in State s, uint index) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "index", tev_regs_lookup_table, 2, false);
"void setRegColor(inout State s, uint index, int3 color) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "index", tev_c_set_table, 2, true);
"void setRegAlpha(inout State s, uint index, int alpha) {{\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "index", tev_a_set_table, 2, true);
// Since the fixed-point texture coodinate variables aren't global, we need to pass
// them to the select function. This applies to all backends.
if (numTexgen > 0)
out.Write("#define getTexCoord(index) selectTexCoord((index)");
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
out.Write(", fixpoint_uv{}", i);
if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
if (early_depth && host_config.backend_early_z)
out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
out.Write(" float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
if (use_framebuffer_fetch)
// Store off a copy of the initial framebuffer value.
// If FB_FETCH_VALUE isn't defined (i.e. no special keyword for fetching from the
// framebuffer), we read from real_ocol0.
out.Write("#ifdef FB_FETCH_VALUE\n"
" float4 initial_ocol0 = FB_FETCH_VALUE;\n"
" float4 initial_ocol0 = real_ocol0;\n"
// QComm's Adreno driver doesn't seem to like using the framebuffer_fetch value as an
// intermediate value with multiple reads & modifications, so we pull out the "real" output
// value above and use a temporary for calculations, then set the output value once at the
// end of the shader.
out.Write(" float4 ocol0;\n");
if (use_shader_blend)
out.Write(" float4 ocol1;\n");
else // D3D
if (early_depth && host_config.backend_early_z)
out.Write("void main(\n");
if (uid_data->uint_output)
out.Write(" out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target,\n");
out.Write(" out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n"
" out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n");
if (per_pixel_depth)
out.Write(" out float depth : SV_Depth,\n");
out.Write(" in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n");
out.Write(" in {} float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
out.Write(" in {} float4 colors_1 : COLOR1", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
// compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; ++i)
out.Write(",\n in {} float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i,
if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
out.Write("\n,\n in {} float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
if (per_pixel_lighting)
out.Write(",\n in {} float3 Normal : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
numTexgen + 1);
out.Write(",\n in {} float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
numTexgen + 2);
out.Write(",\n in float clipDist0 : SV_ClipDistance0\n"
",\n in float clipDist1 : SV_ClipDistance1\n");
if (stereo)
out.Write(",\n in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n");
out.Write("\n ) {{\n");
if (!stereo)
out.Write(" int layer = 0;\n");
out.Write(" int3 tevcoord = int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
" State s;\n"
" s.TexColor = int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
" s.AlphaBump = 0;\n"
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
out.Write(" s.Reg[{}] = " I_COLORS "[{}];\n", i, i);
const char* color_input_prefix = "";
if (per_pixel_lighting)
out.Write(" float4 lit_colors_0 = colors_0;\n"
" float4 lit_colors_1 = colors_1;\n"
" float3 lit_normal = normalize(Normal.xyz);\n"
" float3 lit_pos = WorldPos.xyz;\n");
WriteVertexLighting(out, api_type, "lit_pos", "lit_normal", "colors_0", "colors_1",
"lit_colors_0", "lit_colors_1");
color_input_prefix = "lit_";
out.Write(" // The number of colors available to TEV is determined by numColorChans.\n"
" // Normally this is performed in the vertex shader after lighting,\n"
" // but with per-pixel lighting, we need to perform it here.\n"
" // TODO: Actually implement this for ubershaders\n"
" // if (xfmem_numColorChans == 0u)\n"
" // o.colors_0 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" // if (xfmem_numColorChans <= 1u)\n"
" // o.colors_1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
out.Write(" uint num_stages = {};\n\n",
out.Write(" // Main tev loop\n");
if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
// Tell DirectX we don't want this loop unrolled (it crashes if it tries to)
out.Write(" [loop]\n");
out.Write(" for(uint stage = 0u; stage <= num_stages; stage++)\n"
" {{\n"
" StageState ss;\n"
" ss.stage = stage;\n"
" ss.cc = bpmem_combiners(stage).x;\n"
" ss.ac = bpmem_combiners(stage).y;\n"
" ss.order = bpmem_tevorder(stage>>1);\n"
" if ((stage & 1u) == 1u)\n"
" ss.order = ss.order >> {};\n\n",
int(TwoTevStageOrders().enable1.StartBit() - TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit()));
// Disable texturing when there are no texgens (for now)
if (numTexgen != 0)
for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
out.Write(" int2 fixpoint_uv{} = int2(", i);
out.Write("(tex{}.z == 0.0 ? tex{}.xy : tex{}.xy / tex{}.z)", i, i, i, i);
out.Write(" * float2(" I_TEXDIMS "[{}].zw * 128));\n", i);
// TODO: S24 overflows here?
" uint tex_coord = {};\n",
out.Write(" int2 fixedPoint_uv = getTexCoord(tex_coord);\n"
" bool texture_enabled = (ss.order & {}u) != 0u;\n",
1 << TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit());
" // Indirect textures\n"
" uint tevind = bpmem_tevind(stage);\n"
" if (tevind != 0u)\n"
" {{\n"
" uint bs = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint fmt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract<&TevStageIndirect::fmt>("tevind"));
out.Write(" uint bias = {};\n", BitfieldExtract<&TevStageIndirect::bias>("tevind"));
out.Write(" uint bt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract<&TevStageIndirect::bt>("tevind"));
out.Write(" uint matrix_index = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint matrix_id = {};\n",
out.Write(" int2 indtevtrans = int2(0, 0);\n"
// There is always a bit set in bpmem_iref if the data is valid (matrix is not off, and the
// indirect texture stage is enabled). If the matrix is off, the result doesn't matter; if the
// indirect texture stage is disabled, the result is undefined (and produces a glitchy pattern
// on hardware, different from this).
// For the undefined case, we just skip applying the indirect operation, which is close enough.
// Viewtiful Joe hits the undefined case (bug 12525).
// Wrapping and add to previous still apply in this case (and when the stage is disabled).
out.Write(" if (bpmem_iref(bt) != 0u) {{\n");
out.Write(" int3 indcoord;\n");
LookupIndirectTexture("indcoord", "bt");
out.Write(" if (bs != 0u)\n"
" s.AlphaBump = indcoord[bs - 1u];\n"
" switch(fmt)\n"
" {{\n"
" case {:s}:\n",
out.Write(" indcoord.x = indcoord.x + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.y = indcoord.y + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.z = indcoord.z + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
" s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf8;\n"
" break;\n"
" case {:s}:\n",
out.Write(" indcoord.x = (indcoord.x >> 3) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.y = (indcoord.y >> 3) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.z = (indcoord.z >> 3) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump << 5;\n"
" break;\n"
" case {:s}:\n",
out.Write(" indcoord.x = (indcoord.x >> 4) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.y = (indcoord.y >> 4) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.z = (indcoord.z >> 4) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump << 4;\n"
" break;\n"
" case {:s}:\n",
out.Write(" indcoord.x = (indcoord.x >> 5) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.y = (indcoord.y >> 5) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" indcoord.z = (indcoord.z >> 5) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
" s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump << 3;\n"
" break;\n"
" }}\n"
" // Matrix multiply\n"
" if (matrix_index != 0u)\n"
" {{\n"
" uint mtxidx = 2u * (matrix_index - 1u);\n"
" int shift = " I_INDTEXMTX "[mtxidx].w;\n"
" switch (matrix_id)\n"
" {{\n"
" case 0u: // 3x2 S0.10 matrix\n"
" indtevtrans = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
"[mtxidx].xyz, indcoord), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX "[mtxidx + 1u].xyz, indcoord)) >> 3;\n"
" break;\n"
" case 1u: // S matrix, S17.7 format\n"
" indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.xx) >> 8;\n"
" break;\n"
" case 2u: // T matrix, S17.7 format\n"
" indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.yy) >> 8;\n"
" break;\n"
" }}\n"
" if (shift >= 0)\n"
" indtevtrans = indtevtrans >> shift;\n"
" else\n"
" indtevtrans = indtevtrans << ((-shift) & 31);\n"
" }}\n"
" }}\n"
" // Wrapping\n"
" uint sw = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint tw = {}; \n", BitfieldExtract<&TevStageIndirect::tw>("tevind"));
" int2 wrapped_coord = int2(Wrap(fixedPoint_uv.x, sw), Wrap(fixedPoint_uv.y, tw));\n"
" if ((tevind & {}u) != 0u) // add previous tevcoord\n",
1 << TevStageIndirect().fb_addprev.StartBit());
out.Write(" tevcoord.xy += wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
" else\n"
" tevcoord.xy = wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
" // Emulate s24 overflows\n"
" tevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n"
" }}\n"
" else\n"
" {{\n"
" tevcoord.xy = fixedPoint_uv;\n"
" }}\n"
" // Sample texture for stage\n"
" if (texture_enabled) {{\n"
" uint sampler_num = {};\n",
" int4 color = sampleTextureWrapper(sampler_num, tevcoord.xy, layer);\n"
" uint swap = {};\n",
out.Write(" s.TexColor = Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
out.Write(" }} else {{\n"
" // Texture is disabled\n"
" s.TexColor = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"
" }}\n"
out.Write(" // This is the Meat of TEV\n"
" {{\n"
" // Color Combiner\n");
out.Write(" uint color_a = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint color_b = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint color_c = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint color_d = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint color_bias = {};\n",
out.Write(" bool color_op = bool({});\n",
out.Write(" bool color_clamp = bool({});\n",
out.Write(" uint color_scale = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint color_dest = {};\n",
" uint color_compare_op = color_scale << 1 | uint(color_op);\n"
" int3 color_A = selectColorInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, color_a) & "
"int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
" int3 color_B = selectColorInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, color_b) & "
"int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
" int3 color_C = selectColorInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, color_c) & "
"int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
" int3 color_D = selectColorInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, color_d); // 10 "
"bits + sign\n"
"\n", // TODO: do we need to sign extend?
" int3 color;\n"
" if (color_bias != 3u) {{ // Normal mode\n"
" color = tevLerp3(color_A, color_B, color_C, color_D, color_bias, color_op, "
" }} else {{ // Compare mode\n"
" // op 6 and 7 do a select per color channel\n"
" if (color_compare_op == 6u) {{\n"
" // TevCompareMode::RGB8, TevComparison::GT\n"
" color.r = (color_A.r > color_B.r) ? color_C.r : 0;\n"
" color.g = (color_A.g > color_B.g) ? color_C.g : 0;\n"
" color.b = (color_A.b > color_B.b) ? color_C.b : 0;\n"
" }} else if (color_compare_op == 7u) {{\n"
" // TevCompareMode::RGB8, TevComparison::EQ\n"
" color.r = (color_A.r == color_B.r) ? color_C.r : 0;\n"
" color.g = (color_A.g == color_B.g) ? color_C.g : 0;\n"
" color.b = (color_A.b == color_B.b) ? color_C.b : 0;\n"
" }} else {{\n"
" // The remaining ops do one compare which selects all 3 channels\n"
" color = tevCompare(color_compare_op, color_A, color_B) ? color_C : int3(0, 0, "
" }}\n"
" color = color_D + color;\n"
" }}\n"
" // Clamp result\n"
" if (color_clamp)\n"
" color = clamp(color, 0, 255);\n"
" else\n"
" color = clamp(color, -1024, 1023);\n"
" // Write result to the correct input register of the next stage\n"
" setRegColor(s, color_dest, color);\n"
// Alpha combiner
out.Write(" // Alpha Combiner\n");
out.Write(" uint alpha_a = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_b = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_c = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_d = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_bias = {};\n",
out.Write(" bool alpha_op = bool({});\n",
out.Write(" bool alpha_clamp = bool({});\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_scale = {};\n",
out.Write(" uint alpha_dest = {};\n",
" uint alpha_compare_op = alpha_scale << 1 | uint(alpha_op);\n"
" int alpha_A;\n"
" int alpha_B;\n"
" if (alpha_bias != 3u || alpha_compare_op > 5u) {{\n"
" // Small optimisation here: alpha_A and alpha_B are unused by compare ops 0-5\n"
" alpha_A = selectAlphaInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, alpha_a) & 255;\n"
" alpha_B = selectAlphaInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, alpha_b) & 255;\n"
" }};\n"
" int alpha_C = selectAlphaInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, alpha_c) & 255;\n"
" int alpha_D = selectAlphaInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, alpha_d); // 10 bits "
"+ sign\n"
"\n", // TODO: do we need to sign extend?
" int alpha;\n"
" if (alpha_bias != 3u) {{ // Normal mode\n"
" alpha = tevLerp(alpha_A, alpha_B, alpha_C, alpha_D, alpha_bias, alpha_op, "
" }} else {{ // Compare mode\n"
" if (alpha_compare_op == 6u) {{\n"
" // TevCompareMode::A8, TevComparison::GT\n"
" alpha = (alpha_A > alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
" }} else if (alpha_compare_op == 7u) {{\n"
" // TevCompareMode::A8, TevComparison::EQ\n"
" alpha = (alpha_A == alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
" }} else {{\n"
" // All remaining alpha compare ops actually compare the color channels\n"
" alpha = tevCompare(alpha_compare_op, color_A, color_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
" }}\n"
" alpha = alpha_D + alpha;\n"
" }}\n"
" // Clamp result\n"
" if (alpha_clamp)\n"
" alpha = clamp(alpha, 0, 255);\n"
" else\n"
" alpha = clamp(alpha, -1024, 1023);\n"
" // Write result to the correct input register of the next stage\n"
" setRegAlpha(s, alpha_dest, alpha);\n"
" }}\n");
out.Write(" }} // Main TEV loop\n"
// Select the output color and alpha registers from the last stage.
out.Write(" int4 TevResult;\n");
" TevResult.xyz = getTevReg(s, {}).xyz;\n",
" TevResult.w = getTevReg(s, {}).w;\n",
out.Write(" TevResult &= 255;\n\n");
if (host_config.fast_depth_calc)
if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
out.Write(" int zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n");
out.Write(" int zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n");
out.Write(" zCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n"
out.Write("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS
// ===========
// ZFreeze
// ===========
if (per_pixel_depth)
// Zfreeze forces early depth off
out.Write(" // ZFreeze\n"
" if ((bpmem_genmode & {}u) != 0u) {{\n",
1 << GenMode().zfreeze.StartBit());
out.Write(" float2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n");
if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL)
out.Write(" // OpenGL has reversed vertical screenspace coordinates\n"
" screenpos.y = 528.0 - screenpos.y;\n");
out.Write(" zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE
".y * screenpos.y);\n"
" }}\n"
// =================
// Depth Texture
// =================
out.Write(" // Depth Texture\n"
" int early_zCoord = zCoord;\n"
" if (bpmem_ztex_op != 0u) {{\n"
" int ztex = int(" I_ZBIAS "[1].w); // fixed bias\n"
" // Whatever texture was in our last stage, it's now our depth texture\n"
" ztex += idot(s.TexColor.xyzw, " I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw);\n"
" ztex += (bpmem_ztex_op == 1u) ? zCoord : 0;\n"
" zCoord = ztex & 0xFFFFFF;\n"
" }}\n"
if (per_pixel_depth)
out.Write(" // If early depth is enabled, write to zbuffer before depth textures\n"
" // If early depth isn't enabled, we write to the zbuffer here\n"
" int zbuffer_zCoord = bpmem_late_ztest ? zCoord : early_zCoord;\n");
if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
out.Write(" depth = 1.0 - float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
out.Write(" depth = float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
out.Write(" // Alpha Test\n"
" if (bpmem_alphaTest != 0u) {{\n"
" bool comp0 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".r, {});\n",
out.Write(" bool comp1 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".g, {});\n",
" // These if statements are written weirdly to work around intel and Qualcomm "
"bugs with handling booleans.\n"
" switch ({}) {{\n",
out.Write(" case 0u: // AND\n"
" if (comp0 && comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
" case 1u: // OR\n"
" if (comp0 || comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
" case 2u: // XOR\n"
" if (comp0 != comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
" case 3u: // XNOR\n"
" if (comp0 == comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
" }}\n"
" }}\n"
out.Write(" // Hardware testing indicates that an alpha of 1 can pass an alpha test,\n"
" // but doesn't do anything in blending\n"
" if (TevResult.a == 1) TevResult.a = 0;\n");
// =========
// Dithering
// =========
out.Write(" if (bpmem_dither) {{\n"
" // Flipper uses a standard 2x2 Bayer Matrix for 6 bit dithering\n"
" // Here the matrix is encoded into the two factor constants\n"
" int2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n"
" TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb - (TevResult.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - "
"dither.x * 2);\n"
" }}\n\n");
// =========
// Fog
// =========
// FIXME: Fog is implemented the same as ShaderGen, but ShaderGen's fog is all hacks.
// Should be fixed point, and should not make guesses about Range-Based adjustments.
out.Write(" // Fog\n"
" uint fog_function = {};\n",
out.Write(" if (fog_function != {:s}) {{\n", FogType::Off);
out.Write(" // TODO: This all needs to be converted from float to fixed point\n"
" float ze;\n"
" if ({} == 0u) {{\n",
out.Write(" // perspective\n"
" // ze = A/(B - (Zs >> B_SHF)\n"
" ze = (" I_FOGF ".x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI
" }} else {{\n"
" // orthographic\n"
" // ze = a*Zs (here, no B_SHF)\n"
" ze = " I_FOGF ".x * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"
" }}\n"
" if (bool({})) {{\n",
out.Write(" // x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k\n"
" // ze *= x_adjust\n"
" float offset = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF ".w)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF ".z;\n"
" float floatindex = clamp(9.0 - abs(offset) * 9.0, 0.0, 9.0);\n"
" uint indexlower = uint(floatindex);\n"
" uint indexupper = indexlower + 1u;\n"
" float klower = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexlower >> 2u][indexlower & 3u];\n"
" float kupper = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexupper >> 2u][indexupper & 3u];\n"
" float k = lerp(klower, kupper, frac(floatindex));\n"
" float x_adjust = sqrt(offset * offset + k * k) / k;\n"
" ze *= x_adjust;\n"
" }}\n"
" float fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF ".y, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
out.Write(" if (fog_function >= {:s}) {{\n", FogType::Exp);
out.Write(" switch (fog_function) {{\n"
" case {:s}:\n"
" fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog);\n"
" break;\n",
out.Write(" case {:s}:\n"
" fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
" break;\n",
out.Write(" case {:s}:\n"
" fog = exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fog));\n"
" break;\n",
out.Write(" case {:s}:\n"
" fog = 1.0 - fog;\n"
" fog = exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
" break;\n",
out.Write(" }}\n"
" }}\n"
" int ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n"
" TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n"
" }}\n"
if (use_shader_logic_op)
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 16> logic_op_mode{
"int4(0, 0, 0, 0)", // CLEAR
"TevResult & fb_value", // AND
"TevResult & ~fb_value", // AND_REVERSE
"TevResult", // COPY
"~TevResult & fb_value", // AND_INVERTED
"fb_value", // NOOP
"TevResult ^ fb_value", // XOR
"TevResult | fb_value", // OR
"~(TevResult | fb_value)", // NOR
"~(TevResult ^ fb_value)", // EQUIV
"~fb_value", // INVERT
"TevResult | ~fb_value", // OR_REVERSE
"~TevResult", // COPY_INVERTED
"~TevResult | fb_value", // OR_INVERTED
"~(TevResult & fb_value)", // NAND
"int4(255, 255, 255, 255)", // SET
out.Write(" // Logic Ops\n"
" if (logic_op_enable) {{\n"
" int4 fb_value = iround(initial_ocol0 * 255.0);"
" switch (logic_op_mode) {{\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < logic_op_mode.size(); i++)
out.Write(" case {}u: TevResult = {}; break;\n", i, logic_op_mode[i]);
out.Write(" }}\n"
" }}\n");
// D3D requires that the shader outputs be uint when writing to a uint render target for logic op.
if (api_type == APIType::D3D && uid_data->uint_output)
out.Write(" if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
" ocol0 = uint4(TevResult & 0xFC);\n"
" else\n"
" ocol0 = uint4(TevResult);\n"
out.Write(" if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
" ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
" else\n"
" ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb) / 255.0;\n"
" if (bpmem_dstalpha != 0u)\n");
out.Write(" ocol0.a = float({} >> 2) / 63.0;\n",
out.Write(" else\n"
" ocol0.a = float(TevResult.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
" \n");
if (use_dual_source || use_shader_blend)
out.Write(" // Dest alpha override (dual source blending)\n"
" // Colors will be blended against the alpha from ocol1 and\n"
" // the alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer.\n"
" ocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(TevResult.a) / 255.0);\n");
if (bounding_box)
out.Write(" if (bpmem_bounding_box) {{\n"
" UpdateBoundingBox(rawpos.xy);\n"
" }}\n");
if (use_shader_blend)
using Common::EnumMap;
static constexpr EnumMap<std::string_view, SrcBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> blendSrcFactor{
"blend_src.rgb = float3(0,0,0);", // ZERO
"blend_src.rgb = float3(1,1,1);", // ONE
"blend_src.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb;", // DSTCLR
"blend_src.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - initial_ocol0.rgb;", // INVDSTCLR
"blend_src.rgb = ocol1.aaa;", // SRCALPHA
"blend_src.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - ocol1.aaa;", // INVSRCALPHA
"blend_src.rgb = initial_ocol0.aaa;", // DSTALPHA
"blend_src.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - initial_ocol0.aaa;", // INVDSTALPHA
static constexpr EnumMap<std::string_view, SrcBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> blendSrcFactorAlpha{
"blend_src.a = 0.0;", // ZERO
"blend_src.a = 1.0;", // ONE
"blend_src.a = initial_ocol0.a;", // DSTCLR
"blend_src.a = 1.0 - initial_ocol0.a;", // INVDSTCLR
"blend_src.a = ocol1.a;", // SRCALPHA
"blend_src.a = 1.0 - ocol1.a;", // INVSRCALPHA
"blend_src.a = initial_ocol0.a;", // DSTALPHA
"blend_src.a = 1.0 - initial_ocol0.a;", // INVDSTALPHA
static constexpr EnumMap<std::string_view, DstBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> blendDstFactor{
"blend_dst.rgb = float3(0,0,0);", // ZERO
"blend_dst.rgb = float3(1,1,1);", // ONE
"blend_dst.rgb = ocol0.rgb;", // SRCCLR
"blend_dst.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - ocol0.rgb;", // INVSRCCLR
"blend_dst.rgb = ocol1.aaa;", // SRCALHA
"blend_dst.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - ocol1.aaa;", // INVSRCALPHA
"blend_dst.rgb = initial_ocol0.aaa;", // DSTALPHA
"blend_dst.rgb = float3(1,1,1) - initial_ocol0.aaa;", // INVDSTALPHA
static constexpr EnumMap<std::string_view, DstBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> blendDstFactorAlpha{
"blend_dst.a = 0.0;", // ZERO
"blend_dst.a = 1.0;", // ONE
"blend_dst.a = ocol0.a;", // SRCCLR
"blend_dst.a = 1.0 - ocol0.a;", // INVSRCCLR
"blend_dst.a = ocol1.a;", // SRCALPHA
"blend_dst.a = 1.0 - ocol1.a;", // INVSRCALPHA
"blend_dst.a = initial_ocol0.a;", // DSTALPHA
"blend_dst.a = 1.0 - initial_ocol0.a;", // INVDSTALPHA
out.Write(" if (blend_enable) {{\n"
" float4 blend_src;\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "blend_src_factor", blendSrcFactor, 4, true);
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "blend_src_factor_alpha", blendSrcFactorAlpha, 4, true);
out.Write(" float4 blend_dst;\n");
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "blend_dst_factor", blendDstFactor, 4, true);
WriteSwitch(out, api_type, "blend_dst_factor_alpha", blendDstFactorAlpha, 4, true);
" float4 blend_result;\n"
" if (blend_subtract)\n"
" blend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb - ocol0.rgb * blend_src.rgb;\n"
" else\n"
" blend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb + ocol0.rgb * "
out.Write(" if (blend_subtract_alpha)\n"
" blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a - ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n"
" else\n"
" blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a + ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
out.Write(" real_ocol0 = blend_result;\n");
out.Write(" }} else {{\n"
" real_ocol0 = ocol0;\n"
" }}\n");
else if (use_framebuffer_fetch)
out.Write(" real_ocol0 = ocol0;\n");
"int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1) {{\n"
" // Select Ras for stage\n"
" uint ras = {};\n",
out.Write(" if (ras < 2u) {{ // Lighting Channel 0 or 1\n"
" int4 color = iround(((ras == 0u) ? colors_0 : colors_1) * 255.0);\n"
" uint swap = {};\n",
out.Write(" return Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
out.Write(" }} else if (ras == 5u) {{ // Alpha Bumb\n"
" return int4(s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump);\n"
" }} else if (ras == 6u) {{ // Normalzied Alpha Bump\n"
" int normalized = s.AlphaBump | s.AlphaBump >> 5;\n"
" return int4(normalized, normalized, normalized, normalized);\n"
" }} else {{\n"
" return int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
" }}\n"
"int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss) {{\n"
" // Select Konst for stage\n"
" // TODO: a switch case might be better here than an dynamically"
" // indexed uniform lookup\n"
" uint tevksel = bpmem_tevksel(ss.stage>>1);\n"
" if ((ss.stage & 1u) == 0u)\n"
" return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
out.Write(" else\n"
" return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
return out;
void EnumeratePixelShaderUids(const std::function<void(const PixelShaderUid&)>& callback)
PixelShaderUid uid;
for (u32 texgens = 0; texgens <= 8; texgens++)
pixel_ubershader_uid_data* const puid = uid.GetUidData();
puid->num_texgens = texgens;
for (u32 early_depth = 0; early_depth < 2; early_depth++)
puid->early_depth = early_depth != 0;
for (u32 per_pixel_depth = 0; per_pixel_depth < 2; per_pixel_depth++)
// Don't generate shaders where we have early depth tests enabled, and write gl_FragDepth.
if (early_depth && per_pixel_depth)
puid->per_pixel_depth = per_pixel_depth != 0;
for (u32 uint_output = 0; uint_output < 2; uint_output++)
puid->uint_output = uint_output;
} // namespace UberShader