/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: setup.h,v 1.41 2009-05-27 09:15:41 qbix79 Exp $ */ #ifndef DOSBOX_SETUP_H #define DOSBOX_SETUP_H #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) #pragma warning ( disable : 4290 ) #endif #ifdef HW_RVL #include #endif #ifndef CH_LIST #define CH_LIST #include #endif #ifndef CH_VECTOR #define CH_VECTOR #include #endif #ifndef CH_STRING #define CH_STRING #include #endif #ifndef CH_CSTDIO #define CH_CSTDIO #include #endif class Hex { private: int _hex; public: Hex(int in):_hex(in) { }; Hex():_hex(0) { }; bool operator==(Hex const& other) {return _hex == other._hex;} operator int () const { return _hex; } }; class Value { /* * Multitype storage container that is aware of the currently stored type in it. * Value st = "hello"; * Value in = 1; * st = 12 //Exception * in = 12 //works */ private: Hex _hex; bool _bool; int _int; std::string* _string; double _double; public: class WrongType { }; // Conversion error class enum Etype { V_NONE, V_HEX, V_BOOL, V_INT, V_STRING, V_DOUBLE,V_CURRENT} type; /* Constructors */ Value() :_string(0), type(V_NONE) { }; Value(Hex in) :_hex(in), type(V_HEX) { }; Value(int in) :_int(in), type(V_INT) { }; Value(bool in) :_bool(in), type(V_BOOL) { }; Value(double in) :_double(in), type(V_DOUBLE) { }; Value(std::string const& in) :_string(new std::string(in)),type(V_STRING) { }; Value(char const * const in) :_string(new std::string(in)),type(V_STRING) { }; Value(Value const& in):_string(0) {plaincopy(in);} ~Value() { destroy();}; Value(std::string const& in,Etype _t) :_string(0),type(V_NONE) {SetValue(in,_t);} /* Assigment operators */ Value& operator= (Hex in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (int in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (bool in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (double in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (std::string const& in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (char const * const in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} Value& operator= (Value const& in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(Value(in));} bool operator== (Value const & other); operator bool () const throw(WrongType); operator Hex () const throw(WrongType); operator int () const throw(WrongType); operator double () const throw(WrongType); operator char const* () const throw(WrongType); bool SetValue(std::string const& in,Etype _type = V_CURRENT) throw(WrongType); std::string ToString() const; private: void destroy() throw(); Value& copy(Value const& in) throw(WrongType); void plaincopy(Value const& in) throw(); bool set_hex(std::string const& in); bool set_int(std::string const&in); bool set_bool(std::string const& in); void set_string(std::string const& in); bool set_double(std::string const& in); }; class Property { public: struct Changeable { enum Value {Always, WhenIdle,OnlyAtStart};}; const std::string propname; Property(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when):propname(_propname),change(when) { } void Set_values(const char * const * in); void Set_help(std::string const& str); char const* Get_help(); virtual bool SetValue(std::string const& str)=0; Value const& GetValue() const { return value;} Value const& Get_Default_Value() const { return default_value; } //CheckValue returns true if value is in suggested_values; //Type specific properties are encouraged to override this and check for type //specific features. virtual bool CheckValue(Value const& in, bool warn); //Set interval value to in or default if in is invalid. force always sets the value. bool SetVal(Value const& in, bool forced,bool warn=true) { if(forced || CheckValue(in,warn)) {value = in; return true;} else { value = default_value; return false;}} virtual ~Property(){ } virtual const std::vector& GetValues() const; Value::Etype Get_type(){return default_value.type;} Changeable::Value getChange() {return change;} protected: Value value; std::vector suggested_values; typedef std::vector::iterator iter; Value default_value; const Changeable::Value change; }; class Prop_int:public Property { public: Prop_int(std::string const& _propname,Changeable::Value when, int _value) :Property(_propname,when) { default_value = value = _value; min = max = -1; } Prop_int(std::string const& _propname,Changeable::Value when, int _min,int _max,int _value) :Property(_propname,when) { default_value = value = _value; min = _min; max = _max; } int getMin() { return min;} int getMax() { return max;} void SetMinMax(Value const& min,Value const& max) {this->min = min; this->max=max;} bool SetValue(std::string const& in); ~Prop_int(){ } virtual bool CheckValue(Value const& in, bool warn); private: Value min,max; }; class Prop_double:public Property { public: Prop_double(std::string const & _propname, Changeable::Value when, double _value) :Property(_propname,when){ default_value = value = _value; } bool SetValue(std::string const& input); ~Prop_double(){ } }; class Prop_bool:public Property { public: Prop_bool(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when, bool _value) :Property(_propname,when) { default_value = value = _value; } bool SetValue(std::string const& in); ~Prop_bool(){ } }; class Prop_string:public Property{ public: Prop_string(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when, char const * const _value) :Property(_propname,when) { default_value = value = _value; } bool SetValue(std::string const& in); virtual bool CheckValue(Value const& in, bool warn); ~Prop_string(){ } }; class Prop_path:public Prop_string{ public: std::string realpath; Prop_path(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when, char const * const _value) :Prop_string(_propname,when,_value) { default_value = value = _value; realpath = _value; } bool SetValue(std::string const& in); ~Prop_path(){ } }; class Prop_hex:public Property { public: Prop_hex(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when, Hex _value) :Property(_propname,when) { default_value = value = _value; } bool SetValue(std::string const& in); ~Prop_hex(){ } }; #define NO_SUCH_PROPERTY "PROP_NOT_EXIST" class Section { private: typedef void (*SectionFunction)(Section*); /* Wrapper class around startup and shutdown functions. the variable * canchange indicates it can be called on configuration changes */ struct Function_wrapper { SectionFunction function; bool canchange; Function_wrapper(SectionFunction const _fun,bool _ch){ function=_fun; canchange=_ch; } }; std::list initfunctions; std::list destroyfunctions; std::string sectionname; public: Section(std::string const& _sectionname):sectionname(_sectionname) { } void AddInitFunction(SectionFunction func,bool canchange=false); void AddDestroyFunction(SectionFunction func,bool canchange=false); void ExecuteInit(bool initall=true); void ExecuteDestroy(bool destroyall=true); const char* GetName() const {return sectionname.c_str();} virtual std::string GetPropValue(std::string const& _property) const =0; virtual bool HandleInputline(std::string const& _line)=0; virtual void PrintData(FILE* outfile) const =0; virtual ~Section() { /*Children must call executedestroy ! */} }; class Prop_multival; class Prop_multival_remain; class Section_prop:public Section { private: std::list properties; typedef std::list::iterator it; typedef std::list::const_iterator const_it; public: Section_prop(std::string const& _sectionname):Section(_sectionname){} Prop_int* Add_int(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when, int _value=0); Prop_string* Add_string(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when, char const * const _value=NULL); Prop_path* Add_path(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when, char const * const _value=NULL); Prop_bool* Add_bool(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when, bool _value=false); Prop_hex* Add_hex(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when, Hex _value=0); // void Add_double(char const * const _propname, double _value=0.0); Prop_multival *Add_multi(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when,std::string const& sep); Prop_multival_remain *Add_multiremain(std::string const& _propname, Property::Changeable::Value when,std::string const& sep); Property* Get_prop(int index); int Get_int(std::string const& _propname) const; const char* Get_string(std::string const& _propname) const; bool Get_bool(std::string const& _propname) const; Hex Get_hex(std::string const& _propname) const; double Get_double(std::string const& _propname) const; Prop_path* Get_path(std::string const& _propname) const; Prop_multival* Get_multival(std::string const& _propname) const; Prop_multival_remain* Get_multivalremain(std::string const& _propname) const; bool HandleInputline(std::string const& gegevens); void PrintData(FILE* outfile) const; virtual std::string GetPropValue(std::string const& _property) const; //ExecuteDestroy should be here else the destroy functions use destroyed properties virtual ~Section_prop(); }; class Prop_multival:public Property{ protected: Section_prop* section; std::string seperator; void make_default_value(); public: Prop_multival(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when,std::string const& sep):Property(_propname,when), section(new Section_prop("")),seperator(sep) { default_value = value = ""; } Section_prop *GetSection() { return section; } const Section_prop *GetSection() const { return section; } virtual bool SetValue(std::string const& input); virtual const std::vector& GetValues() const; ~Prop_multival() { delete section; } }; //value bevat totale string. setvalue zet elk van de sub properties en checked die. class Prop_multival_remain:public Prop_multival{ public: Prop_multival_remain(std::string const& _propname, Changeable::Value when,std::string const& sep):Prop_multival(_propname,when,sep){ } virtual bool SetValue(std::string const& input); }; class Section_line: public Section{ public: Section_line(std::string const& _sectionname):Section(_sectionname){} ~Section_line(){ExecuteDestroy(true);} bool HandleInputline(std::string const& gegevens); void PrintData(FILE* outfile) const; virtual std::string GetPropValue(std::string const& _property) const; std::string data; }; class Module_base { /* Base for all hardware and software "devices" */ protected: Section* m_configuration; public: Module_base(Section* configuration){m_configuration=configuration;}; // Module_base(Section* configuration, SaveState* state) {}; virtual ~Module_base(){/*LOG_MSG("executed")*/;};//Destructors are required /* Returns true if succesful.*/ virtual bool Change_Config(Section* /*newconfig*/) {return false;} ; }; #endif