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synced 2025-03-07 02:05:19 +01:00

This works around Linux drivers for DS4 (Playstation 4) controllers splitting the device into three separate event nodes which makes configuration difficult. To prevent collisions of input names in combined devices more descriptive names are now used when possible.
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// Copyright 2015 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libudev.h>
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/Flag.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include "Common/ScopeGuard.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Common/Thread.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/evdev/evdev.h"
namespace ciface::evdev
class Input : public Core::Device::Input
Input(u16 code, libevdev* dev) : m_code(code), m_dev(dev) {}
const u16 m_code;
libevdev* const m_dev;
class Button : public Input
Button(u8 index, u16 code, libevdev* dev) : Input(code, dev), m_index(index) {}
ControlState GetState() const final override
int value = 0;
libevdev_fetch_event_value(m_dev, EV_KEY, m_code, &value);
return value;
std::optional<std::string> GetEventCodeName() const
if (const char* code_name = libevdev_event_code_get_name(EV_KEY, m_code))
const auto name = StripSpaces(code_name);
for (auto remove_prefix : {"BTN_", "KEY_"})
if (name.find(remove_prefix) == 0)
return std::string(name.substr(std::strlen(remove_prefix)));
return std::string(name);
return std::nullopt;
std::string GetIndexedName() const { return "Button " + std::to_string(m_index); }
const u8 m_index;
class NumberedButton final : public Button
using Button::Button;
std::string GetName() const override { return GetIndexedName(); }
class NamedButton final : public Button
using Button::Button;
bool IsMatchingName(std::string_view name) const final override
// Match either the "START" naming provided by evdev or the "Button 0"-like naming.
return name == GetEventCodeName() || name == GetIndexedName();
std::string GetName() const override { return GetEventCodeName().value_or(GetIndexedName()); }
class NamedButtonWithNoBackwardsCompat final : public Button
using Button::Button;
std::string GetName() const override { return GetEventCodeName().value_or(GetIndexedName()); }
class AnalogInput : public Input
using Input::Input;
ControlState GetState() const final override
int value = 0;
libevdev_fetch_event_value(m_dev, EV_ABS, m_code, &value);
return (value - m_base) / m_range;
ControlState m_range;
int m_base;
class Axis : public AnalogInput
Axis(u8 index, u16 code, bool upper, libevdev* dev) : AnalogInput(code, dev), m_index(index)
const int min = libevdev_get_abs_minimum(m_dev, m_code);
const int max = libevdev_get_abs_maximum(m_dev, m_code);
m_base = (max + min) / 2;
m_range = (upper ? max : min) - m_base;
std::string GetName() const override { return GetIndexedName(); }
std::string GetIndexedName() const
return "Axis " + std::to_string(m_index) + (m_range < 0 ? '-' : '+');
const u8 m_index;
class MotionDataInput final : public AnalogInput
MotionDataInput(u16 code, ControlState resolution_scale, libevdev* dev) : AnalogInput(code, dev)
auto* const info = libevdev_get_abs_info(m_dev, m_code);
// The average of the minimum and maximum value. (neutral value)
m_base = (info->maximum + info->minimum) / 2;
m_range = info->resolution / resolution_scale;
std::string GetName() const override
// Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a "standard" orientation
// so we can't use "Accel Up"-like names.
constexpr std::array<const char*, 6> motion_data_names = {{
"Accel X",
"Accel Y",
"Accel Z",
"Gyro X",
"Gyro Y",
"Gyro Z",
// Our name array relies on sane axis codes from 0 to 5.
static_assert(ABS_X == 0, "evdev axis value sanity check");
static_assert(ABS_RX == 3, "evdev axis value sanity check");
return std::string(motion_data_names[m_code]) + (m_range < 0 ? '-' : '+');
bool IsDetectable() override { return false; }
class CursorInput final : public Axis
using Axis::Axis;
std::string GetName() const final override
// "Cursor X-" naming.
return std::string("Cursor ") + char('X' + m_code) + (m_range < 0 ? '-' : '+');
bool IsDetectable() override { return false; }
static std::thread s_hotplug_thread;
static Common::Flag s_hotplug_thread_running;
static int s_wakeup_eventfd;
// There is no easy way to get the device name from only a dev node
// during a device removed event, since libevdev can't work on removed devices;
// sysfs is not stable, so this is probably the easiest way to get a name for a node.
static std::map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<evdevDevice>> s_devnode_objects;
std::shared_ptr<evdevDevice> FindDeviceWithUniqueID(const char* unique_id)
if (!unique_id)
return nullptr;
for (auto& [node, dev] : s_devnode_objects)
if (const auto device = dev.lock())
const auto* dev_uniq = device->GetUniqueID();
if (dev_uniq && std::strcmp(dev_uniq, unique_id) == 0)
return device;
return nullptr;
void AddDeviceNode(const char* devnode)
// Unfortunately udev gives us no way to filter out the non event device interfaces.
// So we open it and see if it works with evdev ioctls or not.
// The device file will be read on one of the main threads, so we open in non-blocking mode.
const int fd = open(devnode, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd == -1)
libevdev* dev = nullptr;
if (libevdev_new_from_fd(fd, &dev) != 0)
// This usually fails because the device node isn't an evdev device, such as /dev/input/js0
auto evdev_device = FindDeviceWithUniqueID(libevdev_get_uniq(dev));
if (evdev_device)
evdev_device->AddNode(devnode, fd, dev);
// Callbacks must be invoked as the device name and available inputs may change.
evdev_device = std::make_shared<evdevDevice>();
const bool was_interesting = evdev_device->AddNode(devnode, fd, dev);
if (was_interesting)
s_devnode_objects.emplace(devnode, std::move(evdev_device));
static void HotplugThreadFunc()
Common::SetCurrentThreadName("evdev Hotplug Thread");
NOTICE_LOG(SERIALINTERFACE, "evdev hotplug thread started");
udev* const udev = udev_new();
Common::ScopeGuard udev_guard([udev] { udev_unref(udev); });
ASSERT_MSG(PAD, udev != nullptr, "Couldn't initialize libudev.");
// Set up monitoring
udev_monitor* const monitor = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(udev, "udev");
Common::ScopeGuard monitor_guard([monitor] { udev_monitor_unref(monitor); });
udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(monitor, "input", nullptr);
const int monitor_fd = udev_monitor_get_fd(monitor);
while (s_hotplug_thread_running.IsSet())
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(monitor_fd, &fds);
FD_SET(s_wakeup_eventfd, &fds);
const int ret =
select(std::max(monitor_fd, s_wakeup_eventfd) + 1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (ret < 1 || !FD_ISSET(monitor_fd, &fds))
udev_device* const dev = udev_monitor_receive_device(monitor);
Common::ScopeGuard dev_guard([dev] { udev_device_unref(dev); });
const char* const action = udev_device_get_action(dev);
const char* const devnode = udev_device_get_devnode(dev);
if (!devnode)
if (strcmp(action, "remove") == 0)
std::shared_ptr<evdevDevice> ptr;
const auto it = s_devnode_objects.find(devnode);
if (it != s_devnode_objects.end())
ptr = it->second.lock();
// If we don't recognize this device, ptr will be null and no device will be removed.
g_controller_interface.RemoveDevice([&ptr](const auto* device) {
return static_cast<const evdevDevice*>(device) == ptr.get();
else if (strcmp(action, "add") == 0)
NOTICE_LOG(SERIALINTERFACE, "evdev hotplug thread stopped");
static void StartHotplugThread()
// Mark the thread as running.
if (!s_hotplug_thread_running.TestAndSet())
// It was already running.
s_wakeup_eventfd = eventfd(0, 0);
ASSERT_MSG(PAD, s_wakeup_eventfd != -1, "Couldn't create eventfd.");
s_hotplug_thread = std::thread(HotplugThreadFunc);
static void StopHotplugThread()
// Tell the hotplug thread to stop.
if (!s_hotplug_thread_running.TestAndClear())
// It wasn't running, we're done.
// Write something to efd so that select() stops blocking.
const uint64_t value = 1;
static_cast<void>(write(s_wakeup_eventfd, &value, sizeof(uint64_t)));
void Init()
void PopulateDevices()
// We use udev to iterate over all /dev/input/event* devices.
// Note: the Linux kernel is currently limited to just 32 event devices. If
// this ever changes, hopefully udev will take care of this.
udev* const udev = udev_new();
ASSERT_MSG(PAD, udev != nullptr, "Couldn't initialize libudev.");
// List all input devices
udev_enumerate* const enumerate = udev_enumerate_new(udev);
udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(enumerate, "input");
udev_list_entry* const devices = udev_enumerate_get_list_entry(enumerate);
// Iterate over all input devices
udev_list_entry* dev_list_entry;
udev_list_entry_foreach(dev_list_entry, devices)
const char* path = udev_list_entry_get_name(dev_list_entry);
udev_device* dev = udev_device_new_from_syspath(udev, path);
if (const char* devnode = udev_device_get_devnode(dev))
void Shutdown()
bool evdevDevice::AddNode(std::string devnode, int fd, libevdev* dev)
m_nodes.emplace_back(Node{std::move(devnode), fd, dev});
// Take on the alphabetically first name.
const auto potential_new_name = StripSpaces(libevdev_get_name(dev));
if (m_name.empty() || potential_new_name < m_name)
m_name = potential_new_name;
const bool is_motion_device = libevdev_has_property(dev, INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER);
const bool is_pointing_device = libevdev_has_property(dev, INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD);
// If a device has BTN_JOYSTICK it probably uses event codes counting up from 0x120
// which have very useless and wrong names.
const bool has_btn_joystick = libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_KEY, BTN_JOYSTICK);
const bool has_sensible_button_names = !has_btn_joystick;
// Buttons (and keyboard keys)
int num_buttons = 0;
for (int key = 0; key != KEY_CNT; ++key)
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_KEY, key))
if (is_pointing_device || is_motion_device)
// This node will probably be combined with another with regular buttons.
// We don't want to match "Button 0" names here as it will name clash.
AddInput(new NamedButtonWithNoBackwardsCompat(num_buttons, key, dev));
else if (has_sensible_button_names)
AddInput(new NamedButton(num_buttons, key, dev));
AddInput(new NumberedButton(num_buttons, key, dev));
int num_axis = 0;
if (is_motion_device)
// If INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER is set then X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ contain motion data.
auto add_motion_inputs = [&num_axis, dev, this](int first_code, double scale) {
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
const int code = first_code + i;
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_ABS, code))
AddInput(new MotionDataInput(code, scale * -1, dev));
AddInput(new MotionDataInput(code, scale, dev));
// evdev resolution is specified in "g"s and deg/s.
// Convert these to m/s/s and rad/s.
constexpr ControlState accel_scale = MathUtil::GRAVITY_ACCELERATION;
constexpr ControlState gyro_scale = MathUtil::TAU / 360;
add_motion_inputs(ABS_X, accel_scale);
add_motion_inputs(ABS_RX, gyro_scale);
return true;
if (is_pointing_device)
auto add_cursor_input = [&num_axis, dev, this](int code) {
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_ABS, code))
AddInput(new CursorInput(num_axis, code, false, dev));
AddInput(new CursorInput(num_axis, code, true, dev));
return true;
// Axes beyond ABS_MISC have strange behavior (for multi-touch) which we do not handle.
const int abs_axis_code_count = ABS_MISC;
// Absolute axis (thumbsticks)
for (int axis = 0; axis != abs_axis_code_count; ++axis)
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_ABS, axis))
AddAnalogInputs(new Axis(num_axis, axis, false, dev), new Axis(num_axis, axis, true, dev));
// Disable autocenter
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_FF, FF_AUTOCENTER))
input_event ie = {};
ie.type = EV_FF;
ie.code = FF_AUTOCENTER;
ie.value = 0;
static_cast<void>(write(fd, &ie, sizeof(ie)));
// Constant FF effect
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_FF, FF_CONSTANT))
AddOutput(new ConstantEffect(fd));
// Periodic FF effects
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_FF, FF_PERIODIC))
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_FF, wave))
AddOutput(new PeriodicEffect(fd, wave));
// Rumble (i.e. Left/Right) (i.e. Strong/Weak) effect
if (libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_FF, FF_RUMBLE))
AddOutput(new RumbleEffect(fd, RumbleEffect::Motor::Strong));
AddOutput(new RumbleEffect(fd, RumbleEffect::Motor::Weak));
// TODO: Add leds as output devices
// Filter out interesting devices (see description below)
return num_axis >= 2 || num_buttons >= 8;
// On modern linux systems, there are a lot of event devices that aren't controllers.
// For example, the PC Speaker is an event device. Webcams sometimes show up as
// event devices. The power button is an event device.
// We don't want these showing up in the list of controllers, so we use this
// heuristic to filter out anything that doesn't smell like a controller:
// More than two analog axis:
// Most controllers have at least one stick. This rule will catch all such
// controllers, while ignoring anything with a single axis (like the mouse
// scroll-wheel)
// --- OR ---
// More than 8 buttons:
// The user might be using a digital only pad such as a NES controller.
// This rule caches such controllers, while eliminating any device with
// only a few buttons, like the power button. Sometimes laptops have devices
// with 5 or 6 special buttons, which is why the threshold is set to 8 to
// match a NES controller.
// This heuristic is quite loose. The user may still see weird devices showing up
// as controllers, but it hopefully shouldn't filter out anything they actually
// want to use.
const char* evdevDevice::GetUniqueID() const
if (m_nodes.empty())
return nullptr;
return libevdev_get_uniq(m_nodes.front().device);
for (auto& node : m_nodes)
void evdevDevice::UpdateInput()
// Run through all evdev events
// libevdev will keep track of the actual controller state internally which can be queried
// later with libevdev_fetch_event_value()
for (auto& node : m_nodes)
while (rc >= 0)
input_event ev;
rc = libevdev_next_event(node.device, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_SYNC, &ev);
rc = libevdev_next_event(node.device, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_NORMAL, &ev);
bool evdevDevice::IsValid() const
for (auto& node : m_nodes)
const int current_fd = libevdev_get_fd(node.device);
if (current_fd == -1)
return false;
libevdev* device = nullptr;
if (libevdev_new_from_fd(current_fd, &device) != 0)
return false;
return true;
evdevDevice::Effect::Effect(int fd) : m_fd(fd)
m_effect.id = -1;
// Left (for wheels):
m_effect.direction = 0x4000;
m_effect.replay.length = RUMBLE_LENGTH_MS;
// FYI: type is set within UpdateParameters.
m_effect.type = DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE;
std::string evdevDevice::ConstantEffect::GetName() const
return "Constant";
std::string evdevDevice::PeriodicEffect::GetName() const
switch (m_effect.u.periodic.waveform)
return "Square";
return "Triangle";
case FF_SINE:
return "Sine";
case FF_SAW_UP:
return "Sawtooth Up";
return "Sawtooth Down";
return "Unknown";
std::string evdevDevice::RumbleEffect::GetName() const
return (Motor::Strong == m_motor) ? "Strong" : "Weak";
void evdevDevice::Effect::SetState(ControlState state)
if (UpdateParameters(state))
// Update effect if parameters changed.
void evdevDevice::Effect::UpdateEffect()
// libevdev doesn't have nice helpers for forcefeedback
// we will use the file descriptors directly.
// Note: m_effect.type is set within UpdateParameters
// to determine if effect should be playing or not.
if (m_effect.type != DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE)
if (-1 == m_effect.id)
// If effect was not uploaded (previously stopped)
// we upload it and start playback
ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCSFF, &m_effect);
input_event play = {};
play.type = EV_FF;
play.code = m_effect.id;
play.value = 1;
static_cast<void>(write(m_fd, &play, sizeof(play)));
// Effect is already playing. Just update parameters.
ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCSFF, &m_effect);
// Stop and remove effect.
ioctl(m_fd, EVIOCRMFF, m_effect.id);
m_effect.id = -1;
evdevDevice::ConstantEffect::ConstantEffect(int fd) : Effect(fd)
m_effect.u.constant = {};
evdevDevice::PeriodicEffect::PeriodicEffect(int fd, u16 waveform) : Effect(fd)
m_effect.u.periodic = {};
m_effect.u.periodic.waveform = waveform;
m_effect.u.periodic.period = RUMBLE_PERIOD_MS;
m_effect.u.periodic.offset = 0;
m_effect.u.periodic.phase = 0;
evdevDevice::RumbleEffect::RumbleEffect(int fd, Motor motor) : Effect(fd), m_motor(motor)
m_effect.u.rumble = {};
bool evdevDevice::ConstantEffect::UpdateParameters(ControlState state)
s16& value = m_effect.u.constant.level;
const s16 old_value = value;
constexpr s16 MAX_VALUE = 0x7fff;
value = s16(state * MAX_VALUE);
m_effect.type = value ? FF_CONSTANT : DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE;
return value != old_value;
bool evdevDevice::PeriodicEffect::UpdateParameters(ControlState state)
s16& value = m_effect.u.periodic.magnitude;
const s16 old_value = value;
constexpr s16 MAX_VALUE = 0x7fff;
value = s16(state * MAX_VALUE);
m_effect.type = value ? FF_PERIODIC : DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE;
return value != old_value;
bool evdevDevice::RumbleEffect::UpdateParameters(ControlState state)
u16& value = (Motor::Strong == m_motor) ? m_effect.u.rumble.strong_magnitude :
const u16 old_value = value;
constexpr u16 MAX_VALUE = 0xffff;
value = u16(state * MAX_VALUE);
m_effect.type = value ? FF_RUMBLE : DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE;
return value != old_value;
m_effect.type = DISABLED_EFFECT_TYPE;
} // namespace ciface::evdev