j4ck.fr0st 93bb45aaf2 Another scons fix/hack for OSX.
wx-config keeps returning -arch i386, breaking 64-bit builds. 
Thats the only place where a tuple occurs, filtering out non-strings should be fine for now until we find a better way to do this.
This commit only affects Mac OSX.
utils.py is reverted on purpose. if anything like this happens again, it will most likely fail and indicate more work.
Thanks to tmator and knatsch who tested the patch on r4843

git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4851 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
2010-01-16 12:22:53 +00:00

159 lines
4.5 KiB

import os
import platform
# methods that should be added to env
def filterWarnings(self, flags):
return ' '.join(
for flag in flags
if not flag.startswith('-W')
# taken from scons wiki
def CheckPKGConfig(context, version):
context.Message( 'Checking for pkg-config version > %s... ' % version)
ret = context.TryAction('pkg-config --atleast-pkgconfig-version=%s' % version)[0]
context.Result( ret )
return ret
def CheckFramework(context, name):
ret = 0
if (platform.system().lower() == 'darwin'):
context.Message( '\nLooking for framework %s... ' % name )
lastFRAMEWORKS = context.env['FRAMEWORKS']
context.env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = [name])
ret = context.TryLink("""
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;
""", '.c')
if not ret:
context.env.Replace(FRAMEWORKS = lastFRAMEWORKS
return ret
def CheckFink(context):
context.Message( 'Looking for fink... ')
prog = context.env.WhereIs('fink')
if prog:
ret = 1
prefix = prog.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0]
context.env.Append(LIBPATH = [prefix + os.sep +'lib'],
CPPPATH = [prefix + os.sep +'include'])
context.Message( 'Adding fink lib and include path')
ret = 0
return int(ret)
def CheckMacports(context):
context.Message( 'Looking for macports... ')
prog = context.env.WhereIs('port')
if prog:
ret = 1
prefix = prog.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0]
context.env.Append(LIBPATH = [prefix + os.sep + 'lib'],
CPPPATH = [prefix + os.sep + 'include'])
context.Message( 'Adding port lib and include path')
ret = 0
return int(ret)
# TODO: We should use the scons one instead
def CheckLib(context, name):
context.Message( 'Looking for lib %s... ' % name )
lastLIBS = context.env['LIBS']
context.env.Append(LIBS = [name])
ret = context.TryLink("""
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;
if not ret:
context.env.Replace(LIBS = lastLIBS)
return ret
def ConfigPKG(context, name):
context.Message( '\nUsing pkg-config for %s... ' % name )
ret = context.TryAction('pkg-config --exists \'%s\'' % name)[0]
context.Result( ret )
if ret:
context.env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs \'%s\'' % name)
return int(ret)
def CheckPKG(context, name):
context.Message( 'Checking for %s... ' % name )
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
return 0
ret = 1
if not CheckFramework(context, name):
if not ConfigPKG(context, name.lower()):
ret = CheckLib(context, name)
return int(ret)
def CheckSDL(context, version):
context.Message( 'Checking for sdl lib version > %s... ' % version)
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
return 1
sdl_config = context.env.WhereIs('sdl-config')
if sdl_config == None:
ret = 0
found_ver = os.popen('sdl-config --version').read().strip()
required = [int(n) for n in version.split(".")]
found = [int(n) for n in found_ver.split(".")]
ret = (found >= required)
if ret:
context.env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
return int(ret)
def CheckPortaudio(context, version):
found = 0
if CheckPKG(context, 'portaudio'):
context.Message( 'Checking for lib portaudio version > %s... ' % version)
found = context.TryRun("""
#include <portaudio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("%d", Pa_GetVersion());
return 0;
""", '.c')[1]
if found:
ret = (version <= found)
ret = 0
return int(ret)
def GenerateRevFile(flavour, template, output):
svnrev = os.popen('svnversion .').read().strip().split(':')[0]
svnrev = ""
revstr = svnrev + "-" + flavour
tmpstr = open(template, "r").read().replace("$WCMODS?$WCREV$M:$WCREV$$",revstr)
outfile = open(output, 'w')
outfile.write(tmpstr +"\n")
return revstr