mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 11:16:23 +01:00

A deep-copy method CopyReader has been added to BlobReader (virtual) and all of its subclasses (override). This should create a second BlobReader to open the same set of data but with an independent read pointer so that it doesn't interfere with any reads done on the original Reader. As part of this, IOFile has added code to create a deep copy IOFile pointer onto the same file, with code based on the platform in question to find the file ID from the file pointer and open a new one. There has also been a small piece added to FileInfo to enable a deep copy, but its only subclass at this time already had a copy constructor so this was relatively minor.
2081 lines
77 KiB
2081 lines
77 KiB
// Copyright 2018 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "DiscIO/WIABlob.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <zstd.h>
#include "Common/Align.h"
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Crypto/SHA1.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/IOFile.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"
#include "Common/ScopeGuard.h"
#include "Common/Swap.h"
#include "DiscIO/Blob.h"
#include "DiscIO/DiscUtils.h"
#include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h"
#include "DiscIO/LaggedFibonacciGenerator.h"
#include "DiscIO/MultithreadedCompressor.h"
#include "DiscIO/Volume.h"
#include "DiscIO/VolumeWii.h"
#include "DiscIO/WIACompression.h"
#include "DiscIO/WiiEncryptionCache.h"
namespace DiscIO
static void PushBack(std::vector<u8>* vector, const u8* begin, const u8* end)
const size_t offset_in_vector = vector->size();
vector->resize(offset_in_vector + (end - begin));
std::copy(begin, end, vector->data() + offset_in_vector);
template <typename T>
static void PushBack(std::vector<u8>* vector, const T& x)
const u8* x_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&x);
PushBack(vector, x_ptr, x_ptr + sizeof(T));
std::pair<int, int> GetAllowedCompressionLevels(WIARVZCompressionType compression_type, bool gui)
switch (compression_type)
case WIARVZCompressionType::Bzip2:
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA:
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2:
return {1, 9};
case WIARVZCompressionType::Zstd:
// The actual minimum level can be gotten by calling ZSTD_minCLevel(). However, returning that
// would make the UI rather weird, because it is a negative number with very large magnitude.
// Note: Level 0 is a special number which means "default level" (level 3 as of this writing).
if (gui)
return {1, ZSTD_maxCLevel()};
return {ZSTD_minCLevel(), ZSTD_maxCLevel()};
return {0, -1};
template <bool RVZ>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::WIARVZFileReader(File::IOFile file, const std::string& path)
: m_file(std::move(file)), m_path(path), m_encryption_cache(this)
m_valid = Initialize(path);
template <bool RVZ>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::~WIARVZFileReader() = default;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Initialize(const std::string& path)
if (!m_file.Seek(0, File::SeekOrigin::Begin) || !m_file.ReadArray(&m_header_1, 1))
return false;
if ((!RVZ && m_header_1.magic != WIA_MAGIC) || (RVZ && m_header_1.magic != RVZ_MAGIC))
return false;
const u32 version = RVZ ? RVZ_VERSION : WIA_VERSION;
const u32 version_read_compatible =
const u32 file_version = Common::swap32(m_header_1.version);
const u32 file_version_compatible = Common::swap32(m_header_1.version_compatible);
if (version < file_version_compatible || version_read_compatible > file_version)
ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Unsupported version {} in {}", VersionToString(file_version), path);
return false;
const auto header_1_actual_hash = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(
reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&m_header_1), sizeof(m_header_1) - Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN);
if (m_header_1.header_1_hash != header_1_actual_hash)
return false;
if (Common::swap64(m_header_1.wia_file_size) != m_file.GetSize())
ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "File size is incorrect for {}", path);
return false;
const u32 header_2_size = Common::swap32(m_header_1.header_2_size);
const u32 header_2_min_size = sizeof(WIAHeader2) - sizeof(WIAHeader2::compressor_data);
if (header_2_size < header_2_min_size)
return false;
std::vector<u8> header_2(header_2_size);
if (!m_file.ReadBytes(header_2.data(), header_2.size()))
return false;
const auto header_2_actual_hash = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(header_2);
if (m_header_1.header_2_hash != header_2_actual_hash)
return false;
std::memcpy(&m_header_2, header_2.data(), std::min(header_2.size(), sizeof(WIAHeader2)));
if (m_header_2.compressor_data_size > sizeof(WIAHeader2::compressor_data) ||
header_2_size < header_2_min_size + m_header_2.compressor_data_size)
return false;
const u32 chunk_size = Common::swap32(m_header_2.chunk_size);
const auto is_power_of_two = [](u32 x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; };
if ((!RVZ || chunk_size < VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE || !is_power_of_two(chunk_size)) &&
chunk_size % VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE != 0)
return false;
const u32 compression_type = Common::swap32(m_header_2.compression_type);
m_compression_type = static_cast<WIARVZCompressionType>(compression_type);
if (m_compression_type > (RVZ ? WIARVZCompressionType::Zstd : WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2) ||
(RVZ && m_compression_type == WIARVZCompressionType::Purge))
ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Unsupported compression type {} in {}", compression_type, path);
return false;
const size_t number_of_partition_entries = Common::swap32(m_header_2.number_of_partition_entries);
const size_t partition_entry_size = Common::swap32(m_header_2.partition_entry_size);
std::vector<u8> partition_entries(partition_entry_size * number_of_partition_entries);
if (!m_file.Seek(Common::swap64(m_header_2.partition_entries_offset), File::SeekOrigin::Begin))
return false;
if (!m_file.ReadBytes(partition_entries.data(), partition_entries.size()))
return false;
const auto partition_entries_actual_hash = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(partition_entries);
if (m_header_2.partition_entries_hash != partition_entries_actual_hash)
return false;
const size_t copy_length = std::min(partition_entry_size, sizeof(PartitionEntry));
const size_t memset_length = sizeof(PartitionEntry) - copy_length;
u8* ptr = partition_entries.data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_partition_entries; ++i, ptr += partition_entry_size)
std::memcpy(&m_partition_entries[i], ptr, copy_length);
std::memset(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&m_partition_entries[i]) + copy_length, 0, memset_length);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_partition_entries.size(); ++i)
const std::array<PartitionDataEntry, 2>& entries = m_partition_entries[i].data_entries;
size_t non_empty_entries = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j)
const u32 number_of_sectors = Common::swap32(entries[j].number_of_sectors);
if (number_of_sectors != 0)
const u32 last_sector = Common::swap32(entries[j].first_sector) + number_of_sectors;
m_data_entries.emplace(last_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE, DataEntry(i, j));
if (non_empty_entries > 1)
if (Common::swap32(entries[0].first_sector) > Common::swap32(entries[1].first_sector))
return false;
const u32 number_of_raw_data_entries = Common::swap32(m_header_2.number_of_raw_data_entries);
Chunk& raw_data_entries =
number_of_raw_data_entries * sizeof(RawDataEntry), m_compression_type);
if (!raw_data_entries.ReadAll(&m_raw_data_entries))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_raw_data_entries.size(); ++i)
const RawDataEntry& entry = m_raw_data_entries[i];
const u64 data_size = Common::swap64(entry.data_size);
if (data_size != 0)
m_data_entries.emplace(Common::swap64(entry.data_offset) + data_size, DataEntry(i));
const u32 number_of_group_entries = Common::swap32(m_header_2.number_of_group_entries);
Chunk& group_entries =
number_of_group_entries * sizeof(GroupEntry), m_compression_type);
if (!group_entries.ReadAll(&m_group_entries))
return false;
if (HasDataOverlap())
return false;
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::HasDataOverlap() const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_partition_entries.size(); ++i)
const std::array<PartitionDataEntry, 2>& entries = m_partition_entries[i].data_entries;
for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j)
if (Common::swap32(entries[j].number_of_sectors) == 0)
const u64 data_offset = Common::swap32(entries[j].first_sector) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const auto it = m_data_entries.upper_bound(data_offset);
if (it == m_data_entries.end())
return true; // Not an overlap, but an error nonetheless
if (!it->second.is_partition || it->second.index != i || it->second.partition_data_index != j)
return true; // Overlap
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_raw_data_entries.size(); ++i)
if (Common::swap64(m_raw_data_entries[i].data_size) == 0)
const u64 data_offset = Common::swap64(m_raw_data_entries[i].data_offset);
const auto it = m_data_entries.upper_bound(data_offset);
if (it == m_data_entries.end())
return true; // Not an overlap, but an error nonetheless
if (it->second.is_partition || it->second.index != i)
return true; // Overlap
return false;
template <bool RVZ>
std::unique_ptr<WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>> WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Create(File::IOFile file,
const std::string& path)
std::unique_ptr<WIARVZFileReader> blob(new WIARVZFileReader(std::move(file), path));
return blob->m_valid ? std::move(blob) : nullptr;
template <bool RVZ>
BlobType WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::GetBlobType() const
return RVZ ? BlobType::RVZ : BlobType::WIA;
template <bool RVZ>
std::unique_ptr<BlobReader> WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::CopyReader() const
return Create(m_file.Duplicate("rb"), m_path);
template <bool RVZ>
std::string WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::GetCompressionMethod() const
switch (m_compression_type)
case WIARVZCompressionType::Purge:
return "Purge";
case WIARVZCompressionType::Bzip2:
return "bzip2";
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA:
return "LZMA";
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2:
return "LZMA2";
case WIARVZCompressionType::Zstd:
return "Zstandard";
return {};
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Read(u64 offset, u64 size, u8* out_ptr)
if (offset + size > Common::swap64(m_header_1.iso_file_size))
return false;
if (offset < sizeof(WIAHeader2::disc_header))
const u64 bytes_to_read = std::min(sizeof(WIAHeader2::disc_header) - offset, size);
std::memcpy(out_ptr, m_header_2.disc_header.data() + offset, bytes_to_read);
offset += bytes_to_read;
size -= bytes_to_read;
out_ptr += bytes_to_read;
const u32 chunk_size = Common::swap32(m_header_2.chunk_size);
while (size > 0)
const auto it = m_data_entries.upper_bound(offset);
if (it == m_data_entries.end())
return false;
const DataEntry& data = it->second;
if (data.is_partition)
const PartitionEntry& partition = m_partition_entries[it->second.index];
const u32 partition_first_sector = Common::swap32(partition.data_entries[0].first_sector);
const u64 partition_data_offset = partition_first_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u32 second_number_of_sectors =
const u32 partition_total_sectors =
second_number_of_sectors ? Common::swap32(partition.data_entries[1].first_sector) -
partition_first_sector + second_number_of_sectors :
for (const PartitionDataEntry& partition_data : partition.data_entries)
if (size == 0)
return true;
const u32 first_sector = Common::swap32(partition_data.first_sector);
const u32 number_of_sectors = Common::swap32(partition_data.number_of_sectors);
const u64 data_offset = first_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u64 data_size = number_of_sectors * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
if (data_size == 0)
if (data_offset + data_size <= offset)
if (offset < data_offset)
return false;
const u64 bytes_to_read = std::min(data_size - (offset - data_offset), size);
m_write_to_exception_list = true;
m_exception_list_last_group_index = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max();
Common::ScopeGuard guard([this] { m_write_to_exception_list = false; });
bool hash_exception_error = false;
if (!m_encryption_cache.EncryptGroups(
offset - partition_data_offset, bytes_to_read, out_ptr, partition_data_offset,
partition_total_sectors * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, partition.partition_key,
[this, &hash_exception_error](
VolumeWii::HashBlock hash_blocks[VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP], u64 offset_) {
// EncryptGroups calls ReadWiiDecrypted, which calls ReadFromGroups,
// which populates m_exception_list when m_write_to_exception_list == true
if (!ApplyHashExceptions(m_exception_list, hash_blocks))
hash_exception_error = true;
return false;
if (hash_exception_error)
return false;
offset += bytes_to_read;
size -= bytes_to_read;
out_ptr += bytes_to_read;
const RawDataEntry& raw_data = m_raw_data_entries[data.index];
if (!ReadFromGroups(&offset, &size, &out_ptr, chunk_size, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE,
Common::swap64(raw_data.data_offset), Common::swap64(raw_data.data_size),
Common::swap32(raw_data.number_of_groups), 0))
return false;
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
const typename WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::PartitionEntry*
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::GetPartition(u64 partition_data_offset, u32* partition_first_sector) const
const auto it = m_data_entries.upper_bound(partition_data_offset);
if (it == m_data_entries.end() || !it->second.is_partition)
return nullptr;
const PartitionEntry* partition = &m_partition_entries[it->second.index];
*partition_first_sector = Common::swap32(partition->data_entries[0].first_sector);
if (partition_data_offset != *partition_first_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE)
return nullptr;
return partition;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::SupportsReadWiiDecrypted(u64 offset, u64 size,
u64 partition_data_offset) const
u32 partition_first_sector;
const PartitionEntry* partition = GetPartition(partition_data_offset, &partition_first_sector);
if (!partition)
return false;
for (const PartitionDataEntry& data : partition->data_entries)
const u32 start_sector = Common::swap32(data.first_sector) - partition_first_sector;
const u32 end_sector = start_sector + Common::swap32(data.number_of_sectors);
if (offset + size <= end_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE)
return true;
return false;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::ReadWiiDecrypted(u64 offset, u64 size, u8* out_ptr,
u64 partition_data_offset)
u32 partition_first_sector;
const PartitionEntry* partition = GetPartition(partition_data_offset, &partition_first_sector);
if (!partition)
return false;
const u64 chunk_size = Common::swap32(m_header_2.chunk_size) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE /
for (const PartitionDataEntry& data : partition->data_entries)
if (size == 0)
return true;
const u64 data_offset =
(Common::swap32(data.first_sector) - partition_first_sector) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
const u64 data_size = Common::swap32(data.number_of_sectors) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
if (!ReadFromGroups(
&offset, &size, &out_ptr, chunk_size, VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, data_offset,
data_size, Common::swap32(data.group_index), Common::swap32(data.number_of_groups),
std::max<u32>(1, static_cast<u32>(chunk_size / VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE))))
return false;
return size == 0;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::ReadFromGroups(u64* offset, u64* size, u8** out_ptr, u64 chunk_size,
u32 sector_size, u64 data_offset, u64 data_size,
u32 group_index, u32 number_of_groups,
u32 exception_lists)
if (data_offset + data_size <= *offset)
return true;
if (*offset < data_offset)
return false;
const u64 skipped_data = data_offset % sector_size;
data_offset -= skipped_data;
data_size += skipped_data;
const u64 start_group_index = (*offset - data_offset) / chunk_size;
for (u64 i = start_group_index; i < number_of_groups && (*size) > 0; ++i)
const u64 total_group_index = group_index + i;
if (total_group_index >= m_group_entries.size())
return false;
const GroupEntry group = m_group_entries[total_group_index];
const u64 group_offset_in_data = i * chunk_size;
const u64 offset_in_group = *offset - group_offset_in_data - data_offset;
chunk_size = std::min(chunk_size, data_size - group_offset_in_data);
const u64 bytes_to_read = std::min(chunk_size - offset_in_group, *size);
u32 group_data_size = Common::swap32(group.data_size);
WIARVZCompressionType compression_type = m_compression_type;
u32 rvz_packed_size = 0;
if constexpr (RVZ)
if ((group_data_size & 0x80000000) == 0)
compression_type = WIARVZCompressionType::None;
group_data_size &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
rvz_packed_size = Common::swap32(group.rvz_packed_size);
if (group_data_size == 0)
std::memset(*out_ptr, 0, bytes_to_read);
const u64 group_offset_in_file = static_cast<u64>(Common::swap32(group.data_offset)) << 2;
Chunk& chunk =
ReadCompressedData(group_offset_in_file, group_data_size, chunk_size, compression_type,
exception_lists, rvz_packed_size, group_offset_in_data);
if (!chunk.Read(offset_in_group, bytes_to_read, *out_ptr))
m_cached_chunk_offset = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max(); // Invalidate the cache
return false;
if (m_write_to_exception_list && m_exception_list_last_group_index != total_group_index)
const u64 exception_list_index = offset_in_group / VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE;
const u16 additional_offset =
static_cast<u16>(group_offset_in_data % VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE /
chunk.GetHashExceptions(&m_exception_list, exception_list_index, additional_offset);
m_exception_list_last_group_index = total_group_index;
*offset += bytes_to_read;
*size -= bytes_to_read;
*out_ptr += bytes_to_read;
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
typename WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk&
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::ReadCompressedData(u64 offset_in_file, u64 compressed_size,
u64 decompressed_size,
WIARVZCompressionType compression_type,
u32 exception_lists, u32 rvz_packed_size, u64 data_offset)
if (offset_in_file == m_cached_chunk_offset)
return m_cached_chunk;
std::unique_ptr<Decompressor> decompressor;
switch (compression_type)
case WIARVZCompressionType::None:
decompressor = std::make_unique<NoneDecompressor>();
case WIARVZCompressionType::Purge:
decompressor = std::make_unique<PurgeDecompressor>(rvz_packed_size == 0 ? decompressed_size :
case WIARVZCompressionType::Bzip2:
decompressor = std::make_unique<Bzip2Decompressor>();
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA:
decompressor = std::make_unique<LZMADecompressor>(false, m_header_2.compressor_data,
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2:
decompressor = std::make_unique<LZMADecompressor>(true, m_header_2.compressor_data,
case WIARVZCompressionType::Zstd:
decompressor = std::make_unique<ZstdDecompressor>();
const bool compressed_exception_lists = compression_type > WIARVZCompressionType::Purge;
m_cached_chunk =
Chunk(&m_file, offset_in_file, compressed_size, decompressed_size, exception_lists,
compressed_exception_lists, rvz_packed_size, data_offset, std::move(decompressor));
m_cached_chunk_offset = offset_in_file;
return m_cached_chunk;
template <bool RVZ>
std::string WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::VersionToString(u32 version)
const u8 a = version >> 24;
const u8 b = (version >> 16) & 0xff;
const u8 c = (version >> 8) & 0xff;
const u8 d = version & 0xff;
if (d == 0 || d == 0xff)
return fmt::format("{}.{:02x}.{:02x}", a, b, c);
return fmt::format("{}.{:02x}.{:02x}.beta{}", a, b, c, d);
template <bool RVZ>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::Chunk() = default;
template <bool RVZ>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::Chunk(File::IOFile* file, u64 offset_in_file, u64 compressed_size,
u64 decompressed_size, u32 exception_lists,
bool compressed_exception_lists, u32 rvz_packed_size,
u64 data_offset, std::unique_ptr<Decompressor> decompressor)
: m_decompressor(std::move(decompressor)), m_file(file), m_offset_in_file(offset_in_file),
m_exception_lists(exception_lists), m_compressed_exception_lists(compressed_exception_lists),
m_rvz_packed_size(rvz_packed_size), m_data_offset(data_offset)
constexpr size_t MAX_SIZE_PER_EXCEPTION_LIST =
Common::AlignUp(VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE, Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN) /
Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN * VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP * sizeof(HashExceptionEntry) +
m_out_bytes_allocated_for_exceptions =
m_compressed_exception_lists ? MAX_SIZE_PER_EXCEPTION_LIST * m_exception_lists : 0;
m_out.data.resize(decompressed_size + m_out_bytes_allocated_for_exceptions);
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::Read(u64 offset, u64 size, u8* out_ptr)
if (!m_decompressor || !m_file ||
offset + size > m_out.data.size() - m_out_bytes_allocated_for_exceptions)
return false;
while (offset + size > GetOutBytesWrittenExcludingExceptions())
u64 bytes_to_read;
if (offset + size == m_out.data.size())
// Read all the remaining data.
bytes_to_read = m_in.data.size() - m_in.bytes_written;
// Pick a suitable amount of compressed data to read. We have to ensure that bytes_to_read
// is larger than 0 and smaller than or equal to the number of bytes available to read,
// but the rest is a bit arbitrary and could be changed.
// The compressed data is probably not much bigger than the decompressed data.
// Add a few bytes for possible compression overhead and for any hash exceptions.
bytes_to_read = offset + size - GetOutBytesWrittenExcludingExceptions() + 0x100;
// Align the access in an attempt to gain speed. But we don't actually know the
// block size of the underlying storage device, so we just use the Wii block size.
bytes_to_read =
Common::AlignUp(bytes_to_read + m_offset_in_file, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE) -
// Ensure we don't read too much.
bytes_to_read = std::min<u64>(m_in.data.size() - m_in.bytes_written, bytes_to_read);
if (bytes_to_read == 0)
// Compressed size is larger than expected or decompressed size is smaller than expected
return false;
if (!m_file->Seek(m_offset_in_file, File::SeekOrigin::Begin))
return false;
if (!m_file->ReadBytes(m_in.data.data() + m_in.bytes_written, bytes_to_read))
return false;
m_offset_in_file += bytes_to_read;
m_in.bytes_written += bytes_to_read;
if (m_exception_lists > 0 && !m_compressed_exception_lists)
if (!HandleExceptions(m_in.data.data(), m_in.data.size(), m_in.bytes_written,
&m_in_bytes_used_for_exceptions, true))
return false;
m_in_bytes_read = m_in_bytes_used_for_exceptions;
if (m_exception_lists == 0 || m_compressed_exception_lists)
if (!Decompress())
return false;
if (m_exception_lists > 0 && m_compressed_exception_lists)
if (!HandleExceptions(m_out.data.data(), m_out_bytes_allocated_for_exceptions,
m_out.bytes_written, &m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions, false))
return false;
if (m_rvz_packed_size != 0 && m_exception_lists == 0)
if (!Decompress())
return false;
if (m_exception_lists == 0)
const size_t expected_out_bytes = m_out.data.size() - m_out_bytes_allocated_for_exceptions +
if (m_out.bytes_written > expected_out_bytes)
return false; // Decompressed size is larger than expected
// The reason why we need the m_in.bytes_written == m_in.data.size() check as part of
// this conditional is because (for example) zstd can finish writing all data to m_out
// before becoming done if we've given it all input data except the checksum at the end.
if (m_out.bytes_written == expected_out_bytes && !m_decompressor->Done() &&
m_in.bytes_written == m_in.data.size())
return false; // Decompressed size is larger than expected
if (m_decompressor->Done() && m_in_bytes_read != m_in.data.size())
return false; // Compressed size is smaller than expected
std::memcpy(out_ptr, m_out.data.data() + offset + m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions, size);
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::Decompress()
if (m_rvz_packed_size != 0 && m_exception_lists == 0)
const size_t bytes_to_move = m_out.bytes_written - m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions;
DecompressionBuffer in{std::vector<u8>(bytes_to_move), bytes_to_move};
std::memcpy(in.data.data(), m_out.data.data() + m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions, bytes_to_move);
m_out.bytes_written = m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions;
m_decompressor = std::make_unique<RVZPackDecompressor>(std::move(m_decompressor), std::move(in),
m_data_offset, m_rvz_packed_size);
m_rvz_packed_size = 0;
return m_decompressor->Decompress(m_in, &m_out, &m_in_bytes_read);
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::HandleExceptions(const u8* data, size_t bytes_allocated,
size_t bytes_written, size_t* bytes_used,
bool align)
while (m_exception_lists > 0)
if (sizeof(u16) + *bytes_used > bytes_allocated)
ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "More hash exceptions than expected");
return false;
if (sizeof(u16) + *bytes_used > bytes_written)
return true;
const u16 exceptions = Common::swap16(data + *bytes_used);
size_t exception_list_size = exceptions * sizeof(HashExceptionEntry) + sizeof(u16);
if (align && m_exception_lists == 1)
exception_list_size = Common::AlignUp(*bytes_used + exception_list_size, 4) - *bytes_used;
if (exception_list_size + *bytes_used > bytes_allocated)
ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "More hash exceptions than expected");
return false;
if (exception_list_size + *bytes_used > bytes_written)
return true;
*bytes_used += exception_list_size;
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
void WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::GetHashExceptions(
std::vector<HashExceptionEntry>* exception_list, u64 exception_list_index,
u16 additional_offset) const
ASSERT(m_exception_lists == 0);
const u8* data_start = m_compressed_exception_lists ? m_out.data.data() : m_in.data.data();
const u8* data = data_start;
for (u64 i = exception_list_index; i > 0; --i)
data += Common::swap16(data) * sizeof(HashExceptionEntry) + sizeof(u16);
const u16 exceptions = Common::swap16(data);
data += sizeof(u16);
for (size_t i = 0; i < exceptions; ++i)
std::memcpy(&exception_list->emplace_back(), data, sizeof(HashExceptionEntry));
data += sizeof(HashExceptionEntry);
u16& offset = exception_list->back().offset;
offset = Common::swap16(Common::swap16(offset) + additional_offset);
ASSERT(data <= data_start + (m_compressed_exception_lists ? m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions :
template <bool RVZ>
size_t WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Chunk::GetOutBytesWrittenExcludingExceptions() const
return m_exception_lists == 0 ? m_out.bytes_written - m_out_bytes_used_for_exceptions : 0;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::ApplyHashExceptions(
const std::vector<HashExceptionEntry>& exception_list,
VolumeWii::HashBlock hash_blocks[VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP])
for (const HashExceptionEntry& exception : exception_list)
const u16 offset = Common::swap16(exception.offset);
const size_t block_index = offset / VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;
if (block_index > VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP)
return false;
const size_t offset_in_block = offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;
if (offset_in_block + Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN > VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE)
return false;
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&hash_blocks[block_index]) + offset_in_block, &exception.hash,
return true;
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::PadTo4(File::IOFile* file, u64* bytes_written)
constexpr u32 ZEROES = 0;
const u64 bytes_to_write = Common::AlignUp(*bytes_written, 4) - *bytes_written;
if (bytes_to_write == 0)
return true;
*bytes_written += bytes_to_write;
return file->WriteBytes(&ZEROES, bytes_to_write);
template <bool RVZ>
void WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::AddRawDataEntry(u64 offset, u64 size, int chunk_size, u32* total_groups,
std::vector<RawDataEntry>* raw_data_entries,
std::vector<DataEntry>* data_entries)
constexpr size_t SKIP_SIZE = sizeof(WIAHeader2::disc_header);
const u64 skip = offset < SKIP_SIZE ? std::min(SKIP_SIZE - offset, size) : 0;
offset += skip;
size -= skip;
if (size == 0)
const u32 group_index = *total_groups;
const u32 groups = static_cast<u32>(Common::AlignUp(size, chunk_size) / chunk_size);
*total_groups += groups;
raw_data_entries->emplace_back(RawDataEntry{Common::swap64(offset), Common::swap64(size),
Common::swap32(group_index), Common::swap32(groups)});
template <bool RVZ>
typename WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::PartitionDataEntry WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::CreatePartitionDataEntry(
u64 offset, u64 size, u32 index, int chunk_size, u32* total_groups,
const std::vector<PartitionEntry>& partition_entries, std::vector<DataEntry>* data_entries)
const u32 group_index = *total_groups;
const u64 rounded_size = Common::AlignDown(size, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE);
const u32 groups = static_cast<u32>(Common::AlignUp(rounded_size, chunk_size) / chunk_size);
*total_groups += groups;
data_entries->emplace_back(partition_entries.size(), index);
return PartitionDataEntry{Common::swap32(offset / VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE),
Common::swap32(size / VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE),
Common::swap32(group_index), Common::swap32(groups)};
template <bool RVZ>
ConversionResultCode WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::SetUpDataEntriesForWriting(
const VolumeDisc* volume, int chunk_size, u64 iso_size, u32* total_groups,
std::vector<PartitionEntry>* partition_entries, std::vector<RawDataEntry>* raw_data_entries,
std::vector<DataEntry>* data_entries, std::vector<const FileSystem*>* partition_file_systems)
std::vector<Partition> partitions;
if (volume && volume->HasWiiHashes() && volume->HasWiiEncryption())
partitions = volume->GetPartitions();
std::sort(partitions.begin(), partitions.end(),
[](const Partition& a, const Partition& b) { return a.offset < b.offset; });
*total_groups = 0;
u64 last_partition_end_offset = 0;
const auto add_raw_data_entry = [&](u64 offset, u64 size) {
return AddRawDataEntry(offset, size, chunk_size, total_groups, raw_data_entries, data_entries);
const auto create_partition_data_entry = [&](u64 offset, u64 size, u32 index) {
return CreatePartitionDataEntry(offset, size, index, chunk_size, total_groups,
*partition_entries, data_entries);
for (const Partition& partition : partitions)
// If a partition is odd in some way that prevents us from encoding it as a partition,
// we encode it as raw data instead by skipping the current loop iteration.
// Partitions can always be encoded as raw data, but it is less space efficient.
if (partition.offset < last_partition_end_offset)
WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Overlapping partitions at {:x}", partition.offset);
if (volume->ReadSwapped<u32>(partition.offset, PARTITION_NONE) != 0x10001U)
// This looks more like garbage data than an actual partition.
// The values of data_offset and data_size will very likely also be garbage.
// Some WBFS writing programs scrub the SSBB Masterpiece partitions without
// removing them from the partition table, causing this problem.
WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Invalid partition at {:x}", partition.offset);
std::optional<u64> data_offset =
volume->ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2b8, PARTITION_NONE);
std::optional<u64> data_size =
volume->ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2bc, PARTITION_NONE);
if (!data_offset || !data_size)
return ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed;
const u64 data_start = partition.offset + *data_offset;
const u64 data_end = data_start + *data_size;
if (data_start % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE != 0)
WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Misaligned partition at {:x}", partition.offset);
if (*data_size < VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE)
WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Very small partition at {:x}", partition.offset);
if (data_end > iso_size)
WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Too large partition at {:x}", partition.offset);
*data_size = iso_size - *data_offset - partition.offset;
const std::optional<u64> fst_offset = GetFSTOffset(*volume, partition);
const std::optional<u64> fst_size = GetFSTSize(*volume, partition);
if (!fst_offset || !fst_size)
return ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed;
const IOS::ES::TicketReader& ticket = volume->GetTicket(partition);
if (!ticket.IsValid())
return ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed;
add_raw_data_entry(last_partition_end_offset, partition.offset - last_partition_end_offset);
add_raw_data_entry(partition.offset, *data_offset);
const u64 fst_end = volume->PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(*fst_offset + *fst_size, partition);
const u64 split_point = std::min(
data_end, Common::AlignUp(fst_end - data_start, VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE) + data_start);
PartitionEntry partition_entry;
partition_entry.partition_key = ticket.GetTitleKey();
partition_entry.data_entries[0] =
create_partition_data_entry(data_start, split_point - data_start, 0);
partition_entry.data_entries[1] =
create_partition_data_entry(split_point, data_end - split_point, 1);
// Note: We can't simply set last_partition_end_offset to data_end,
// because construct_partition_data_entry may have rounded it
last_partition_end_offset =
(Common::swap32(partition_entry.data_entries[1].first_sector) +
Common::swap32(partition_entry.data_entries[1].number_of_sectors)) *
add_raw_data_entry(last_partition_end_offset, iso_size - last_partition_end_offset);
return ConversionResultCode::Success;
template <bool RVZ>
std::optional<std::vector<u8>> WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Compress(Compressor* compressor,
const u8* data, size_t size)
if (compressor)
if (!compressor->Start(size) || !compressor->Compress(data, size) || !compressor->End())
return std::nullopt;
data = compressor->GetData();
size = compressor->GetSize();
return std::vector<u8>(data, data + size);
template <bool RVZ>
void WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::SetUpCompressor(std::unique_ptr<Compressor>* compressor,
WIARVZCompressionType compression_type,
int compression_level, WIAHeader2* header_2)
switch (compression_type)
case WIARVZCompressionType::None:
*compressor = nullptr;
case WIARVZCompressionType::Purge:
*compressor = std::make_unique<PurgeCompressor>();
case WIARVZCompressionType::Bzip2:
*compressor = std::make_unique<Bzip2Compressor>(compression_level);
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA:
case WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2:
u8* compressor_data = nullptr;
u8* compressor_data_size = nullptr;
if (header_2)
compressor_data = header_2->compressor_data;
compressor_data_size = &header_2->compressor_data_size;
const bool lzma2 = compression_type == WIARVZCompressionType::LZMA2;
*compressor = std::make_unique<LZMACompressor>(lzma2, compression_level, compressor_data,
case WIARVZCompressionType::Zstd:
*compressor = std::make_unique<ZstdCompressor>(compression_level);
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::TryReuse(std::map<ReuseID, GroupEntry>* reusable_groups,
std::mutex* reusable_groups_mutex,
OutputParametersEntry* entry)
if (entry->reused_group)
return true;
if (!entry->reuse_id)
return false;
std::lock_guard guard(*reusable_groups_mutex);
const auto it = reusable_groups->find(*entry->reuse_id);
if (it == reusable_groups->end())
return false;
entry->reused_group = it->second;
return true;
static bool AllAre(const std::vector<u8>& data, u8 x)
return std::all_of(data.begin(), data.end(), [x](u8 y) { return x == y; });
static bool AllAre(const u8* begin, const u8* end, u8 x)
return std::all_of(begin, end, [x](u8 y) { return x == y; });
static bool AllZero(const std::vector<u8>& data)
return AllAre(data, 0);
static bool AllSame(const std::vector<u8>& data)
return AllAre(data, data.front());
static bool AllSame(const u8* begin, const u8* end)
return AllAre(begin, end, *begin);
template <typename OutputParametersEntry>
static void RVZPack(const u8* in, OutputParametersEntry* out, u64 bytes_per_chunk, size_t chunks,
u64 total_size, u64 data_offset, bool multipart, bool allow_junk_reuse,
bool compression, const FileSystem* file_system)
using Seed = std::array<u32, LaggedFibonacciGenerator::SEED_SIZE>;
struct JunkInfo
size_t start_offset;
Seed seed;
constexpr size_t SEED_SIZE = LaggedFibonacciGenerator::SEED_SIZE * sizeof(u32);
// Maps end_offset -> (start_offset, seed)
std::map<size_t, JunkInfo> junk_info;
size_t position = 0;
while (position < total_size)
// Skip the 0 to 32 zero bytes that typically come after a file
size_t zeroes = 0;
while (position + zeroes < total_size && in[position + zeroes] == 0)
// If there are very many zero bytes (perhaps the PRNG junk data has been scrubbed?)
// and we aren't using compression, it makes sense to encode the zero bytes as junk.
// If we are using compression, the compressor will likely encode zeroes better than we can
if (!compression && zeroes > SEED_SIZE)
junk_info.emplace(position + zeroes, JunkInfo{position, {}});
position += zeroes;
data_offset += zeroes;
const size_t bytes_to_read =
std::min(Common::AlignUp(data_offset + 1, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE) - data_offset,
total_size - position);
const size_t data_offset_mod = static_cast<size_t>(data_offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE);
Seed seed;
const size_t bytes_reconstructed = LaggedFibonacciGenerator::GetSeed(
in + position, bytes_to_read, data_offset_mod, seed.data());
if (bytes_reconstructed > 0)
junk_info.emplace(position + bytes_reconstructed, JunkInfo{position, seed});
if (file_system)
const std::unique_ptr<DiscIO::FileInfo> file_info =
file_system->FindFileInfo(data_offset + bytes_reconstructed);
// If we're at a file and there's more space in this block after the file,
// continue after the file instead of skipping to the next block
if (file_info)
const u64 file_end_offset = file_info->GetOffset() + file_info->GetSize();
if (file_end_offset < data_offset + bytes_to_read)
position += file_end_offset - data_offset;
data_offset = file_end_offset;
position += bytes_to_read;
data_offset += bytes_to_read;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks; ++i)
OutputParametersEntry& entry = out[i];
if (entry.reused_group)
u64 current_offset = i * bytes_per_chunk;
const u64 end_offset = std::min(current_offset + bytes_per_chunk, total_size);
const bool store_junk_efficiently = allow_junk_reuse || !entry.reuse_id;
// TODO: It would be possible to support skipping RVZ packing even when the chunk size is larger
// than 2 MiB (multipart == true), but it would be more effort than it's worth since Dolphin's
// converter doesn't expose chunk sizes larger than 2 MiB to the user anyway
bool first_loop_iteration = !multipart;
while (current_offset < end_offset)
u64 next_junk_start = end_offset;
u64 next_junk_end = end_offset;
Seed* seed = nullptr;
if (store_junk_efficiently && end_offset - current_offset > SEED_SIZE)
const auto next_junk_it = junk_info.upper_bound(current_offset + SEED_SIZE);
if (next_junk_it != junk_info.end() &&
next_junk_it->second.start_offset + SEED_SIZE < end_offset)
next_junk_start = std::max<u64>(current_offset, next_junk_it->second.start_offset);
next_junk_end = std::min<u64>(end_offset, next_junk_it->first);
seed = &next_junk_it->second.seed;
if (first_loop_iteration)
if (next_junk_start == end_offset)
// Storing this chunk without RVZ packing would be inefficient, so store it without
PushBack(&entry.main_data, in + current_offset, in + end_offset);
first_loop_iteration = false;
const u64 non_junk_bytes = next_junk_start - current_offset;
if (non_junk_bytes > 0)
const u8* ptr = in + current_offset;
PushBack(&entry.main_data, Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(non_junk_bytes)));
PushBack(&entry.main_data, ptr, ptr + non_junk_bytes);
current_offset += non_junk_bytes;
entry.rvz_packed_size += sizeof(u32) + non_junk_bytes;
const u64 junk_bytes = next_junk_end - current_offset;
if (junk_bytes > 0)
PushBack(&entry.main_data, Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(junk_bytes) | 0x80000000));
PushBack(&entry.main_data, *seed);
current_offset += junk_bytes;
entry.rvz_packed_size += sizeof(u32) + SEED_SIZE;
template <typename OutputParametersEntry>
static void RVZPack(const u8* in, OutputParametersEntry* out, u64 size, u64 data_offset,
bool allow_junk_reuse, bool compression, const FileSystem* file_system)
RVZPack(in, out, size, 1, size, data_offset, false, allow_junk_reuse, compression, file_system);
template <bool RVZ>
ConversionResult<typename WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::OutputParameters>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::ProcessAndCompress(CompressThreadState* state, CompressParameters parameters,
const std::vector<PartitionEntry>& partition_entries,
const std::vector<DataEntry>& data_entries,
const FileSystem* file_system,
std::map<ReuseID, GroupEntry>* reusable_groups,
std::mutex* reusable_groups_mutex,
u64 chunks_per_wii_group, u64 exception_lists_per_chunk,
bool compressed_exception_lists, bool compression)
std::vector<OutputParametersEntry> output_entries;
if (!parameters.data_entry->is_partition)
OutputParametersEntry& entry = output_entries.emplace_back();
std::vector<u8>& data = parameters.data;
if (AllSame(data))
entry.reuse_id = ReuseID{WiiKey{}, data.size(), false, data.front()};
if constexpr (RVZ)
RVZPack(data.data(), output_entries.data(), data.size(), parameters.data_offset, true,
compression, file_system);
entry.main_data = std::move(data);
const PartitionEntry& partition_entry = partition_entries[parameters.data_entry->index];
auto aes_context = Common::AES::CreateContextDecrypt(partition_entry.partition_key.data());
const u64 groups = Common::AlignUp(parameters.data.size(), VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE) /
ASSERT(parameters.data.size() % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE == 0);
const u64 blocks = parameters.data.size() / VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u64 blocks_per_chunk = chunks_per_wii_group == 1 ?
exception_lists_per_chunk * VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP :
VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP / chunks_per_wii_group;
const u64 chunks = Common::AlignUp(blocks, blocks_per_chunk) / blocks_per_chunk;
const u64 in_data_per_chunk = blocks_per_chunk * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u64 out_data_per_chunk = blocks_per_chunk * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
const size_t first_chunk = output_entries.size();
const auto create_reuse_id = [&partition_entry, blocks,
blocks_per_chunk](u8 value, bool encrypted, u64 block) {
const u64 size = std::min(blocks - block, blocks_per_chunk) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
return ReuseID{partition_entry.partition_key, size, encrypted, value};
const u8* parameters_data_end = parameters.data.data() + parameters.data.size();
for (u64 i = 0; i < chunks; ++i)
const u64 block_index = i * blocks_per_chunk;
OutputParametersEntry& entry = output_entries.emplace_back();
std::optional<ReuseID>& reuse_id = entry.reuse_id;
// Set this chunk as reusable if the encrypted data is AllSame
const u8* data = parameters.data.data() + block_index * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
if (AllSame(data, std::min(parameters_data_end, data + in_data_per_chunk)))
reuse_id = create_reuse_id(parameters.data.front(), true, i * blocks_per_chunk);
TryReuse(reusable_groups, reusable_groups_mutex, &entry);
if (!entry.reused_group && reuse_id)
const auto it = std::find_if(output_entries.begin(), output_entries.begin() + i,
[reuse_id](const auto& e) { return e.reuse_id == reuse_id; });
if (it != output_entries.begin() + i)
entry.reused_group = it->reused_group;
if (!std::all_of(output_entries.begin(), output_entries.end(),
[](const OutputParametersEntry& entry) { return entry.reused_group; }))
const u64 number_of_exception_lists =
chunks_per_wii_group == 1 ? exception_lists_per_chunk : chunks;
std::vector<std::vector<HashExceptionEntry>> exception_lists(number_of_exception_lists);
for (u64 i = 0; i < groups; ++i)
const u64 offset_of_group = i * VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u64 write_offset_of_group = i * VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE;
const u64 blocks_in_this_group =
std::min<u64>(VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP, blocks - i * VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP);
for (u32 j = 0; j < VolumeWii::BLOCKS_PER_GROUP; ++j)
if (j < blocks_in_this_group)
const u64 offset_of_block = offset_of_group + j * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
VolumeWii::DecryptBlockData(parameters.data.data() + offset_of_block,
state->decryption_buffer[j].data(), aes_context.get());
VolumeWii::HashGroup(state->decryption_buffer.data(), state->hash_buffer.data());
for (u64 j = 0; j < blocks_in_this_group; ++j)
const u64 chunk_index = j / blocks_per_chunk;
const u64 block_index_in_chunk = j % blocks_per_chunk;
if (output_entries[chunk_index].reused_group)
const u64 exception_list_index = chunks_per_wii_group == 1 ? i : chunk_index;
const u64 offset_of_block = offset_of_group + j * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u64 hash_offset_of_block = block_index_in_chunk * VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;
VolumeWii::HashBlock hashes;
VolumeWii::DecryptBlockHashes(parameters.data.data() + offset_of_block, &hashes,
const auto compare_hash = [&](size_t offset_in_block) {
ASSERT(offset_in_block + Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN <= VolumeWii::BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);
const u8* desired_hash = reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&hashes) + offset_in_block;
const u8* computed_hash =
reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&state->hash_buffer[j]) + offset_in_block;
// We want to store a hash exception either if there is a hash mismatch, or if this
// chunk might get reused in a context where it is paired up (within a 2 MiB Wii group)
// with chunks that are different from the chunks it currently is paired up with, since
// that affects the recalculated hashes. Chunks which have been marked as reusable at
// this point normally have zero matching hashes anyway, so this shouldn't waste space.
if ((chunks_per_wii_group != 1 && output_entries[chunk_index].reuse_id) ||
!std::equal(desired_hash, desired_hash + Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN, computed_hash))
const u64 hash_offset = hash_offset_of_block + offset_in_block;
ASSERT(hash_offset <= std::numeric_limits<u16>::max());
HashExceptionEntry& exception = exception_lists[exception_list_index].emplace_back();
exception.offset = static_cast<u16>(Common::swap16(hash_offset));
std::memcpy(exception.hash.data(), desired_hash, Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN);
const auto compare_hashes = [&compare_hash](size_t offset, size_t size) {
for (size_t l = 0; l < size; l += Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN)
// The std::min is to ensure that we don't go beyond the end of HashBlock with
// padding_2, which is 32 bytes long (not divisible by SHA1::DIGEST_LEN, which is 20).
compare_hash(offset + std::min(l, size - Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN));
using HashBlock = VolumeWii::HashBlock;
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, h0), sizeof(HashBlock::h0));
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, padding_0), sizeof(HashBlock::padding_0));
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, h1), sizeof(HashBlock::h1));
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, padding_1), sizeof(HashBlock::padding_1));
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, h2), sizeof(HashBlock::h2));
compare_hashes(offsetof(HashBlock, padding_2), sizeof(HashBlock::padding_2));
typename decltype(CompressThreadState::decryption_buffer)::value_type>);
if constexpr (RVZ)
// We must not store junk efficiently for chunks that may get reused at a position
// which has a different value of data_offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE
const bool allow_junk_reuse = chunks_per_wii_group == 1;
const u64 bytes_per_chunk = std::min(out_data_per_chunk, VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE);
const u64 total_size = blocks_in_this_group * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
const u64 data_offset = parameters.data_offset + write_offset_of_group;
RVZPack(state->decryption_buffer[0].data(), output_entries.data() + first_chunk,
bytes_per_chunk, chunks, total_size, data_offset, groups > 1, allow_junk_reuse,
compression, file_system);
const u8* in_ptr = state->decryption_buffer[0].data();
for (u64 j = 0; j < chunks; ++j)
OutputParametersEntry& entry = output_entries[first_chunk + j];
if (!entry.reused_group)
const u64 bytes_left = (blocks - j * blocks_per_chunk) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
const u64 bytes_to_write_total = std::min(out_data_per_chunk, bytes_left);
if (i == 0)
const u64 bytes_to_write = std::min(bytes_to_write_total, VolumeWii::GROUP_DATA_SIZE);
std::memcpy(entry.main_data.data() + write_offset_of_group, in_ptr, bytes_to_write);
// Set this chunk as reusable if the decrypted data is AllSame.
// There is also a requirement that it lacks exceptions, but this is checked later
if (i == 0 && !entry.reuse_id)
if (AllSame(in_ptr, in_ptr + bytes_to_write))
entry.reuse_id = create_reuse_id(*in_ptr, false, j * blocks_per_chunk);
if (entry.reuse_id && !entry.reuse_id->encrypted &&
(!AllSame(in_ptr, in_ptr + bytes_to_write) || entry.reuse_id->value != *in_ptr))
in_ptr += out_data_per_chunk;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exception_lists.size(); ++i)
OutputParametersEntry& entry = output_entries[chunks_per_wii_group == 1 ? 0 : i];
if (entry.reused_group)
const std::vector<HashExceptionEntry>& in = exception_lists[i];
std::vector<u8>& out = entry.exception_lists;
const u16 exceptions = Common::swap16(static_cast<u16>(in.size()));
PushBack(&out, exceptions);
for (const HashExceptionEntry& exception : in)
PushBack(&out, exception);
for (u64 i = 0; i < output_entries.size(); ++i)
OutputParametersEntry& entry = output_entries[i];
// If this chunk was set as reusable because the decrypted data is AllSame,
// but it has exceptions, unmark it as reusable
if (entry.reuse_id && !entry.reuse_id->encrypted && !AllZero(entry.exception_lists))
for (OutputParametersEntry& entry : output_entries)
TryReuse(reusable_groups, reusable_groups_mutex, &entry);
if (entry.reused_group)
// Special case - a compressed size of zero is treated by WIA as meaning the data is all zeroes
if (entry.reuse_id && !entry.reuse_id->encrypted && entry.reuse_id->value == 0)
if constexpr (RVZ)
entry.rvz_packed_size = 0;
entry.compressed = false;
const auto pad_exception_lists = [&entry]() {
while (entry.exception_lists.size() % 4 != 0)
if (state->compressor)
if (!state->compressor->Start(entry.exception_lists.size() + entry.main_data.size()))
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
if (!entry.exception_lists.empty())
if (compressed_exception_lists && state->compressor)
if (!state->compressor->Compress(entry.exception_lists.data(),
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
if (!compressed_exception_lists)
if (state->compressor)
if (!state->compressor->AddPrecedingDataOnlyForPurgeHashing(entry.exception_lists.data(),
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
if (state->compressor)
if (!state->compressor->Compress(entry.main_data.data(), entry.main_data.size()))
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
if (!state->compressor->End())
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
bool compressed = !!state->compressor;
if constexpr (RVZ)
size_t uncompressed_size = entry.main_data.size();
if (compressed_exception_lists)
uncompressed_size += Common::AlignUp(entry.exception_lists.size(), 4);
compressed = state->compressor && state->compressor->GetSize() < uncompressed_size;
entry.compressed = compressed;
if (!compressed)
if (compressed)
const u8* data = state->compressor->GetData();
const size_t size = state->compressor->GetSize();
std::copy(data, data + size, entry.main_data.data());
if (compressed_exception_lists)
return OutputParameters{std::move(output_entries), parameters.bytes_read, parameters.group_index};
template <bool RVZ>
ConversionResultCode WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Output(std::vector<OutputParametersEntry>* entries,
File::IOFile* outfile,
std::map<ReuseID, GroupEntry>* reusable_groups,
std::mutex* reusable_groups_mutex,
GroupEntry* group_entry, u64* bytes_written)
for (OutputParametersEntry& entry : *entries)
TryReuse(reusable_groups, reusable_groups_mutex, &entry);
if (entry.reused_group)
*group_entry = *entry.reused_group;
if (*bytes_written >> 2 > std::numeric_limits<u32>::max())
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
ASSERT((*bytes_written & 3) == 0);
group_entry->data_offset = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(*bytes_written >> 2));
u32 data_size = static_cast<u32>(entry.exception_lists.size() + entry.main_data.size());
if constexpr (RVZ)
data_size = (data_size & 0x7FFFFFFF) | (static_cast<u32>(entry.compressed) << 31);
group_entry->rvz_packed_size = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(entry.rvz_packed_size));
group_entry->data_size = Common::swap32(data_size);
if (!outfile->WriteArray(entry.exception_lists.data(), entry.exception_lists.size()))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
if (!outfile->WriteArray(entry.main_data.data(), entry.main_data.size()))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
*bytes_written += entry.exception_lists.size() + entry.main_data.size();
if (entry.reuse_id)
std::lock_guard guard(*reusable_groups_mutex);
reusable_groups->emplace(*entry.reuse_id, *group_entry);
if (!PadTo4(outfile, bytes_written))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
return ConversionResultCode::Success;
template <bool RVZ>
ConversionResultCode WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::RunCallback(size_t groups_written, u64 bytes_read,
u64 bytes_written, u32 total_groups,
u64 iso_size, CompressCB callback)
int ratio = 0;
if (bytes_read != 0)
ratio = static_cast<int>(100 * bytes_written / bytes_read);
const std::string text = Common::FmtFormatT("{0} of {1} blocks. Compression ratio {2}%",
groups_written, total_groups, ratio);
const float completion = static_cast<float>(bytes_read) / iso_size;
return callback(text, completion) ? ConversionResultCode::Success :
template <bool RVZ>
bool WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::WriteHeader(File::IOFile* file, const u8* data, size_t size,
u64 upper_bound, u64* bytes_written, u64* offset_out)
// The first part of the check is to prevent this from running more than once. If *bytes_written
// is past the upper bound, we are already at the end of the file, so we don't need to do anything
if (*bytes_written <= upper_bound && *bytes_written + size > upper_bound)
"Headers did not fit in the allocated space. Writing to end of file instead");
if (!file->Seek(0, File::SeekOrigin::End))
return false;
*bytes_written = file->Tell();
*offset_out = *bytes_written;
if (!file->WriteArray(data, size))
return false;
*bytes_written += size;
return PadTo4(file, bytes_written);
template <bool RVZ>
WIARVZFileReader<RVZ>::Convert(BlobReader* infile, const VolumeDisc* infile_volume,
File::IOFile* outfile, WIARVZCompressionType compression_type,
int compression_level, int chunk_size, CompressCB callback)
ASSERT(infile->GetDataSizeType() == DataSizeType::Accurate);
ASSERT(chunk_size > 0);
const u64 iso_size = infile->GetDataSize();
const u64 chunks_per_wii_group = std::max<u64>(1, VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE / chunk_size);
const u64 exception_lists_per_chunk = std::max<u64>(1, chunk_size / VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE);
const bool compressed_exception_lists = compression_type > WIARVZCompressionType::Purge;
u64 bytes_read = 0;
u64 bytes_written = 0;
size_t groups_processed = 0;
WIAHeader1 header_1{};
WIAHeader2 header_2{};
std::vector<PartitionEntry> partition_entries;
std::vector<RawDataEntry> raw_data_entries;
std::vector<GroupEntry> group_entries;
u32 total_groups;
std::vector<DataEntry> data_entries;
const FileSystem* non_partition_file_system =
infile_volume ? infile_volume->GetFileSystem(PARTITION_NONE) : nullptr;
std::vector<const FileSystem*> partition_file_systems;
const ConversionResultCode set_up_data_entries_result = SetUpDataEntriesForWriting(
infile_volume, chunk_size, iso_size, &total_groups, &partition_entries, &raw_data_entries,
&data_entries, &partition_file_systems);
if (set_up_data_entries_result != ConversionResultCode::Success)
return set_up_data_entries_result;
const size_t partition_entries_size = partition_entries.size() * sizeof(PartitionEntry);
const size_t raw_data_entries_size = raw_data_entries.size() * sizeof(RawDataEntry);
const size_t group_entries_size = group_entries.size() * sizeof(GroupEntry);
// An estimate for how much space will be taken up by headers.
// We will reserve this much space at the beginning of the file, and if the headers don't
// fit in that space, we will need to write them at the end of the file instead.
const u64 headers_size_upper_bound = [&] {
// 0x100 is added to account for compression overhead (in particular for Purge).
u64 upper_bound = sizeof(WIAHeader1) + sizeof(WIAHeader2) + partition_entries_size +
raw_data_entries_size + 0x100;
// Compared to WIA, RVZ adds an extra member to the GroupEntry struct. This added data usually
// compresses well, so we'll assume the compression ratio for RVZ GroupEntries is 9 / 16 or
// better. This constant is somehwat arbitrarily chosen, but no games were found that get a
// worse compression ratio than that. There are some games that get a worse ratio than 1 / 2,
// such as Metroid: Other M (PAL) with the default settings.
if (RVZ && compression_type > WIARVZCompressionType::Purge)
upper_bound += static_cast<u64>(group_entries_size) * 9 / 16;
upper_bound += group_entries_size;
// This alignment is also somewhat arbitrary.
return Common::AlignUp(upper_bound, VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE);
std::vector<u8> buffer;
outfile->WriteBytes(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
bytes_written = headers_size_upper_bound;
if (!infile->Read(0, header_2.disc_header.size(), header_2.disc_header.data()))
return ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed;
// We intentionally do not increment bytes_read here, since these bytes will be read again
std::map<ReuseID, GroupEntry> reusable_groups;
std::mutex reusable_groups_mutex;
const auto set_up_compress_thread_state = [&](CompressThreadState* state) {
SetUpCompressor(&state->compressor, compression_type, compression_level, nullptr);
return ConversionResultCode::Success;
const auto process_and_compress = [&](CompressThreadState* state, CompressParameters parameters) {
const DataEntry& data_entry = *parameters.data_entry;
const FileSystem* file_system = data_entry.is_partition ?
partition_file_systems[data_entry.index] :
const bool compression = compression_type != WIARVZCompressionType::None;
return ProcessAndCompress(state, std::move(parameters), partition_entries, data_entries,
file_system, &reusable_groups, &reusable_groups_mutex,
chunks_per_wii_group, exception_lists_per_chunk,
compressed_exception_lists, compression);
const auto output = [&](OutputParameters parameters) {
const ConversionResultCode result =
Output(¶meters.entries, outfile, &reusable_groups, &reusable_groups_mutex,
&group_entries[parameters.group_index], &bytes_written);
if (result != ConversionResultCode::Success)
return result;
return RunCallback(parameters.group_index + parameters.entries.size(), parameters.bytes_read,
bytes_written, total_groups, iso_size, callback);
MultithreadedCompressor<CompressThreadState, CompressParameters, OutputParameters> mt_compressor(
set_up_compress_thread_state, process_and_compress, output);
for (const DataEntry& data_entry : data_entries)
u32 first_group;
u32 last_group;
u64 data_offset;
u64 data_size;
u64 data_offset_in_partition;
if (data_entry.is_partition)
const PartitionEntry& partition_entry = partition_entries[data_entry.index];
const PartitionDataEntry& partition_data_entry =
first_group = Common::swap32(partition_data_entry.group_index);
last_group = first_group + Common::swap32(partition_data_entry.number_of_groups);
const u32 first_sector = Common::swap32(partition_data_entry.first_sector);
data_offset = first_sector * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
data_size =
Common::swap32(partition_data_entry.number_of_sectors) * VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
const u32 block_in_partition =
first_sector - Common::swap32(partition_entry.data_entries[0].first_sector);
data_offset_in_partition = block_in_partition * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
const RawDataEntry& raw_data_entry = raw_data_entries[data_entry.index];
first_group = Common::swap32(raw_data_entry.group_index);
last_group = first_group + Common::swap32(raw_data_entry.number_of_groups);
data_offset = Common::swap64(raw_data_entry.data_offset);
data_size = Common::swap64(raw_data_entry.data_size);
const u64 skipped_data = data_offset % VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE;
data_offset -= skipped_data;
data_size += skipped_data;
data_offset_in_partition = data_offset;
ASSERT(groups_processed == first_group);
ASSERT(bytes_read == data_offset);
while (groups_processed < last_group)
const ConversionResultCode status = mt_compressor.GetStatus();
if (status != ConversionResultCode::Success)
return status;
u64 bytes_to_read = chunk_size;
if (data_entry.is_partition)
bytes_to_read = std::max<u64>(bytes_to_read, VolumeWii::GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE);
bytes_to_read = std::min<u64>(bytes_to_read, data_offset + data_size - bytes_read);
if (!infile->Read(bytes_read, bytes_to_read, buffer.data()))
return ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed;
bytes_read += bytes_to_read;
buffer, &data_entry, data_offset_in_partition, bytes_read, groups_processed});
data_offset += bytes_to_read;
data_size -= bytes_to_read;
if (data_entry.is_partition)
data_offset_in_partition +=
bytes_to_read / VolumeWii::BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE * VolumeWii::BLOCK_DATA_SIZE;
data_offset_in_partition += bytes_to_read;
groups_processed += Common::AlignUp(bytes_to_read, chunk_size) / chunk_size;
ASSERT(data_size == 0);
ASSERT(groups_processed == total_groups);
ASSERT(bytes_read == iso_size);
const ConversionResultCode status = mt_compressor.GetStatus();
if (status != ConversionResultCode::Success)
return status;
std::unique_ptr<Compressor> compressor;
SetUpCompressor(&compressor, compression_type, compression_level, &header_2);
const std::optional<std::vector<u8>> compressed_raw_data_entries = Compress(
compressor.get(), reinterpret_cast<u8*>(raw_data_entries.data()), raw_data_entries_size);
if (!compressed_raw_data_entries)
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
const std::optional<std::vector<u8>> compressed_group_entries =
Compress(compressor.get(), reinterpret_cast<u8*>(group_entries.data()), group_entries_size);
if (!compressed_group_entries)
return ConversionResultCode::InternalError;
bytes_written = sizeof(WIAHeader1) + sizeof(WIAHeader2);
if (!outfile->Seek(sizeof(WIAHeader1) + sizeof(WIAHeader2), File::SeekOrigin::Begin))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
u64 partition_entries_offset;
if (!WriteHeader(outfile, reinterpret_cast<u8*>(partition_entries.data()), partition_entries_size,
headers_size_upper_bound, &bytes_written, &partition_entries_offset))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
u64 raw_data_entries_offset;
if (!WriteHeader(outfile, compressed_raw_data_entries->data(),
compressed_raw_data_entries->size(), headers_size_upper_bound, &bytes_written,
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
u64 group_entries_offset;
if (!WriteHeader(outfile, compressed_group_entries->data(), compressed_group_entries->size(),
headers_size_upper_bound, &bytes_written, &group_entries_offset))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
u32 disc_type = 0;
if (infile_volume)
if (infile_volume->GetVolumeType() == Platform::GameCubeDisc)
disc_type = 1;
else if (infile_volume->GetVolumeType() == Platform::WiiDisc)
disc_type = 2;
header_2.disc_type = Common::swap32(disc_type);
header_2.compression_type = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(compression_type));
header_2.compression_level =
header_2.chunk_size = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(chunk_size));
header_2.number_of_partition_entries = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(partition_entries.size()));
header_2.partition_entry_size = Common::swap32(sizeof(PartitionEntry));
header_2.partition_entries_offset = Common::swap64(partition_entries_offset);
header_2.partition_entries_hash = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(partition_entries);
header_2.number_of_raw_data_entries = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(raw_data_entries.size()));
header_2.raw_data_entries_offset = Common::swap64(raw_data_entries_offset);
header_2.raw_data_entries_size =
header_2.number_of_group_entries = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(group_entries.size()));
header_2.group_entries_offset = Common::swap64(group_entries_offset);
header_2.group_entries_size = Common::swap32(static_cast<u32>(compressed_group_entries->size()));
header_1.magic = RVZ ? RVZ_MAGIC : WIA_MAGIC;
header_1.version = Common::swap32(RVZ ? RVZ_VERSION : WIA_VERSION);
header_1.version_compatible =
header_1.header_2_size = Common::swap32(sizeof(WIAHeader2));
header_1.header_2_hash =
Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&header_2), sizeof(header_2));
header_1.iso_file_size = Common::swap64(infile->GetDataSize());
header_1.wia_file_size = Common::swap64(outfile->GetSize());
header_1.header_1_hash = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&header_1),
offsetof(WIAHeader1, header_1_hash));
if (!outfile->Seek(0, File::SeekOrigin::Begin))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
if (!outfile->WriteArray(&header_1, 1))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
if (!outfile->WriteArray(&header_2, 1))
return ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed;
return ConversionResultCode::Success;
bool ConvertToWIAOrRVZ(BlobReader* infile, const std::string& infile_path,
const std::string& outfile_path, bool rvz,
WIARVZCompressionType compression_type, int compression_level,
int chunk_size, CompressCB callback)
File::IOFile outfile(outfile_path, "wb");
if (!outfile)
"Failed to open the output file \"{0}\".\n"
"Check that you have permissions to write the target folder and that the media can "
"be written.",
return false;
std::unique_ptr<VolumeDisc> infile_volume = CreateDisc(infile_path);
const auto convert = rvz ? RVZFileReader::Convert : WIAFileReader::Convert;
const ConversionResultCode result =
convert(infile, infile_volume.get(), &outfile, compression_type, compression_level,
chunk_size, callback);
if (result == ConversionResultCode::ReadFailed)
PanicAlertFmtT("Failed to read from the input file \"{0}\".", infile_path);
if (result == ConversionResultCode::WriteFailed)
PanicAlertFmtT("Failed to write the output file \"{0}\".\n"
"Check that you have enough space available on the target drive.",
if (result != ConversionResultCode::Success)
// Remove the incomplete output file
return result == ConversionResultCode::Success;
template class WIARVZFileReader<false>;
template class WIARVZFileReader<true>;
} // namespace DiscIO