/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "dosbox.h" #include "timer.h" #include "pic.h" #include "inout.h" #include "mem.h" #include "bios_disk.h" #include "setup.h" #include "cross.h" //fmod on certain platforms static struct { Bit8u regs[0x40]; bool nmi; bool bcd; Bit8u reg; struct { bool enabled; Bit8u div; float delay; bool acknowledged; } timer; struct { double timer; double ended; double alarm; } last; bool update_ended; } cmos; static void cmos_timerevent(Bitu val) { if (cmos.timer.acknowledged) { cmos.timer.acknowledged=false; PIC_ActivateIRQ(8); } if (cmos.timer.enabled) { PIC_AddEvent(cmos_timerevent,cmos.timer.delay); cmos.regs[0xc] = 0xC0;//Contraption Zack (music) } } static void cmos_checktimer(void) { PIC_RemoveEvents(cmos_timerevent); if (cmos.timer.div<=2) cmos.timer.div+=7; cmos.timer.delay=(1000.0f/(32768.0f / (1 << (cmos.timer.div - 1)))); if (!cmos.timer.div || !cmos.timer.enabled) return; LOG(LOG_PIT,LOG_NORMAL)("RTC Timer at %.2f hz",1000.0/cmos.timer.delay); // PIC_AddEvent(cmos_timerevent,cmos.timer.delay); /* A rtc is always running */ double remd=fmod(PIC_FullIndex(),(double)cmos.timer.delay); PIC_AddEvent(cmos_timerevent,(float)((double)cmos.timer.delay-remd)); //Should be more like a real pc. Check // status reg A reading with this (and with other delays actually) } void cmos_selreg(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu iolen) { cmos.reg=val & 0x3f; cmos.nmi=(val & 0x80)>0; } static void cmos_writereg(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu iolen) { switch (cmos.reg) { case 0x00: /* Seconds */ case 0x02: /* Minutes */ case 0x04: /* Hours */ case 0x06: /* Day of week */ case 0x07: /* Date of month */ case 0x08: /* Month */ case 0x09: /* Year */ case 0x32: /* Century */ /* Ignore writes to change alarm */ break; case 0x01: /* Seconds Alarm */ case 0x03: /* Minutes Alarm */ case 0x05: /* Hours Alarm */ LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_NORMAL)("CMOS:Trying to set alarm"); cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val; break; case 0x0a: /* Status reg A */ cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val & 0x7f; if ((val & 0x70)!=0x20) LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_ERROR)("CMOS Illegal 22 stage divider value"); cmos.timer.div=(val & 0xf); cmos_checktimer(); break; case 0x0b: /* Status reg B */ cmos.bcd=!(val & 0x4); cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val & 0x7f; cmos.timer.enabled=(val & 0x40)>0; if (val&0x10) LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_ERROR)("CMOS:Updated ended interrupt not supported yet"); cmos_checktimer(); break; case 0x0d:/* Status reg D */ cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val & 0x80; /*Bit 7=1:RTC Pown on*/ break; case 0x0f: /* Shutdown status byte */ cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val & 0x7f; break; default: cmos.regs[cmos.reg]=val & 0x7f; LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_ERROR)("CMOS:WRite to unhandled register %x",cmos.reg); } } #define MAKE_RETURN(_VAL) (cmos.bcd ? ((((_VAL) / 10) << 4) | ((_VAL) % 10)) : (_VAL)); static Bitu cmos_readreg(Bitu port,Bitu iolen) { if (cmos.reg>0x3f) { LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_ERROR)("CMOS:Read from illegal register %x",cmos.reg); return 0xff; } Bitu drive_a, drive_b; Bit8u hdparm; time_t curtime; struct tm *loctime; /* Get the current time. */ curtime = time (NULL); /* Convert it to local time representation. */ loctime = localtime (&curtime); switch (cmos.reg) { case 0x00: /* Seconds */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_sec); case 0x02: /* Minutes */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_min); case 0x04: /* Hours */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_hour); case 0x06: /* Day of week */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_wday + 1); case 0x07: /* Date of month */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_mday); case 0x08: /* Month */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_mon + 1); case 0x09: /* Year */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_year % 100); case 0x32: /* Century */ return MAKE_RETURN(loctime->tm_year / 100 + 19); case 0x01: /* Seconds Alarm */ case 0x03: /* Minutes Alarm */ case 0x05: /* Hours Alarm */ return cmos.regs[cmos.reg]; case 0x0a: /* Status register A */ if (PIC_TickIndex()<0.002) { return (cmos.regs[0x0a]&0x7f) | 0x80; } else { return (cmos.regs[0x0a]&0x7f); } case 0x0c: /* Status register C */ cmos.timer.acknowledged=true; if (cmos.timer.enabled) { /* In periodic interrupt mode only care for those flags */ Bit8u val=cmos.regs[0xc]; cmos.regs[0xc]=0; return val; } else { /* Give correct values at certain times */ Bit8u val=0; double index=PIC_FullIndex(); if (index>=(cmos.last.timer+cmos.timer.delay)) { cmos.last.timer=index; val|=0x40; } if (index>=(cmos.last.ended+1000)) { cmos.last.ended=index; val|=0x10; } return val; } case 0x10: /* Floppy size */ drive_a = 0; drive_b = 0; if(imageDiskList[0] != NULL) drive_a = imageDiskList[0]->GetBiosType(); if(imageDiskList[1] != NULL) drive_b = imageDiskList[1]->GetBiosType(); return ((drive_a << 4) | (drive_b)); /* First harddrive info */ case 0x12: hdparm = 0; if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) hdparm |= 0xf; if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) hdparm |= 0xf0; return hdparm; case 0x19: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return 47; /* User defined type */ return 0; case 0x1b: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[2]->cylinders & 0xff); return 0; case 0x1c: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return ((imageDiskList[2]->cylinders & 0xff00)>>8); return 0; case 0x1d: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[2]->heads); return 0; case 0x1e: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return 0xff; return 0; case 0x1f: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return 0xff; return 0; case 0x20: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return (0xc0 | (((imageDiskList[2]->heads) > 8) << 3)); return 0; case 0x21: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[2]->cylinders & 0xff); return 0; case 0x22: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return ((imageDiskList[2]->cylinders & 0xff00)>>8); return 0; case 0x23: if(imageDiskList[2] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[2]->sectors); return 0; /* Second harddrive info */ case 0x1a: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return 47; /* User defined type */ return 0; case 0x24: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[3]->cylinders & 0xff); return 0; case 0x25: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return ((imageDiskList[3]->cylinders & 0xff00)>>8); return 0; case 0x26: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[3]->heads); return 0; case 0x27: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return 0xff; return 0; case 0x28: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return 0xff; return 0; case 0x29: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return (0xc0 | (((imageDiskList[3]->heads) > 8) << 3)); return 0; case 0x2a: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[3]->cylinders & 0xff); return 0; case 0x2b: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return ((imageDiskList[3]->cylinders & 0xff00)>>8); return 0; case 0x2c: if(imageDiskList[3] != NULL) return (imageDiskList[3]->sectors); return 0; case 0x39: return 0; case 0x3a: return 0; case 0x0b: /* Status register B */ case 0x0d: /* Status register D */ case 0x0f: /* Shutdown status byte */ case 0x14: /* Equipment */ case 0x15: /* Base Memory KB Low Byte */ case 0x16: /* Base Memory KB High Byte */ case 0x17: /* Extended memory in KB Low Byte */ case 0x18: /* Extended memory in KB High Byte */ case 0x30: /* Extended memory in KB Low Byte */ case 0x31: /* Extended memory in KB High Byte */ // LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_NORMAL)("CMOS:Read from reg %X : %04X",cmos.reg,cmos.regs[cmos.reg]); return cmos.regs[cmos.reg]; default: LOG(LOG_BIOS,LOG_NORMAL)("CMOS:Read from reg %X",cmos.reg); return cmos.regs[cmos.reg]; } } void CMOS_SetRegister(Bitu regNr, Bit8u val) { cmos.regs[regNr] = val; } class CMOS:public Module_base{ private: IO_ReadHandleObject ReadHandler[2]; IO_WriteHandleObject WriteHandler[2]; public: CMOS(Section* configuration):Module_base(configuration){ WriteHandler[0].Install(0x70,cmos_selreg,IO_MB); WriteHandler[1].Install(0x71,cmos_writereg,IO_MB); ReadHandler[0].Install(0x71,cmos_readreg,IO_MB); cmos.timer.enabled=false; cmos.timer.acknowledged=true; cmos.reg=0xa; cmos_writereg(0x71,0x26,1); cmos.reg=0xb; cmos_writereg(0x71,0x2,1); //Struct tm *loctime is of 24 hour format, cmos.reg=0xd; cmos_writereg(0x71,0x80,1); /* RTC power on */ // Equipment is updated from bios.cpp and bios_disk.cpp /* Fill in base memory size, it is 640K always */ cmos.regs[0x15]=(Bit8u)0x80; cmos.regs[0x16]=(Bit8u)0x02; /* Fill in extended memory size */ Bitu exsize=(MEM_TotalPages()*4)-1024; cmos.regs[0x17]=(Bit8u)exsize; cmos.regs[0x18]=(Bit8u)(exsize >> 8); cmos.regs[0x30]=(Bit8u)exsize; cmos.regs[0x31]=(Bit8u)(exsize >> 8); } }; static CMOS* test; void CMOS_Destroy(Section* sec){ delete test; } void CMOS_Init(Section* sec) { test = new CMOS(sec); sec->AddDestroyFunction(&CMOS_Destroy,true); }