/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // ****************************************************** // SDL CDROM // ****************************************************** #include #include #include #include "dosbox.h" #include "SDL.h" #include "support.h" #include "cdrom.h" CDROM_Interface_SDL::CDROM_Interface_SDL(void) { driveID = 0; oldLeadOut = 0; cd = 0; } CDROM_Interface_SDL::~CDROM_Interface_SDL(void) { StopAudio(); SDL_CDClose(cd); cd = 0; } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::SetDevice(char* path, int forceCD) { char buffer[512]; strcpy(buffer,path); upcase(buffer); int num = SDL_CDNumDrives(); if ((forceCD>=0) && (forceCDnumtracks; FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd->track[cd->numtracks].offset,&leadOut.min,&leadOut.sec,&leadOut.fr); } return CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd)); } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::GetAudioTrackInfo(int track, TMSF& start, unsigned char& attr) { if (CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd))) { FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd->track[track-1].offset,&start.min,&start.sec,&start.fr); attr = cd->track[track-1].type<<4;//sdl uses 0 for audio and 4 for data. instead of 0x00 and 0x40 } return CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd)); } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::GetAudioSub(unsigned char& attr, unsigned char& track, unsigned char& index, TMSF& relPos, TMSF& absPos) { if (CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd))) { track = cd->cur_track; index = cd->cur_track; attr = cd->track[track].type<<4; FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd->cur_frame,&relPos.min,&relPos.sec,&relPos.fr); FRAMES_TO_MSF(cd->cur_frame+cd->track[track].offset,&absPos.min,&absPos.sec,&absPos.fr); } return CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd)); } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::GetAudioStatus(bool& playing, bool& pause){ if (CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd))) { playing = (cd->status==CD_PLAYING); pause = (cd->status==CD_PAUSED); } return CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cd)); } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::GetMediaTrayStatus(bool& mediaPresent, bool& mediaChanged, bool& trayOpen) { SDL_CDStatus(cd); mediaPresent = (cd->status!=CD_TRAYEMPTY) && (cd->status!=CD_ERROR); mediaChanged = (oldLeadOut!=cd->track[cd->numtracks].offset); trayOpen = !mediaPresent; oldLeadOut = cd->track[cd->numtracks].offset; if (mediaChanged) SDL_CDStatus(cd); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::PlayAudioSector(unsigned long start,unsigned long len) { // Has to be there, otherwise wrong cd status report (dunno why, sdl bug ?) SDL_CDClose(cd); cd = SDL_CDOpen(driveID); bool success = (SDL_CDPlay(cd,start+150,len)==0); return success; } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::PauseAudio(bool resume) { bool success; if (resume) success = (SDL_CDResume(cd)==0); else success = (SDL_CDPause (cd)==0); return success; } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::StopAudio(void) { // Has to be there, otherwise wrong cd status report (dunno why, sdl bug ?) SDL_CDClose(cd); cd = SDL_CDOpen(driveID); bool success = (SDL_CDStop(cd)==0); return success; } bool CDROM_Interface_SDL::LoadUnloadMedia(bool unload) { bool success = (SDL_CDEject(cd)==0); return success; } int CDROM_GetMountType(char* path, int forceCD) { // 0 - physical CDROM // 1 - Iso file // 2 - subdirectory // 1. Smells like a real cdrom // if ((strlen(path)<=3) && (path[2]=='\\') && (strchr(path,'\\')==strrchr(path,'\\')) && (GetDriveType(path)==DRIVE_CDROM)) return 0; const char* cdName; char buffer[512]; strcpy(buffer,path); #if defined (WIN32) || defined(OS2) upcase(buffer); #endif int num = SDL_CDNumDrives(); // If cd drive is forced then check if its in range and return 0 if ((forceCD>=0) && (forceCD1) return false; start.min = start.fr = 0; start.sec = 2; attr = 0x60; // data / permitted return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Fake :: GetAudioSub(unsigned char& attr, unsigned char& track, unsigned char& index, TMSF& relPos, TMSF& absPos){ attr = 0; track = index = 1; relPos.min = relPos.fr = 0; relPos.sec = 2; absPos.min = absPos.fr = 0; absPos.sec = 2; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Fake :: GetAudioStatus(bool& playing, bool& pause) { playing = pause = false; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Fake :: GetMediaTrayStatus(bool& mediaPresent, bool& mediaChanged, bool& trayOpen) { mediaPresent = true; mediaChanged = false; trayOpen = false; return true; }