mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 04:56:52 +01:00

Macros that expand to include the standard define macro are undefined. This is pretty trivial to fix. We can just do the test and then define the name itself if it's true, rather than making the set of definition checks the macro itself.
584 lines
17 KiB
584 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright 2014 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "Common/Network.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "Common/BitUtils.h"
#include "Common/Random.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
namespace Common
MACAddress GenerateMacAddress(const MACConsumer type)
constexpr std::array<u8, 3> oui_bba{{0x00, 0x09, 0xbf}};
constexpr std::array<u8, 3> oui_ios{{0x00, 0x17, 0xab}};
MACAddress mac{};
switch (type)
case MACConsumer::BBA:
std::copy(oui_bba.begin(), oui_bba.end(), mac.begin());
case MACConsumer::IOS:
std::copy(oui_ios.begin(), oui_ios.end(), mac.begin());
// Generate the 24-bit NIC-specific portion of the MAC address.
Random::Generate(&mac[3], 3);
return mac;
std::string MacAddressToString(const MACAddress& mac)
return fmt::format("{:02x}:{:02x}:{:02x}:{:02x}:{:02x}:{:02x}", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3],
mac[4], mac[5]);
std::optional<MACAddress> StringToMacAddress(std::string_view mac_string)
if (mac_string.empty())
return std::nullopt;
int x = 0;
MACAddress mac{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < mac_string.size() && x < (MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2); ++i)
char c = Common::ToLower(mac_string.at(i));
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
mac[x / 2] |= (c - '0') << ((x & 1) ? 0 : 4);
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
mac[x / 2] |= (c - 'a' + 10) << ((x & 1) ? 0 : 4);
// A valid 48-bit MAC address consists of 6 octets, where each
// nibble is a character in the MAC address, making 12 characters
// in total.
if (x / 2 != MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
return std::make_optional(mac);
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader() = default;
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader(u16 ether_type) : ethertype(htons(ether_type))
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader(const MACAddress& dest, const MACAddress& src, u16 ether_type)
: destination(dest), source(src), ethertype(htons(ether_type))
u16 EthernetHeader::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
IPv4Header::IPv4Header() = default;
IPv4Header::IPv4Header(u16 data_size, u8 ip_proto, const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to)
version_ihl = 0x45;
total_len = htons(Size() + data_size);
flags_fragment_offset = htons(0x4000);
ttl = 0x40;
protocol = ip_proto;
std::memcpy(source_addr.data(), &from.sin_addr, IPV4_ADDR_LEN);
std::memcpy(destination_addr.data(), &to.sin_addr, IPV4_ADDR_LEN);
header_checksum = htons(ComputeNetworkChecksum(this, Size()));
u16 IPv4Header::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
u8 IPv4Header::DefinedSize() const
return (version_ihl & 0xf) * 4;
TCPHeader::TCPHeader() = default;
TCPHeader::TCPHeader(const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, u32 seq, const u8* data,
u16 length)
std::memcpy(&source_port, &from.sin_port, 2);
std::memcpy(&destination_port, &to.sin_port, 2);
sequence_number = htonl(seq);
// TODO: Write flags
// Write data offset
std::memset(&properties, 0x50, 1);
window_size = 0xFFFF;
// Compute the TCP checksum with its pseudo header
const u32 source_addr = ntohl(from.sin_addr.s_addr);
const u32 destination_addr = ntohl(to.sin_addr.s_addr);
const u32 initial_value = (source_addr >> 16) + (source_addr & 0xFFFF) +
(destination_addr >> 16) + (destination_addr & 0xFFFF) + IPProto() +
Size() + length;
u32 tcp_checksum = ComputeNetworkChecksum(this, Size(), initial_value);
tcp_checksum += ComputeNetworkChecksum(data, length);
while (tcp_checksum > 0xFFFF)
tcp_checksum = (tcp_checksum >> 16) + (tcp_checksum & 0xFFFF);
checksum = htons(static_cast<u16>(tcp_checksum));
TCPHeader::TCPHeader(const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, u32 seq, u32 ack, u16 flags)
source_port = from.sin_port;
destination_port = to.sin_port;
sequence_number = htonl(seq);
acknowledgement_number = htonl(ack);
properties = htons(flags);
window_size = 0x7c;
checksum = 0;
u8 TCPHeader::GetHeaderSize() const
return (ntohs(properties) & 0xf000) >> 10;
u16 TCPHeader::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
u8 TCPHeader::IPProto() const
return static_cast<u8>(IPPROTO_TCP);
UDPHeader::UDPHeader() = default;
UDPHeader::UDPHeader(const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, u16 data_length)
std::memcpy(&source_port, &from.sin_port, 2);
std::memcpy(&destination_port, &to.sin_port, 2);
length = htons(Size() + data_length);
u16 UDPHeader::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
u8 UDPHeader::IPProto() const
return static_cast<u8>(IPPROTO_UDP);
ARPHeader::ARPHeader() = default;
ARPHeader::ARPHeader(u32 from_ip, const MACAddress& from_mac, u32 to_ip, const MACAddress& to_mac)
hardware_type = htons(BBA_HARDWARE_TYPE);
protocol_type = IPV4_HEADER_TYPE;
hardware_size = MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE;
protocol_size = IPV4_ADDR_LEN;
opcode = 0x200;
sender_ip = from_ip;
target_ip = to_ip;
targer_address = to_mac;
sender_address = from_mac;
u16 ARPHeader::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
DHCPBody::DHCPBody() = default;
DHCPBody::DHCPBody(u32 transaction, const MACAddress& client_address, u32 new_ip, u32 serv_ip)
transaction_id = transaction;
message_type = DHCPConst::MESSAGE_REPLY;
hardware_type = BBA_HARDWARE_TYPE;
hardware_addr = MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE;
client_mac = client_address;
your_ip = new_ip;
server_ip = serv_ip;
DHCPPacket::DHCPPacket() = default;
DHCPPacket::DHCPPacket(const std::vector<u8>& data)
if (data.size() < DHCPBody::SIZE)
body = Common::BitCastPtr<DHCPBody>(data.data());
std::size_t offset = DHCPBody::SIZE;
while (offset < data.size() - 1)
const u8 fnc = data[offset];
if (fnc == 0)
if (fnc == 255)
const u8 len = data[offset + 1];
const auto opt_begin = data.begin() + offset;
offset += 2 + len;
if (offset > data.size())
const auto opt_end = data.begin() + offset;
options.emplace_back(opt_begin, opt_end);
void DHCPPacket::AddOption(u8 fnc, const std::vector<u8>& params)
if (params.size() > 255)
std::vector<u8> opt = {fnc, u8(params.size())};
opt.insert(opt.end(), params.begin(), params.end());
std::vector<u8> DHCPPacket::Build() const
const u8* body_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&body);
std::vector<u8> result(body_ptr, body_ptr + DHCPBody::SIZE);
for (auto& opt : options)
result.insert(result.end(), opt.begin(), opt.end());
const std::vector<u8> no_option = {255, 0, 0, 0};
result.insert(result.end(), no_option.begin(), no_option.end());
return result;
// Compute the network checksum with a 32-bit accumulator using the
// "Normal" order, see RFC 1071 for more details.
u16 ComputeNetworkChecksum(const void* data, u16 length, u32 initial_value)
u32 checksum = initial_value;
std::size_t index = 0;
const std::string_view data_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), length};
for (u8 b : data_view)
const bool is_hi = index++ % 2 == 0;
checksum += is_hi ? b << 8 : b;
while (checksum > 0xFFFF)
checksum = (checksum >> 16) + (checksum & 0xFFFF);
return ~static_cast<u16>(checksum);
// Compute the TCP checksum with its pseudo header
u16 ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(const IPAddress& from, const IPAddress& to, const void* data,
u16 length, u8 protocol)
const u32 source_addr = ntohl(Common::BitCast<u32>(from));
const u32 destination_addr = ntohl(Common::BitCast<u32>(to));
const u32 initial_value = (source_addr >> 16) + (source_addr & 0xFFFF) +
(destination_addr >> 16) + (destination_addr & 0xFFFF) + protocol +
const u32 tcp_checksum = ComputeNetworkChecksum(data, length, initial_value);
return htons(static_cast<u16>(tcp_checksum));
template <typename Container, typename T>
static inline void InsertObj(Container* container, const T& obj)
const u8* const ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&obj);
container->insert(container->end(), ptr, ptr + sizeof(obj));
ARPPacket::ARPPacket() = default;
u16 ARPPacket::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(SIZE);
ARPPacket::ARPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source)
eth_header.destination = destination;
eth_header.source = source;
eth_header.ethertype = htons(ARP_ETHERTYPE);
std::vector<u8> ARPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(EthernetHeader::SIZE + ARPHeader::SIZE);
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
InsertObj(&result, arp_header);
return result;
TCPPacket::TCPPacket() = default;
TCPPacket::TCPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source,
const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, u32 seq, u32 ack, u16 flags)
: eth_header(destination, source, IPV4_ETHERTYPE),
ip_header(Common::TCPHeader::SIZE, IPPROTO_TCP, from, to),
tcp_header(from, to, seq, ack, flags)
std::vector<u8> TCPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(Size()); // Useful not to invalidate .data() pointers
// Copy data
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
u8* const ip_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
u8* const tcp_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, tcp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), tcp_options.begin(), tcp_options.end());
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
// Adjust size and checksum fields
const u16 tcp_length = static_cast<u16>(TCPHeader::SIZE + tcp_options.size() + data.size());
const u16 tcp_properties =
(ntohs(tcp_header.properties) & 0xfff) |
(static_cast<u16>((tcp_options.size() + TCPHeader::SIZE) & 0x3c) << 10);
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(tcp_ptr + offsetof(TCPHeader, properties)) = htons(tcp_properties);
const u16 ip_header_size = static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size());
const u16 ip_total_len = ip_header_size + tcp_length;
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, total_len)) = htons(ip_total_len);
auto ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr =
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, header_checksum));
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(tcp_ptr + offsetof(TCPHeader, checksum));
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, tcp_ptr, tcp_length, IPPROTO_TCP);
return result;
u16 TCPPacket::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(MIN_SIZE + data.size() + ipv4_options.size() + tcp_options.size());
UDPPacket::UDPPacket() = default;
UDPPacket::UDPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source,
const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, const std::vector<u8>& payload)
: eth_header(destination, source, IPV4_ETHERTYPE),
ip_header(static_cast<u16>(payload.size() + Common::UDPHeader::SIZE), IPPROTO_UDP, from, to),
udp_header(from, to, static_cast<u16>(payload.size())), data(payload)
std::vector<u8> UDPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(Size()); // Useful not to invalidate .data() pointers
// Copy data
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
u8* const ip_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
u8* const udp_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, udp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
// Adjust size and checksum fields
const u16 udp_length = static_cast<u16>(UDPHeader::SIZE + data.size());
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(udp_ptr + offsetof(UDPHeader, length)) = htons(udp_length);
const u16 ip_header_size = static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size());
const u16 ip_total_len = ip_header_size + udp_length;
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, total_len)) = htons(ip_total_len);
auto ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr =
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, header_checksum));
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(udp_ptr + offsetof(UDPHeader, checksum));
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, udp_ptr, udp_length, IPPROTO_UDP);
return result;
u16 UDPPacket::Size() const
return static_cast<u16>(MIN_SIZE + data.size() + ipv4_options.size());
PacketView::PacketView(const u8* ptr, std::size_t size) : m_ptr(ptr), m_size(size)
std::optional<u16> PacketView::GetEtherType() const
if (m_size < EthernetHeader::SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
const std::size_t offset = offsetof(EthernetHeader, ethertype);
return ntohs(Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(m_ptr + offset));
std::optional<ARPPacket> PacketView::GetARPPacket() const
if (m_size < ARPPacket::SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
return Common::BitCastPtr<ARPPacket>(m_ptr);
std::optional<u8> PacketView::GetIPProto() const
if (m_size < EthernetHeader::SIZE + IPv4Header::SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
return m_ptr[EthernetHeader::SIZE + offsetof(IPv4Header, protocol)];
std::optional<TCPPacket> PacketView::GetTCPPacket() const
if (m_size < TCPPacket::MIN_SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
TCPPacket result;
result.eth_header = Common::BitCastPtr<EthernetHeader>(m_ptr);
result.ip_header = Common::BitCastPtr<IPv4Header>(m_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE);
const u16 offset = result.ip_header.DefinedSize() + EthernetHeader::SIZE;
if (m_size < offset + TCPHeader::SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
result.ipv4_options =
std::vector<u8>(m_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE + IPv4Header::SIZE, m_ptr + offset);
result.tcp_header = Common::BitCastPtr<TCPHeader>(m_ptr + offset);
const u16 data_offset = result.tcp_header.GetHeaderSize() + offset;
const u16 total_len = ntohs(result.ip_header.total_len);
const std::size_t end = EthernetHeader::SIZE + total_len;
if (m_size < end || end < data_offset)
return std::nullopt;
result.tcp_options = std::vector<u8>(m_ptr + offset + TCPHeader::SIZE, m_ptr + data_offset);
result.data = std::vector<u8>(m_ptr + data_offset, m_ptr + end);
return result;
std::optional<UDPPacket> PacketView::GetUDPPacket() const
if (m_size < UDPPacket::MIN_SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
UDPPacket result;
result.eth_header = Common::BitCastPtr<EthernetHeader>(m_ptr);
result.ip_header = Common::BitCastPtr<IPv4Header>(m_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE);
const u16 offset = result.ip_header.DefinedSize() + EthernetHeader::SIZE;
if (m_size < offset + UDPHeader::SIZE)
return std::nullopt;
result.ipv4_options =
std::vector<u8>(m_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE + IPv4Header::SIZE, m_ptr + offset);
result.udp_header = Common::BitCastPtr<UDPHeader>(m_ptr + offset);
const u16 data_offset = UDPHeader::SIZE + offset;
const u16 total_len = ntohs(result.udp_header.length);
const std::size_t end = offset + total_len;
if (m_size < end || end < data_offset)
return std::nullopt;
result.data = std::vector<u8>(m_ptr + data_offset, m_ptr + end);
return result;
NetworkErrorState SaveNetworkErrorState()
return {
#ifdef _WIN32
void RestoreNetworkErrorState(const NetworkErrorState& state)
errno = state.error;
#ifdef _WIN32
const char* DecodeNetworkError(s32 error_code)
thread_local char buffer[1024];
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(ANDROID) || \
#ifdef _WIN32
nullptr, error_code, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buffer,
sizeof(buffer), nullptr);
return buffer;
#elif defined(IS_BSD_STRERROR) || \
((_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && !_GNU_SOURCE)
strerror_r(error_code, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return buffer;
return strerror_r(error_code, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
const char* StrNetworkError()
#ifdef _WIN32
const s32 error_code = WSAGetLastError();
const s32 error_code = errno;
return DecodeNetworkError(error_code);
} // namespace Common