/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //GCC 2.95 #include #include #include #include "cdrom.h" #include "drives.h" #include "support.h" #include "setup.h" #if !defined(WIN32) #include #else #include #endif using namespace std; #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 512 #define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 256 CDROM_Interface_Image::BinaryFile::BinaryFile(const char *filename, bool &error) { file = new ifstream(filename, ios::in | ios::binary); error = (file == NULL) || (file->fail()); } CDROM_Interface_Image::BinaryFile::~BinaryFile() { delete file; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::BinaryFile::read(Bit8u *buffer, int seek, int count) { file->seekg(seek, ios::beg); file->read((char*)buffer, count); return !(file->fail()); } int CDROM_Interface_Image::BinaryFile::getLength() { file->seekg(0, ios::end); int length = (int)file->tellg(); if (file->fail()) return -1; return length; } #if defined(C_SDL_SOUND) CDROM_Interface_Image::AudioFile::AudioFile(const char *filename, bool &error) { Sound_AudioInfo desired = {AUDIO_S16, 2, 44100}; sample = Sound_NewSampleFromFile(filename, &desired, RAW_SECTOR_SIZE); lastCount = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; lastSeek = 0; error = (sample == NULL); } CDROM_Interface_Image::AudioFile::~AudioFile() { Sound_FreeSample(sample); } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::AudioFile::read(Bit8u *buffer, int seek, int count) { if (lastCount != count) { int success = Sound_SetBufferSize(sample, count); if (!success) return false; } if (lastSeek != (seek - count)) { int success = Sound_Seek(sample, (int)((double)(seek) / 176.4f)); if (!success) return false; } lastSeek = seek; int bytes = Sound_Decode(sample); if (bytes < count) { memcpy(buffer, sample->buffer, bytes); memset(buffer + bytes, 0, count - bytes); } else { memcpy(buffer, sample->buffer, count); } return !(sample->flags & SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_ERROR); } int CDROM_Interface_Image::AudioFile::getLength() { int time = 1; int shift = 0; if (!(sample->flags & SOUND_SAMPLEFLAG_CANSEEK)) return -1; while (true) { int success = Sound_Seek(sample, (unsigned int)(shift + time)); if (!success) { if (time == 1) return lround((double)shift * 176.4f); shift += time >> 1; time = 1; } else { if (time > ((numeric_limits::max() - shift) / 2)) return -1; time = time << 1; } } } #endif // initialize static members int CDROM_Interface_Image::refCount = 0; CDROM_Interface_Image* CDROM_Interface_Image::images[26]; CDROM_Interface_Image::imagePlayer CDROM_Interface_Image::player = { NULL, NULL, NULL, {0}, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, {0} }; CDROM_Interface_Image::CDROM_Interface_Image(Bit8u subUnit) { images[subUnit] = this; if (refCount == 0) { player.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); if (!player.channel) { player.channel = MIXER_AddChannel(&CDAudioCallBack, 44100, "CDAUDIO"); } player.channel->Enable(true); } refCount++; } CDROM_Interface_Image::~CDROM_Interface_Image() { refCount--; if (player.cd == this) player.cd = NULL; ClearTracks(); if (refCount == 0) { SDL_DestroyMutex(player.mutex); player.channel->Enable(false); } } void CDROM_Interface_Image::InitNewMedia() { } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::SetDevice(char* path, int forceCD) { if (LoadCueSheet(path)) return true; if (LoadIsoFile(path)) return true; // print error message on dosbox console char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; snprintf(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "Could not load image file: %s\n", path); Bit16u size = (Bit16u)strlen(buf); DOS_WriteFile(STDOUT, (Bit8u*)buf, &size); return false; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetUPC(unsigned char& attr, char* upc) { attr = 0; strcpy(upc, this->mcn.c_str()); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetAudioTracks(int& stTrack, int& end, TMSF& leadOut) { stTrack = 1; end = (int)(tracks.size() - 1); FRAMES_TO_MSF(tracks[tracks.size() - 1].start + 150, &leadOut.min, &leadOut.sec, &leadOut.fr); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetAudioTrackInfo(int track, TMSF& start, unsigned char& attr) { if (track < 1 || track > (int)tracks.size()) return false; FRAMES_TO_MSF(tracks[track - 1].start + 150, &start.min, &start.sec, &start.fr); attr = tracks[track - 1].attr; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetAudioSub(unsigned char& attr, unsigned char& track, unsigned char& index, TMSF& relPos, TMSF& absPos) { int cur_track = GetTrack(player.currFrame); if (cur_track < 1) return false; track = (unsigned char)cur_track; attr = tracks[track - 1].attr; index = 1; FRAMES_TO_MSF(player.currFrame + 150, &absPos.min, &absPos.sec, &absPos.fr); FRAMES_TO_MSF(player.currFrame - tracks[track - 1].start + 150, &relPos.min, &relPos.sec, &relPos.fr); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetAudioStatus(bool& playing, bool& pause) { playing = player.isPlaying; pause = player.isPaused; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetMediaTrayStatus(bool& mediaPresent, bool& mediaChanged, bool& trayOpen) { mediaPresent = true; mediaChanged = false; trayOpen = false; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::PlayAudioSector(unsigned long start,unsigned long len) { // We might want to do some more checks. E.g valid start and length SDL_mutexP(player.mutex); player.cd = this; player.currFrame = start; player.targetFrame = start + len; int track = GetTrack(start) - 1; if(track >= 0 && tracks[track].attr == 0x40) { LOG(LOG_MISC,LOG_WARN)("Game tries to play the data track. Not doing this"); player.isPlaying = false; //Unclear wether return false should be here. //specs say that this function returns at once and games should check the status wether the audio is actually playing //Real drives either fail or succeed as well } else player.isPlaying = true; player.isPaused = false; SDL_mutexV(player.mutex); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::PauseAudio(bool resume) { player.isPaused = !resume; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::StopAudio(void) { player.isPlaying = false; player.isPaused = false; return true; } void CDROM_Interface_Image::ChannelControl(TCtrl ctrl) { player.ctrlUsed = (ctrl.out[0]!=0 || ctrl.out[1]!=1 || ctrl.vol[0]<0xfe || ctrl.vol[1]<0xfe); player.ctrlData = ctrl; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::ReadSectors(PhysPt buffer, bool raw, unsigned long sector, unsigned long num) { int sectorSize = raw ? RAW_SECTOR_SIZE : COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE; Bitu buflen = num * sectorSize; Bit8u* buf = new Bit8u[buflen]; bool success = true; //Gobliiins reads 0 sectors for(unsigned long i = 0; i < num; i++) { success = ReadSector(&buf[i * sectorSize], raw, sector + i); if (!success) break; } MEM_BlockWrite(buffer, buf, buflen); delete[] buf; return success; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::LoadUnloadMedia(bool unload) { return true; } int CDROM_Interface_Image::GetTrack(int sector) { vector::iterator i = tracks.begin(); vector::iterator end = tracks.end() - 1; while(i != end) { Track &curr = *i; Track &next = *(i + 1); if (curr.start <= sector && sector < next.start) return curr.number; i++; } return -1; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::ReadSector(Bit8u *buffer, bool raw, unsigned long sector) { int track = GetTrack(sector) - 1; if (track < 0) return false; int seek = tracks[track].skip + (sector - tracks[track].start) * tracks[track].sectorSize; int length = (raw ? RAW_SECTOR_SIZE : COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE); if (tracks[track].sectorSize != RAW_SECTOR_SIZE && raw) return false; if (tracks[track].sectorSize == RAW_SECTOR_SIZE && !tracks[track].mode2 && !raw) seek += 16; if (tracks[track].mode2 && !raw) seek += 24; return tracks[track].file->read(buffer, seek, length); } void CDROM_Interface_Image::CDAudioCallBack(Bitu len) { len *= 4; // 16 bit, stereo if (!len) return; if (!player.isPlaying || player.isPaused) { player.channel->AddSilence(); return; } SDL_mutexP(player.mutex); while (player.bufLen < (Bits)len) { bool success; if (player.targetFrame > player.currFrame) success = player.cd->ReadSector(&player.buffer[player.bufLen], true, player.currFrame); else success = false; if (success) { player.currFrame++; player.bufLen += RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; } else { memset(&player.buffer[player.bufLen], 0, len - player.bufLen); player.bufLen = len; player.isPlaying = false; } } SDL_mutexV(player.mutex); if (player.ctrlUsed) { Bit16s sample0,sample1; Bit16s * samples=(Bit16s *)&player.buffer; for (Bitu pos=0;posAddSamples_s16(len/4,(Bit16s *)player.buffer); } else player.channel->AddSamples_s16_nonnative(len/4,(Bit16s *)player.buffer); #else } player.channel->AddSamples_s16(len/4,(Bit16s *)player.buffer); #endif memmove(player.buffer, &player.buffer[len], player.bufLen - len); player.bufLen -= len; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::LoadIsoFile(char* filename) { tracks.clear(); // data track Track track = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, NULL}; bool error; track.file = new BinaryFile(filename, error); if (error) { delete track.file; return false; } track.number = 1; track.attr = 0x40;//data // try to detect iso type if (CanReadPVD(track.file, COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE, false)) { track.sectorSize = COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE; track.mode2 = false; } else if (CanReadPVD(track.file, RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, false)) { track.sectorSize = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; track.mode2 = false; } else if (CanReadPVD(track.file, 2336, true)) { track.sectorSize = 2336; track.mode2 = true; } else if (CanReadPVD(track.file, RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, true)) { track.sectorSize = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; track.mode2 = true; } else return false; track.length = track.file->getLength() / track.sectorSize; tracks.push_back(track); // leadout track track.number = 2; track.attr = 0; track.start = track.length; track.length = 0; track.file = NULL; tracks.push_back(track); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::CanReadPVD(TrackFile *file, int sectorSize, bool mode2) { Bit8u pvd[COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE]; int seek = 16 * sectorSize; // first vd is located at sector 16 if (sectorSize == RAW_SECTOR_SIZE && !mode2) seek += 16; if (mode2) seek += 24; file->read(pvd, seek, COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE); // pvd[0] = descriptor type, pvd[1..5] = standard identifier, pvd[6] = iso version return (pvd[0] == 1 && !strncmp((char*)(&pvd[1]), "CD001", 5) && pvd[6] == 1); } #if defined(WIN32) static string dirname(char * file) { char * sep = strrchr(file, '\\'); if (sep == NULL) sep = strrchr(file, '/'); if (sep == NULL) return ""; else { int len = (int)(sep - file); char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; safe_strncpy(tmp, file, len+1); return tmp; } } #endif bool CDROM_Interface_Image::LoadCueSheet(char *cuefile) { Track track = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, NULL}; tracks.clear(); int shift = 0; int currPregap = 0; int totalPregap = 0; int prestart = 0; bool success; bool canAddTrack = false; char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; // dirname can change its argument safe_strncpy(tmp, cuefile, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); string pathname(dirname(tmp)); ifstream in; in.open(cuefile, ios::in); if (in.fail()) return false; while(!in.eof()) { // get next line char buf[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; in.getline(buf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); if (in.fail() && !in.eof()) return false; // probably a binary file istringstream line(buf); string command; GetCueKeyword(command, line); if (command == "TRACK") { if (canAddTrack) success = AddTrack(track, shift, prestart, totalPregap, currPregap); else success = true; track.start = 0; track.skip = 0; currPregap = 0; prestart = 0; line >> track.number; string type; GetCueKeyword(type, line); if (type == "AUDIO") { track.sectorSize = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; track.attr = 0; track.mode2 = false; } else if (type == "MODE1/2048") { track.sectorSize = COOKED_SECTOR_SIZE; track.attr = 0x40; track.mode2 = false; } else if (type == "MODE1/2352") { track.sectorSize = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; track.attr = 0x40; track.mode2 = false; } else if (type == "MODE2/2336") { track.sectorSize = 2336; track.attr = 0x40; track.mode2 = true; } else if (type == "MODE2/2352") { track.sectorSize = RAW_SECTOR_SIZE; track.attr = 0x40; track.mode2 = true; } else success = false; canAddTrack = true; } else if (command == "INDEX") { int index; line >> index; int frame; success = GetCueFrame(frame, line); if (index == 1) track.start = frame; else if (index == 0) prestart = frame; // ignore other indices } else if (command == "FILE") { if (canAddTrack) success = AddTrack(track, shift, prestart, totalPregap, currPregap); else success = true; canAddTrack = false; string filename; GetCueString(filename, line); GetRealFileName(filename, pathname); string type; GetCueKeyword(type, line); track.file = NULL; bool error = true; if (type == "BINARY") { track.file = new BinaryFile(filename.c_str(), error); } #if defined(C_SDL_SOUND) //The next if has been surpassed by the else, but leaving it in as not //to break existing cue sheets that depend on this.(mine with OGG tracks specifying MP3 as type) else if (type == "WAVE" || type == "AIFF" || type == "MP3") { track.file = new AudioFile(filename.c_str(), error); } else { const Sound_DecoderInfo **i; for (i = Sound_AvailableDecoders(); *i != NULL; i++) { if (*(*i)->extensions == type) { track.file = new AudioFile(filename.c_str(), error); break; } } } #endif if (error) { delete track.file; success = false; } } else if (command == "PREGAP") success = GetCueFrame(currPregap, line); else if (command == "CATALOG") success = GetCueString(mcn, line); // ignored commands else if (command == "CDTEXTFILE" || command == "FLAGS" || command == "ISRC" || command == "PERFORMER" || command == "POSTGAP" || command == "REM" || command == "SONGWRITER" || command == "TITLE" || command == "") success = true; // failure else success = false; if (!success) return false; } // add last track if (!AddTrack(track, shift, prestart, totalPregap, currPregap)) return false; // add leadout track track.number++; track.attr = 0;//sync with load iso track.start = 0; track.length = 0; track.file = NULL; if(!AddTrack(track, shift, 0, totalPregap, 0)) return false; return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::AddTrack(Track &curr, int &shift, int prestart, int &totalPregap, int currPregap) { // frames between index 0(prestart) and 1(curr.start) must be skipped int skip; if (prestart > 0) { if (prestart > curr.start) return false; skip = curr.start - prestart; } else skip = 0; // first track (track number must be 1) if (tracks.empty()) { if (curr.number != 1) return false; curr.skip = skip * curr.sectorSize; curr.start += currPregap; totalPregap = currPregap; tracks.push_back(curr); return true; } Track &prev = *(tracks.end() - 1); // current track consumes data from the same file as the previous if (prev.file == curr.file) { curr.start += shift; prev.length = curr.start + totalPregap - prev.start - skip; curr.skip += prev.skip + prev.length * prev.sectorSize + skip * curr.sectorSize; totalPregap += currPregap; curr.start += totalPregap; // current track uses a different file as the previous track } else { int tmp = prev.file->getLength() - prev.skip; prev.length = tmp / prev.sectorSize; if (tmp % prev.sectorSize != 0) prev.length++; // padding curr.start += prev.start + prev.length + currPregap; curr.skip = skip * curr.sectorSize; shift += prev.start + prev.length; totalPregap = currPregap; } // error checks if (curr.number <= 1) return false; if (prev.number + 1 != curr.number) return false; if (curr.start < prev.start + prev.length) return false; if (curr.length < 0) return false; tracks.push_back(curr); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::HasDataTrack(void) { //Data track has attribute 0x40 for(track_it it = tracks.begin(); it != tracks.end(); it++) { if ((*it).attr == 0x40) return true; } return false; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetRealFileName(string &filename, string &pathname) { // check if file exists struct stat test; if (stat(filename.c_str(), &test) == 0) return true; // check if file with path relative to cue file exists string tmpstr(pathname + "/" + filename); if (stat(tmpstr.c_str(), &test) == 0) { filename = tmpstr; return true; } // finally check if file is in a dosbox local drive char fullname[CROSS_LEN]; char tmp[CROSS_LEN]; safe_strncpy(tmp, filename.c_str(), CROSS_LEN); Bit8u drive; if (!DOS_MakeName(tmp, fullname, &drive)) return false; localDrive *ldp = dynamic_cast(Drives[drive]); if (ldp) { ldp->GetSystemFilename(tmp, fullname); if (stat(tmp, &test) == 0) { filename = tmp; return true; } } return false; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetCueKeyword(string &keyword, istream &in) { in >> keyword; for(Bitu i = 0; i < keyword.size(); i++) keyword[i] = toupper(keyword[i]); return true; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetCueFrame(int &frames, istream &in) { string msf; in >> msf; int min, sec, fr; bool success = sscanf(msf.c_str(), "%d:%d:%d", &min, &sec, &fr) == 3; frames = MSF_TO_FRAMES(min, sec, fr); return success; } bool CDROM_Interface_Image::GetCueString(string &str, istream &in) { int pos = (int)in.tellg(); in >> str; if (str[0] == '\"') { if (str[str.size() - 1] == '\"') { str.assign(str, 1, str.size() - 2); } else { in.seekg(pos, ios::beg); char buffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; in.getline(buffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, '\"'); // skip in.getline(buffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, '\"'); str = buffer; } } return true; } void CDROM_Interface_Image::ClearTracks() { vector::iterator i = tracks.begin(); vector::iterator end = tracks.end(); TrackFile* last = NULL; while(i != end) { Track &curr = *i; if (curr.file != last) { delete curr.file; last = curr.file; } i++; } tracks.clear(); } void CDROM_Image_Destroy(Section*) { #if defined(C_SDL_SOUND) Sound_Quit(); #endif } void CDROM_Image_Init(Section* section) { #if defined(C_SDL_SOUND) Sound_Init(); section->AddDestroyFunction(CDROM_Image_Destroy, false); #endif }