mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:46:49 +01:00

git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@806 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
380 lines
12 KiB
380 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
#ifdef _WIN32
// =======================================================================================
// Includes
// --------------
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string> // So that we can test if std::string == abc
#include <windows.h>
#include "Common.h"
#include "UCode_AXStructs.h" // they are only in a virtual dir called UCodes AX
#include "Console.h" // For wprintf, ClearScreen
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
// --------------
#define NUMBER_OF_PBS 64 // Todo: move this to a logging class
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Externals
// --------------
extern u32 m_addressPBs;
float ratioFactor;
int globaliSize;
short globalpBuffer;
u32 gLastBlock;
// --------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vectors and other stuff
// --------------
std::vector<u32> gloopPos(64);
std::vector<u32> gsampleEnd(64);
std::vector<u32> gsamplePos(64);
std::vector<u32> gratio(64);
std::vector<u32> gratiohi(64);
std::vector<u32> gratiolo(64);
std::vector<u32> gfrac(64);
std::vector<u32> gcoef(64);
// PBSampleRateConverter mixer
std::vector<u16> gvolume_left(64);
std::vector<u16> gvolume_right(64);
std::vector<u16> gmixer_control(64);
std::vector<u16> gcur_volume(64);
std::vector<u16> gcur_volume_delta(64);
std::vector<u16> gaudioFormat(64);
std::vector<u16> glooping(64);
std::vector<u16> gsrc_type(64);
std::vector<u16> gis_stream(64);
// loop
std::vector<u16> gloop1(64);
std::vector<u16> gloop2(64);
std::vector<u16> gloop3(64);
std::vector<u16> gadloop1(64);
std::vector<u16> gadloop2(64);
std::vector<u16> gadloop3(64);
// updates
std::vector<u16> gupdates1(64);
std::vector<u16> gupdates2(64);
std::vector<u16> gupdates3(64);
std::vector<u16> gupdates4(64);
std::vector<u16> gupdates5(64);
std::vector<u32> gupdates_addr(64);
// other stuff
std::vector<u16> Jump(64); // this is 1 or 0
std::vector<int> musicLength(64);
std::vector< std::vector<int> > vector1(64, std::vector<int>(100,0));
std::vector<int> numberRunning(64);
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
__int64 l = 0;
int iupd = 0;
bool iupdonce = false;
std::vector<u16> viupd(15); // the length of the update frequency bar
int vectorLength = 15; // the length of the playback history bar and how long
// old blocks are shown
std::vector<u16> vector62(vectorLength);
std::vector<u16> vector63(vectorLength);
int ReadOutPBs(AXParamBlock * _pPBs, int _num);
// ===========
// =======================================================================================
// Main logging function
// --------------
void Logging()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Control how often the screen is updated
if (j>1000000) // TODO: make the update frequency adjustable from the logging window
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
// =======================================================================================
// Vector1 is a vector1[64][100] vector
Move all items back like this
1 to 2
2 3
3 ...
// ----------------
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < vectorLength; j++)
vector1.at(i).at(j-1) = vector1.at(i).at(j);
// =================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enter the latest value
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
vector1.at(i).at(vectorLength-1) = PBs[i].running;
// -----------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Count how many blocks we have running now
int jj = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < vectorLength-1; j++)
if (vector1.at(i).at(j) == 1)
numberRunning.at(i) = jj;
// --------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write the first row
char buffer [1000] = "";
std::string sbuff;
//sbuff = sbuff + " Nr | | frac ratio | old new \n"; // 5
sbuff = sbuff + " Nr pos / end lpos | voll volr curv vold mix | isl[pre yn1 yn2] iss | frac ratio[hi lo] | 1 2 3 4 5\n";
// --------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read out values for all blocks
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
if (numberRunning.at(i) > 0)
// =======================================================================================
// Write the playback bar
// -------------
for (int j = 0; j < vectorLength; j++)
if(vector1.at(i).at(j) == 0)
sbuff = sbuff + " ";
sprintf(buffer, "%c", 177);
sbuff = sbuff + buffer; strcpy(buffer, "");
// ==============
// ================================================================================================
int sampleJump;
int loopJump;
//if (PBs[i].running && PBs[i].adpcm_loop_info.yn1 && PBs[i].mixer.volume_left)
if (true)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AXPB base
//int running = pb.running;
gcoef[i] = PBs[i].unknown1;
sampleJump = ((PBs[i].audio_addr.cur_addr_hi << 16) | PBs[i].audio_addr.cur_addr_lo) - gsamplePos[i];
loopJump = ((PBs[i].audio_addr.loop_addr_hi << 16) | PBs[i].audio_addr.loop_addr_lo) - gloopPos[i];
gloopPos[i] = (PBs[i].audio_addr.loop_addr_hi << 16) | PBs[i].audio_addr.loop_addr_lo;
gsampleEnd[i] = (PBs[i].audio_addr.end_addr_hi << 16) | PBs[i].audio_addr.end_addr_lo;
gsamplePos[i] = (PBs[i].audio_addr.cur_addr_hi << 16) | PBs[i].audio_addr.cur_addr_lo;
// PBSampleRateConverter src
gratio[i] = (u32)(((PBs[i].src.ratio_hi << 16) + PBs[i].src.ratio_lo) * ratioFactor);
gratiohi[i] = PBs[i].src.ratio_hi;
gratiolo[i] = PBs[i].src.ratio_lo;
gfrac[i] = PBs[i].src.cur_addr_frac;
// adpcm_loop_info
gadloop1[i] = PBs[i].adpcm.pred_scale;
gadloop2[i] = PBs[i].adpcm.yn1;
gadloop3[i] = PBs[i].adpcm.yn2;
gloop1[i] = PBs[i].adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale;
gloop2[i] = PBs[i].adpcm_loop_info.yn1;
gloop3[i] = PBs[i].adpcm_loop_info.yn2;
// updates
gupdates1[i] = PBs[i].updates.num_updates[0];
gupdates2[i] = PBs[i].updates.num_updates[1];
gupdates3[i] = PBs[i].updates.num_updates[2];
gupdates4[i] = PBs[i].updates.num_updates[3];
gupdates5[i] = PBs[i].updates.num_updates[4];
gupdates_addr[i] = (PBs[i].updates.data_hi << 16) | PBs[i].updates.data_lo;
gaudioFormat[i] = PBs[i].audio_addr.sample_format;
glooping[i] = PBs[i].audio_addr.looping;
gsrc_type[i] = PBs[i].src_type;
gis_stream[i] = PBs[i].is_stream;
// mixer
gvolume_left[i] = PBs[i].mixer.volume_left;
gvolume_right[i] = PBs[i].mixer.volume_right;
gmixer_control[i] = PBs[i].mixer_control;
gcur_volume[i] = PBs[i].vol_env.cur_volume;
gcur_volume_delta[i] = PBs[i].vol_env.cur_volume_delta;
// other stuff
Jump[i] = (gfrac[i] >> 16); // This is 1 or 0
musicLength[i] = gsampleEnd[i] - gloopPos[i];
// ================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/" Nr pos / end lpos | voll volr curv vold mix | isl[pre yn1 yn2] iss | frac ratio[hi lo] | 1 2 3 4 5\n";
"---------------|00 12341234/12341234 12341234 | 00000 00000 00000 0000 00000 | 0[000 00000 00000] 0 | 00000 00000[0 00000] |
sprintf(buffer,"%c%i %08i/%08i %08i | %05i %05i %05i %04i %05i | %i[%03i %05i %05i] %i | %05i %05i[%i %05i] | %i %i %i %i %i",
223, i, gsamplePos[i], gsampleEnd[i], gloopPos[i],
gvolume_left[i], gvolume_right[i], gcur_volume[i], gcur_volume_delta[i], gmixer_control[i],
glooping[i], gloop1[i], gloop2[i], gloop3[i], gis_stream[i],
gfrac[i], gratio[i], gratiohi[i], gratiolo[i],
gupdates1[i], gupdates2[i], gupdates3[i], gupdates4[i], gupdates5[i]
// =======================================================================================
// write a new line
sbuff = sbuff + buffer; strcpy(buffer, "");
sbuff = sbuff + "\n";
} // end of if (true)
} // end of big loop - for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
// =======================================================================================
// Write global values
sprintf(buffer, "\nParameter blocks span from %08x | to %08x | distance %i %i\n", m_addressPBs, gLastBlock, (gLastBlock-m_addressPBs), (gLastBlock-m_addressPBs) / 192);
sbuff = sbuff + buffer; strcpy(buffer, "");
// ==============
// =======================================================================================
// Show update frequency
// ---------------
sbuff = sbuff + "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
viupd.at(i) == 0;
viupd.at(0) = 1;
viupd.at(1) = 1;
viupd.at(2) = 1;
iupdonce = true;
for (int i = 0; i < viupd.size(); i++) // 0, 1,..., 9
if (i < viupd.size()-1)
viupd.at(viupd.size()-i-1) = viupd.at(viupd.size()-i-2); // move all forward
viupd.at(0) = viupd.at(viupd.size()-1);
// Correction
if (viupd.at(viupd.size()-3) == 1 && viupd.at(viupd.size()-2) == 1 && viupd.at(viupd.size()-1) == 1)
viupd.at(0) = 0;
if(viupd.at(0) == 0 && viupd.at(1) == 1 && viupd.at(2) == 1 && viupd.at(3) == 0)
viupd.at(0) = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < viupd.size(); i++)
if(viupd.at(i) == 0)
sbuff = sbuff + " ";
sbuff = sbuff + ".";
// ================
// =======================================================================================
// Print
// ---------------
wprintf("%s", sbuff.c_str());
sbuff.clear(); strcpy(buffer, "");
// ---------------
// ---------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =======================================================================================
#endif |