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synced 2025-03-27 04:56:42 +01:00
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TITLES = https://www.gametdb.com (type: Wii language: NL_unique version: 20230727194218)
R23P52 = Barbie en De Drie Musketiers
R25PWR = LEGO Harry Potter: Jaren 1-4
R27X54 = Dora redt het Land van Kristal
R29P52 = Millennium Championship Paintball 2009
R2FP70 = Freddi Fish en het verhaal van de verdwenen zeewierzaadjes
R2YP54 = Mijn Verjaardag!
R33P69 = AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack
R39PNK = Shimano Xtreme Fishing
R3PPWR = Speed Racer: De Game
R42P69 = De Sims 2: Op een Onbewoond Eiland
R4CP69 = Simcity Creator
R4EP01 = Endless Ocean 2: Een zee vol avontuur
R4PP69 = De Sims 2: Huisdieren
R55P41 = Weekend Miljonairs 1e Editie
R5FP41 = Academy of Champions
R5PP69 = Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks
R5PX69 = Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks
R5XJ13 = MySims Agents
R6XP69 = Hasbro: Familie Spellen Avond 2
R72P5G = Cake Mania: In The Mix!
R7YFMR = Peking Express
R7ZP41 = Crazy Crew Party
R8IP78 = SpongeBob Squarepants: Truth or Square
R8JPWR = In de Ban van de Ring: Aragorn's Avontuur
R8OX54 = Mijn Circus
R8RP41 = Arthur en De Wraak Van Malthazard
R8VP41 = Red De Aarde : Jouw missie: Verzorg wilde dieren
R94XMR = The Ultimate Red Ball Challenge Wipeout
R9BPMT = Bob de Bouwer: We Bouwen een Feestje!
R9DP78 = Drawn to Life: Het Nieuwe Hoofdstuk
R9EPNP = Brico Party
R9GPWR = Legende van Ga'Hoole
R9LP41 = Girls Life: Pyjama Party
RBVP52 = Barbie als de Eiland prinses
RC2P78 = Cars: De Internationale Race van Takel
RC2X78 = Cars: De Internationale Race van Takel
RC2Y78 = Cars: De Internationale Race van Takel
RC8P7D = Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant
RCGP54 = Carnival: Kermis Games
RCHPGT = We cheer
RCLP4Q = Chicken Little: De Avonturen van Ace
RCOPNP = Case Closed - One Truth Prevails: The Mirapolis Investigation
RDLP70 = Spy Fox In Operatie Melk Weg
RDPP54 = Dora Redt de Sneeuwprinses
RDPX54 = Dora redt de Sneeuwprinses
REKU41 = My Fitness Coach: Cardio Workout
REQP54 = Go, Diego, Go!: Safari Avontuur
REQX54 = Go, Diego, Go! Safari Avontuur
REQY54 = Go, Diego, Go! Safari Avontuur
REWFMR = My Horse Club
REWXMR = My Horse Club: Op zoek naar de mooie Appaloosa
REWYMR = My Horse Club: Op zoek naar de mooie Appaloosa
RFKP41 = My Fitness Coach: Fit En Gezond
RFKX41 = My Fitness Coach: Fit en Gezond
RFZP41 = Laura's Passie Modeshow
RG6P69 = Boogie Superstar
RGAP8P = Planet 51: Het Spel
RGHP52 = Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock
RH2P41 = Hell's Kitchen: The Video Game
RH6P69 = Harry Potter en de Halfbloed Prins
RHDP8P = The House of The Dead 2 & 3 Return
RHKP18 = Job Island
RHNP70 = My Horse and Me
RHZP41 = Horsez: Plezier op de manege
RI2P4Q = High School Musical: Sing It!
RIGP54 = Go, Diego, Go! Het Grote Dinosaurus Avontuur
RIQPUJ = Dansen op het ijs
RJ9HMN = Think: Train je Brein
RJDPKM = Mijn Dierenkliniek
RJFPKM = Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009
RJJP8P = Jambo! Safari Animal Rescue
RJQP70 = Pajama Sam: De Helse-Jacht Op De Duistere Nacht
RL2HMN = Paard & Pony: Mijn Paardenstal
RL2PFR = Paard & Pony: Mijn Paardenstal
RL7P69 = Littlest Pet Shop: Vrienden
RLHP52 = Little League World Series Baseball
RLLP70 = Go West! Een Lucky Luke Avontuur!
RLNFMR = Expeditie Robinson
RLNHMR = Expeditie Robinson
RLNIMR = Expeditie Robinson
RLVP78 = Avatar: De Legende van Aang
RMNHMN = Mijn Dierenpension: Verzorg en speel met de leukste dieren!
RN3P78 = Spongebob En Zijn Vrienden: Aanval Van De Speelgoedrobots
RN3X78 = SpongeBob: Aanval van de Speelgoedrobots
RN4P41 = ANNO: Creëer een Nieuwe Wereld
RNNP4Q = De Kronieken van Narnia: Prins Caspian
RNNX4Q = De Kronieken van Narnia: Prins Caspian
RNNY4Q = De Kronieken van Narnia: Prins Caspian
RNOP01 = Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories
RO7P7D = De Legende van Spyro: De Eeuwige Nacht
RO8P7D = De Legende van Spyro: De Opkomst van een Draak
ROEPGT = Honden Hotel
ROLP8P = Mario & Sonic op de Olympische Winterspelen
ROPP41 = Baas in eigen bos
ROVPHM = Playmobil Circus: Actie in de ring
ROYX41 = Het Regent Gehaktballen
RPKP52 = World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions
RPSP4Q = Disney Princess: De Betoverende Reis
RQ4P78 = SpongeBob Squarepants: Creatuur van de Krokante Krab
RQEP6V = Agatha Christie: Evil Under The Sun
RQNPWR = Scooby-Doo! Operatie Kippenvel
RQOP69 = Spore Helden
RQPP52 = cabela's big game hunter 2009
RQWPG9 = Puzzle Quest - Challenge of the Warlords
RQXP70 = Asterix en de Olympische Spelen
RRCP52 = Barbie Paardenavonturen: Het Paardrijkamp
RRMP69 = Hasbro Familie Spellen Avond
RRMX69 = Hasbro: Familie Spellen Avond
RRQP52 = Shrek - Crazy Party Games
RRQX52 = Shrek - Crazy Party Games
RSKP52 = Shrek de Derde
RSKX52 = Shrek de Derde
RSLPAF = Soulcalibur Legends
RT6PKM = Magic Roundabout
RTEHMR = Ik ben dierenarts
RTLP18 = Fishing Master
RTZJ08 = Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure
RU2P5Z = RTL Winter Sports 2009: The Next Challenge
RU5P4Q = De Prinses en de Kikker
RU5X4Q = De Prinses en de Kikker
RU7X5G = Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
RUSX78 = Spongebob SquarePants: De Strijd Tegen Slijm
RUSY78 = SpongeBob Squarepants: Strijd Tegen Slijm
RV7SMR = Expeditie Robinson
RV9P78 = Avatar: De Legende van Aang - De Vuurmeester
RVAP78 = Avatar: De Legende van Aang - De Brandende Aarde
RVTPMR = Ik ben dierenarts
RVTXMR = Ik ben dierenarts
RW4D41 = My Word Coach - Verbeter Je Woordenschat
RW5F41 = Weekend Miljonairs 2e Editie
RW5P41 = Weekend Miljonairs 2e Editie
RW8P41 = Laura's Passie : Wilde Paarden
RWFH41 = My Word Coach: Verbeter je Woordenschat
RWOP69 = Monopoly Here & Now Worldwide Edition
RWSP8P = Mario & Sonic op de Olympische Spelen
RX4PMT = Casper en de Spookschool: Spooky sportdag
RXDD4Q = Disney Th!nk Fast
RXDX4Q = Disney Th!nk Fast
RXZP52 = Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009
RYBP69 = Boom Blox: Smash Party
RYDP6V = Pet Pals
RYIPNK = Spray
RYJPTV = Prinses Lillifee
RZLP41 = Happy Cooking Party
RZYF41 = My Word Coach: Verbeter je woordenschat
RZYP41 = My Word Coach: Verbeter je woordenschat
RZYS41 = My Word Coach: Verbeter je woordenschat
S2XE41 = De Smurfen 2
S2XP41 = De Smurfen 2
S3EP78 = Barbie: Glam, Jet & Stijl
S3MP69 = De Sims 3
S6IP78 = Disney Princess: Betoverende Verhalen
SAOP78 = Monster High: De Graf Geest
SAOXVZ = Monster High: De Graf Geest
SB2PNP = My Baby 2: Mijn Baby Wordt Groot
SB6P52 = Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core
SB9P78 = Barbie: Hondenshow Puppy's
SBJPAF = Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction
SBNPG9 = Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks
SBVP78 = SpongeBob Squarepants: Boten Bots Race
SDLP78 = Krabbel's Grote Avontuur
SDMPAF = Verschrikkelijke ikke: En de rest kan stikke
SDPP54 = Dora's Grote Verjaardag Avontuur
SDUP41 = De Smurfen: Dance Party
SEAP69 = EA Sports Active: Extra Trainingen
SERP4Q = Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2
SESPWR = Sesamstraat: Klaar Voor De Start, Grover!
SFGP69 = Hasbro: Familie Spellen Avond 4
SG8PAF = Yogi Bear: The Videogame
SGEPLG = National Geographics Quiz! Wild Life
SGRPGT = Grease: the game
SGXP41 = Strijd der Giganten: Dinosaurs Vallen Aan
SHBP69 = Hasbro: Familie Spellen Avond 3
SHDP52 = Hoe Tem Je Een Draak
SIAP52 = Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
SIIP8P = Mario & Sonic op de Olympische Spelen – Londen 2012
SJ2PWR = Scooby-Doo! En Het Spookmoeras
SJXD41 = Just Dance 4
SK4P52 = Shrek Voor Eeuwig En Altijd
SLHPWR = LEGO Harry Potter: Jaren 5-7
SM4PXT = Monster Trucks
SMGP78 = Megamind: Het Mega Team
SODPYK = De Ontdekker en het mysterie van de Diamanten Scarabee
SP8P78 = De Pinguïns van Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Keert Weer Terug!
SPWHZH = Het Studio 100 Speeleiland
SQTPML = De Strijd, Tussen Jongens En Meisjes
SR5P41 = Raving Rabbids: Party Collection
SRPP4Q = Disney Rapunzel
SS8P78 = SpongeBob Squarepants: De Onnozele Krabbelaar
SSBP78 = De Gelaarsde kat
STNP41 = De avonturen van Kuifje: Het geheim van de eenhoorn
STOP4Q = Cars Toon: Takel's Sterke Verhalen
STYP52 = Tony Hawk : Shred
SVDP52 = SpongeBob Squarepants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge
SVMP01 = Super Mario All-Stars : 25th Anniversary Edition
SVQEVZ = Barbie En Haar Zusjes In Het Grote Puppy Avontuur
SVQPVZ = Barbie En Haar Zusjes In Het Grote Puppy Avontuur
SVZPVZ = Hoe Tem Je Een Draak 2
CG1P52 = Guitar Hero III Custom : Guitar Hero I
RMCPCA = Mario Kart Wii (Catalaanse vertaling)
W2FP = Physiofun - Balance Training
W2GP = Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All
W2MP = Blaster Master: Overdrive
W2PP = Physiofun: Pelvic Floor Training
W3GP = Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
W3KP = ThruSpace: High Velocity 3D Puzzle
W3MP = The Three Musketeers: One for all
W44P = Stop Stress: A Day of Fury
W4AP = Arcade Sports: Air Hockey, Bowling, Pool, Snooker
W6BP = Eco-Shooter: Plant 530
W72P = Successfully Learning German Year 3
W73P = Successfully Learning German Year 4
W74P = Successfully Learning German Year 5
W7IP = Successfully Learning German Year 2
W8CP = Bit.Trip Core
W8WP = Happy Holidays: Halloween
W9BP = Big Town Shoot
W9RP = Happy Holidays: Christmas
WA4P = WarioWare: Do It Yourself - Showcase
WA7P = Toribash Violence Perfected
WA8P = Art Style: Penta Tentacles
WAEP = Around the world
WAFP = Airport Mania: First Flight
WAHP = Trenches: Generals
WALP = Art Style: light trax
WAOP = The Very Hungry Caterpillar´s ABC
WB2P = Strong Bad Episode 4: Dangeresque 3
WB3P = Strong Bad Episode 5: 8-bit is Enough
WBEP = Beer Pong: Frat Party Games
WBFP = Bit.Trip Fate
WBGP = Bang Attack
WBPP = PLÄTTCHEN - twist 'n' paint
WBRP = Pirates: The Key of Dreams
WBXP = Strong Bad Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner
WBYP = Strong Bad Episode 2: Strong Badia - The Free
WBZP = Strong Bad Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands
WCHP = Chess Challenge
WCJP = Cocoto: Platform Jumper
WCKP = chick chick BOOM
WCSP = CueSports: Snooker vs Billiards
WD9P = Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth
WDEP = Magic Destiny Astrological Games
WDFP = Defend your Castle
WDPP = Dr. Mario & Germ Buster (Friend Battle Demo)
WEMP = Aha! I Got It! Escape Game
WETP = PictureBook Games: A Pop-Up Adventure
WF2P = Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord
WF4P = Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
WFCP = Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
WFQP = Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition
WFTP = Fish'em All!
WFVP = Football Up
WFWP = Flowerworks: Follie's Adventure
WFYP = Family Games Pen & Paper Edition
WGDP = Gradius Rebirth
WGFP = Girlfriends Forever: Magic Skate
WGGP = Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove: Monster Mix
WGPP = Zenquaria: Virtual Aquarium
WGSP = Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
WHEP = Heracles: Chariot Racing
WHFP = Heavy Fire: Special Operations
WHRP = Heron: Steam Machine
WHWP = HoopWorld: BasketBrawl
WICP = NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
WIDP = Dracula: Undead Awakening
WIEP = Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan
WILP = Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal
WIRP = Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 5: Rise Of The Pirate God
WISP = Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay
WITP = Aha! I Found It! Hidden Object Game
WIYP = Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
WJKP = Jewel Keepers: Easter Island
WKBP = You, Me and the Cubes
WKFP = Kung Fu Funk: Everybody Is Kung Fu Fighting
WKKP = Pop-Up Pirates!
WKRP = Karate Phants: Gloves of Glory
WKWP = Adventure on LOST ISLAND: Hidden Object Game
WLEE = Leren met de PooYoo's: Aflevering 1
WLEP = Leren met de PooYoo's: Aflevering 1
WLNP = Leren met de PooYoo's: Aflevering 2
WLOP = LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias
WLZP = lilt line
WM7P = Anima Ark of Sinners
WMBP = MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade
WMCP = Monsteca Corral: Monsters Vs. Robots
WMJP = Dive: The Medes Islands Secret
WMSP = Enjoy your massage!
WN9P = Military Madness: Nectaris
WNEP = Penguins & Friends Hey! That’s my Fish!
WNVP = Neves Plus: Phantheon of Tangrams
WOTP = Overturn: Mecha Wars
WP3P = Pearl Harbor Trilogy 1941: Red Sun Rising
WP4P = Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 3
WPKP = Texas Hold'Em Poker
WPQP = Protöthea
WPVP = The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts
WREP = Racers Islands Crazy Arenas
WRIP = Rainbow Islands: Towering Adventure!
WRJP = Racers Islands - Crazy Racers
WRLP = FAST Racing League
WRRP = Robin Hood: The Return Of Richard
WRUP = Bit.Trip Runner
WSGP = Pop Them, Drop Them SAMEGAME
WSNP = Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I
WSUP = Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem
WTEP = Tales of Elastic Boy Mission 1
WTFP = Bit.Trip Flux
WTMP = Adventure Island: The Beginning
WTRP = Bit.Trip Beat
WTWP = Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner
WTXP = Texas Hold’em Tournament
WU2P = Successfully Learning Mathematics Year 3
WU3P = Successfully Learning Mathematics Year 4
WU4P = Successfully Learning Mathematics Year 5
WUIP = Successfully Learning Mathematics Year 2
WVBP = Bit.Trip Void
WVOP = Rock'n Roll Climber
WVSP = Gods Vs Humans
WVUP = Mr Bumblebee Racing Champion
WW2P = Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 2
WW3P = Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 3
WWIP = Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 1
WWRP = Excitebike: World Challenge
WWXP = Paper Wars Cannon Fodder
WXBP = Ben 10: Alien Force - The Rise of Hex
WYIP = escapeVektor: Chapter 1
WYSP = Yard Sale Hidden Treasures Sunnyville
WZIP = Rubik's Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH
WZZP = The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Puzzling Pages
XIBP = Fish em All Demo
XICP = Gods vs Humans Demo
XIDP = Racers Islands Crazy Racers Demo
XIEP = chick chick BOOM Demo
XIGP = Urbanix Demo
XIHP = Gladiator Demo
XIJP = Fast Racing League Demo
XIKP = Monsteca Corral Demo
XINP = Learning with the Pooyoos Episode 1 Demo
XIOP = Learning with the Pooyoos Episode 2 Demo
XIPP = Learning with the Pooyoos Episode 3 Demo
XITP = Fast Draw Demo
XIUP = Soccer Bashi Demo
XIVP = Mix Superstar Demo
XIZP = 3D Pixel Racing Demo
XJEP = Aya and the Cubes of Light Demo
FA9P = Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
FB2L = Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
FBKP = Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles
FC8P = Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
FCSP = Probotector II: Return of the Evil Forces
FDGP = Ghosts'n Goblins
FDRP = Skate or Die
FEML = Bio Miracle Bokutte UPA
FEQP = Castlevania III Dracula's Curse
FERM = Startropics II: Zoda's Revenge
FF5P = Double Dragon II: The Revenge
FFEP = A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia
FFPP = Ufouria: THE SAGA
FFUP = Adventure Island 2
FFVM = S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team
JA4P = Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
JABL = Mario’s Super Picross
JADP = The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
JAFP = SimCity
JAHP = R-TYPE III: The Third Lightning
JAJP = Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
JALP = Super Probotector: Alien Rebels
JAZP = The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
JBBP = Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
JBDP = Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-Quest
JBIP = Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
JBPP = Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble
JCAL = DoReMi Fantasy - Milon’s DokiDoki Adventure
JCBM = Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
JCCP = Kirby’s Fun Pak
JCDM = Kirby’s Dream Land 3
JCJP = Super Punch Out!!
JCKP = Space Invaders -The Original Game-
JCTM = Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
JD3P = SUPER E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force
JDJP = Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
JDLP = Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
JDWP = Aero The Acrobat
JDZP = Mystic Quest Legend
NACP = The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
NAMP = Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
NAOP = 1080°: TenEighty Snowboarding
NARP = The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
NAYM = Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
LALP = Fantasy Zone II
LANP = Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
LAPP = Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
MA8P = Ecco: The Tides of Time
MAHP = Sonic the Hedgehog
MAKP = Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
MALP = Bonanza Bros.
MAOP = Bio-Hazard Battle
MAVP = Wonder Boy In Monster World
MAXP = Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle
MB6P = Shining Force II
MBBP = Sonic the Hedgehog 2
MBFP = Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja master
MBIP = Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole
MBJP = Ghouls'n Ghosts
MBLP = ESWAT City Under Siege
MBMP = Sonic the Hedgehog 3
MBUP = Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island
MBWM = Columns III: Revenge of Columns
MC3P = Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
MCCP = Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
MCLP = Street Fighter II’: Special Champion Edition
MCQP = Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure
MCRP = Wolf of the Battlefield: MERCS
MCSP = Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
MCVP = Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
MCZP = Shanghai II Dragon's Eye
PAAP = Bomberman'93
PAGL = Bomberman'94
PARL = Detana Twin Bee
PAWP = Galaga'90
PBEP = Motoroader
PBIP = Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure
PBSP = Chew Man Fu
PBWP = Air 'Zonk'
PCSL = Digital Champ: Battle Boxing
PDJL = Street Fighter II': Champion Edition
QA3P = SimEarth: The Living Planet
QAAP = Super Air Zonk
QABP = Ys Book I & II
QADL = Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou
QAPL = Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
EA5P = Fatal Fury 3: Road To The Final Victory
EA7P = Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
EA8M = Iron Clad
EAIP = Top Hunter
EBDP = Magical Drop 3
EBFP = Spin master
EBSP = The Path of the Warrior: Art of Fighting 3
ECAP = Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
ECGP = Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
E55P = Commando
E57P = SonSon
C93P = The Last Ninja 2
C96P = Summer Games 2
C9IP = Cybernoid
HAAA = Fotokanaal
HABA = Wii-winkelkanaal
HACA = Mii-personagekanaal
HADE = Internetkanaal
HADP = Internetkanaal
HAFP = Weerkanaal
HAGA = Nachrichtenkanaal
HAGP = Nieuwskanaal
HAJP = Enquêtekanaal
HAPP = Mii-wedstrijdkanaal
HATP = Nintendo-kanaal
HAVP = Geluksdagkanaal
HAWP = Metroid Prime 3 Preview
HAYA = Fotokanaal
HCAP = Jam with the Band Live
HCFE = Wii Speak-Kanaal
HCFP = Wii Speak-Kanaal
OHBC = Homebrew-Kanaal
G4BP08 = Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
G4CP54 = Sjakie en chocolade
G4MP69 = De Sims: Erop uit!
G4OP69 = De Sims 2: Huisdieren
G4ZP69 = De Sims 2
GAZH69 = Harry Potter en de gevangene van Azkaban
GF4H52 = Fantastic Four™ and ©2005
GH4H69 = Harry Potter en de Vuurbeker
GHSP69 = Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer
GIQX78 = The Incredibles: De opkomst van De Ondermijner
GQLP54 = Dora the Explorer: Reis naar de Paarse Planeet
GQQD78 = SpongeBob SquarePants: Licht uit, camera aan!
GQQE78 = SpongeBob SquarePants: Licht uit, camera aan!
GQQF78 = SpongeBob SquarePants: Licht uit, camera aan!
GQQH78 = SpongeBob SquarePants: Licht uit, camera aan!
GQQP78 = SpongeBob SquarePants: Licht uit, camera aan!
GQWP69 = Harry Potter: WK Zwerkbal
GUBP69 = De Urbz: Sims in the City
GWHP41 = Winnie de Poeh en het Knaagje in zijn Maagje