2017-07-16 16:31:12 +02:00

390 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/IniFile.h"
#include "Common/NonCopyable.h"
#include "Core/HW/EXI/EXI_Device.h"
#include "Core/HW/SI/SI_Device.h"
#include "Core/TitleDatabase.h"
namespace DiscIO
enum class Language;
enum class Region;
struct Partition;
class Volume;
namespace IOS
namespace ES
class TMDReader;
// DSP Backend Types
#define BACKEND_NULLSOUND _trans("No audio output")
#define BACKEND_COREAUDIO "CoreAudio"
#define BACKEND_CUBEB "Cubeb"
#define BACKEND_XAUDIO2 "XAudio2"
enum GPUDeterminismMode
// This is currently the only mode. There will probably be at least
// one more at some point.
struct BootParameters;
struct SConfig : NonCopyable
// Wii Devices
bool m_WiiSDCard;
bool m_WiiKeyboard;
bool m_WiimoteContinuousScanning;
bool m_WiimoteEnableSpeaker;
// ISO folder
std::vector<std::string> m_ISOFolder;
bool m_RecursiveISOFolder;
// Settings
bool bEnableDebugging = false;
int iGDBPort;
#ifndef _WIN32
std::string gdb_socket;
bool bAutomaticStart = false;
bool bBootToPause = false;
int iCPUCore; // Uses the values of PowerPC::CPUCore
bool bJITNoBlockCache = false;
bool bJITNoBlockLinking = false;
bool bJITOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStoreOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStorelXzOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStorelwzOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStorelbzxOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStoreFloatingOff = false;
bool bJITLoadStorePairedOff = false;
bool bJITFloatingPointOff = false;
bool bJITIntegerOff = false;
bool bJITPairedOff = false;
bool bJITSystemRegistersOff = false;
bool bJITBranchOff = false;
bool bFastmem;
bool bFPRF = false;
bool bAccurateNaNs = false;
int iTimingVariance = 40; // in milli secounds
bool bCPUThread = true;
bool bDSPThread = false;
bool bDSPHLE = true;
bool bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack = true;
bool bForceNTSCJ = false;
bool bHLE_BS2 = true;
bool bEnableCheats = false;
bool bEnableMemcardSdWriting = true;
bool bCopyWiiSaveNetplay = true;
bool bDPL2Decoder = false;
int iLatency = 20;
bool m_audio_stretch = false;
int m_audio_stretch_max_latency = 80;
bool bRunCompareServer = false;
bool bRunCompareClient = false;
bool bMMU = false;
bool bDCBZOFF = false;
bool bLowDCBZHack = false;
int iBBDumpPort = 0;
bool bFastDiscSpeed = false;
bool bSyncGPU = false;
int iSyncGpuMaxDistance;
int iSyncGpuMinDistance;
float fSyncGpuOverclock;
int SelectedLanguage = 0;
bool bOverrideGCLanguage = false;
bool bWii = false;
bool m_is_mios = false;
// Interface settings
bool bConfirmStop = false;
bool bHideCursor = false;
bool bUsePanicHandlers = true;
bool bOnScreenDisplayMessages = true;
std::string theme_name;
// Display settings
std::string strFullscreenResolution;
int iRenderWindowXPos = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
int iRenderWindowYPos = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
int iRenderWindowWidth = -1;
int iRenderWindowHeight = -1;
bool bRenderWindowAutoSize = false, bKeepWindowOnTop = false;
bool bFullscreen = false, bRenderToMain = false;
bool bProgressive = false, bPAL60 = false;
bool bDisableScreenSaver = false;
int iPosX, iPosY, iWidth, iHeight;
// Analytics settings.
std::string m_analytics_id;
bool m_analytics_enabled = false;
bool m_analytics_permission_asked = false;
// Bluetooth passthrough mode settings
bool m_bt_passthrough_enabled = false;
int m_bt_passthrough_pid = -1;
int m_bt_passthrough_vid = -1;
std::string m_bt_passthrough_link_keys;
// USB passthrough settings
std::set<std::pair<u16, u16>> m_usb_passthrough_devices;
bool IsUSBDeviceWhitelisted(std::pair<u16, u16> vid_pid) const;
bool m_enable_signature_checks = true;
// SYSCONF settings
int m_sensor_bar_position = 0x01;
int m_sensor_bar_sensitivity = 0x03;
int m_speaker_volume = 0x58;
bool m_wiimote_motor = true;
int m_wii_language = 0x01;
int m_wii_aspect_ratio = 0x01;
int m_wii_screensaver = 0x00;
// Fifo Player related settings
bool bLoopFifoReplay = true;
// Custom RTC
bool bEnableCustomRTC;
u32 m_customRTCValue;
DiscIO::Region m_region;
std::string m_strVideoBackend;
std::string m_strGPUDeterminismMode;
// set based on the string version
GPUDeterminismMode m_GPUDeterminismMode;
// files
std::string m_strBootROM;
std::string m_strSRAM;
std::string m_strDefaultISO;
std::string m_strDVDRoot;
std::string m_strApploader;
std::string m_strWiiSDCardPath;
std::string m_perfDir;
std::string m_debugger_game_id;
// TODO: remove this as soon as the ticket view hack in IOS/ES/Views is dropped.
bool m_disc_booted_from_game_list = false;
const std::string& GetGameID() const { return m_game_id; }
const std::string& GetTitleDescription() const { return m_title_description; }
u64 GetTitleID() const { return m_title_id; }
u16 GetRevision() const { return m_revision; }
void ResetRunningGameMetadata();
void SetRunningGameMetadata(const DiscIO::Volume& volume, const DiscIO::Partition& partition);
void SetRunningGameMetadata(const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd);
void LoadDefaults();
// Replaces NTSC-K with some other region, and doesn't replace non-NTSC-K regions
static DiscIO::Region ToGameCubeRegion(DiscIO::Region region);
// The region argument must be valid for GameCube (i.e. must not be NTSC-K)
static const char* GetDirectoryForRegion(DiscIO::Region region);
std::string GetBootROMPath(const std::string& region_directory) const;
bool SetPathsAndGameMetadata(const BootParameters& boot);
void CheckMemcardPath(std::string& memcardPath, const std::string& gameRegion, bool isSlotA);
DiscIO::Language GetCurrentLanguage(bool wii) const;
IniFile LoadDefaultGameIni() const;
IniFile LoadLocalGameIni() const;
IniFile LoadGameIni() const;
static IniFile LoadDefaultGameIni(const std::string& id, std::optional<u16> revision);
static IniFile LoadLocalGameIni(const std::string& id, std::optional<u16> revision);
static IniFile LoadGameIni(const std::string& id, std::optional<u16> revision);
std::string m_NANDPath;
std::string m_DumpPath;
std::string m_strMemoryCardA;
std::string m_strMemoryCardB;
std::string m_strGbaCartA;
std::string m_strGbaCartB;
ExpansionInterface::TEXIDevices m_EXIDevice[3];
SerialInterface::SIDevices m_SIDevice[4];
std::string m_bba_mac;
// interface language
std::string m_InterfaceLanguage;
float m_EmulationSpeed;
bool m_OCEnable;
float m_OCFactor;
// other interface settings
bool m_InterfaceToolbar;
bool m_InterfaceStatusbar;
bool m_InterfaceLogWindow;
bool m_InterfaceLogConfigWindow;
bool m_InterfaceExtendedFPSInfo;
bool m_show_active_title = false;
bool m_use_builtin_title_database = true;
bool m_show_development_warning;
bool m_ListDrives;
bool m_ListWad;
bool m_ListElfDol;
bool m_ListWii;
bool m_ListGC;
bool m_ListPal;
bool m_ListUsa;
bool m_ListJap;
bool m_ListAustralia;
bool m_ListFrance;
bool m_ListGermany;
bool m_ListItaly;
bool m_ListKorea;
bool m_ListNetherlands;
bool m_ListRussia;
bool m_ListSpain;
bool m_ListTaiwan;
bool m_ListWorld;
bool m_ListUnknown;
int m_ListSort;
int m_ListSort2;
// Game list column toggles
bool m_showSystemColumn;
bool m_showBannerColumn;
bool m_showDescriptionColumn;
bool m_showTitleColumn;
bool m_showMakerColumn;
bool m_showFileNameColumn;
bool m_showIDColumn;
bool m_showRegionColumn;
bool m_showSizeColumn;
bool m_showStateColumn;
std::string m_WirelessMac;
bool m_PauseMovie;
bool m_ShowLag;
bool m_ShowFrameCount;
bool m_ShowRTC;
std::string m_strMovieAuthor;
unsigned int m_FrameSkip;
bool m_DumpFrames;
bool m_DumpFramesSilent;
bool m_ShowInputDisplay;
bool m_PauseOnFocusLost;
bool m_DisableTooltips;
// DSP settings
bool m_DSPEnableJIT;
bool m_DSPCaptureLog;
bool m_DumpAudio;
bool m_DumpAudioSilent;
bool m_IsMuted;
bool m_DumpUCode;
int m_Volume;
std::string sBackend;
// Input settings
bool m_BackgroundInput;
bool m_AdapterRumble[4];
bool m_AdapterKonga[4];
// Network settings
bool m_SSLDumpRead;
bool m_SSLDumpWrite;
bool m_SSLVerifyCert;
bool m_SSLDumpRootCA;
bool m_SSLDumpPeerCert;
// Save settings
void SaveSettings();
// Load settings
void LoadSettings();
void LoadSettingsFromSysconf();
void SaveSettingsToSysconf();
// Return the permanent and somewhat globally used instance of this struct
static SConfig& GetInstance() { return (*m_Instance); }
static void Init();
static void Shutdown();
void SaveGeneralSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveInterfaceSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveDisplaySettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveGameListSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveCoreSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveDSPSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveInputSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveMovieSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveFifoPlayerSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveNetworkSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveAnalyticsSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveBluetoothPassthroughSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SaveUSBPassthroughSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadGeneralSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadInterfaceSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadDisplaySettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadGameListSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadCoreSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadDSPSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadInputSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadMovieSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadFifoPlayerSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadNetworkSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadAnalyticsSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadBluetoothPassthroughSettings(IniFile& ini);
void LoadUSBPassthroughSettings(IniFile& ini);
void SetRunningGameMetadata(const std::string& game_id, u64 title_id, u16 revision,
Core::TitleDatabase::TitleType type);
static SConfig* m_Instance;
std::string m_game_id;
std::string m_title_description;
u64 m_title_id;
u16 m_revision;