/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: shell.cpp,v 1.100 2009-07-08 20:05:41 c2woody Exp $ */ #include #include #include #ifdef HW_RVL #include #endif #include "dosbox.h" #include "regs.h" #include "control.h" #include "shell.h" #include "callback.h" #include "support.h" Bitu call_shellstop; /* Larger scope so shell_del autoexec can use it to * remove things from the environment */ Program * first_shell = 0; static Bitu shellstop_handler(void) { return CBRET_STOP; } static void SHELL_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make = new DOS_Shell; } #define AUTOEXEC_SIZE 4096 static char autoexec_data[AUTOEXEC_SIZE] = { 0 }; static std::list autoexec_strings; typedef std::list::iterator auto_it; void VFILE_Remove(const char *name); void AutoexecObject::Install(const std::string &in) { if(GCC_UNLIKELY(installed)) E_Exit("autoexec: allready created %s",buf.c_str()); installed = true; buf = in; autoexec_strings.push_back(buf); this->CreateAutoexec(); //autoexec.bat is normally created AUTOEXEC_Init. //But if we are allready running (first_shell) //we have to update the envirionment to display changes if(first_shell) { //create a copy as the string will be modified std::string::size_type n = buf.size(); char* buf2 = new char[n + 1]; safe_strncpy(buf2, buf.c_str(), n + 1); if((strncasecmp(buf2,"set ",4) == 0) && (strlen(buf2) > 4)){ char* after_set = buf2 + 4;//move to variable that is being set char* test = strpbrk(after_set,"="); if(!test) {first_shell->SetEnv(after_set,"");return;} *test++ = 0; //If the shell is running/exists update the environment first_shell->SetEnv(after_set,test); } delete [] buf2; } } void AutoexecObject::InstallBefore(const std::string &in) { if(GCC_UNLIKELY(installed)) E_Exit("autoexec: allready created %s",buf.c_str()); installed = true; buf = in; autoexec_strings.push_front(buf); this->CreateAutoexec(); } void AutoexecObject::CreateAutoexec(void) { /* Remove old autoexec.bat if the shell exists */ if(first_shell) VFILE_Remove("AUTOEXEC.BAT"); //Create a new autoexec.bat autoexec_data[0] = 0; size_t auto_len; for(auto_it it= autoexec_strings.begin(); it != autoexec_strings.end(); it++) { auto_len = strlen(autoexec_data); if ((auto_len+(*it).length()+3)>AUTOEXEC_SIZE) { E_Exit("SYSTEM:Autoexec.bat file overflow"); } sprintf((autoexec_data+auto_len),"%s\r\n",(*it).c_str()); } if(first_shell) VFILE_Register("AUTOEXEC.BAT",(Bit8u *)autoexec_data,(Bit32u)strlen(autoexec_data)); } AutoexecObject::~AutoexecObject(){ if(!installed) return; // Remove the line from the autoexecbuffer and update environment for(auto_it it = autoexec_strings.begin(); it != autoexec_strings.end(); ) { if((*it) == buf) { it = autoexec_strings.erase(it); std::string::size_type n = buf.size(); char* buf2 = new char[n + 1]; safe_strncpy(buf2, buf.c_str(), n + 1); // If it's a environment variable remove it from there as well if((strncasecmp(buf2,"set ",4) == 0) && (strlen(buf2) > 4)){ char* after_set = buf2 + 4;//move to variable that is being set char* test = strpbrk(after_set,"="); if(!test) continue; *test = 0; //If the shell is running/exists update the environment if(first_shell) first_shell->SetEnv(after_set,""); } delete [] buf2; } else it++; } this->CreateAutoexec(); } DOS_Shell::DOS_Shell():Program(){ input_handle=STDIN; echo=true; exit=false; bf=0; call=false; completion_start = NULL; } Bitu DOS_Shell::GetRedirection(char *s, char **ifn, char **ofn,bool * append) { char * lr=s; char * lw=s; char ch; Bitu num=0; bool quote = false; char* t; while ( (ch=*lr++) ) { if(quote && ch != '"') { /* don't parse redirection within quotes. Not perfect yet. Escaped quotes will mess the count up */ *lw++ = ch; continue; } switch (ch) { case '"': quote = !quote; break; case '>': *append=((*lr)=='>'); if (*append) lr++; lr=ltrim(lr); if (*ofn) free(*ofn); *ofn=lr; while (*lr && *lr!=' ' && *lr!='<' && *lr!='|') lr++; //if it ends on a : => remove it. if((*ofn != lr) && (lr[-1] == ':')) lr[-1] = 0; // if(*lr && *(lr+1)) // *lr++=0; // else // *lr=0; t = (char*)malloc(lr-*ofn+1); safe_strncpy(t,*ofn,lr-*ofn+1); *ofn=t; continue; case '<': if (*ifn) free(*ifn); lr=ltrim(lr); *ifn=lr; while (*lr && *lr!=' ' && *lr!='>' && *lr != '|') lr++; if((*ifn != lr) && (lr[-1] == ':')) lr[-1] = 0; // if(*lr && *(lr+1)) // *lr++=0; // else // *lr=0; t = (char*)malloc(lr-*ifn+1); safe_strncpy(t,*ifn,lr-*ifn+1); *ifn=t; continue; case '|': ch=0; num++; } *lw++=ch; } *lw=0; return num; } void DOS_Shell::ParseLine(char * line) { LOG(LOG_EXEC,LOG_ERROR)("Parsing command line: %s",line); /* Check for a leading @ */ if (line[0] == '@') line[0] = ' '; line = trim(line); /* Do redirection and pipe checks */ char * in = 0; char * out = 0; Bit16u dummy,dummy2; Bit32u bigdummy = 0; Bitu num = 0; /* Number of commands in this line */ bool append; bool normalstdin = false; /* wether stdin/out are open on start. */ bool normalstdout = false; /* Bug: Assumed is they are "con" */ num = GetRedirection(line,&in, &out,&append); if (num>1) LOG_MSG("SHELL:Multiple command on 1 line not supported"); if (in || out) { normalstdin = (psp->GetFileHandle(0) != 0xff); normalstdout = (psp->GetFileHandle(1) != 0xff); } if (in) { if(DOS_OpenFile(in,OPEN_READ,&dummy)) { //Test if file exists DOS_CloseFile(dummy); LOG_MSG("SHELL:Redirect input from %s",in); if(normalstdin) DOS_CloseFile(0); //Close stdin DOS_OpenFile(in,OPEN_READ,&dummy); //Open new stdin } } if (out){ LOG_MSG("SHELL:Redirect output to %s",out); if(normalstdout) DOS_CloseFile(1); if(!normalstdin && !in) DOS_OpenFile("con",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); bool status = true; /* Create if not exist. Open if exist. Both in read/write mode */ if(append) { if( (status = DOS_OpenFile(out,OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy)) ) { DOS_SeekFile(1,&bigdummy,DOS_SEEK_END); } else { status = DOS_CreateFile(out,DOS_ATTR_ARCHIVE,&dummy); //Create if not exists. } } else { status = DOS_OpenFileExtended(out,OPEN_READWRITE,DOS_ATTR_ARCHIVE,0x12,&dummy,&dummy2); } if(!status && normalstdout) DOS_OpenFile("con",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); //Read only file, open con again if(!normalstdin && !in) DOS_CloseFile(0); } /* Run the actual command */ DoCommand(line); /* Restore handles */ if(in) { DOS_CloseFile(0); if(normalstdin) DOS_OpenFile("con",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); free(in); } if(out) { DOS_CloseFile(1); if(!normalstdin) DOS_OpenFile("con",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); if(normalstdout) DOS_OpenFile("con",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); if(!normalstdin) DOS_CloseFile(0); free(out); } } void DOS_Shell::RunInternal(void) { char input_line[CMD_MAXLINE] = {0}; while(bf && bf->ReadLine(input_line)) { if (echo) { if (input_line[0] != '@') { ShowPrompt(); WriteOut_NoParsing(input_line); WriteOut_NoParsing("\n"); }; }; ParseLine(input_line); } return; } void DOS_Shell::Run(void) { char input_line[CMD_MAXLINE] = {0}; std::string line; if (cmd->FindStringRemain("/C",line)) { strcpy(input_line,line.c_str()); char* sep = strpbrk(input_line,"\r\n"); //GTA installer if (sep) *sep = 0; DOS_Shell temp; temp.echo = echo; temp.ParseLine(input_line); //for *.exe *.com |*.bat creates the bf needed by runinternal; temp.RunInternal(); // exits when no bf is found. return; } /* Start a normal shell and check for a first command init */ WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_STARTUP_BEGIN"),VERSION); #if C_DEBUG WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_STARTUP_DEBUG")); #endif if (machine == MCH_CGA) WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_STARTUP_CGA")); if (machine == MCH_HERC) WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_STARTUP_HERC")); WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_STARTUP_END")); if (cmd->FindString("/INIT",line,true)) { strcpy(input_line,line.c_str()); line.erase(); ParseLine(input_line); } do { if (bf){ if(bf->ReadLine(input_line)) { if (echo) { if (input_line[0]!='@') { ShowPrompt(); WriteOut_NoParsing(input_line); WriteOut_NoParsing("\n"); }; }; ParseLine(input_line); if (echo) WriteOut("\n"); } } else { if (echo) ShowPrompt(); InputCommand(input_line); ParseLine(input_line); if (echo && !bf) WriteOut_NoParsing("\n"); } } while (!exit); } void DOS_Shell::SyntaxError(void) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("SHELL_SYNTAXERROR")); } class AUTOEXEC:public Module_base { private: AutoexecObject autoexec[17]; AutoexecObject autoexec_echo; public: AUTOEXEC(Section* configuration):Module_base(configuration) { /* Register a virtual AUOEXEC.BAT file */ std::string line; Section_line * section=static_cast(configuration); /* Check -securemode switch to disable mount/imgmount/boot after running autoexec.bat */ bool secure = control->cmdline->FindExist("-securemode",true); /* add stuff from the configfile unless -noautexec or -securemode is specified. */ char * extra = const_cast(section->data.c_str()); if (extra && !secure && !control->cmdline->FindExist("-noautoexec",true)) { /* detect if "echo off" is the first line */ bool echo_off = !strncasecmp(extra,"echo off",8); if (!echo_off) echo_off = !strncasecmp(extra,"@echo off",9); /* if "echo off" add it to the front of autoexec.bat */ if(echo_off) autoexec_echo.InstallBefore("@echo off"); /* Install the stuff from the configfile */ autoexec[0].Install(section->data); } /* Check to see for extra command line options to be added (before the command specified on commandline) */ /* Maximum of extra commands: 10 */ Bitu i = 1; while (control->cmdline->FindString("-c",line,true) && (i <= 11)) { #if defined (WIN32) || defined (OS2) //replace single with double quotes so that mount commands can contain spaces for(Bitu temp = 0;temp < line.size();++temp) if(line[temp] == '\'') line[temp]='\"'; #endif //Linux users can simply use \" in their shell autoexec[i++].Install(line); } /* Check for the -exit switch which causes dosbox to when the command on the commandline has finished */ bool addexit = control->cmdline->FindExist("-exit",true); /* Check for first command being a directory or file */ char buffer[CROSS_LEN]; char orig[CROSS_LEN]; char cross_filesplit[2] = {CROSS_FILESPLIT , 0}; /* Combining -securemode and no parameter leaves you with a lovely Z:\. */ if ( !control->cmdline->FindCommand(1,line) ) { if ( secure ) autoexec[12].Install("z:\\config.com -securemode"); } else { struct stat test; strcpy(buffer,line.c_str()); if (stat(buffer,&test)){ getcwd(buffer,CROSS_LEN); strcat(buffer,cross_filesplit); strcat(buffer,line.c_str()); if (stat(buffer,&test)) goto nomount; } if (test.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { autoexec[12].Install(std::string("MOUNT C \"") + buffer + "\""); autoexec[13].Install("C:"); if(secure) autoexec[14].Install("z:\\config.com -securemode"); } else { char* name = strrchr(buffer,CROSS_FILESPLIT); if (!name) { //Only a filename line = buffer; getcwd(buffer,CROSS_LEN); strcat(buffer,cross_filesplit); strcat(buffer,line.c_str()); if(stat(buffer,&test)) goto nomount; name = strrchr(buffer,CROSS_FILESPLIT); if(!name) goto nomount; } *name++ = 0; if (access(buffer,F_OK)) goto nomount; autoexec[12].Install(std::string("MOUNT C \"") + buffer + "\""); autoexec[13].Install("C:"); /* Save the non modified filename (so boot and imgmount can use it (long filenames, case sensivitive)*/ strcpy(orig,name); upcase(name); if(strstr(name,".BAT") != 0) { if(secure) autoexec[14].Install("z:\\config.com -securemode"); /* BATch files are called else exit will not work */ autoexec[15].Install(std::string("CALL ") + name); if(addexit) autoexec[16].Install("exit"); } else if((strstr(name,".IMG") != 0) || (strstr(name,".IMA") !=0 )) { //No secure mode here as boot is destructive and enabling securemode disables boot /* Boot image files */ autoexec[15].Install(std::string("BOOT ") + orig); } else if((strstr(name,".ISO") != 0) || (strstr(name,".CUE") !=0 )) { if(secure) autoexec[14].Install("z:\\config.com -securemode"); /* imgmount CD image files */ autoexec[15].Install(std::string("IMGMOUNT D \"") + orig + std::string("\" -t iso")); //autoexec[16].Install("D:"); /* Makes no sense to exit here */ } else { if(secure) autoexec[14].Install("z:\\config.com -securemode"); autoexec[15].Install(name); if(addexit) autoexec[16].Install("exit"); } } } nomount: VFILE_Register("AUTOEXEC.BAT",(Bit8u *)autoexec_data,(Bit32u)strlen(autoexec_data)); } }; static AUTOEXEC* test; void AUTOEXEC_Init(Section * sec) { test = new AUTOEXEC(sec); } static char const * const path_string="PATH=Z:\\"; static char const * const comspec_string="COMSPEC=Z:\\COMMAND.COM"; static char const * const full_name="Z:\\COMMAND.COM"; static char const * const init_line="/INIT AUTOEXEC.BAT"; void SHELL_Init() { /* Add messages */ MSG_Add("SHELL_ILLEGAL_PATH","Illegal Path.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_HELP","If you want a list of all supported commands type \033[33;1mhelp /all\033[0m .\nA short list of the most often used commands:\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_ECHO_ON","ECHO is on.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_ECHO_OFF","ECHO is off.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_ILLEGAL_SWITCH","Illegal switch: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_MISSING_PARAMETER","Required parameter missing.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_ERROR","Unable to change to: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_HINT","To change to different drive type \033[31m%c:\033[0m\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_HINT_2","directoryname is longer than 8 characters and/or contains spaces.\nTry \033[31mcd %s\033[0m\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_HINT_3","You are still on drive Z:, change to a mounted drive with \033[31mC:\033[0m.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_MKDIR_ERROR","Unable to make: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_RMDIR_ERROR","Unable to remove: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DEL_ERROR","Unable to delete: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_SYNTAXERROR","The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SET_NOT_SET","Environment variable %s not defined.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SET_OUT_OF_SPACE","Not enough environment space left.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_IF_EXIST_MISSING_FILENAME","IF EXIST: Missing filename.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_IF_ERRORLEVEL_MISSING_NUMBER","IF ERRORLEVEL: Missing number.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_IF_ERRORLEVEL_INVALID_NUMBER","IF ERRORLEVEL: Invalid number.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_GOTO_MISSING_LABEL","No label supplied to GOTO command.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_GOTO_LABEL_NOT_FOUND","GOTO: Label %s not found.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_FILE_NOT_FOUND","File %s not found.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_FILE_EXISTS","File %s already exists.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DIR_INTRO","Directory of %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DIR_BYTES_USED","%5d File(s) %17s Bytes.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DIR_BYTES_FREE","%5d Dir(s) %17s Bytes free.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_EXECUTE_DRIVE_NOT_FOUND","Drive %c does not exist!\nYou must \033[31mmount\033[0m it first. Type \033[1;33mintro\033[0m or \033[1;33mintro mount\033[0m for more information.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_EXECUTE_ILLEGAL_COMMAND","Illegal command: %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_PAUSE","Press any key to continue.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_PAUSE_HELP","Waits for 1 keystroke to continue.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_COPY_FAILURE","Copy failure : %s.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_COPY_SUCCESS"," %d File(s) copied.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SUBST_NO_REMOVE","Unable to remove, drive not in use.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SUBST_FAILURE","SUBST failed. You either made an error in your commandline or the target drive is already used.\nIt's only possible to use SUBST on Local drives"); #ifdef HW_RVL MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_BEGIN", "\033[44;1m========================" "========================" "======================\n" "| \033[32mWelcome to DOSBox v%-8s\033[37m |\n" "| |\n" // "| DOSBox runs real and protected mode games. |\n" "| For a short introduction for new users type: \033[33mINTRO\033[37m |\n" "| For supported shell commands type: \033[33mHELP\033[37m |\n" "| |\n" "| To adjust the emulated CPU speed, use \033[31mctrl-F11\033[37m and \033[31mctrl-F12\033[37m. |\n" "| To activate the keymapper \033[31mctrl-F1\033[37m. |\n" "| For more information read the \033[36mREADME\033[37m file in the DOSBox directory. |\n" "| |\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_CGA","| DOSBox supports Composite CGA mode. |\n" "| Use \033[31m(alt-)F11\033[37m to change the colours when in this mode. |\n" "| |\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_HERC","\xBA Use \033[31mF11\033[37m to cycle through white, amber, and green monochrome color. \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_DEBUG", "| Press \033[31malt-Pause\033[37m to enter the debugger or start the exe with \033[33mDEBUG\033[37m. |\n" "| |\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_END", "| \033[32mHAVE FUN!\033[37m |\n" "| \033[32mThe DOSBox Team\033[37m |\n" "========================" "========================" "======================\033[0m\n" //"\n" //Breaks the startup message if you type a mount and a drive change. ); #else MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_BEGIN", "\033[44;1m\xC9\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBB\n" "\xBA \033[32mWelcome to DOSBox v%-8s\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" // "\xBA DOSBox runs real and protected mode games. \xBA\n" "\xBA For a short introduction for new users type: \033[33mINTRO\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xBA For supported shell commands type: \033[33mHELP\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" "\xBA To adjust the emulated CPU speed, use \033[31mctrl-F11\033[37m and \033[31mctrl-F12\033[37m. \xBA\n" "\xBA To activate the keymapper \033[31mctrl-F1\033[37m. \xBA\n" "\xBA For more information read the \033[36mREADME\033[37m file in the DOSBox directory. \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_CGA","\xBA DOSBox supports Composite CGA mode. \xBA\n" "\xBA Use \033[31m(alt-)F11\033[37m to change the colours when in this mode. \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_HERC","\xBA Use \033[31mF11\033[37m to cycle through white, amber, and green monochrome color. \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_DEBUG", "\xBA Press \033[31malt-Pause\033[37m to enter the debugger or start the exe with \033[33mDEBUG\033[37m. \xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" ); MSG_Add("SHELL_STARTUP_END", "\xBA \033[32mHAVE FUN!\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xBA \033[32mThe DOSBox Team \033[33mhttp://www.dosbox.com\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xC8\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBC\033[0m\n" //"\n" //Breaks the startup message if you type a mount and a drive change. ); #endif MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_HELP","Displays/changes the current directory.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHDIR_HELP_LONG","CHDIR [drive:][path]\n" "CHDIR [..]\n" "CD [drive:][path]\n" "CD [..]\n\n" " .. Specifies that you want to change to the parent directory.\n\n" "Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive.\n" "Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CLS_HELP","Clear screen.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DIR_HELP","Directory View.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_ECHO_HELP","Display messages and enable/disable command echoing.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_EXIT_HELP","Exit from the shell.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_HELP_HELP","Show help.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_MKDIR_HELP","Make Directory.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_MKDIR_HELP_LONG","MKDIR [drive:][path]\n" "MD [drive:][path]\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_RMDIR_HELP","Remove Directory.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_RMDIR_HELP_LONG","RMDIR [drive:][path]\n" "RD [drive:][path]\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SET_HELP","Change environment variables.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_IF_HELP","Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_GOTO_HELP","Jump to a labeled line in a batch script.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SHIFT_HELP","Leftshift commandline parameters in a batch script.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_TYPE_HELP","Display the contents of a text-file.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_TYPE_HELP_LONG","TYPE [drive:][path][filename]\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_REM_HELP","Add comments in a batch file.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_REM_HELP_LONG","REM [comment]\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_NO_WILD","This is a simple version of the command, no wildcards allowed!\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_RENAME_HELP","Renames one or more files.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_RENAME_HELP_LONG","RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.\n" "REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.\n\n" "Note that you can not specify a new drive or path for your destination file.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_DELETE_HELP","Removes one or more files.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_COPY_HELP","Copy files.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CALL_HELP","Start a batch file from within another batch file.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_SUBST_HELP","Assign an internal directory to a drive.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_LOADHIGH_HELP","Loads a program into upper memory (requires xms=true,umb=true).\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHOICE_HELP","Waits for a keypress and sets ERRORLEVEL.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_CHOICE_HELP_LONG","CHOICE [/C:choices] [/N] [/S] text\n" " /C[:]choices - Specifies allowable keys. Default is: yn.\n" " /N - Do not display the choices at end of prompt.\n" " /S - Enables case-sensitive choices to be selected.\n" " text - The text to display as a prompt.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_ATTRIB_HELP","Does nothing. Provided for compatibility.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_PATH_HELP","Provided for compatibility.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_VER_HELP","View and set the reported DOS version.\n"); MSG_Add("SHELL_CMD_VER_VER","DOSBox version %s. Reported DOS version %d.%02d.\n"); /* Regular startup */ call_shellstop=CALLBACK_Allocate(); /* Setup the startup CS:IP to kill the last running machine when exitted */ RealPt newcsip=CALLBACK_RealPointer(call_shellstop); SegSet16(cs,RealSeg(newcsip)); reg_ip=RealOff(newcsip); CALLBACK_Setup(call_shellstop,shellstop_handler,CB_IRET,"shell stop"); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("COMMAND.COM",SHELL_ProgramStart); /* Now call up the shell for the first time */ Bit16u psp_seg=DOS_FIRST_SHELL; Bit16u env_seg=DOS_FIRST_SHELL+19; //DOS_GetMemory(1+(4096/16))+1; Bit16u stack_seg=DOS_GetMemory(2048/16); SegSet16(ss,stack_seg); reg_sp=2046; /* Set up int 24 and psp (Telarium games) */ real_writeb(psp_seg+16+1,0,0xea); /* far jmp */ real_writed(psp_seg+16+1,1,real_readd(0,0x24*4)); real_writed(0,0x24*4,((Bit32u)psp_seg<<16) | ((16+1)<<4)); /* Set up int 23 to "int 20" in the psp. Fixes what.exe */ real_writed(0,0x23*4,((Bit32u)psp_seg<<16)); /* Setup MCBs */ DOS_MCB pspmcb((Bit16u)(psp_seg-1)); pspmcb.SetPSPSeg(psp_seg); // MCB of the command shell psp pspmcb.SetSize(0x10+2); pspmcb.SetType(0x4d); DOS_MCB envmcb((Bit16u)(env_seg-1)); envmcb.SetPSPSeg(psp_seg); // MCB of the command shell environment envmcb.SetSize(DOS_MEM_START-env_seg); envmcb.SetType(0x4d); /* Setup environment */ PhysPt env_write=PhysMake(env_seg,0); MEM_BlockWrite(env_write,path_string,(Bitu)(strlen(path_string)+1)); env_write += (PhysPt)(strlen(path_string)+1); MEM_BlockWrite(env_write,comspec_string,(Bitu)(strlen(comspec_string)+1)); env_write += (PhysPt)(strlen(comspec_string)+1); mem_writeb(env_write++,0); mem_writew(env_write,1); env_write+=2; MEM_BlockWrite(env_write,full_name,(Bitu)(strlen(full_name)+1)); DOS_PSP psp(psp_seg); psp.MakeNew(0); dos.psp(psp_seg); /* The start of the filetable in the psp must look like this: * 01 01 01 00 02 * In order to achieve this: First open 2 files. Close the first and * duplicate the second (so the entries get 01) */ Bit16u dummy=0; DOS_OpenFile("CON",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); /* STDIN */ DOS_OpenFile("CON",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); /* STDOUT */ DOS_CloseFile(0); /* Close STDIN */ DOS_ForceDuplicateEntry(1,0); /* "new" STDIN */ DOS_ForceDuplicateEntry(1,2); /* STDERR */ DOS_OpenFile("CON",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); /* STDAUX */ DOS_OpenFile("CON",OPEN_READWRITE,&dummy); /* STDPRN */ psp.SetParent(psp_seg); /* Set the environment */ psp.SetEnvironment(env_seg); /* Set the command line for the shell start up */ CommandTail tail; tail.count=(Bit8u)strlen(init_line); strcpy(tail.buffer,init_line); MEM_BlockWrite(PhysMake(psp_seg,128),&tail,128); /* Setup internal DOS Variables */ dos.dta(RealMake(psp_seg,0x80)); dos.psp(psp_seg); SHELL_ProgramStart(&first_shell); first_shell->Run(); delete first_shell; first_shell = 0;//Make clear that it shouldn't be used anymore }