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synced 2025-03-10 03:27:42 +01:00
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281 lines
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// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
struct BootParameters;
struct GCPadStatus;
class PointerWrap;
namespace Core
class System;
namespace ExpansionInterface
enum class Slot : int;
namespace WiimoteCommon
class DataReportBuilder;
namespace WiimoteEmu
class EncryptionKey;
enum ExtensionNumber : u8;
} // namespace WiimoteEmu
// Per-(video )Movie actions
namespace Movie
// Enumerations and structs
enum class ControllerType
None = 0,
using ControllerTypeArray = std::array<ControllerType, 4>;
using WiimoteEnabledArray = std::array<bool, 4>;
// GameCube Controller State
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ControllerState
bool Start : 1, A : 1, B : 1, X : 1, Y : 1, Z : 1; // Binary buttons, 6 bits
bool DPadUp : 1, DPadDown : 1, // Binary D-Pad buttons, 4 bits
DPadLeft : 1, DPadRight : 1;
bool L : 1, R : 1; // Binary triggers, 2 bits
bool disc : 1; // Checks for disc being changed
bool reset : 1; // Console reset button
bool is_connected : 1; // Should controller be treated as connected
bool get_origin : 1; // Special bit to indicate analog origin reset
u8 TriggerL, TriggerR; // Triggers, 16 bits
u8 AnalogStickX, AnalogStickY; // Main Stick, 16 bits
u8 CStickX, CStickY; // Sub-Stick, 16 bits
static_assert(sizeof(ControllerState) == 8, "ControllerState should be 8 bytes");
#pragma pack(pop)
// When making changes to the DTM format, keep in mind that there are programs other
// than Dolphin that parse DTM files. The format is expected to be relatively stable.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct DTMHeader
std::string_view GetGameID() const
return {gameID.data(), strnlen(gameID.data(), gameID.size())};
std::array<u8, 4> filetype; // Unique Identifier (always "DTM"0x1A)
std::array<char, 6> gameID; // The Game ID
bool bWii; // Wii game
u8 controllers; // Controllers plugged in (from least to most significant,
// the bits are GC controllers 1-4 and Wiimotes 1-4)
bFromSaveState; // false indicates that the recording started from bootup, true for savestate
u64 frameCount; // Number of frames in the recording
u64 inputCount; // Number of input frames in recording
u64 lagCount; // Number of lag frames in the recording
u64 uniqueID; // (not implemented) A Unique ID comprised of: md5(time + Game ID)
u32 numRerecords; // Number of rerecords/'cuts' of this TAS
std::array<char, 32> author; // Author's name (encoded in UTF-8)
std::array<char, 16> videoBackend; // UTF-8 representation of the video backend
std::array<char, 16> audioEmulator; // UTF-8 representation of the audio emulator
std::array<u8, 16> md5; // MD5 of game iso
u64 recordingStartTime; // seconds since 1970 that recording started (used for RTC)
bool bSaveConfig; // Loads the settings below on startup if true
bool bSkipIdle;
bool bDualCore;
bool bProgressive;
bool bDSPHLE;
bool bFastDiscSpeed;
u8 CPUCore; // Uses the values of PowerPC::CPUCore
bool bEFBAccessEnable;
bool bEFBCopyEnable;
bool bSkipEFBCopyToRam;
bool bEFBCopyCacheEnable;
bool bEFBEmulateFormatChanges;
bool bImmediateXFB;
bool bSkipXFBCopyToRam;
u8 memcards; // Memcards inserted (from least to most significant, the bits are slot A and B)
bool bClearSave; // Create a new memory card when playing back a movie if true
u8 bongos; // Bongos plugged in (from least to most significant, the bits are ports 1-4)
bool bSyncGPU;
bool bNetPlay;
bool bPAL60;
u8 language;
u8 reserved3;
bool bFollowBranch;
bool bUseFMA;
u8 GBAControllers; // GBA Controllers plugged in (the bits are ports 1-4)
bool bWidescreen; // true indicates SYSCONF aspect ratio is 16:9, false for 4:3
std::array<u8, 6> reserved; // Padding for any new config options
std::array<char, 40> discChange; // Name of iso file to switch to, for two disc games.
std::array<u8, 20> revision; // Git hash
u32 DSPiromHash;
u32 DSPcoefHash;
u64 tickCount; // Number of ticks in the recording
std::array<u8, 11> reserved2; // Make heading 256 bytes, just because we can
static_assert(sizeof(DTMHeader) == 256, "DTMHeader should be 256 bytes");
#pragma pack(pop)
enum class PlayMode
None = 0,
class MovieManager
explicit MovieManager(Core::System& system);
MovieManager(const MovieManager& other) = delete;
MovieManager(MovieManager&& other) = delete;
MovieManager& operator=(const MovieManager& other) = delete;
MovieManager& operator=(MovieManager&& other) = delete;
void FrameUpdate();
void InputUpdate();
void Init(const BootParameters& boot);
void SetPolledDevice();
bool IsRecordingInput() const;
bool IsRecordingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsJustStartingRecordingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsJustStartingPlayingInputFromSaveState() const;
bool IsPlayingInput() const;
bool IsMovieActive() const;
bool IsReadOnly() const;
u64 GetRecordingStartTime() const;
u64 GetCurrentFrame() const;
u64 GetTotalFrames() const;
u64 GetCurrentInputCount() const;
u64 GetTotalInputCount() const;
u64 GetCurrentLagCount() const;
u64 GetTotalLagCount() const;
void SetClearSave(bool enabled);
void SignalDiscChange(const std::string& new_path);
void SetReset(bool reset);
bool IsConfigSaved() const;
bool IsStartingFromClearSave() const;
bool IsUsingMemcard(ExpansionInterface::Slot slot) const;
void SetGraphicsConfig();
bool IsNetPlayRecording() const;
bool IsUsingPad(int controller) const;
bool IsUsingWiimote(int wiimote) const;
bool IsUsingBongo(int controller) const;
bool IsUsingGBA(int controller) const;
void ChangePads();
void ChangeWiiPads(bool instantly = false);
void SetReadOnly(bool bEnabled);
bool BeginRecordingInput(const ControllerTypeArray& controllers,
const WiimoteEnabledArray& wiimotes);
void RecordInput(const GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
void RecordWiimote(int wiimote, const u8* data, u8 size);
bool PlayInput(const std::string& movie_path, std::optional<std::string>* savestate_path);
void LoadInput(const std::string& movie_path);
void ReadHeader();
void PlayController(GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
bool PlayWiimote(int wiimote, WiimoteCommon::DataReportBuilder& rpt,
WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber ext, const WiimoteEmu::EncryptionKey& key);
void EndPlayInput(bool cont);
void SaveRecording(const std::string& filename);
void DoState(PointerWrap& p);
void Shutdown();
void CheckPadStatus(const GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID);
void CheckWiimoteStatus(int wiimote, const WiimoteCommon::DataReportBuilder& rpt,
WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber ext, const WiimoteEmu::EncryptionKey& key);
std::string GetInputDisplay();
std::string GetRTCDisplay() const;
std::string GetRerecords() const;
void GetSettings();
void CheckInputEnd();
void CheckMD5();
void GetMD5();
bool m_read_only = true;
u32 m_rerecords = 0;
PlayMode m_play_mode = PlayMode::None;
std::array<ControllerType, 4> m_controllers{};
std::array<bool, 4> m_wiimotes{};
ControllerState m_pad_state{};
DTMHeader m_temp_header{};
std::vector<u8> m_temp_input;
u64 m_current_byte = 0;
u64 m_current_frame = 0;
u64 m_total_frames = 0; // VI
u64 m_current_lag_count = 0;
u64 m_total_lag_count = 0;
u64 m_current_input_count = 0;
u64 m_total_input_count = 0;
u64 m_total_tick_count = 0;
u64 m_tick_count_at_last_input = 0;
u64 m_recording_start_time = 0; // seconds since 1970 that recording started
bool m_save_config = false;
bool m_net_play = false;
bool m_clear_save = false;
bool m_has_disc_change = false;
bool m_reset = false;
std::string m_author;
std::string m_disc_change_filename;
std::array<u8, 16> m_md5{};
u8 m_bongos = 0;
u8 m_memcards = 0;
std::array<u8, 20> m_revision{};
u32 m_dsp_irom_hash = 0;
u32 m_dsp_coef_hash = 0;
bool m_recording_from_save_state = false;
bool m_polled = false;
std::string m_current_file_name;
// m_input_display is used by both CPU and GPU (is mutable).
std::mutex m_input_display_lock;
std::array<std::string, 8> m_input_display;
Core::System& m_system;
} // namespace Movie