Sintendo abc4c8f601 Jit64: divwx - Eliminate MOV for division by power of 2
Division by a power of two can be slightly improved when the
destination and dividend registers are the same.

8B C6                mov         eax,esi
85 C0                test        eax,eax
8D 70 03             lea         esi,[rax+3]
0F 49 F0             cmovns      esi,eax
C1 FE 02             sar         esi,2

85 F6                test        esi,esi
8D 46 03             lea         eax,[rsi+3]
0F 48 F0             cmovs       esi,eax
C1 FE 02             sar         esi,2
2021-04-24 19:28:23 +02:00