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synced 2025-01-30 01:26:49 +01:00
Enable emulator hotkeys and controller input (when that option is enabled) when a TAS Input window has focus, as if it was the render window instead. This allows TASers to use frame advance and the like without having to switch the focused window or disabling Hotkeys Require Window Focus which also picks up keypresses while other apps are active. Cursor updates are disabled when the TAS Input window has focus, as otherwise the Wii IR widget (and anything else controlled by the mouse) becomes unusable. The cursor continues to work normally when the render window has focus.
340 lines
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340 lines
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// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/DInput/DInputKeyboardMouse.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
#include "Core/Host.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/DInput/DInput.h"
// (lower would be more sensitive) user can lower sensitivity by setting range
// seems decent here ( at 8 ), I don't think anyone would need more sensitive than this
// and user can lower it much farther than they would want to with the range
// if input hasn't been received for this many ms, mouse input will be skipped
// otherwise it is just some crazy value
#define DROP_INPUT_TIME 250
namespace ciface::DInput
class RelativeMouseAxis final : public Core::Device::RelativeInput
std::string GetName() const override
return fmt::format("RelativeMouse {}{}", char('X' + m_index), (m_scale > 0) ? '+' : '-');
RelativeMouseAxis(u8 index, bool positive, const RelativeMouseState* state)
: m_state(*state), m_index(index), m_scale(positive * 2 - 1)
ControlState GetState() const override
return ControlState(m_state.GetValue().data[m_index] * m_scale);
const RelativeMouseState& m_state;
const u8 m_index;
const s8 m_scale;
static const struct
const BYTE code;
const char* const name;
} named_keys[] = {
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/DInput/NamedKeys.h" // NOLINT
// Prevent duplicate keyboard/mouse devices. Modified by more threads.
static bool s_keyboard_mouse_exists;
static HWND s_hwnd;
void InitKeyboardMouse(IDirectInput8* const idi8, HWND hwnd)
if (s_keyboard_mouse_exists)
s_hwnd = hwnd;
// Mouse and keyboard are a combined device, to allow shift+click and stuff
// if that's dumb, I will make a VirtualDevice class that just uses ranges of inputs/outputs from
// other devices
// so there can be a separated Keyboard and mouse, as well as combined KeyboardMouse
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 kb_device = nullptr;
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 mo_device = nullptr;
// These are "virtual" system devices, so they are always there even if we have no physical
// mouse and keyboard plugged into the computer
if (SUCCEEDED(idi8->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &kb_device, nullptr)) &&
SUCCEEDED(kb_device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard)) &&
SUCCEEDED(kb_device->SetCooperativeLevel(nullptr, DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)) &&
SUCCEEDED(idi8->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &mo_device, nullptr)) &&
SUCCEEDED(mo_device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse2)) &&
SUCCEEDED(mo_device->SetCooperativeLevel(nullptr, DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)))
g_controller_interface.AddDevice(std::make_shared<KeyboardMouse>(kb_device, mo_device));
ERROR_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "KeyboardMouse device failed to be created");
if (kb_device)
if (mo_device)
void SetKeyboardMouseWindow(HWND hwnd)
s_hwnd = hwnd;
s_keyboard_mouse_exists = false;
// Independently of the order in which we do these, if we put a breakpoint on Unacquire() (or in
// any place in the call stack before this), when refreshing devices from the UI, on the second
// attempt, it will get stuck in an infinite (while) loop inside dinput8.dll. Given that it can't
// be otherwise be reproduced (not even with sleeps), we can just ignore the problem.
// kb
// mouse
KeyboardMouse::KeyboardMouse(const LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 kb_device,
: m_kb_device(kb_device), m_mo_device(mo_device), m_last_update(GetTickCount()), m_state_in()
s_keyboard_mouse_exists = true;
if (FAILED(m_kb_device->Acquire()))
WARN_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Keyboard device failed to acquire. We'll retry later");
if (FAILED(m_mo_device->Acquire()))
WARN_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Mouse device failed to acquire. We'll retry later");
// add keys
for (u8 i = 0; i < sizeof(named_keys) / sizeof(*named_keys); ++i)
AddInput(new Key(i, m_state_in.keyboard[named_keys[i].code]));
// Add combined left/right modifiers with consistent naming across platforms.
AddCombinedInput("Alt", {"LMENU", "RMENU"});
AddCombinedInput("Shift", {"LSHIFT", "RSHIFT"});
AddCombinedInput("Ctrl", {"LCONTROL", "RCONTROL"});
DIDEVCAPS mouse_caps = {};
mouse_caps.dwSize = sizeof(mouse_caps);
// mouse buttons
for (u8 i = 0; i < mouse_caps.dwButtons; ++i)
AddInput(new Button(i, m_state_in.mouse.rgbButtons[i]));
// mouse axes
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mouse_caps.dwAxes; ++i)
const LONG& ax = (&m_state_in.mouse.lX)[i];
// each axis gets a negative and a positive input instance associated with it
AddInput(new Axis(i, ax, (2 == i) ? -1 : -MOUSE_AXIS_SENSITIVITY));
AddInput(new Axis(i, ax, -(2 == i) ? 1 : MOUSE_AXIS_SENSITIVITY));
// cursor, with a hax for-loop
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
AddInput(new Cursor(!!(i & 2), (&m_state_in.cursor.x)[i / 2], !!(i & 1)));
// Raw relative mouse movement.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != mouse_caps.dwAxes; ++i)
AddInput(new RelativeMouseAxis(i, false, &m_state_in.relative_mouse));
AddInput(new RelativeMouseAxis(i, true, &m_state_in.relative_mouse));
void KeyboardMouse::UpdateCursorInput()
// Get the size of the current window (in my case Rect.top and Rect.left was zero).
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(s_hwnd, &rect);
// Width and height are the size of the rendering window. They could be 0
const auto win_width = std::max(rect.right - rect.left, 1l);
const auto win_height = std::max(rect.bottom - rect.top, 1l);
POINT point = {};
if (g_controller_interface.IsMouseCenteringRequested() &&
(Host_RendererHasFocus() || Host_TASInputHasFocus()))
point.x = win_width / 2;
point.y = win_height / 2;
POINT screen_point = point;
ClientToScreen(s_hwnd, &screen_point);
SetCursorPos(screen_point.x, screen_point.y);
else if (Host_TASInputHasFocus())
// When a TAS Input window has focus and "Enable Controller Input" is checked most types of
// input should be read normally as if the render window had focus instead. The cursor is an
// exception, as otherwise using the mouse to set any control in the TAS Input window will also
// update the Wii IR value (or any other input controlled by the cursor).
// Get the cursor position relative to the upper left corner of the current window
// (separate or render to main)
ScreenToClient(s_hwnd, &point);
const auto window_scale = g_controller_interface.GetWindowInputScale();
// Convert the cursor position to a range from -1 to 1.
m_state_in.cursor.x = (ControlState(point.x) / win_width * 2 - 1) * window_scale.x;
m_state_in.cursor.y = (ControlState(point.y) / win_height * 2 - 1) * window_scale.y;
Core::DeviceRemoval KeyboardMouse::UpdateInput()
DIMOUSESTATE2 tmp_mouse;
// if mouse position hasn't been updated in a short while, skip a dev state
DWORD cur_time = GetTickCount();
if (cur_time - m_last_update > DROP_INPUT_TIME)
// set axes to zero
m_state_in.mouse = {};
m_state_in.relative_mouse = {};
// skip this input state
m_mo_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(tmp_mouse), &tmp_mouse);
m_last_update = cur_time;
HRESULT mo_hr = m_mo_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(tmp_mouse), &tmp_mouse);
INFO_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Mouse device failed to get state");
if (FAILED(m_mo_device->Acquire()))
INFO_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Mouse device failed to re-acquire, we'll retry later");
else if (SUCCEEDED(mo_hr))
m_state_in.relative_mouse.Move({tmp_mouse.lX, tmp_mouse.lY, tmp_mouse.lZ});
// need to smooth out the axes, otherwise it doesn't work for shit
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
((&m_state_in.mouse.lX)[i] += (&tmp_mouse.lX)[i]) /= 2;
// copy over the buttons
std::copy_n(tmp_mouse.rgbButtons, std::size(tmp_mouse.rgbButtons), m_state_in.mouse.rgbButtons);
HRESULT kb_hr = m_kb_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_state_in.keyboard), &m_state_in.keyboard);
INFO_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Keyboard device failed to get state");
if (SUCCEEDED(m_kb_device->Acquire()))
m_kb_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_state_in.keyboard), &m_state_in.keyboard);
INFO_LOG_FMT(CONTROLLERINTERFACE, "Keyboard device failed to re-acquire, we'll retry later");
return Core::DeviceRemoval::Keep;
std::string KeyboardMouse::GetName() const
return "Keyboard Mouse";
std::string KeyboardMouse::GetSource() const
// Give this device a higher priority to make sure it shows first
int KeyboardMouse::GetSortPriority() const
return 5;
bool KeyboardMouse::IsVirtualDevice() const
return true;
// names
std::string KeyboardMouse::Key::GetName() const
return named_keys[m_index].name;
std::string KeyboardMouse::Button::GetName() const
return std::string("Click ") + char('0' + m_index);
std::string KeyboardMouse::Axis::GetName() const
char tmpstr[] = "Axis ..";
tmpstr[5] = (char)('X' + m_index);
tmpstr[6] = (m_range < 0 ? '-' : '+');
return tmpstr;
std::string KeyboardMouse::Cursor::GetName() const
char tmpstr[] = "Cursor ..";
tmpstr[7] = (char)('X' + m_index);
tmpstr[8] = (m_positive ? '+' : '-');
return tmpstr;
// get/set state
ControlState KeyboardMouse::Key::GetState() const
return (m_key != 0);
ControlState KeyboardMouse::Button::GetState() const
return (m_button != 0);
ControlState KeyboardMouse::Axis::GetState() const
return ControlState(m_axis) / m_range;
ControlState KeyboardMouse::Cursor::GetState() const
return m_axis / (m_positive ? 1.0 : -1.0);
} // namespace ciface::DInput