/* * Copyright (C) 2002 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ typedef void(KEYBOARD_EventHandler)(void); void KEYBOARD_AddCode(Bit8u code); void KEYBOARD_AddKey(Bitu keytype,bool pressed); void KEYBOARD_AddEvent(Bitu keytype,Bitu state,KEYBOARD_EventHandler * handler); #define ALT_PRESSED 0x1 #define CTRL_PRESSED 0x2 #define SHIFT_PRESSED 0x4 enum { KBD_1, KBD_2, KBD_3, KBD_4, KBD_5, KBD_6, KBD_7, KBD_8, KBD_9, KBD_0, KBD_q, KBD_w, KBD_e, KBD_r, KBD_t, KBD_y, KBD_u, KBD_i, KBD_o, KBD_p, KBD_a, KBD_s, KBD_d, KBD_f, KBD_g, KBD_h, KBD_j, KBD_k, KBD_l, KBD_z, KBD_x, KBD_c, KBD_v, KBD_b, KBD_n, KBD_m, KBD_f1, KBD_f2, KBD_f3, KBD_f4, KBD_f5, KBD_f6, KBD_f7, KBD_f8, KBD_f9, KBD_f10,KBD_f11,KBD_f12, /*Now the weirder keys */ KBD_esc,KBD_tab,KBD_backspace,KBD_enter,KBD_space, KBD_leftalt,KBD_rightalt,KBD_leftctrl,KBD_rightctrl,KBD_leftshift,KBD_rightshift, KBD_capslock,KBD_scrolllock,KBD_numlock, KBD_grave,KBD_minus,KBD_equals,KBD_backslash,KBD_leftbracket,KBD_rightbracket, KBD_semicolon,KBD_quote,KBD_period,KBD_comma,KBD_slash, KBD_insert,KBD_home,KBD_pageup,KBD_delete,KBD_end,KBD_pagedown, KBD_left,KBD_up,KBD_down,KBD_right, KBD_kp1,KBD_kp2,KBD_kp3,KBD_kp4,KBD_kp5,KBD_kp6,KBD_kp7,KBD_kp8,KBD_kp9,KBD_kp0, KBD_kpslash,KBD_kpmultiply,KBD_kpminus,KBD_kpplus,KBD_kpenter,KBD_kpperiod, KBD_LAST };