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synced 2025-03-12 06:39:14 +01:00

* Currently there is no DEBUGFAST configuration. Defining DEBUGFAST as a preprocessor definition in Base.props (or a global header) enables it for now, pending a better method. This was done to make managing the build harder to screw up. However it may not even be an issue anymore with the new .props usage. * D3DX11SaveTextureToFile usage is dropped and not replaced. * If you have $(DXSDK_DIR) in your global property sheets (Microsoft.Cpp.$(PlatformName).user), you need to remove it. The build will error out with a message if it's configured incorrectly. * If you are on Windows 8 or above, you no longer need the June 2010 DirectX SDK installed to build dolphin. If you are in this situation, it is still required if you want your built binaries to be able to use XAudio2 and XInput on previous Windows versions. * GLew updated to 1.10.0 * compiler switches added: /volatile:iso, /d2Zi+ * LTCG available via msbuild property: DolphinRelease * SDL updated to 2.0.0 * All Externals (excl. OpenAL and SDL) are built from source. * Now uses STL version of std::{mutex,condition_variable,thread} * Now uses Build as root directory for *all* intermediate files * Binary directory is populated as post-build msbuild action * .gitignore is simplified * UnitTests project is no longer compiled
221 lines
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221 lines
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import os.path, copy, sys
def checkSymbol(conf, header, library=None, symbol=None, autoAdd=True, critical=False, pkgName=None):
""" Check for symbol in library, optionally look only for header.
@param conf: Configure instance.
@param header: The header file where the symbol is declared.
@param library: The library in which the symbol exists, if None it is taken to be the standard C library.
@param symbol: The symbol to look for, if None only the header will be looked up.
@param autoAdd: Automatically link with this library if check is positive.
@param critical: Raise on error?
@param pkgName: Optional name of pkg-config entry for library, to determine build parameters.
@return: True/False
origEnv = conf.env.Copy() # Copy unmodified environment so we can restore it upon error
env = conf.env
if library is None:
library = "c" # Standard library
autoAdd = False
if pkgName is not None:
origLibs = copy.copy(env.get("LIBS", None))
try: env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --silence-errors %s --cflags --libs" % pkgName)
except: pass
# I see no other way of checking that the parsing succeeded, if it did add no more linking parameters
if env.get("LIBS", None) != origLibs:
autoAdd = False
if not conf.CheckCHeader(header, include_quotes="<>"):
raise ConfigurationError("missing header %s" % header)
if symbol is not None and not conf.CheckLib(library, symbol, language="C", autoadd=autoAdd):
raise ConfigurationError("missing symbol %s in library %s" % (symbol, library))
except ConfigurationError:
conf.env = origEnv
if not critical:
return False
return True
import SCons.Errors
# Import common variables
# Could use '#' to refer to top-level SConstruct directory, but looks like env.SConsignFile doesn't interpret this at least :(
sconsDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("build", "scons"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError", "ApiVer")
except SCons.Errors.UserError:
# The common objects must be exported first
SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_common"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError", "ApiVer")
# This will be manipulated
env = env.Copy()
# We operate with a set of needed libraries and optional libraries, the latter stemming from host API implementations.
# For libraries of both types we record a set of values that is used to look for the library in question, during
# configuration. If the corresponding library for a host API implementation isn't found, the implementation is left out.
neededLibs = []
optionalImpls = {}
if Platform in Posix:
env.Append(CPPPATH=os.path.join("os", "unix"))
neededLibs += [("pthread", "pthread.h", "pthread_create"), ("m", "math.h", "sin")]
if env["useALSA"]:
optionalImpls["ALSA"] = ("asound", "alsa/asoundlib.h", "snd_pcm_open")
if env["useJACK"]:
optionalImpls["JACK"] = ("jack", "jack/jack.h", "jack_client_new")
if env["useOSS"]:
# TODO: It looks like the prefix for soundcard.h depends on the platform
optionalImpls["OSS"] = ("oss", "sys/soundcard.h", None)
if Platform == 'netbsd':
optionalImpls["OSS"] = ("ossaudio", "sys/soundcard.h", "_oss_ioctl")
if env["useASIHPI"]:
optionalImpls["ASIHPI"] = ("hpi", "asihpi/hpi.h", "HPI_SubSysCreate")
if env["useCOREAUDIO"]:
optionalImpls["COREAUDIO"] = ("CoreAudio", "CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h", None)
raise ConfigurationError("unknown platform %s" % Platform)
if Platform == "darwin":
env.Append(LINKFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolBox -framework AudioUnit")
elif Platform == "cygwin":
elif Platform == "irix":
neededLibs += [("audio", "dmedia/audio.h", "alOpenPort"), ("dmedia", "dmedia/dmedia.h", "dmGetUST")]
def CheckCTypeSize(context, tp):
""" Check size of C type.
@param context: A configuration context.
@param tp: The type to check.
@return: Size of type, in bytes.
context.Message("Checking the size of C type %s..." % tp)
ret = context.TryRun("""
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%%d", sizeof(%s));
return 0;
""" % tp, ".c")
if not ret[0]:
context.Result(" Couldn't obtain size of type %s!" % tp)
return None
assert ret[1]
sz = int(ret[1])
context.Result("%d" % sz)
return sz
if sys.byteorder == "little":
elif sys.byteorder == "big":
raise ConfigurationError("unknown byte order: %s" % sys.byteorder)
if env["enableDebugOutput"]:
# Start configuration
# Use an absolute path for conf_dir, otherwise it gets created both relative to current directory and build directory
conf = env.Configure(log_file=os.path.join(sconsDir, "sconf.log"), custom_tests={"CheckCTypeSize": CheckCTypeSize},
conf_dir=os.path.join(sconsDir, ".sconf_temp"))
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_SHORT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("short")])
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_INT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("int")])
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_LONG=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("long")])
if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", "rt", "clock_gettime"):
if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", symbol="nanosleep"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("sys/soundcard.h"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("linux/soundcard.h"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("machine/soundcard.h"):
# Look for needed libraries and link with them
for lib, hdr, sym in neededLibs:
checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=True)
# Look for host API libraries, if a library isn't found disable corresponding host API implementation.
for name, val in optionalImpls.items():
lib, hdr, sym = val
if checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=False, pkgName=name.lower()):
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_USE_%s=1" % name.upper()])
del optionalImpls[name]
# Configuration finished
env = conf.Finish()
# PA infrastructure
CommonSources = [os.path.join("common", f) for f in "pa_allocation.c pa_converters.c pa_cpuload.c pa_dither.c pa_front.c \
pa_process.c pa_stream.c pa_trace.c pa_debugprint.c pa_ringbuffer.c".split()]
CommonSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "skeleton", "pa_hostapi_skeleton.c"))
# Host APIs implementations
ImplSources = []
if Platform in Posix:
ImplSources += [os.path.join("os", "unix", f) for f in "pa_unix_hostapis.c pa_unix_util.c".split()]
if "ALSA" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "alsa", "pa_linux_alsa.c"))
if "JACK" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "jack", "pa_jack.c"))
if "OSS" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "oss", "pa_unix_oss.c"))
if "ASIHPI" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "asihpi", "pa_linux_asihpi.c"))
if "COREAUDIO" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append([os.path.join("hostapi", "coreaudio", f) for f in """
pa_mac_core.c pa_mac_core_blocking.c pa_mac_core_utilities.c
sources = CommonSources + ImplSources
sharedLibEnv = env.Copy()
if Platform in Posix:
# Add soname to library, this is so a reference is made to the versioned library in programs linking against libportaudio.so
if Platform != 'darwin':
sharedLibEnv.AppendUnique(SHLINKFLAGS="-Wl,-soname=libportaudio.so.%d" % int(ApiVer.split(".")[0]))
sharedLib = sharedLibEnv.SharedLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources)
staticLib = env.StaticLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources)
if Platform in Posix:
prefix = env["prefix"]
includeDir = os.path.join(prefix, "include")
libDir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib")
testNames = ["patest_sine", "paqa_devs", "paqa_errs", "patest1", "patest_buffer", "patest_callbackstop", "patest_clip", \
"patest_dither", "patest_hang", "patest_in_overflow", "patest_latency", "patest_leftright", "patest_longsine", \
"patest_many", "patest_maxsines", "patest_multi_sine", "patest_out_underflow", "patest_pink", "patest_prime", \
"patest_read_record", "patest_record", "patest_ringmix", "patest_saw", "patest_sine8", "patest_sine", \
"patest_sine_time", "patest_start_stop", "patest_stop", "patest_sync", "patest_toomanysines", \
"patest_underflow", "patest_wire", "patest_write_sine", "pa_devs", "pa_fuzz", "pa_minlat", \
# The test directory ("bin") should be in the top-level PA directory
tests = [env.Program(target=os.path.join("#", "bin", name), source=[os.path.join("#", "test", name + ".c"),
staticLib]) for name in testNames]
# Detect host APIs
hostApis = []
for cppdef in env["CPPDEFINES"]:
if cppdef.startswith("PA_USE_"):
Return("sources", "sharedLib", "staticLib", "tests", "env", "hostApis")