/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #if 0 #include "SDL.h" #include "../libs/gui_tk/gui_tk.h" #include "dosbox.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "video.h" #include "render.h" #include "mapper.h" #include "setup.h" #include "control.h" #include "shell.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern Bit8u int10_font_14[256 * 14]; extern Program * first_shell; extern bool MSG_Write(const char *); extern void GFX_SetTitle(Bit32s cycles, Bits frameskip, bool paused); static int cursor, saved_bpp; static int old_unicode; static bool mousetoggle, running, shell_idle; static SDL_Surface *screenshot, *background; /* Prepare screen for UI */ void UI_Init(void) { GUI::Font::addFont("default",new GUI::BitmapFont(int10_font_14,14,10)); } static void getPixel(Bits x, Bits y, int &r, int &g, int &b, int shift) { if (x >= (Bits)render.src.width) x = (Bits)render.src.width-1; if (y >= (Bits)render.src.height) x = (Bits)render.src.height-1; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; Bit8u* src = (Bit8u *)&scalerSourceCache; Bit32u pixel; switch (render.scale.inMode) { case scalerMode8: pixel = *(x+(Bit8u*)(src+y*render.scale.cachePitch)); r += render.pal.rgb[pixel].red >> shift; g += render.pal.rgb[pixel].green >> shift; b += render.pal.rgb[pixel].blue >> shift; break; case scalerMode15: pixel = *(x+(Bit16u*)(src+y*render.scale.cachePitch)); r += (pixel >> (7+shift)) & (0xf8 >> shift); g += (pixel >> (2+shift)) & (0xf8 >> shift); b += (pixel << (3-shift)) & (0xf8 >> shift); break; case scalerMode16: pixel = *(x+(Bit16u*)(src+y*render.scale.cachePitch)); r += (pixel >> (8+shift)) & (0xf8 >> shift); g += (pixel >> (3+shift)) & (0xfc >> shift); b += (pixel << (3-shift)) & (0xf8 >> shift); break; case scalerMode32: pixel = *(x+(Bit32u*)(src+y*render.scale.cachePitch)); r += (pixel >> (16+shift)) & (0xff >> shift); g += (pixel >> (8+shift)) & (0xff >> shift); b += (pixel >> shift) & (0xff >> shift); break; } } static GUI::ScreenSDL *UI_Startup(GUI::ScreenSDL *screen) { GFX_EndUpdate(0); GFX_SetTitle(-1,-1,true); if(!screen) { //Coming from DOSBox. Clean up the keyboard buffer. KEYBOARD_ClrBuffer();//Clear buffer } GFX_LosingFocus();//Release any keys pressed (buffer gets filled again). (could be in above if, but clearing the mapper input when exiting the mapper is sensible as well SDL_Delay(500); // Comparable to the code of intro.com, but not the same! (the code of intro.com is called from within a com file) shell_idle = first_shell && (DOS_PSP(dos.psp()).GetSegment() == DOS_PSP(dos.psp()).GetParent()); int w, h; bool fs; GFX_GetSize(w, h, fs); if (w < 512) w = 640; if (h < 350) h = 400; old_unicode = SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY,SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); screenshot = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32, GUI::Color::RedMask, GUI::Color::GreenMask, GUI::Color::BlueMask, 0); // create screenshot for fade effect int rs = screenshot->format->Rshift, gs = screenshot->format->Gshift, bs = screenshot->format->Bshift, am = GUI::Color::AlphaMask; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { Bit32u *bg = (Bit32u*)(y*screenshot->pitch + (char*)screenshot->pixels); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; getPixel(x *(int)render.src.width/w, y *(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 0); bg[x] = r << rs | g << gs | b << bs; } } background = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32, GUI::Color::RedMask, GUI::Color::GreenMask, GUI::Color::BlueMask, GUI::Color::AlphaMask); // use a blurred and sepia-toned screenshot as menu background for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { Bit32u *bg = (Bit32u*)(y*background->pitch + (char*)background->pixels); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; getPixel(x *(int)render.src.width/w, y *(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel((x-1)*(int)render.src.width/w, y *(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel(x *(int)render.src.width/w, (y-1)*(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel((x-1)*(int)render.src.width/w, (y-1)*(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel((x+1)*(int)render.src.width/w, y *(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel(x *(int)render.src.width/w, (y+1)*(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel((x+1)*(int)render.src.width/w, (y+1)*(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); getPixel((x-1)*(int)render.src.width/w, (y+1)*(int)render.src.height/h, r, g, b, 3); int r1 = (int)((r * 393 + g * 769 + b * 189) / 1351); int g1 = (int)((r * 349 + g * 686 + b * 168) / 1203); int b1 = (int)((r * 272 + g * 534 + b * 131) / 2140); bg[x] = r1 << rs | g1 << gs | b1 << bs | am; } } cursor = SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_QUERY); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); mousetoggle = mouselocked; if (mouselocked) GFX_CaptureMouse(); #ifdef HW_RVL SDL_Surface* sdlscreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE|(fs?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0)); #else SDL_Surface* sdlscreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE|(fs?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0)); #endif if (sdlscreen == NULL) E_Exit("Could not initialize video mode %ix%ix32 for UI: %s", w, h, SDL_GetError()); // fade out SDL_Event event; for (int i = 0xff; i > 0; i -= 0x11) { SDL_SetAlpha(screenshot, SDL_SRCALPHA, i); SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); SDL_BlitSurface(screenshot, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); SDL_UpdateRect(sdlscreen, 0, 0, 0, 0); while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {}; SDL_Delay(40); } SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); SDL_UpdateRect(sdlscreen, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (screen) screen->setSurface(sdlscreen); else screen = new GUI::ScreenSDL(sdlscreen); saved_bpp = render.src.bpp; render.src.bpp = 0; running = true; return screen; } /* Restore screen */ static void UI_Shutdown(GUI::ScreenSDL *screen) { SDL_Surface *sdlscreen = screen->getSurface(); render.src.bpp = saved_bpp; // fade in SDL_Event event; for (int i = 0x00; i < 0xff; i += 0x11) { SDL_SetAlpha(screenshot, SDL_SRCALPHA, i); SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); SDL_BlitSurface(screenshot, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); SDL_UpdateRect(sdlscreen, 0, 0, 0, 0); while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {}; SDL_Delay(40); } // clean up if (mousetoggle) GFX_CaptureMouse(); SDL_ShowCursor(cursor); SDL_FreeSurface(background); SDL_FreeSurface(screenshot); SDL_FreeSurface(sdlscreen); screen->setSurface(NULL); GFX_ResetScreen(); SDL_EnableUNICODE(old_unicode); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0,0); GFX_SetTitle(-1,-1,false); } /* helper class for command execution */ class VirtualBatch : public BatchFile { protected: std::istringstream lines; public: VirtualBatch(DOS_Shell *host, const std::string& cmds) : BatchFile(host, "CON", ""), lines(cmds) { } bool ReadLine(char *line) { std::string l; if (!std::getline(lines,l)) { delete this; return false; } strcpy(line,l.c_str()); return true; } }; static void UI_RunCommands(GUI::ScreenSDL *s, const std::string &cmds) { DOS_Shell temp; temp.call = true; UI_Shutdown(s); temp.bf = new VirtualBatch(&temp, cmds); temp.RunInternal(); temp.ShowPrompt(); UI_Startup(s); } /* stringification and conversion from the c++ FAQ */ class BadConversion : public std::runtime_error { public: BadConversion(const std::string& s) : std::runtime_error(s) { } }; template inline std::string stringify(const T& x, std::ios_base& ( *pf )(std::ios_base&) = NULL) { std::ostringstream o; if (pf) o << pf; if (!(o << x)) throw BadConversion(std::string("stringify(") + typeid(x).name() + ")"); return o.str(); } template inline void convert(const std::string& s, T& x, bool failIfLeftoverChars = true, std::ios_base& ( *pf )(std::ios_base&) = NULL) { std::istringstream i(s); if (pf) i >> pf; char c; if (!(i >> x) || (failIfLeftoverChars && i.get(c))) throw BadConversion(s); } /*****************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* UI classes */ class PropertyEditor : public GUI::Window, public GUI::ActionEventSource_Callback { protected: Section_prop * section; Property *prop; public: PropertyEditor(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : Window(parent, x, y, 240, 30), section(section), prop(prop) { } virtual bool prepare(std::string &buffer) = 0; void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { std::string line; if (prepare(line)) { if (first_shell) section->ExecuteDestroy(false); prop->SetValue(GUI::String(line)); if (first_shell) section->ExecuteInit(false); } } }; class PropertyEditorBool : public PropertyEditor { GUI::Checkbox *input; public: PropertyEditorBool(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : PropertyEditor(parent, x, y, section, prop) { input = new GUI::Checkbox(this, 0, 3, prop->propname.c_str()); input->setChecked(static_cast(prop->GetValue())); } bool prepare(std::string &buffer) { if (input->isChecked() == static_cast(prop->GetValue())) return false; buffer.append(input->isChecked()?"true":"false"); return true; } }; class PropertyEditorString : public PropertyEditor { protected: GUI::Input *input; public: PropertyEditorString(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : PropertyEditor(parent, x, y, section, prop) { new GUI::Label(this, 0, 5, prop->propname); input = new GUI::Input(this, 130, 0, 110); std::string temps = prop->GetValue().ToString(); input->setText(stringify(temps)); } bool prepare(std::string &buffer) { std::string temps = prop->GetValue().ToString(); if (input->getText() == GUI::String(temps)) return false; buffer.append(static_cast(input->getText())); return true; } }; class PropertyEditorFloat : public PropertyEditor { protected: GUI::Input *input; public: PropertyEditorFloat(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : PropertyEditor(parent, x, y, section, prop) { new GUI::Label(this, 0, 5, prop->propname); input = new GUI::Input(this, 130, 0, 50); input->setText(stringify((double)prop->GetValue())); } bool prepare(std::string &buffer) { double val; convert(input->getText(), val, false); if (val == (double)prop->GetValue()) return false; buffer.append(stringify(val)); return true; } }; class PropertyEditorHex : public PropertyEditor { protected: GUI::Input *input; public: PropertyEditorHex(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : PropertyEditor(parent, x, y, section, prop) { new GUI::Label(this, 0, 5, prop->propname); input = new GUI::Input(this, 130, 0, 50); std::string temps = prop->GetValue().ToString(); input->setText(temps.c_str()); } bool prepare(std::string &buffer) { int val; convert(input->getText(), val, false, std::hex); if ((Hex)val == prop->GetValue()) return false; buffer.append(stringify(val, std::hex)); return true; } }; class PropertyEditorInt : public PropertyEditor { protected: GUI::Input *input; public: PropertyEditorInt(Window *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section, Property *prop) : PropertyEditor(parent, x, y, section, prop) { new GUI::Label(this, 0, 5, prop->propname); input = new GUI::Input(this, 130, 0, 50); //Maybe use ToString() of Value input->setText(stringify(static_cast(prop->GetValue()))); } bool prepare(std::string &buffer) { int val; convert(input->getText(), val, false); if (val == static_cast(prop->GetValue())) return false; buffer.append(stringify(val)); return true; } }; class HelpWindow : public GUI::MessageBox { public: HelpWindow(GUI::Screen *parent, int x, int y, Section *section) : MessageBox(parent, x, y, 580, "", "") { std::string title(section->GetName()); title.at(0) = std::toupper(title.at(0)); setTitle("Help for "+title); std::string name = section->GetName(); std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), (int(*)(int))std::toupper); name += "_CONFIGFILE_HELP"; setText(MSG_Get(name.c_str())); } }; class SectionEditor : public GUI::ToplevelWindow { Section_prop * section; public: SectionEditor(GUI::Screen *parent, int x, int y, Section_prop *section) : ToplevelWindow(parent, x, y, 510, 300, ""), section(section) { std::string title(section->GetName()); title[0] = std::toupper(title[0]); setTitle("Configuration for "+title); new GUI::Label(this, 5, 10, "Settings:"); GUI::Button *b = new GUI::Button(this, 120, 220, "Cancel", 70); b->addActionHandler(this); b = new GUI::Button(this, 200, 220, "Help", 70); b->addActionHandler(this); b = new GUI::Button(this, 280, 220, "OK", 70); int i = 0; Property *prop; while ((prop = section->Get_prop(i))) { Prop_bool *pbool = dynamic_cast(prop); Prop_int *pint = dynamic_cast(prop); Prop_double *pdouble = dynamic_cast(prop); Prop_hex *phex = dynamic_cast(prop); Prop_string *pstring = dynamic_cast(prop); PropertyEditor *p; if (pbool) p = new PropertyEditorBool(this, 5+250*(i/6), 40+(i%6)*30, section, prop); else if (phex) p = new PropertyEditorHex(this, 5+250*(i/6), 40+(i%6)*30, section, prop); else if (pint) p = new PropertyEditorInt(this, 5+250*(i/6), 40+(i%6)*30, section, prop); else if (pdouble) p = new PropertyEditorFloat(this, 5+250*(i/6), 40+(i%6)*30, section, prop); else if (pstring) p = new PropertyEditorString(this, 5+250*(i/6), 40+(i%6)*30, section, prop); else { i++; continue; } b->addActionHandler(p); i++; } b->addActionHandler(this); } void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { if (arg == "OK" || arg == "Cancel") close(); else if (arg == "Help") new HelpWindow(static_cast(parent), getX()-10, getY()-10, section); else ToplevelWindow::actionExecuted(b, arg); } }; class AutoexecEditor : public GUI::ToplevelWindow { Section_line * section; GUI::Input *content; public: AutoexecEditor(GUI::Screen *parent, int x, int y, Section_line *section) : ToplevelWindow(parent, x, y, 450, 300, ""), section(section) { std::string title(section->GetName()); title[0] = std::toupper(title[0]); setTitle("Edit "+title); new GUI::Label(this, 5, 10, "Content:"); content = new GUI::Input(this, 5, 30, 420, 185); content->setText(section->data); if (first_shell) (new GUI::Button(this, 5, 220, "Append History"))->addActionHandler(this); if (shell_idle) (new GUI::Button(this, 180, 220, "Execute Now"))->addActionHandler(this); (new GUI::Button(this, 290, 220, "Cancel", 70))->addActionHandler(this); (new GUI::Button(this, 360, 220, "OK", 70))->addActionHandler(this); } void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { if (arg == "OK") section->data = *(std::string*)content->getText(); if (arg == "OK" || arg == "Cancel") close(); else if (arg == "Append Shell Commands") { DOS_Shell *s = static_cast(first_shell); std::list::reverse_iterator i = s->l_history.rbegin(); std::string lines = *(std::string*)content->getText(); while (i != s->l_history.rend()) { lines += "\n"; lines += *i; ++i; } content->setText(lines); } else if (arg == "Execute Now") { UI_RunCommands(dynamic_cast(getScreen()), content->getText()); } else ToplevelWindow::actionExecuted(b, arg); } }; class SaveDialog : public GUI::ToplevelWindow { protected: GUI::Input *name; public: SaveDialog(GUI::Screen *parent, int x, int y, const char *title) : ToplevelWindow(parent, x, y, 400, 150, title) { new GUI::Label(this, 5, 10, "Enter filename for configuration file:"); name = new GUI::Input(this, 5, 30, 350); name->setText("dosbox.conf"); (new GUI::Button(this, 120, 70, "Cancel", 70))->addActionHandler(this); (new GUI::Button(this, 210, 70, "OK", 70))->addActionHandler(this); } void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { if (arg == "OK") control->PrintConfig(name->getText()); close(); } }; class SaveLangDialog : public GUI::ToplevelWindow { protected: GUI::Input *name; public: SaveLangDialog(GUI::Screen *parent, int x, int y, const char *title) : ToplevelWindow(parent, x, y, 400, 150, title) { new GUI::Label(this, 5, 10, "Enter filename for language file:"); name = new GUI::Input(this, 5, 30, 350); name->setText("messages.txt"); (new GUI::Button(this, 120, 70, "Cancel", 70))->addActionHandler(this); (new GUI::Button(this, 210, 70, "OK", 70))->addActionHandler(this); } void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { if (arg == "OK") MSG_Write(name->getText()); close(); } }; class ConfigurationWindow : public GUI::ToplevelWindow { public: ConfigurationWindow(GUI::Screen *parent, GUI::Size x, GUI::Size y, GUI::String title) : GUI::ToplevelWindow(parent, x, y, 470, 290, title) { (new GUI::Button(this, 180, 215, "Close", 70))->addActionHandler(this); GUI::Menubar *bar = new GUI::Menubar(this, 0, 0, getWidth()); bar->addMenu("Configuration"); bar->addItem(0,"Save..."); bar->addItem(0,"Save Language File..."); bar->addItem(0,""); bar->addItem(0,"Close"); bar->addMenu("Settings"); bar->addMenu("Help"); bar->addItem(2,"Introduction"); bar->addItem(2,"Getting Started"); bar->addItem(2,"CD-ROM Support"); bar->addItem(2,"Special Keys"); bar->addItem(2,""); bar->addItem(2,"About"); bar->addActionHandler(this); new GUI::Label(this, 10, 30, "Choose a settings group to configure:"); Section *sec; int i = 0; while ((sec = control->GetSection(i))) { std::string name = sec->GetName(); name[0] = std::toupper(name[0]); GUI::Button *b = new GUI::Button(this, 12+(i/5)*160, 50+(i%5)*30, name, 100); b->addActionHandler(this); bar->addItem(1, name); i++; } if (first_shell) { (new GUI::Button(this, 12+(i/5)*160, 50+(i%5)*30, "Keyboard", 100))->addActionHandler(this); bar->addItem(1, ""); bar->addItem(1, "Keyboard"); } } ~ConfigurationWindow() { running = false; } void actionExecuted(GUI::ActionEventSource *b, const GUI::String &arg) { GUI::String sname = arg; sname.at(0) = std::tolower(sname.at(0)); Section *sec; if (arg == "Close" || arg == "Cancel") { running = false; } else if (arg == "Keyboard") { UI_Shutdown(dynamic_cast(getScreen())); MAPPER_Run(false); UI_Startup(dynamic_cast(getScreen())); } else if (sname == "autoexec") { Section_line *section = static_cast(control->GetSection((const char *)sname)); new AutoexecEditor(getScreen(), 50, 30, section); } else if ((sec = control->GetSection((const char *)sname))) { Section_prop *section = static_cast(sec); new SectionEditor(getScreen(), 50, 30, section); } else if (arg == "About") { new GUI::MessageBox(getScreen(), 200, 150, 280, "About DOSBox", "\nDOSBox 0.74\nAn emulator for old DOS Games\n\nCopyright 2002-2011\nThe DOSBox Team"); } else if (arg == "Introduction") { new GUI::MessageBox(getScreen(), 20, 50, 600, "Introduction", MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO")); } else if (arg == "Getting Started") { std::string msg = MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_START"); #ifdef WIN32 msg += MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_WINDOWS"); #else msg += MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_OTHER"); #endif msg += MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_END"); new GUI::MessageBox(getScreen(), 20, 50, 600, std::string("Introduction"), msg); } else if (arg == "CD-ROM Support") { new GUI::MessageBox(getScreen(), 20, 50, 600, "Introduction", MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_CDROM")); } else if (arg == "Special Keys") { new GUI::MessageBox(getScreen(), 20, 50, 600, "Introduction", MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_SPECIAL")); } else if (arg == "Save...") { new SaveDialog(getScreen(), 90, 100, "Save Configuration..."); } else if (arg == "Save Language File...") { new SaveLangDialog(getScreen(), 90, 100, "Save Language File..."); } else { return ToplevelWindow::actionExecuted(b, arg); } } }; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /* UI control functions */ static void UI_Execute(GUI::ScreenSDL *screen) { SDL_Surface *sdlscreen = screen->getSurface(); new ConfigurationWindow(screen, 30, 30, "DOSBox Configuration"); // event loop SDL_Event event; while (running) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (!screen->event(event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) running = false; } } //Selecting keyboard will create a new surface. sdlscreen = screen->getSurface(); SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, sdlscreen, NULL); screen->update(4); SDL_UpdateRect(sdlscreen, 0, 0, 0, 0); SDL_Delay(40); } } void UI_Run(bool pressed) { if (pressed) return; GUI::ScreenSDL *screen = UI_Startup(NULL); UI_Execute(screen); UI_Shutdown(screen); delete screen; } #endif