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* Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The DOSBox Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// some configuring defines that specify the capabilities of this architecture
// or aspects of the recompiling
// protect FC_ADDR over function calls if necessaray
// try to use non-flags generating functions if possible
// try to replace _simple functions by code
// type with the same size as a pointer
#define DRC_PTR_SIZE_IM Bit32u
// calling convention modifier
#define DRC_FC /* nothing */
#define DRC_CALL_CONV /* nothing */
#if defined(_CALL_SYSV)
// disable if your toolchain doesn't provide a _SDA_BASE_ symbol (r13 constant value)
#define USE_SDA_BASE
// register mapping
enum HostReg {
HOST_R26, // generic non-volatile (used for inline adc/sbb)
HOST_R27, // points to current CacheBlockDynRec (decode.block)
HOST_R28, // points to fpu
HOST_R30, // points to Segs
HOST_R31, // points to cpu_regs
static const HostReg RegParams[] = {
#if C_FPU
#include "fpu.h"
extern struct FPU_rec fpu;
#if defined(USE_SDA_BASE)
extern Bit32u _SDA_BASE_[];
// register that holds function return values
#define FC_RETOP HOST_R3
// register used for address calculations, if the ABI does not
// state that this register is preserved across function calls
// then define DRC_PROTECT_ADDR_REG above
#define FC_ADDR HOST_R29
// register that points to Segs[]
// register that points to cpu_regs[]
// register that holds the first parameter
#define FC_OP1 RegParams[0]
// register that holds the second parameter
#define FC_OP2 RegParams[1]
// special register that holds the third parameter for _R3 calls (byte accessible)
#define FC_OP3 RegParams[2]
// register that holds byte-accessible temporary values
#define FC_TMP_BA1 FC_OP2
// register that holds byte-accessible temporary values
#define FC_TMP_BA2 FC_OP1
// temporary register for LEA
#define IMM(op, regsd, rega, imm) (((op)<<26)|((regsd)<<21)|((rega)<<16)| (((Bit32u)(imm))&0xFFFF))
#define EXT(regsd, rega, regb, op, rc) ( (31<<26)|((regsd)<<21)|((rega)<<16)|((regb)<<11)| ((op)<<1)|(rc))
#define RLW(op, regs, rega, sh, mb, me, rc) (((op)<<26)|((regs) <<21)|((rega)<<16)| ((sh)<<11)|((mb)<<6)|((me)<<1)|(rc))
#define IMM_OP(op, regsd, rega, imm) cache_addd(IMM(op, regsd, rega, imm))
#define EXT_OP(regsd, rega, regb, op, rc) cache_addd(EXT(regsd, rega, regb, op, rc))
#define RLW_OP(op, regs, rega, sh, mb, me, rc) cache_addd(RLW(op, regs, rega, sh, mb, me, rc))
// move a full register from reg_src to reg_dst
static void gen_mov_regs(HostReg reg_dst,HostReg reg_src)
if (reg_dst != reg_src)
EXT_OP(reg_src,reg_dst,reg_src,444,0); // or dst,src,src (mr dst,src)
// move a 16bit constant value into dest_reg
// the upper 16bit of the destination register may be destroyed
static void gen_mov_word_to_reg_imm(HostReg dest_reg,Bit16u imm)
IMM_OP(14, dest_reg, 0, imm); // li dest,imm
DRC_PTR_SIZE_IM block_ptr;
// Helper for loading addresses
static HostReg INLINE gen_addr(Bit32s &addr, HostReg dest)
Bit32s off;
if ((Bit16s)addr == addr)
return HOST_R0;
off = addr - (Bit32s)&Segs;
if ((Bit16s)off == off)
addr = off;
return FC_SEGS_ADDR;
off = addr - (Bit32s)&cpu_regs;
if ((Bit16s)off == off)
addr = off;
return FC_REGS_ADDR;
off = addr - (Bit32s)block_ptr;
if ((Bit16s)off == off)
addr = off;
return HOST_R27;
#if C_FPU
off = addr - (Bit32s)&fpu;
if ((Bit16s)off == off)
addr = off;
return HOST_R28;
#if defined(USE_SDA_BASE)
off = addr - (Bit32s)_SDA_BASE_;
if ((Bit16s)off == off)
addr = off;
return HOST_R13;
IMM_OP(15, dest, 0, (addr+0x8000)>>16); // lis dest, addr@ha
addr = (Bit16s)addr;
return dest;
// move a 32bit constant value into dest_reg
static void gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(HostReg dest_reg,Bit32u imm)
HostReg ld = gen_addr((Bit32s&)imm, dest_reg);
if (imm || ld != dest_reg)
IMM_OP(14, dest_reg, ld, imm); // addi dest_reg, ldr, imm@l
// move a 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) value from memory into dest_reg
// 16bit moves may destroy the upper 16bit of the destination register
static void gen_mov_word_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,void* data,bool dword)
Bit32s addr = (Bit32s)data;
HostReg ld = gen_addr(addr, dest_reg);
IMM_OP(dword ? 32:40, dest_reg, ld, addr); // lwz/lhz dest, addr@l(ld)
// move a 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) value from host memory into dest_reg
static void gen_mov_LE_word_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,void* data, bool dword) {
Bit32u addr = (Bit32u)data;
gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(dest_reg, addr);
EXT_OP(dest_reg, 0, dest_reg, dword ? 534 : 790, 0); // lwbrx/lhbrx dest, 0, dest
// move an 8bit constant value into dest_reg
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function does not use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg as these
// registers might not be directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low_imm(HostReg dest_reg,Bit8u imm) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg_imm(dest_reg, imm);
// move an 8bit constant value into dest_reg
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function can use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg which are
// not directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low_imm_canuseword(HostReg dest_reg,Bit8u imm) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg_imm(dest_reg, imm);
// move 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) of a register into memory
static void gen_mov_word_from_reg(HostReg src_reg,void* dest,bool dword)
Bit32s addr = (Bit32s)dest;
HostReg ld = gen_addr(addr, HOST_R8);
IMM_OP(dword ? 36 : 44, src_reg, ld, addr); // stw/sth src,addr@l(ld)
// move an 8bit value from memory into dest_reg
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function does not use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg as these
// registers might not be directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low(HostReg dest_reg,void* data)
Bit32s addr = (Bit32s)data;
HostReg ld = gen_addr(addr, dest_reg);
IMM_OP(34, dest_reg, ld, addr); // lbz dest,addr@l(ld)
// move an 8bit value from memory into dest_reg
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function can use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg which are
// not directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low_canuseword(HostReg dest_reg,void* data) {
gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low(dest_reg, data);
// move the lowest 8bit of a register into memory
static void gen_mov_byte_from_reg_low(HostReg src_reg,void* dest)
Bit32s addr = (Bit32s)dest;
HostReg ld = gen_addr(addr, HOST_R8);
IMM_OP(38, src_reg, ld, addr); // stb src_reg,addr@l(ld)
// convert an 8bit word to a 32bit dword
// the register is zero-extended (sign==false) or sign-extended (sign==true)
static void gen_extend_byte(bool sign,HostReg reg)
if (sign)
EXT_OP(reg, reg, 0, 954, 0); // extsb reg, src
RLW_OP(21, reg, reg, 0, 24, 31, 0); // rlwinm reg, src, 0, 24, 31
// convert a 16bit word to a 32bit dword
// the register is zero-extended (sign==false) or sign-extended (sign==true)
static void gen_extend_word(bool sign,HostReg reg)
if (sign)
EXT_OP(reg, reg, 0, 922, 0); // extsh reg, reg
RLW_OP(21, reg, reg, 0, 16, 31, 0); // rlwinm reg, reg, 0, 16, 31
// add a 32bit value from memory to a full register
static void gen_add(HostReg reg,void* op)
gen_mov_word_to_reg(HOST_R8, op, true); // r8 = *(Bit32u*)op
EXT_OP(reg,reg,HOST_R8,266,0); // add reg,reg,r8
// add a 32bit value from host memory to a full register
static void gen_add_LE(HostReg reg,void* op)
gen_mov_LE_word_to_reg(HOST_R8, op, true); // r8 = op[0]|(op[1]<<8)|(op[2]<<16)|(op[3]<<24);
EXT_OP(reg,reg,HOST_R8,266,0); // add reg,reg,r8
// add a 32bit constant value to a full register
static void gen_add_imm(HostReg reg,Bit32u imm)
if ((Bit16s)imm != (Bit32s)imm)
IMM_OP(15, reg, reg, (imm+0x8000)>>16); // addis reg,reg,imm@ha
if ((Bit16s)imm)
IMM_OP(14, reg, reg, imm); // addi reg, reg, imm@l
// and a 32bit constant value with a full register
static void gen_and_imm(HostReg reg,Bit32u imm) {
Bits sbit,ebit,tbit,bbit,abit,i;
// sbit = number of leading 0 bits
// ebit = number of trailing 0 bits
// tbit = number of total 0 bits
// bbit = number of leading 1 bits
// abit = number of trailing 1 bits
if (imm == 0xFFFFFFFF)
if (!imm)
return gen_mov_word_to_reg_imm(reg, 0);
sbit = ebit = tbit = bbit = abit = 0;
for (i=0; i < 32; i++)
if (!(imm & (1<<(31-i))))
abit = 0;
if (sbit == i)
ebit = 0;
if (bbit == i)
if (sbit + ebit == tbit)
RLW_OP(21,reg,reg,0,sbit,31-ebit,0); // rlwinm reg,reg,0,sbit,31-ebit
if (sbit >= 16)
IMM_OP(28,reg,reg,imm); // andi. reg,reg,imm
if (ebit >= 16)
IMM_OP(29,reg,reg,imm>>16); // andis. reg,reg,(imm>>16)
if (bbit + abit == (32 - tbit))
RLW_OP(21,reg,reg,0,32-abit,bbit-1,0); // rlwinm reg,reg,0,32-abit,bbit-1
IMM_OP(28, reg, HOST_R0, imm); // andi. r0, reg, imm@l
IMM_OP(29, reg, reg, imm>16); // andis. reg, reg, imm@h
EXT_OP(reg, reg, HOST_R0, 444, 0); // or reg, reg, r0
// move a 32bit constant value into memory
static void gen_mov_direct_dword(void* dest,Bit32u imm) {
gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(HOST_R9, imm);
gen_mov_word_from_reg(HOST_R9, dest, 1);
// move an address into memory (assumes address != NULL)
static void INLINE gen_mov_direct_ptr(void* dest,DRC_PTR_SIZE_IM imm)
block_ptr = 0;
gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(HOST_R27, imm);
// this will be used to look-up the linked blocks
block_ptr = imm;
gen_mov_word_from_reg(HOST_R27, dest, 1);
// add a 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) constant value to a 32bit memory value
static void gen_add_direct_word(void* dest,Bit32u imm,bool dword)
HostReg ld;
Bit32s addr = (Bit32s)dest;
if (!dword)
imm &= 0xFFFF;
addr += 2;
if (!imm)
ld = gen_addr(addr, HOST_R8);
IMM_OP(dword ? 32 : 40, HOST_R9, ld, addr); // lwz/lhz r9, addr@l(ld)
if (dword && (Bit16s)imm != (Bit32s)imm)
IMM_OP(15, HOST_R9, HOST_R9, (imm+0x8000)>>16); // addis r9,r9,imm@ha
if (!dword || (Bit16s)imm)
IMM_OP(14, HOST_R9, HOST_R9, imm); // addi r9,r9,imm@l
IMM_OP(dword ? 36 : 44, HOST_R9, ld, addr); // stw/sth r9, addr@l(ld)
// subtract a 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) constant value from a 32-bit memory value
static void gen_sub_direct_word(void* dest,Bit32u imm,bool dword) {
gen_add_direct_word(dest, -(Bit32s)imm, dword);
// effective address calculation, destination is dest_reg
// scale_reg is scaled by scale (scale_reg*(2^scale)) and
// added to dest_reg, then the immediate value is added
static INLINE void gen_lea(HostReg dest_reg,HostReg scale_reg,Bitu scale,Bits imm)
if (scale)
RLW_OP(21, scale_reg, HOST_R8, scale, 0, 31-scale, 0); // slwi scale_reg,r8,scale
scale_reg = HOST_R8;
gen_add_imm(dest_reg, imm);
EXT_OP(dest_reg, dest_reg, scale_reg, 266, 0); // add dest,dest,scaled
// effective address calculation, destination is dest_reg
// dest_reg is scaled by scale (dest_reg*(2^scale)),
// then the immediate value is added
static INLINE void gen_lea(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu scale,Bits imm)
if (scale)
RLW_OP(21, dest_reg, dest_reg, scale, 0, 31-scale, 0); // slwi dest,dest,scale
gen_add_imm(dest_reg, imm);
// helper function to choose direct or indirect call
static int INLINE do_gen_call(void *func, Bit32u *pos, bool pad)
Bit32s f = (Bit32s)func;
Bit32s off = f - (Bit32s)pos;
// relative branches are limited to +/- ~32MB
if (off < 0x02000000 && off >= -0x02000000)
pos[0] = 0x48000001 | (off & 0x03FFFFFC); // bl func
if (pad)
pos[1] = 0x4800000C; // b 12+
pos[2] = pos[3] = IMM(24, 0, 0, 0); // nop
return 16;
return 4;
pos[0] = IMM(15, HOST_R8, 0, f>>16); // lis r8,imm@h
pos[1] = IMM(24, HOST_R8, HOST_R8, f); // ori r8,r8,imm@l
pos[2] = EXT(HOST_R8, 9, 0, 467, 0); // mtctr r8
pos[3] = IMM(19, 0x14, 0, (528<<1)|1); // bctrl
return 16;
// generate a call to a parameterless function
static void INLINE gen_call_function_raw(void * func,bool fastcall=true)
cache.pos += do_gen_call(func, (Bit32u*)cache.pos, fastcall);
// generate a call to a function with paramcount parameters
// note: the parameters are loaded in the architecture specific way
// using the gen_load_param_ functions below
static Bit32u INLINE gen_call_function_setup(void * func,Bitu paramcount,bool fastcall=false)
Bit32u proc_addr=(Bit32u)cache.pos;
return proc_addr;
// load an immediate value as param'th function parameter
static void INLINE gen_load_param_imm(Bitu imm,Bitu param) {
gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(RegParams[param], imm);
// load an address as param'th function parameter
static void INLINE gen_load_param_addr(Bitu addr,Bitu param) {
gen_load_param_imm(addr, param);
// load a host-register as param'th function parameter
static void INLINE gen_load_param_reg(Bitu reg,Bitu param) {
gen_mov_regs(RegParams[param], (HostReg)reg);
// load a value from memory as param'th function parameter
static void INLINE gen_load_param_mem(Bitu mem,Bitu param) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg(RegParams[param], (void*)mem, true);
// jump to an address pointed at by ptr, offset is in imm
static void gen_jmp_ptr(void * ptr,Bits imm=0) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg(HOST_R8,ptr,true); // r8 = *(Bit32u*)ptr
if ((Bit16s)imm != (Bit32s)imm)
IMM_OP(15, HOST_R8, HOST_R8, (imm + 0x8000)>>16); // addis r8, r8, imm@ha
IMM_OP(32, HOST_R8, HOST_R8, imm); // lwz r8, imm@l(r8)
EXT_OP(HOST_R8, 9, 0, 467, 0); // mtctr r8
IMM_OP(19, 0x14, 0, 528<<1); // bctr
// short conditional jump (+-127 bytes) if register is zero
// the destination is set by gen_fill_branch() later
static Bit32u gen_create_branch_on_zero(HostReg reg,bool dword)
if (!dword)
IMM_OP(28,reg,HOST_R0,0xFFFF); // andi. r0,reg,0xFFFF
IMM_OP(11, 0, reg, 0); // cmpwi cr0, reg, 0
IMM_OP(16, 0x0C, 2, 0); // bc 12,CR0[Z] (beq)
return ((Bit32u)cache.pos-4);
// short conditional jump (+-127 bytes) if register is nonzero
// the destination is set by gen_fill_branch() later
static Bit32u gen_create_branch_on_nonzero(HostReg reg,bool dword)
if (!dword)
IMM_OP(28,reg,HOST_R0,0xFFFF); // andi. r0,reg,0xFFFF
IMM_OP(11, 0, reg, 0); // cmpwi cr0, reg, 0
IMM_OP(16, 0x04, 2, 0); // bc 4,CR0[Z] (bne)
return ((Bit32u)cache.pos-4);
// calculate relative offset and fill it into the location pointed to by data
static void gen_fill_branch(DRC_PTR_SIZE_IM data)
Bits len=(Bit32u)cache.pos-data;
if (len<0) len=-len;
if (len >= 0x8000) LOG_MSG("Big jump %d",len);
((Bit16u*)data)[1] =((Bit32u)cache.pos-data) & 0xFFFC;
// conditional jump if register is nonzero
// for isdword==true the 32bit of the register are tested
// for isdword==false the lowest 8bit of the register are tested
static Bit32u gen_create_branch_long_nonzero(HostReg reg,bool dword)
if (!dword)
IMM_OP(28,reg,HOST_R0,0xFF); // andi. r0,reg,0xFF
IMM_OP(11, 0, reg, 0); // cmpwi cr0, reg, 0
IMM_OP(16, 0x04, 2, 0); // bne
return ((Bit32u)cache.pos-4);
// compare 32bit-register against zero and jump if value less/equal than zero
static Bit32u gen_create_branch_long_leqzero(HostReg reg)
IMM_OP(11, 0, reg, 0); // cmpwi cr0, reg, 0
IMM_OP(16, 0x04, 1, 0); // ble
return ((Bit32u)cache.pos-4);
// calculate long relative offset and fill it into the location pointed to by data
static void gen_fill_branch_long(Bit32u data) {
return gen_fill_branch((DRC_PTR_SIZE_IM)data);
static void cache_block_closing(Bit8u* block_start,Bitu block_size)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
Bit8u* start = (Bit8u*)((Bit32u)block_start & -32);
while (start < block_start + block_size)
asm volatile("dcbst %y0\n\t icbi %y0" :: "Z"(*start));
start += 32;
asm volatile("sync\n\t isync");
#error "Don't know how to flush/invalidate CacheBlock with this compiler"
static void cache_block_before_close(void) {}
static void gen_function(void* func)
Bit32s off = (Bit32s)func - (Bit32s)cache.pos;
// relative branches are limited to +/- 32MB
if (off < 0x02000000 && off >= -0x02000000) {
cache_addd(0x48000000 | (off & 0x03FFFFFC)); // b func
gen_mov_dword_to_reg_imm(HOST_R8, (Bit32u)func); // r8 = func
EXT_OP(HOST_R8, 9, 0, 467, 0); // mtctr r8
IMM_OP(19, 0x14, 0, 528<<1); // bctr
// gen_run_code is assumed to be called exactly once, gen_return_function() jumps back to it
static void* epilog_addr;
static Bit8u *getCF_glue;
static void gen_run_code(void)
// prolog
IMM_OP(37, HOST_R1, HOST_R1, -256); // stwu sp,-256(sp)
EXT_OP(FC_OP1, 9, 0, 467, 0); // mtctr FC_OP1
EXT_OP(HOST_R0, 8, 0, 339, 0); // mflr r0
IMM_OP(47, HOST_R26, HOST_R1, 128); // stmw r26, 128(sp)
IMM_OP(15, FC_SEGS_ADDR, 0, ((Bit32u)&Segs)>>16); // lis FC_SEGS_ADDR, Segs@h
IMM_OP(15, FC_REGS_ADDR, 0, ((Bit32u)&cpu_regs)>>16); // lis FC_REGS_ADDR, cpu_regs@h
IMM_OP(24, FC_REGS_ADDR, FC_REGS_ADDR, &cpu_regs); // ori FC_REGS_ADDR, FC_REGS_ADDR, cpu_regs@l
#if C_FPU
IMM_OP(15, HOST_R28, 0, ((Bit32u)&fpu)>>16); // lis r28, fpu@h
IMM_OP(24, HOST_R28, HOST_R28, &fpu); // ori r28, r28, fpu@l
IMM_OP(36, HOST_R0, HOST_R1, 256+4); // stw r0,256+4(sp)
IMM_OP(19, 0x14, 0, 528<<1); // bctr
// epilog
epilog_addr = cache.pos;
IMM_OP(32, HOST_R0, HOST_R1, 256+4); // lwz r0,256+4(sp)
IMM_OP(46, HOST_R26, HOST_R1, 128); // lmw r26, 128(sp)
EXT_OP(HOST_R0, 8, 0, 467, 0); // mtlr r0
IMM_OP(14, HOST_R1, HOST_R1, 256); // addi sp, sp, 256
IMM_OP(19, 0x14, 0, 16<<1); // blr
// trampoline to call get_CF()
getCF_glue = cache.pos;
// return from a function
static void gen_return_function(void)
// called when a call to a function can be replaced by a
// call to a simpler function
static void gen_fill_function_ptr(Bit8u * pos,void* fct_ptr,Bitu flags_type)
Bit32u *op = (Bit32u*)pos;
Bit32u *end = op+4;
switch (flags_type) {
// try to avoid function calls but rather directly fill in code
case t_ADDb:
case t_ADDw:
case t_ADDd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2, 266, 0); // add FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_ORb:
case t_ORw:
case t_ORd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 444, 0); // or FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_ADCb:
case t_ADCw:
case t_ADCd:
op[0] = EXT(HOST_R26, FC_OP1, FC_OP2, 266, 0); // r26 = FC_OP1 + FC_OP2
op[1] = 0x48000001 | ((getCF_glue-(pos+4)) & 0x03FFFFFC); // bl get_CF
op[2] = IMM(12, HOST_R0, FC_RETOP, -1); // addic r0, FC_RETOP, 0xFFFFFFFF (XER[CA] = !!CF)
op[3] = EXT(FC_RETOP, HOST_R26, 0, 202, 0); // addze; FC_RETOP = r26 + !!CF
case t_SBBb:
case t_SBBw:
case t_SBBd:
op[0] = EXT(HOST_R26, FC_OP2, FC_OP1, 40, 0); // r26 = FC_OP1 - FC_OP2
op[1] = 0x48000001 | ((getCF_glue-(pos+4)) & 0x03FFFFFC); // bl get_CF
op[2] = IMM(8, HOST_R0, FC_RETOP, 0); // subfic r0, FC_RETOP, 0 (XER[CA] = !CF)
op[3] = EXT(FC_RETOP, HOST_R26, 0, 234, 0); // addme; FC_RETOP = r26 - 1 + !CF
case t_ANDb:
case t_ANDw:
case t_ANDd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 28, 0); // and FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_SUBb:
case t_SUBw:
case t_SUBd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, FC_OP1, 40, 0); // subf FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, FC_OP1
case t_XORb:
case t_XORw:
case t_XORd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 316, 0); // xor FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_CMPb:
case t_CMPw:
case t_CMPd:
case t_TESTb:
case t_TESTw:
case t_TESTd:
case t_INCb:
case t_INCw:
case t_INCd:
*op++ = IMM(14, FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, 1); // addi FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, #1
case t_DECb:
case t_DECw:
case t_DECd:
*op++ = IMM(14, FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, -1); // addi FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, #-1
case t_NEGb:
case t_NEGw:
case t_NEGd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, 0, 104, 0); // neg FC_RETOP, FC_OP1
case t_SHLb:
case t_SHLw:
case t_SHLd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 24, 0); // slw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_SHRb:
case t_SHRw:
case t_SHRd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 536, 0); // srw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_SARb:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, 0, 954, 0); // extsb FC_RETOP, FC_OP1
case t_SARw:
if (flags_type == t_SARw)
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, 0, 922, 0); // extsh FC_RETOP, FC_OP1
case t_SARd:
*op++ = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 792, 0); // sraw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_ROLb:
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 24, 0, 7, 0); // rlwimi FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 24, 0, 7
case t_ROLw:
if (flags_type == t_ROLw)
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 16, 0, 15, 0); // rlwimi FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 16, 0, 15
case t_ROLd:
*op++ = RLW(23, FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 0, 31, 0); // rotlw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_RORb:
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 8, 16, 23, 0); // rlwimi FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 8, 16, 23
case t_RORw:
if (flags_type == t_RORw)
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 16, 0, 15, 0); // rlwimi FC_OP1, FC_OP1, 16, 0, 15
case t_RORd:
*op++ = IMM(8, FC_OP2, FC_OP2, 32); // subfic FC_OP2, FC_OP2, 32 (FC_OP2 = 32 - FC_OP2)
*op++ = RLW(23, FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 0, 31, 0); // rotlw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP2
case t_DSHLw: // technically not correct for FC_OP3 > 16
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP2, FC_RETOP, 16, 0, 15, 0); // rlwimi FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 16, 0, 5
*op++ = RLW(23, FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3, 0, 31, 0); // rotlw FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3
case t_DSHLd:
op[0] = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3, 24, 0); // slw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP3
op[1] = IMM(8, FC_OP3, FC_OP3, 32); // subfic FC_OP3, FC_OP3, 32 (FC_OP3 = 32 - FC_OP3)
op[2] = EXT(FC_OP2, FC_OP2, FC_OP3, 536, 0); // srw FC_OP2, FC_OP2, FC_OP3
op[3] = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 444, 0); // or FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2
case t_DSHRw: // technically not correct for FC_OP3 > 16
*op++ = RLW(20, FC_OP2, FC_RETOP, 16, 0, 15, 0); // rlwimi FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 16, 0, 5
*op++ = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3, 536, 0); // srw FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3
case t_DSHRd:
op[0] = EXT(FC_OP1, FC_RETOP, FC_OP3, 536, 0); // srw FC_RETOP, FC_OP1, FC_OP3
op[1] = IMM(8, FC_OP3, FC_OP3, 32); // subfic FC_OP3, FC_OP3, 32 (FC_OP32 = 32 - FC_OP3)
op[2] = EXT(FC_OP2, FC_OP2, FC_OP3, 24, 0); // slw FC_OP2, FC_OP2, FC_OP3
op[3] = EXT(FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2, 444, 0); // or FC_RETOP, FC_RETOP, FC_OP2
do_gen_call(fct_ptr, op, true);
*op = 0x48000000 + 4*(end-op); // b end
// mov 16bit value from Segs[index] into dest_reg using FC_SEGS_ADDR (index modulo 2 must be zero)
// 16bit moves may destroy the upper 16bit of the destination register
static void gen_mov_seg16_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&Segs + index, false);
// mov 32bit value from Segs[index] into dest_reg using FC_SEGS_ADDR (index modulo 4 must be zero)
static void gen_mov_seg32_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index) {
gen_mov_word_to_reg(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&Segs + index, true);
// add a 32bit value from Segs[index] to a full register using FC_SEGS_ADDR (index modulo 4 must be zero)
static void gen_add_seg32_to_reg(HostReg reg,Bitu index) {
gen_add(reg, (Bit8u*)&Segs + index);
// mov 16bit value from cpu_regs[index] into dest_reg using FC_REGS_ADDR (index modulo 2 must be zero)
// 16bit moves may destroy the upper 16bit of the destination register
static void gen_mov_regval16_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_word_to_reg(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index, false);
// mov 32bit value from cpu_regs[index] into dest_reg using FC_REGS_ADDR (index modulo 4 must be zero)
static void gen_mov_regval32_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_word_to_reg(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index, true);
// move an 8bit value from cpu_regs[index] into dest_reg using FC_REGS_ADDR
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function does not use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg as these
// registers might not be directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void gen_mov_regbyte_to_reg_low(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index);
// move an 8bit value from cpu_regs[index] into dest_reg using FC_REGS_ADDR
// the upper 24bit of the destination register can be destroyed
// this function can use FC_OP1/FC_OP2 as dest_reg which are
// not directly byte-accessible on some architectures
static void INLINE gen_mov_regbyte_to_reg_low_canuseword(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index) {
gen_mov_byte_to_reg_low_canuseword(dest_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index);
// move 16bit of register into cpu_regs[index] using FC_REGS_ADDR (index modulo 2 must be zero)
static void gen_mov_regval16_from_reg(HostReg src_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_word_from_reg(src_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index, false);
// move 32bit of register into cpu_regs[index] using FC_REGS_ADDR (index modulo 4 must be zero)
static void gen_mov_regval32_from_reg(HostReg src_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_word_from_reg(src_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index, true);
// move the lowest 8bit of a register into cpu_regs[index] using FC_REGS_ADDR
static void gen_mov_regbyte_from_reg_low(HostReg src_reg,Bitu index)
gen_mov_byte_from_reg_low(src_reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index);
// add a 32bit value from cpu_regs[index] to a full register using FC_REGS_ADDR (index modulo 4 must be zero)
static void gen_add_regval32_to_reg(HostReg reg,Bitu index)
gen_add(reg, (Bit8u*)&cpu_regs + index);
// move 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) of a register into cpu_regs[index] using FC_REGS_ADDR (if dword==true index modulo 4 must be zero) (if dword==false index modulo 2 must be zero)
static void gen_mov_regword_from_reg(HostReg src_reg,Bitu index,bool dword) {
if (dword)
gen_mov_regval32_from_reg(src_reg, index);
gen_mov_regval16_from_reg(src_reg, index);
// move a 32bit (dword==true) or 16bit (dword==false) value from cpu_regs[index] into dest_reg using FC_REGS_ADDR (if dword==true index modulo 4 must be zero) (if dword==false index modulo 2 must be zero)
// 16bit moves may destroy the upper 16bit of the destination register
static void gen_mov_regword_to_reg(HostReg dest_reg,Bitu index,bool dword) {
if (dword)
gen_mov_regval32_to_reg(dest_reg, index);
gen_mov_regval16_to_reg(dest_reg, index);