/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: dos_system.h,v 1.47 2009/03/04 21:08:22 c2woody Exp $ */ #ifndef DOSBOX_DOS_SYSTEM_H #define DOSBOX_DOS_SYSTEM_H #include #ifndef DOSBOX_DOSBOX_H #include "dosbox.h" #endif #ifndef DOSBOX_CROSS_H #include "cross.h" #endif #ifndef DOSBOX_SUPPORT_H #include "support.h" #endif #ifndef DOSBOX_MEM_H #include "mem.h" #endif #define DOS_NAMELENGTH 12 #define DOS_NAMELENGTH_ASCII (DOS_NAMELENGTH+1) #define DOS_FCBNAME 15 #define DOS_DIRDEPTH 8 #define DOS_PATHLENGTH 80 #define DOS_TEMPSIZE 1024 enum { DOS_ATTR_READ_ONLY= 0x01, DOS_ATTR_HIDDEN= 0x02, DOS_ATTR_SYSTEM= 0x04, DOS_ATTR_VOLUME= 0x08, DOS_ATTR_DIRECTORY= 0x10, DOS_ATTR_ARCHIVE= 0x20, DOS_ATTR_DEVICE= 0x40 }; struct FileStat_Block { Bit32u size; Bit16u time; Bit16u date; Bit16u attr; }; class DOS_DTA; class DOS_File { public: DOS_File():flags(0) { name=0; refCtr = 0; hdrive=0xff; }; DOS_File(const DOS_File& orig); DOS_File & operator= (const DOS_File & orig); virtual ~DOS_File(){if(name) delete [] name;}; virtual bool Read(Bit8u * data,Bit16u * size)=0; virtual bool Write(Bit8u * data,Bit16u * size)=0; virtual bool Seek(Bit32u * pos,Bit32u type)=0; virtual bool Close()=0; virtual Bit16u GetInformation(void)=0; virtual void SetName(const char* _name) { if (name) delete[] name; name = new char[strlen(_name)+1]; strcpy(name,_name); } virtual char* GetName(void) { return name; }; virtual bool IsOpen() { return open; }; virtual bool IsName(const char* _name) { if (!name) return false; return strcasecmp(name,_name)==0; }; virtual void AddRef() { refCtr++; }; virtual Bits RemoveRef() { return --refCtr; }; virtual bool UpdateDateTimeFromHost() { return true; } void SetDrive(Bit8u drv) { hdrive=drv;} Bit8u GetDrive(void) { return hdrive;} Bit32u flags; Bit16u time; Bit16u date; Bit16u attr; Bits refCtr; bool open; char* name; /* Some Device Specific Stuff */ private: Bit8u hdrive; }; class DOS_Device : public DOS_File { public: DOS_Device(const DOS_Device& orig):DOS_File(orig) { devnum=orig.devnum; open=true; } DOS_Device & operator= (const DOS_Device & orig) { DOS_File::operator=(orig); devnum=orig.devnum; open=true; return *this; } DOS_Device():DOS_File(),devnum(0){}; virtual bool Read(Bit8u * data,Bit16u * size); virtual bool Write(Bit8u * data,Bit16u * size); virtual bool Seek(Bit32u * pos,Bit32u type); virtual bool Close(); virtual Bit16u GetInformation(void); virtual bool ReadFromControlChannel(PhysPt bufptr,Bit16u size,Bit16u * retcode); virtual bool WriteToControlChannel(PhysPt bufptr,Bit16u size,Bit16u * retcode); void SetDeviceNumber(Bitu num) { devnum=num;} private: Bitu devnum; }; /* The following variable can be lowered to free up some memory. * The negative side effect: The stored searches will be turned over faster. * Should not have impact on systems with few directory entries. */ #define MAX_OPENDIRS 2048 //Can be high as it's only storage (16 bit variable) class DOS_Drive_Cache { public: DOS_Drive_Cache (void); DOS_Drive_Cache (const char* path); ~DOS_Drive_Cache (void); enum TDirSort { NOSORT, ALPHABETICAL, DIRALPHABETICAL, ALPHABETICALREV, DIRALPHABETICALREV }; void SetBaseDir (const char* path); void SetDirSort (TDirSort sort) { sortDirType = sort; }; bool OpenDir (const char* path, Bit16u& id); bool ReadDir (Bit16u id, char* &result); void ExpandName (char* path); char* GetExpandName (const char* path); bool GetShortName (const char* fullname, char* shortname); bool FindFirst (char* path, Bitu& id); bool FindNext (Bitu id, char* &result); void CacheOut (const char* path, bool ignoreLastDir = false); void AddEntry (const char* path, bool checkExist = false); void DeleteEntry (const char* path, bool ignoreLastDir = false); void EmptyCache (void); void SetLabel (const char* name,bool cdrom,bool allowupdate); char* GetLabel (void) { return label; }; class CFileInfo { public: CFileInfo(void) { orgname[0] = shortname[0] = 0; nextEntry = shortNr = 0; isDir = false; } ~CFileInfo(void) { for (Bit32u i=0; i fileList; std::vector longNameList; }; private: bool RemoveTrailingDot (char* shortname); Bits GetLongName (CFileInfo* info, char* shortname); void CreateShortName (CFileInfo* dir, CFileInfo* info); Bitu CreateShortNameID (CFileInfo* dir, const char* name); int CompareShortname (const char* compareName, const char* shortName); bool SetResult (CFileInfo* dir, char * &result, Bitu entryNr); bool IsCachedIn (CFileInfo* dir); CFileInfo* FindDirInfo (const char* path, char* expandedPath); bool RemoveSpaces (char* str); bool OpenDir (CFileInfo* dir, const char* path, Bit16u& id); void CreateEntry (CFileInfo* dir, const char* name, bool query_directory); void CopyEntry (CFileInfo* dir, CFileInfo* from); Bit16u GetFreeID (CFileInfo* dir); void Clear (void); CFileInfo* dirBase; char dirPath [CROSS_LEN]; char basePath [CROSS_LEN]; bool dirFirstTime; TDirSort sortDirType; CFileInfo* save_dir; char save_path [CROSS_LEN]; char save_expanded [CROSS_LEN]; Bit16u srchNr; CFileInfo* dirSearch [MAX_OPENDIRS]; char dirSearchName [MAX_OPENDIRS]; bool free [MAX_OPENDIRS]; CFileInfo* dirFindFirst [MAX_OPENDIRS]; Bitu nextFreeFindFirst; char label [CROSS_LEN]; bool updatelabel; }; class DOS_Drive { public: DOS_Drive(); virtual ~DOS_Drive(){}; virtual bool FileOpen(DOS_File * * file,char * name,Bit32u flags)=0; virtual bool FileCreate(DOS_File * * file,char * name,Bit16u attributes)=0; virtual bool FileUnlink(char * _name)=0; virtual bool RemoveDir(char * _dir)=0; virtual bool MakeDir(char * _dir)=0; virtual bool TestDir(char * _dir)=0; virtual bool FindFirst(char * _dir,DOS_DTA & dta,bool fcb_findfirst=false)=0; virtual bool FindNext(DOS_DTA & dta)=0; virtual bool GetFileAttr(char * name,Bit16u * attr)=0; virtual bool Rename(char * oldname,char * newname)=0; virtual bool AllocationInfo(Bit16u * _bytes_sector,Bit8u * _sectors_cluster,Bit16u * _total_clusters,Bit16u * _free_clusters)=0; virtual bool FileExists(const char* name)=0; virtual bool FileStat(const char* name, FileStat_Block * const stat_block)=0; virtual Bit8u GetMediaByte(void)=0; virtual void SetDir(const char* path) { strcpy(curdir,path); }; virtual void EmptyCache(void) { dirCache.EmptyCache(); }; virtual bool isRemote(void)=0; virtual bool isRemovable(void)=0; virtual Bits UnMount(void)=0; char * GetInfo(void); char curdir[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; char info[256]; /* Can be overridden for example in iso images */ virtual char const * GetLabel(){return dirCache.GetLabel();}; DOS_Drive_Cache dirCache; // disk cycling functionality (request resources) virtual void Activate(void) {}; }; enum { OPEN_READ=0,OPEN_WRITE=1,OPEN_READWRITE=2, DOS_NOT_INHERIT=128}; enum { DOS_SEEK_SET=0,DOS_SEEK_CUR=1,DOS_SEEK_END=2}; /* A multiplex handler should read the registers to check what function is being called If the handler returns false dos will stop checking other handlers */ typedef bool (MultiplexHandler)(void); void DOS_AddMultiplexHandler(MultiplexHandler * handler); void DOS_DelMultiplexHandler(MultiplexHandler * handler); /* AddDevice stores the pointer to a created device */ void DOS_AddDevice(DOS_Device * adddev); /* DelDevice destroys the device that is pointed to. */ void DOS_DelDevice(DOS_Device * dev); void VFILE_Register(const char * name,Bit8u * data,Bit32u size); #endif