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// Name: wx/treelist.h
// Purpose: wxTreeListCtrl class declaration.
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Created: 2011-08-17
// RCS-ID: $Id: treelist.h 69619 2011-10-31 19:41:06Z VZ $
// Copyright: (c) 2011 Vadim Zeitlin <vadim@wxwidgets.org>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_TREELIST_H_
#define _WX_TREELIST_H_
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/compositewin.h"
#include "wx/containr.h"
#include "wx/headercol.h"
#include "wx/itemid.h"
#include "wx/vector.h"
#include "wx/window.h"
#include "wx/withimages.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_ADV wxDataViewCtrl;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_ADV wxDataViewEvent;
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_ADV(const char) wxTreeListCtrlNameStr[];
class wxTreeListCtrl;
class wxTreeListModel;
class wxTreeListModelNode;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeListCtrl styles.
// Notice that using wxTL_USER_3STATE implies wxTL_3STATE and wxTL_3STATE in
// turn implies wxTL_CHECKBOX.
wxTL_SINGLE = 0x0000, // This is the default anyhow.
wxTL_MULTIPLE = 0x0001, // Allow multiple selection.
wxTL_CHECKBOX = 0x0002, // Show checkboxes in the first column.
wxTL_3STATE = 0x0004, // Allow 3rd state in checkboxes.
wxTL_USER_3STATE = 0x0008, // Allow user to set 3rd state.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeListItem: unique identifier of an item in wxTreeListCtrl.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make wxTreeListItem a forward-declarable class even though it's simple
// enough to possibly be declared as a simple typedef.
class wxTreeListItem : public wxItemId<wxTreeListModelNode*>
wxTreeListItem(wxTreeListModelNode* item = NULL)
: wxItemId<wxTreeListModelNode*>(item)
// Container of multiple items.
typedef wxVector<wxTreeListItem> wxTreeListItems;
// Some special "items" that can be used with InsertItem():
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_ADV(const wxTreeListItem) wxTLI_FIRST;
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_ADV(const wxTreeListItem) wxTLI_LAST;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeListItemComparator: defines order of wxTreeListCtrl items.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxTreeListItemComparator
wxTreeListItemComparator() { }
// The comparison function should return negative, null or positive value
// depending on whether the first item is less than, equal to or greater
// than the second one. The items should be compared using their values for
// the given column.
virtual int
Compare(wxTreeListCtrl* treelist,
unsigned column,
wxTreeListItem first,
wxTreeListItem second) = 0;
// Although this class is not used polymorphically by wxWidgets itself,
// provide virtual dtor in case it's used like this in the user code.
virtual ~wxTreeListItemComparator() { }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeListCtrl: a control combining wxTree- and wxListCtrl features.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This control also provides easy to use high level interface. Although the
// implementation uses wxDataViewCtrl internally, this class is intentionally
// simpler than wxDataViewCtrl and doesn't provide all of its functionality.
// If you need extra features you can always use GetDataView() accessor to work
// with wxDataViewCtrl directly but doing this makes your unportable to possible
// future non-wxDataViewCtrl-based implementations of this class.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxTreeListCtrl
: public wxCompositeWindow< wxNavigationEnabled<wxWindow> >,
public wxWithImages
// Constructors and such
// ---------------------
wxTreeListCtrl() { Init(); }
wxTreeListCtrl(wxWindow* parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxTL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxString& name = wxTreeListCtrlNameStr)
Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name);
bool Create(wxWindow* parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxTL_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxString& name = wxTreeListCtrlNameStr);
virtual ~wxTreeListCtrl();
// Columns methods
// ---------------
// Add a column with the given title and attributes, returns the index of
// the new column or -1 on failure.
int AppendColumn(const wxString& title,
int width = wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE,
wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
int flags = wxCOL_RESIZABLE)
return DoInsertColumn(title, -1, width, align, flags);
// Return the total number of columns.
unsigned GetColumnCount() const;
// Delete the column with the given index, returns false if index is
// invalid or deleting the column failed for some other reason.
bool DeleteColumn(unsigned col);
// Delete all columns.
void ClearColumns();
// Set column width to either the given value in pixels or to the value
// large enough to fit all of the items if width == wxCOL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE.
void SetColumnWidth(unsigned col, int width);
// Get the current width of the given column in pixels.
int GetColumnWidth(unsigned col) const;
// Get the width appropriate for showing the given text. This is typically
// used as second argument for AppendColumn() or with SetColumnWidth().
int WidthFor(const wxString& text) const;
// Item methods
// ------------
// Adding items. The parent and text of the first column of the new item
// must always be specified, the rest is optional.
// Each item can have two images: one used for closed state and another for
// opened one. Only the first one is ever used for the items that don't
// have children. And both are not set by default.
// It is also possible to associate arbitrary client data pointer with the
// new item. It will be deleted by the control when the item is deleted
// (either by an explicit DeleteItem() call or because the entire control
// is destroyed).
wxTreeListItem AppendItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
const wxString& text,
int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
wxClientData* data = NULL)
return DoInsertItem(parent, wxTLI_LAST, text,
imageClosed, imageOpened, data);
wxTreeListItem InsertItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
wxTreeListItem previous,
const wxString& text,
int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
wxClientData* data = NULL)
return DoInsertItem(parent, previous, text,
imageClosed, imageOpened, data);
wxTreeListItem PrependItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
const wxString& text,
int imageClosed = NO_IMAGE,
int imageOpened = NO_IMAGE,
wxClientData* data = NULL)
return DoInsertItem(parent, wxTLI_FIRST, text,
imageClosed, imageOpened, data);
// Deleting items.
void DeleteItem(wxTreeListItem item);
void DeleteAllItems();
// Tree navigation
// ---------------
// Return the (never shown) root item.
wxTreeListItem GetRootItem() const;
// The parent item may be invalid for the root-level items.
wxTreeListItem GetItemParent(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Iterate over the given item children: start by calling GetFirstChild()
// and then call GetNextSibling() for as long as it returns valid item.
wxTreeListItem GetFirstChild(wxTreeListItem item) const;
wxTreeListItem GetNextSibling(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Return the first child of the root item, which is also the first item of
// the tree in depth-first traversal order.
wxTreeListItem GetFirstItem() const { return GetFirstChild(GetRootItem()); }
// Get item after the given one in the depth-first tree-traversal order.
// Calling this function starting with the result of GetFirstItem() allows
// iterating over all items in the tree.
wxTreeListItem GetNextItem(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Items attributes
// ----------------
const wxString& GetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, unsigned col = 0) const;
// The convenience overload below sets the text for the first column.
void SetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, unsigned col, const wxString& text);
void SetItemText(wxTreeListItem item, const wxString& text)
SetItemText(item, 0, text);
// By default the opened image is the same as the normal, closed one (if
// it's used at all).
void SetItemImage(wxTreeListItem item, int closed, int opened = NO_IMAGE);
// Retrieve or set the data associated with the item.
wxClientData* GetItemData(wxTreeListItem item) const;
void SetItemData(wxTreeListItem item, wxClientData* data);
// Expanding and collapsing
// ------------------------
void Expand(wxTreeListItem item);
void Collapse(wxTreeListItem item);
bool IsExpanded(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Selection handling
// ------------------
// This function can be used with single selection controls, use
// GetSelections() with the multi-selection ones.
wxTreeListItem GetSelection() const;
// This one can be used with either single or multi-selection controls.
unsigned GetSelections(wxTreeListItems& selections) const;
// In single selection mode Select() deselects any other selected items, in
// multi-selection case it adds to the selection.
void Select(wxTreeListItem item);
// Can be used in multiple selection mode only, single selected item in the
// single selection mode can't be unselected.
void Unselect(wxTreeListItem item);
// Return true if the item is selected, can be used in both single and
// multiple selection modes.
bool IsSelected(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Select or unselect all items, only valid in multiple selection mode.
void SelectAll();
void UnselectAll();
// Checkbox handling
// -----------------
// Methods in this section can only be used with the controls created with
// wxTL_CHECKBOX style.
// Simple set, unset or query the checked state.
void CheckItem(wxTreeListItem item, wxCheckBoxState state = wxCHK_CHECKED);
void UncheckItem(wxTreeListItem item) { CheckItem(item, wxCHK_UNCHECKED); }
// The same but do it recursively for this item itself and its children.
void CheckItemRecursively(wxTreeListItem item,
wxCheckBoxState state = wxCHK_CHECKED);
// Update the parent of this item recursively: if this item and all its
// siblings are checked, the parent will become checked as well. If this
// item and all its siblings are unchecked, the parent will be unchecked.
// And if the siblings of this item are not all in the same state, the
// parent will be switched to indeterminate state. And then the same logic
// will be applied to the parents parent and so on recursively.
// This is typically called when the state of the given item has changed
// from EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED() handler in the controls which have
// wxTL_3STATE flag. Notice that without this flag this function can't work
// as it would be unable to set the state of a parent with both checked and
// unchecked items so it's only allowed to call it when this flag is set.
void UpdateItemParentStateRecursively(wxTreeListItem item);
// Return the current state.
wxCheckBoxState GetCheckedState(wxTreeListItem item) const;
// Return true if all item children (if any) are in the given state.
bool AreAllChildrenInState(wxTreeListItem item,
wxCheckBoxState state) const;
// Sorting.
// --------
// Sort by the given column, either in ascending (default) or descending
// sort order.
// By default, simple alphabetical sorting is done by this column contents
// but SetItemComparator() may be called to perform comparison in some
// other way.
void SetSortColumn(unsigned col, bool ascendingOrder = true);
// If the control contents is sorted, return true and fill the output
// parameters with the column which is currently used for sorting and
// whether we sort using ascending or descending order. Otherwise, i.e. if
// the control contents is unsorted, simply return false.
bool GetSortColumn(unsigned* col, bool* ascendingOrder = NULL);
// Set the object to use for comparing the items. It will be called when
// the control is being sorted because the user clicked on a sortable
// column.
// The provided pointer is stored by the control so the object it points to
// must have a life-time equal or greater to that of the control itself. In
// addition, the pointer can be NULL to stop using custom comparator and
// revert to the default alphabetical comparison.
void SetItemComparator(wxTreeListItemComparator* comparator);
// View window functions.
// ----------------------
// This control itself is entirely covered by the "view window" which is
// currently a wxDataViewCtrl but if you want to avoid relying on this to
// allow your code to work with later versions which might not be
// wxDataViewCtrl-based, use the first function only and only use the
// second one if you really need to call wxDataViewCtrl methods on it.
wxWindow* GetView() const;
wxDataViewCtrl* GetDataView() const { return m_view; }
// Common part of all ctors.
void Init();
// Pure virtual method inherited from wxCompositeWindow.
virtual wxWindowList GetCompositeWindowParts() const;
// Implementation of AppendColumn().
int DoInsertColumn(const wxString& title,
int pos, // May be -1 meaning "append".
int width,
wxAlignment align,
int flags);
// Common part of {Append,Insert,Prepend}Item().
wxTreeListItem DoInsertItem(wxTreeListItem parent,
wxTreeListItem previous,
const wxString& text,
int imageClosed,
int imageOpened,
wxClientData* data);
// Send wxTreeListEvent corresponding to the given wxDataViewEvent for an
// item (as opposed for column-oriented events).
// Also updates the original event "skipped" and "vetoed" flags.
void SendItemEvent(wxEventType evt, wxDataViewEvent& event);
// Send wxTreeListEvent corresponding to the given column wxDataViewEvent.
void SendColumnEvent(wxEventType evt, wxDataViewEvent& event);
// Called by wxTreeListModel when an item is toggled by the user.
void OnItemToggled(wxTreeListItem item, wxCheckBoxState stateOld);
// Event handlers.
void OnSelectionChanged(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnItemExpanding(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnItemExpanded(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnItemActivated(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnItemContextMenu(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnColumnSorted(wxDataViewEvent& event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
wxDataViewCtrl* m_view;
wxTreeListModel* m_model;
wxTreeListItemComparator* m_comparator;
// It calls our inherited protected wxWithImages::GetImage() method.
friend class wxTreeListModel;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeListEvent: event generated by wxTreeListCtrl.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxTreeListEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
// Default ctor is provided for wxRTTI needs only but should never be used.
wxTreeListEvent() { Init(); }
// The item affected by the event. Valid for all events except
// column-specific ones such as COLUMN_SORTED.
wxTreeListItem GetItem() const { return m_item; }
// The previous state of the item checkbox for ITEM_CHECKED events only.
wxCheckBoxState GetOldCheckedState() const { return m_oldCheckedState; }
// The index of the column affected by the event. Currently only used by
unsigned GetColumn() const { return m_column; }
virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxTreeListEvent(*this); }
// Common part of all ctors.
void Init()
m_column = static_cast<unsigned>(-1);
m_oldCheckedState = wxCHK_UNDETERMINED;
// Ctor is private, only wxTreeListCtrl can create events of this type.
wxTreeListEvent(wxEventType evtType,
wxTreeListCtrl* treelist,
wxTreeListItem item)
: wxNotifyEvent(evtType, treelist->GetId()),
// Set the checkbox state before this event for ITEM_CHECKED events.
void SetOldCheckedState(wxCheckBoxState state)
m_oldCheckedState = state;
// Set the column affected by this event for COLUMN_SORTED events.
void SetColumn(unsigned column)
m_column = column;
const wxTreeListItem m_item;
wxCheckBoxState m_oldCheckedState;
unsigned m_column;
friend class wxTreeListCtrl;
// Event types and event table macros.
typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxTreeListEventFunction)(wxTreeListEvent&);
#define wxTreeListEventHandler(func) \
wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxTreeListEventFunction, func)
#define wxEVT_TREELIST_GENERIC(name, id, fn) \
wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_COMMAND_TREELIST_##name, id, wxTreeListEventHandler(fn))
#define wxDECLARE_TREELIST_EVENT(name) \
#endif // _WX_TREELIST_H_