/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: adlib.h,v 1.5 2009/04/28 21:45:43 c2woody Exp $ */ #ifndef DOSBOX_ADLIB_H #define DOSBOX_ADLIB_H #include "dosbox.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "inout.h" #include "setup.h" #include "pic.h" #include "hardware.h" namespace Adlib { struct Timer { double start; double delay; bool enabled, overflow, masked; Bit8u counter; Timer() { masked = false; overflow = false; enabled = false; counter = 0; delay = 0; } //Call update before making any further changes void Update( double time ) { if ( !enabled || !delay ) return; double deltaStart = time - start; //Only set the overflow flag when not masked if ( deltaStart >= 0 && !masked ) { overflow = 1; } } //On a reset make sure the start is in sync with the next cycle void Reset(const double& time ) { overflow = false; if ( !delay || !enabled ) return; double delta = (time - start); double rem = fmod( delta, delay ); double next = delay - rem; start = time + next; } void Stop( ) { enabled = false; } void Start( const double& time, Bits scale ) { //Don't enable again if ( enabled ) { return; } enabled = true; delay = 0.001 * (256 - counter ) * scale; start = time + delay; } }; struct Chip { //Last selected register Timer timer[2]; //Check for it being a write to the timer bool Write( Bit32u addr, Bit8u val ); //Read the current timer state, will use current double Bit8u Read( ); }; //The type of handler this is typedef enum { MODE_OPL2, MODE_DUALOPL2, MODE_OPL3 } Mode; class Handler { public: //Write an address to a chip, returns the address the chip sets virtual Bit32u WriteAddr( Bit32u port, Bit8u val ) = 0; //Write to a specific register in the chip virtual void WriteReg( Bit32u addr, Bit8u val ) = 0; //Generate a certain amount of samples virtual void Generate( MixerChannel* chan, Bitu samples ) = 0; //Initialize at a specific sample rate and mode virtual void Init( Bitu rate ) = 0; virtual ~Handler() { } }; //The cache for 2 chips or an opl3 typedef Bit8u RegisterCache[512]; //Internal class used for dro capturing class Capture; class Module: public Module_base { IO_ReadHandleObject ReadHandler[3]; IO_WriteHandleObject WriteHandler[3]; MixerObject mixerObject; //Mode we're running in Mode mode; //Last selected address in the chip for the different modes union { Bit32u normal; Bit8u dual[2]; } reg; void CacheWrite( Bit32u reg, Bit8u val ); void DualWrite( Bit8u index, Bit8u reg, Bit8u val ); public: static OPL_Mode oplmode; MixerChannel* mixerChan; Bit32u lastUsed; //Ticks when adlib was last used to turn of mixing after a few second Handler* handler; //Handler that will generate the sound RegisterCache cache; Capture* capture; Chip chip[2]; //Handle port writes void PortWrite( Bitu port, Bitu val, Bitu iolen ); Bitu PortRead( Bitu port, Bitu iolen ); void Init( Mode m ); Module( Section* configuration); ~Module(); }; } //Adlib namespace #endif