/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dosbox.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "programs.h" #include "support.h" #include "drives.h" #include "cross.h" #include "regs.h" #include "callback.h" #include "cdrom.h" #include "dos_system.h" #include "dos_inc.h" #include "bios.h" #include "bios_disk.h" #include "setup.h" #include "control.h" #include "inout.h" #include "dma.h" #if defined(OS2) #define INCL DOSFILEMGR #define INCL_DOSERRORS #include "os2.h" #endif #if defined(WIN32) #ifndef S_ISDIR #define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT)==S_IFDIR) #endif #endif #if C_DEBUG Bitu DEBUG_EnableDebugger(void); #endif void MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(int intNr, int forceCD); static Bitu ZDRIVE_NUM = 25; #ifdef HW_RVL // Mounts a folder as a harddrive before starting the shell // Designed for the Wii int MountDOSBoxDir(char DriveLetter, const char *path) { DOS_Drive * newdrive; Bit16u sizes[4]; Bit8u mediaid; std::string str_size; std::string label; str_size="512,127,16383,4031"; mediaid=0xF8; /* Hard Disk */ char number[20]; const char * scan=str_size.c_str(); Bitu index=0;Bitu count=0; /* Parse the str_size string */ while (*scan) { if (*scan==',') { number[index]=0; sizes[count++]=atoi(number); index=0; } else number[index++]=*scan; scan++; } number[index]=0; sizes[count++]=atoi(number); // get the drive letter char drive=toupper(DriveLetter); std::string temp_line = path; struct stat test; bool failed = false; if (stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) { failed = true; Cross::ResolveHomedir(temp_line); //Try again after resolving ~ if(!stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) failed = false; } if(failed) { printf(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_1"),temp_line.c_str()); return 0; } /* Not a switch so a normal directory/file */ if (!(test.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { printf(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_2"),temp_line.c_str()); return 0; } if (temp_line[temp_line.size()-1]!=CROSS_FILESPLIT) temp_line+=CROSS_FILESPLIT; Bit8u bit8size=(Bit8u) sizes[1]; newdrive=new localDrive(temp_line.c_str(),sizes[0],bit8size,sizes[2],sizes[3],mediaid); if (Drives[drive-'A']) { printf(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED"),drive,Drives[drive-'A']->GetInfo()); if (newdrive) delete newdrive; return 0; } if (!newdrive) return 0; Drives[drive-'A']=newdrive; /* Set the correct media byte in the table */ mem_writeb(Real2Phys(dos.tables.mediaid)+(drive-'A')*2,newdrive->GetMediaByte()); printf(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_2"),drive,newdrive->GetInfo()); /* For hard drives set the label to DRIVELETTER_Drive. * For floppy drives set the label to DRIVELETTER_Floppy. * This way every drive except cdroms should get a label.*/ label = drive; label+="_DRIVE"; newdrive->dirCache.SetLabel(label.c_str(),false,true); return 1; } #endif static const char* UnmountHelper(char umount) { int i_drive; if (umount < '0' || umount > 3+'0') i_drive = toupper(umount) - 'A'; else i_drive = umount - '0'; if (i_drive >= DOS_DRIVES || i_drive < 0) return MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED"); if (i_drive < MAX_DISK_IMAGES && Drives[i_drive] == NULL && imageDiskList[i_drive] == NULL) return MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED"); if (i_drive >= MAX_DISK_IMAGES && Drives[i_drive] == NULL) return MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED"); if (Drives[i_drive]) { switch (DriveManager::UnmountDrive(i_drive)) { case 1: return MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NO_VIRTUAL"); case 2: return MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_MULTIPLE_CDROMS"); } Drives[i_drive] = 0; mem_writeb(Real2Phys(dos.tables.mediaid)+i_drive*9,0); if (i_drive == DOS_GetDefaultDrive()) { DOS_SetDrive(ZDRIVE_NUM); } } if (i_drive < MAX_DISK_IMAGES && imageDiskList[i_drive]) { delete imageDiskList[i_drive]; imageDiskList[i_drive] = NULL; } return MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_SUCCESS"); } class MOUNT : public Program { public: void Move_Z(char new_z) { char newz_drive = (char) toupper(new_z); int i_newz = newz_drive - 'A'; if (i_newz >= 0 && i_newz < DOS_DRIVES-1 && !Drives[i_newz]) { ZDRIVE_NUM = i_newz; /* remap drives */ Drives[i_newz] = Drives[25]; Drives[25] = 0; if (!first_shell) return; //Should not be possible /* Update environment */ std::string line = ""; char ppp[2] = {newz_drive,0}; std::string tempenv = ppp; tempenv += ":\\"; if (first_shell->GetEnvStr("PATH",line)){ std::string::size_type idx = line.find('='); std::string value = line.substr(idx +1 , std::string::npos); while ( (idx = value.find("Z:\\")) != std::string::npos || (idx = value.find("z:\\")) != std::string::npos ) value.replace(idx,3,tempenv); line = value; } if (!line.size()) line = tempenv; first_shell->SetEnv("PATH",line.c_str()); tempenv += "COMMAND.COM"; first_shell->SetEnv("COMSPEC",tempenv.c_str()); /* Update batch file if running from Z: (very likely: autoexec) */ if(first_shell->bf) { std::string &name = first_shell->bf->filename; if(name.length() >2 && name[0] == 'Z' && name[1] == ':') name[0] = newz_drive; } /* Change the active drive */ if (DOS_GetDefaultDrive() == 25) DOS_SetDrive(i_newz); } } void ListMounts(void) { char name[DOS_NAMELENGTH_ASCII];Bit32u size;Bit16u date;Bit16u time;Bit8u attr; /* Command uses dta so set it to our internal dta */ RealPt save_dta = dos.dta(); dos.dta(dos.tables.tempdta); DOS_DTA dta(dos.dta()); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_1")); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_FORMAT"),"Drive","Type","Label"); for(int p = 0;p < 8;p++) WriteOut("----------"); for (int d = 0;d < DOS_DRIVES;d++) { if (!Drives[d]) continue; char root[7] = {static_cast('A'+d),':','\\','*','.','*',0}; bool ret = DOS_FindFirst(root,DOS_ATTR_VOLUME); if (ret) { dta.GetResult(name,size,date,time,attr); DOS_FindNext(); //Mark entry as invalid } else name[0] = 0; /* Change 8.3 to 11.0 */ char* dot = strchr(name,'.'); if(dot && (dot - name == 8) ) { name[8] = name[9];name[9] = name[10];name[10] = name[11];name[11] = 0; } root[1] = 0; //This way, the format string can be reused. WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_FORMAT"),root, Drives[d]->GetInfo(),name); } dos.dta(save_dta); } void Run(void) { DOS_Drive * newdrive;char drive; std::string label; std::string umount; std::string newz; //Hack To allow long commandlines ChangeToLongCmd(); /* Parse the command line */ /* if the command line is empty show current mounts */ if (!cmd->GetCount()) { ListMounts(); return; } /* In secure mode don't allow people to change mount points. * Neither mount nor unmount */ if(control->SecureMode()) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_CONFIG_SECURE_DISALLOW")); return; } bool path_relative_to_last_config = false; if (cmd->FindExist("-pr",true)) path_relative_to_last_config = true; /* Check for unmounting */ if (cmd->FindString("-u",umount,false)) { WriteOut(UnmountHelper(umount[0]), toupper(umount[0])); return; } /* Check for moving Z: */ /* Only allowing moving it once. It is merely a convenience added for the wine team */ if (ZDRIVE_NUM == 25 && cmd->FindString("-z", newz,false)) { Move_Z(newz[0]); return; } /* Show list of cdroms */ if (cmd->FindExist("-cd",false)) { int num = SDL_CDNumDrives(); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_CDROMS_FOUND"),num); for (int i=0; iFindString("-t",type,true); bool iscdrom = (type =="cdrom"); //Used for mscdex bug cdrom label name emulation if (type=="floppy" || type=="dir" || type=="cdrom" || type =="overlay") { Bit16u sizes[4] ={0}; Bit8u mediaid; std::string str_size = ""; if (type=="floppy") { str_size="512,1,2880,2880";/* All space free */ mediaid=0xF0; /* Floppy 1.44 media */ } else if (type=="dir" || type == "overlay") { // 512*32*32765==~500MB total size // 512*32*16000==~250MB total free size str_size="512,32,32765,16000"; mediaid=0xF8; /* Hard Disk */ } else if (type=="cdrom") { str_size="2048,1,65535,0"; mediaid=0xF8; /* Hard Disk */ } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGAM_MOUNT_ILL_TYPE"),type.c_str()); return; } /* Parse the free space in mb's (kb's for floppies) */ std::string mb_size; if(cmd->FindString("-freesize",mb_size,true)) { char teststr[1024]; Bit16u freesize = static_cast(atoi(mb_size.c_str())); if (type=="floppy") { // freesize in kb sprintf(teststr,"512,1,2880,%d",freesize*1024/(512*1)); } else { Bit32u total_size_cyl=32765; Bit32u free_size_cyl=(Bit32u)freesize*1024*1024/(512*32); if (free_size_cyl>65534) free_size_cyl=65534; if (total_size_cyl65534) total_size_cyl=65534; sprintf(teststr,"512,32,%d,%d",total_size_cyl,free_size_cyl); } str_size=teststr; } cmd->FindString("-size",str_size,true); char number[21] = { 0 };const char * scan = str_size.c_str(); Bitu index = 0;Bitu count = 0; /* Parse the str_size string */ while (*scan && index < 20 && count < 4) { if (*scan==',') { number[index] = 0; sizes[count++] = atoi(number); index = 0; } else number[index++] = *scan; scan++; } if (count < 4) { number[index] = 0; //always goes correct as index is max 20 at this point. sizes[count] = atoi(number); } // get the drive letter cmd->FindCommand(1,temp_line); if ((temp_line.size() > 2) || ((temp_line.size()>1) && (temp_line[1]!=':'))) goto showusage; int i_drive = toupper(temp_line[0]); if (!isalpha(i_drive)) goto showusage; if ((i_drive - 'A') >= DOS_DRIVES || (i_drive-'A') < 0 ) goto showusage; drive = static_cast(i_drive); if (!cmd->FindCommand(2,temp_line)) goto showusage; if (!temp_line.size()) goto showusage; if(path_relative_to_last_config && control->configfiles.size() && !Cross::IsPathAbsolute(temp_line)) { std::string lastconfigdir(control->configfiles[control->configfiles.size()-1]); std::string::size_type pos = lastconfigdir.rfind(CROSS_FILESPLIT); if(pos == std::string::npos) pos = 0; //No directory then erase string lastconfigdir.erase(pos); if (lastconfigdir.length()) temp_line = lastconfigdir + CROSS_FILESPLIT + temp_line; } struct stat test; //Win32 : strip tailing backslashes //os2: some special drive check //rest: substitute ~ for home bool failed = false; #if defined (WIN32) || defined(OS2) /* Removing trailing backslash if not root dir so stat will succeed */ if(temp_line.size() > 3 && temp_line[temp_line.size()-1]=='\\') temp_line.erase(temp_line.size()-1,1); if (stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) { #endif #if defined(WIN32) // Nothing to do here. #elif defined (OS2) if (temp_line.size() <= 2) // Seems to be a drive. { failed = true; HFILE cdrom_fd = 0; ULONG ulAction = 0; APIRET rc = DosOpen((unsigned char*)temp_line.c_str(), &cdrom_fd, &ulAction, 0L, FILE_NORMAL, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, OPEN_FLAGS_DASD | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY, 0L); DosClose(cdrom_fd); if (rc != NO_ERROR && rc != ERROR_NOT_READY) { failed = true; } else { failed = false; } } } if (failed) { #else if (stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) { failed = true; Cross::ResolveHomedir(temp_line); //Try again after resolving ~ if(!stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) failed = false; } if(failed) { #endif WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_1"),temp_line.c_str()); return; } /* Not a switch so a normal directory/file */ if (!S_ISDIR(test.st_mode)) { #ifdef OS2 HFILE cdrom_fd = 0; ULONG ulAction = 0; APIRET rc = DosOpen((unsigned char*)temp_line.c_str(), &cdrom_fd, &ulAction, 0L, FILE_NORMAL, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, OPEN_FLAGS_DASD | OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY, 0L); DosClose(cdrom_fd); if (rc != NO_ERROR && rc != ERROR_NOT_READY) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_2"),temp_line.c_str()); return; } #else WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_2"),temp_line.c_str()); return; #endif } if (temp_line[temp_line.size()-1]!=CROSS_FILESPLIT) temp_line+=CROSS_FILESPLIT; Bit8u bit8size=(Bit8u) sizes[1]; if (type=="cdrom") { int num = -1; cmd->FindInt("-usecd",num,true); int error = 0; if (cmd->FindExist("-aspi",false)) { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_ASPI, num); } else if (cmd->FindExist("-ioctl_dio",false)) { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_DIO, num); } else if (cmd->FindExist("-ioctl_dx",false)) { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_DX, num); #if defined (WIN32) } else if (cmd->FindExist("-ioctl_mci",false)) { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_MCI, num); #endif } else if (cmd->FindExist("-noioctl",false)) { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_SDL, num); } else { #if defined (WIN32) // Check OS OSVERSIONINFO osi; osi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osi); GetVersionEx(&osi); if ((osi.dwPlatformId==VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) && (osi.dwMajorVersion>5)) { // Vista/above MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_DX, num); } else { MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_DIO, num); } #else MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_IOCTL_DIO, num); #endif } newdrive = new cdromDrive(drive,temp_line.c_str(),sizes[0],bit8size,sizes[2],0,mediaid,error); // Check Mscdex, if it worked out... switch (error) { case 0 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_SUCCESS")); break; case 1 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_MULTIPLE_CDROMS")); break; case 2 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED")); break; case 3 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_PATH")); break; case 4 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_TOO_MANY_DRIVES")); break; case 5 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_LIMITED_SUPPORT")); break; default : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_UNKNOWN_ERROR")); break; }; if (error && error!=5) { delete newdrive; return; } } else { /* Give a warning when mount c:\ or the / */ #if defined (WIN32) || defined(OS2) if( (temp_line == "c:\\") || (temp_line == "C:\\") || (temp_line == "c:/") || (temp_line == "C:/") ) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_WARNING_WIN")); #else if(temp_line == "/") WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_WARNING_OTHER")); #endif if(type == "overlay") { //Ensure that the base drive exists: if (!Drives[drive-'A']) { WriteOut("No basedrive mounted yet!"); return; } localDrive* ldp = dynamic_cast(Drives[drive-'A']); cdromDrive* cdp = dynamic_cast(Drives[drive-'A']); if (!ldp || cdp) { WriteOut("Basedrive not compatible"); return; } std::string base = ldp->getBasedir(); Bit8u o_error = 0; newdrive = new Overlay_Drive(base.c_str(),temp_line.c_str(),sizes[0],bit8size,sizes[2],sizes[3],mediaid,o_error); //Erase old drive on success if (newdrive) { if (o_error) { if (o_error == 1) WriteOut("No mixing of relative and absolute paths. Overlay failed."); else if (o_error == 2) WriteOut("overlay directory can not be the same as underlying file system."); else WriteOut("Something went wrong"); delete newdrive; return; } delete Drives[drive-'A']; Drives[drive-'A'] = 0; } else { WriteOut("overlaydrive construction failed."); return; } } else { newdrive=new localDrive(temp_line.c_str(),sizes[0],bit8size,sizes[2],sizes[3],mediaid); } } } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ILL_TYPE"),type.c_str()); return; } if (Drives[drive-'A']) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED"),drive,Drives[drive-'A']->GetInfo()); if (newdrive) delete newdrive; return; } if (!newdrive) E_Exit("DOS:Can't create drive"); Drives[drive-'A']=newdrive; /* Set the correct media byte in the table */ mem_writeb(Real2Phys(dos.tables.mediaid)+(drive-'A')*9,newdrive->GetMediaByte()); if (type != "overlay") WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_2"),drive,newdrive->GetInfo()); else WriteOut("Overlay %s on drive %c mounted.\n",temp_line.c_str(),drive); /* check if volume label is given and don't allow it to updated in the future */ if (cmd->FindString("-label",label,true)) newdrive->dirCache.SetLabel(label.c_str(),iscdrom,false); /* For hard drives set the label to DRIVELETTER_Drive. * For floppy drives set the label to DRIVELETTER_Floppy. * This way every drive except cdroms should get a label.*/ else if(type == "dir" || type == "overlay") { label = drive; label += "_DRIVE"; newdrive->dirCache.SetLabel(label.c_str(),iscdrom,false); } else if(type == "floppy") { label = drive; label += "_FLOPPY"; newdrive->dirCache.SetLabel(label.c_str(),iscdrom,true); } if(type == "floppy") incrementFDD(); return; showusage: #if defined (WIN32) || defined(OS2) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_USAGE"),"d:\\dosprogs","d:\\dosprogs"); #else WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_USAGE"),"~/dosprogs","~/dosprogs"); #endif return; } }; static void MOUNT_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new MOUNT; } class MEM : public Program { public: void Run(void) { /* Show conventional Memory */ WriteOut("\n"); Bit16u umb_start=dos_infoblock.GetStartOfUMBChain(); Bit8u umb_flag=dos_infoblock.GetUMBChainState(); Bit8u old_memstrat=DOS_GetMemAllocStrategy()&0xff; if (umb_start!=0xffff) { if ((umb_flag&1)==1) DOS_LinkUMBsToMemChain(0); DOS_SetMemAllocStrategy(0); } Bit16u seg,blocks;blocks=0xffff; DOS_AllocateMemory(&seg,&blocks); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MEM_CONVEN"),blocks*16/1024); if (umb_start!=0xffff) { DOS_LinkUMBsToMemChain(1); DOS_SetMemAllocStrategy(0x40); // search in UMBs only Bit16u largest_block=0,total_blocks=0,block_count=0; for (;; block_count++) { blocks=0xffff; DOS_AllocateMemory(&seg,&blocks); if (blocks==0) break; total_blocks+=blocks; if (blocks>largest_block) largest_block=blocks; DOS_AllocateMemory(&seg,&blocks); } Bit8u current_umb_flag=dos_infoblock.GetUMBChainState(); if ((current_umb_flag&1)!=(umb_flag&1)) DOS_LinkUMBsToMemChain(umb_flag); DOS_SetMemAllocStrategy(old_memstrat); // restore strategy if (block_count>0) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MEM_UPPER"),total_blocks*16/1024,block_count,largest_block*16/1024); } /* Test for and show free XMS */ reg_ax=0x4300;CALLBACK_RunRealInt(0x2f); if (reg_al==0x80) { reg_ax=0x4310;CALLBACK_RunRealInt(0x2f); Bit16u xms_seg=SegValue(es);Bit16u xms_off=reg_bx; reg_ah=8; CALLBACK_RunRealFar(xms_seg,xms_off); if (!reg_bl) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MEM_EXTEND"),reg_dx); } } /* Test for and show free EMS */ Bit16u handle; char emm[9] = { 'E','M','M','X','X','X','X','0',0 }; if (DOS_OpenFile(emm,0,&handle)) { DOS_CloseFile(handle); reg_ah=0x42; CALLBACK_RunRealInt(0x67); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MEM_EXPAND"),reg_bx*16); } } }; static void MEM_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new MEM; } extern Bit32u floppytype; class BOOT : public Program { private: FILE *getFSFile_mounted(char const* filename, Bit32u *ksize, Bit32u *bsize, Bit8u *error) { //if return NULL then put in error the errormessage code if an error was requested bool tryload = (*error)?true:false; *error = 0; Bit8u drive; FILE *tmpfile; char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; localDrive* ldp=0; if (!DOS_MakeName(const_cast(filename),fullname,&drive)) return NULL; try { ldp=dynamic_cast(Drives[drive]); if(!ldp) return NULL; tmpfile = ldp->GetSystemFilePtr(fullname, "rb"); if(tmpfile == NULL) { if (!tryload) *error=1; return NULL; } // get file size fseek(tmpfile,0L, SEEK_END); *ksize = (ftell(tmpfile) / 1024); *bsize = ftell(tmpfile); fclose(tmpfile); tmpfile = ldp->GetSystemFilePtr(fullname, "rb+"); if(tmpfile == NULL) { // if (!tryload) *error=2; // return NULL; WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_WRITE_PROTECTED")); tmpfile = ldp->GetSystemFilePtr(fullname, "rb"); if(tmpfile == NULL) { if (!tryload) *error=1; return NULL; } } return tmpfile; } catch(...) { return NULL; } } FILE *getFSFile(char const * filename, Bit32u *ksize, Bit32u *bsize,bool tryload=false) { Bit8u error = tryload?1:0; FILE* tmpfile = getFSFile_mounted(filename,ksize,bsize,&error); if(tmpfile) return tmpfile; //File not found on mounted filesystem. Try regular filesystem std::string filename_s(filename); Cross::ResolveHomedir(filename_s); tmpfile = fopen_wrap(filename_s.c_str(),"rb+"); if(!tmpfile) { if( (tmpfile = fopen_wrap(filename_s.c_str(),"rb")) ) { //File exists; So can't be opened in correct mode => error 2 // fclose(tmpfile); // if(tryload) error = 2; WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_WRITE_PROTECTED")); fseek(tmpfile,0L, SEEK_END); *ksize = (ftell(tmpfile) / 1024); *bsize = ftell(tmpfile); return tmpfile; } // Give the delayed errormessages from the mounted variant (or from above) if(error == 1) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_NOT_EXIST")); if(error == 2) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_NOT_OPEN")); return NULL; } fseek(tmpfile,0L, SEEK_END); *ksize = (ftell(tmpfile) / 1024); *bsize = ftell(tmpfile); return tmpfile; } void printError(void) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_PRINT_ERROR")); } void disable_umb_ems_xms(void) { Section* dos_sec = control->GetSection("dos"); dos_sec->ExecuteDestroy(false); char test[20]; strcpy(test,"umb=false"); dos_sec->HandleInputline(test); strcpy(test,"xms=false"); dos_sec->HandleInputline(test); strcpy(test,"ems=false"); dos_sec->HandleInputline(test); dos_sec->ExecuteInit(false); } public: void Run(void) { //Hack To allow long commandlines ChangeToLongCmd(); /* In secure mode don't allow people to boot stuff. * They might try to corrupt the data on it */ if(control->SecureMode()) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_CONFIG_SECURE_DISALLOW")); return; } FILE *usefile_1=NULL; FILE *usefile_2=NULL; Bitu i=0; Bit32u floppysize=0; Bit32u rombytesize_1=0; Bit32u rombytesize_2=0; Bit8u drive = 'A'; std::string cart_cmd=""; if(!cmd->GetCount()) { printError(); return; } while(iGetCount()) { if(cmd->FindCommand(i+1, temp_line)) { if((temp_line == "-l") || (temp_line == "-L")) { /* Specifying drive... next argument then is the drive */ i++; if(cmd->FindCommand(i+1, temp_line)) { drive=toupper(temp_line[0]); if ((drive != 'A') && (drive != 'C') && (drive != 'D')) { printError(); return; } } else { printError(); return; } i++; continue; } if((temp_line == "-e") || (temp_line == "-E")) { /* Command mode for PCJr cartridges */ i++; if(cmd->FindCommand(i + 1, temp_line)) { for(size_t ct = 0;ct < temp_line.size();ct++) temp_line[ct] = toupper(temp_line[ct]); cart_cmd = temp_line; } else { printError(); return; } i++; continue; } if ( i >= MAX_SWAPPABLE_DISKS ) { return; //TODO give a warning. } WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_IMAGE_OPEN"), temp_line.c_str()); Bit32u rombytesize; FILE *usefile = getFSFile(temp_line.c_str(), &floppysize, &rombytesize); if(usefile != NULL) { if(diskSwap[i] != NULL) delete diskSwap[i]; diskSwap[i] = new imageDisk(usefile, temp_line.c_str(), floppysize, false); if (usefile_1==NULL) { usefile_1=usefile; rombytesize_1=rombytesize; } else { usefile_2=usefile; rombytesize_2=rombytesize; } } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_IMAGE_NOT_OPEN"), temp_line.c_str()); return; } } i++; } swapPosition = 0; swapInDisks(); if(imageDiskList[drive-65]==NULL) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_UNABLE"), drive); return; } bootSector bootarea; imageDiskList[drive-65]->Read_Sector(0,0,1,(Bit8u *)&bootarea); if ((bootarea.rawdata[0]==0x50) && (bootarea.rawdata[1]==0x43) && (bootarea.rawdata[2]==0x6a) && (bootarea.rawdata[3]==0x72)) { if (machine!=MCH_PCJR) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_WO_PCJR")); else { Bit8u rombuf[65536]; Bits cfound_at=-1; if (cart_cmd!="") { /* read cartridge data into buffer */ fseek(usefile_1,0x200L, SEEK_SET); fread(rombuf, 1, rombytesize_1-0x200, usefile_1); char cmdlist[1024]; cmdlist[0]=0; Bitu ct=6; Bits clen=rombuf[ct]; char buf[257]; if (cart_cmd=="?") { while (clen!=0) { strncpy(buf,(char*)&rombuf[ct+1],clen); buf[clen]=0; upcase(buf); strcat(cmdlist," "); strcat(cmdlist,buf); ct+=1+clen+3; if (ct>sizeof(cmdlist)) break; clen=rombuf[ct]; } if (ct>6) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_LIST_CMDS"),cmdlist); } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_NO_CMDS")); } for(Bitu dct=0;dctsizeof(cmdlist)) break; clen=rombuf[ct]; } if (cfound_at<=0) { if (ct>6) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_LIST_CMDS"),cmdlist); } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_NO_CMDS")); } for(Bitu dct=0;dct0) { /* run cartridge setup */ SegSet16(ds,dos.psp()); SegSet16(es,dos.psp()); CALLBACK_RunRealFar(romseg,cfound_at); } } } } else { disable_umb_ems_xms(); void RemoveEMSPageFrame(void); RemoveEMSPageFrame(); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_BOOT_BOOT"), drive); for(i=0;i<512;i++) real_writeb(0, 0x7c00 + i, bootarea.rawdata[i]); /* create appearance of floppy drive DMA usage (Demon's Forge) */ if (!IS_TANDY_ARCH && floppysize!=0) GetDMAChannel(2)->tcount=true; /* revector some dos-allocated interrupts */ real_writed(0,0x01*4,0xf000ff53); real_writed(0,0x03*4,0xf000ff53); SegSet16(cs, 0); reg_ip = 0x7c00; SegSet16(ds, 0); SegSet16(es, 0); /* set up stack at a safe place */ SegSet16(ss, 0x7000); reg_esp = 0x100; reg_esi = 0; reg_ecx = 1; reg_ebp = 0; reg_eax = 0; reg_edx = 0; //Head 0 drive 0 reg_ebx= 0x7c00; //Real code probably uses bx to load the image } } }; static void BOOT_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new BOOT; } class LOADROM : public Program { public: void Run(void) { if (!(cmd->FindCommand(1, temp_line))) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADROM_SPECIFY_FILE")); return; } Bit8u drive; char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; localDrive* ldp=0; if (!DOS_MakeName((char *)temp_line.c_str(),fullname,&drive)) return; try { /* try to read ROM file into buffer */ ldp=dynamic_cast(Drives[drive]); if(!ldp) return; FILE *tmpfile = ldp->GetSystemFilePtr(fullname, "rb"); if(tmpfile == NULL) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADROM_CANT_OPEN")); return; } fseek(tmpfile, 0L, SEEK_END); if (ftell(tmpfile)>0x8000) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADROM_TOO_LARGE")); fclose(tmpfile); return; } fseek(tmpfile, 0L, SEEK_SET); Bit8u rom_buffer[0x8000]; Bitu data_read = fread(rom_buffer, 1, 0x8000, tmpfile); fclose(tmpfile); /* try to identify ROM type */ PhysPt rom_base = 0; if (data_read >= 0x4000 && rom_buffer[0] == 0x55 && rom_buffer[1] == 0xaa && (rom_buffer[3] & 0xfc) == 0xe8 && strncmp((char*)(&rom_buffer[0x1e]), "IBM", 3) == 0) { if (!IS_EGAVGA_ARCH) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADROM_INCOMPATIBLE")); return; } rom_base = PhysMake(0xc000, 0); // video BIOS } else if (data_read == 0x8000 && rom_buffer[0] == 0xe9 && rom_buffer[1] == 0x8f && rom_buffer[2] == 0x7e && strncmp((char*)(&rom_buffer[0x4cd4]), "IBM", 3) == 0) { rom_base = PhysMake(0xf600, 0); // BASIC } if (rom_base) { /* write buffer into ROM */ for (Bitu i=0; iFindCommand(1, temp_line))) { WriteOut("Must specify BIOS file to load.\n"); return; } Bit8u drive; char fullname[DOS_PATHLENGTH]; localDrive* ldp = 0; if (!DOS_MakeName((char *)temp_line.c_str(), fullname, &drive)) return; try { /* try to read ROM file into buffer */ ldp = dynamic_cast(Drives[drive]); if (!ldp) return; FILE *tmpfile = ldp->GetSystemFilePtr(fullname, "rb"); if (tmpfile == NULL) { WriteOut("Can't open a file"); return; } fseek(tmpfile, 0L, SEEK_END); if (ftell(tmpfile) > 64 * 1024) { WriteOut("BIOS File too large"); fclose(tmpfile); return; } fseek(tmpfile, 0L, SEEK_SET); Bit8u buffer[64*1024]; Bitu data_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer), tmpfile); fclose(tmpfile); Bit32u rom_base = PhysMake(0xf000, 0); // override regular dosbox bios /* write buffer into ROM */ for (Bitu i = 0; i < data_read; i++) phys_writeb(rom_base + i, buffer[i]); //Start executing this bios memset(&cpu_regs, 0, sizeof(cpu_regs)); memset(&Segs, 0, sizeof(Segs)); SegSet16(cs, 0xf000); reg_eip = 0xfff0; } catch (...) { return; } } }; static void BIOSTEST_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make = new BIOSTEST; } #endif // LOADFIX class LOADFIX : public Program { public: void Run(void); }; void LOADFIX::Run(void) { Bit16u commandNr = 1; Bit16u kb = 64; if (cmd->FindCommand(commandNr,temp_line)) { if (temp_line[0]=='-') { char ch = temp_line[1]; if ((*upcase(&ch)=='D') || (*upcase(&ch)=='F')) { // Deallocate all DOS_FreeProcessMemory(0x40); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_DEALLOCALL"),kb); return; } else { // Set mem amount to allocate kb = atoi(temp_line.c_str()+1); if (kb==0) kb=64; commandNr++; } } } // Allocate Memory Bit16u segment; Bit16u blocks = kb*1024/16; if (DOS_AllocateMemory(&segment,&blocks)) { DOS_MCB mcb((Bit16u)(segment-1)); mcb.SetPSPSeg(0x40); // use fake segment WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_ALLOC"),kb); // Prepare commandline... if (cmd->FindCommand(commandNr++,temp_line)) { // get Filename char filename[128]; safe_strncpy(filename,temp_line.c_str(),128); // Setup commandline bool ok; char args[256]; args[0] = 0; do { ok = cmd->FindCommand(commandNr++,temp_line); if(sizeof(args)-strlen(args)-1 < temp_line.length()+1) break; strcat(args,temp_line.c_str()); strcat(args," "); } while (ok); // Use shell to start program DOS_Shell shell; shell.Execute(filename,args); DOS_FreeMemory(segment); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_DEALLOC"),kb); } } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_ERROR"),kb); } } static void LOADFIX_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new LOADFIX; } // RESCAN class RESCAN : public Program { public: void Run(void); }; void RESCAN::Run(void) { bool all = false; Bit8u drive = DOS_GetDefaultDrive(); if(cmd->FindCommand(1,temp_line)) { //-A -All /A /All if(temp_line.size() >= 2 && (temp_line[0] == '-' ||temp_line[0] =='/')&& (temp_line[1] == 'a' || temp_line[1] =='A') ) all = true; else if(temp_line.size() == 2 && temp_line[1] == ':') { lowcase(temp_line); drive = temp_line[0] - 'a'; } } // Get current drive if (all) { for(Bitu i =0; iEmptyCache(); } WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_RESCAN_SUCCESS")); } else { if (drive < DOS_DRIVES && Drives[drive]) { Drives[drive]->EmptyCache(); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_RESCAN_SUCCESS")); } } } static void RESCAN_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new RESCAN; } class INTRO : public Program { public: void DisplayMount(void) { /* Basic mounting has a version for each operating system. * This is done this way so both messages appear in the language file*/ WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_START")); #ifdef HW_RVL WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_WII")); #elif (WIN32) WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_WINDOWS")); #else WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_OTHER")); #endif WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_END")); } void Run(void) { /* Only run if called from the first shell (Xcom TFTD runs any intro file in the path) */ if(DOS_PSP(dos.psp()).GetParent() != DOS_PSP(DOS_PSP(dos.psp()).GetParent()).GetParent()) return; if(cmd->FindExist("cdrom",false)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_CDROM")); return; } if(cmd->FindExist("mount",false)) { WriteOut("\033[2J");//Clear screen before printing DisplayMount(); return; } if(cmd->FindExist("special",false)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_SPECIAL")); return; } /* Default action is to show all pages */ WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO")); Bit8u c;Bit16u n=1; DOS_ReadFile (STDIN,&c,&n); DisplayMount(); DOS_ReadFile (STDIN,&c,&n); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_CDROM")); DOS_ReadFile (STDIN,&c,&n); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_INTRO_SPECIAL")); } }; static void INTRO_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new INTRO; } class IMGMOUNT : public Program { public: void Run(void) { //Hack To allow long commandlines ChangeToLongCmd(); /* In secure mode don't allow people to change imgmount points. * Neither mount nor unmount */ if(control->SecureMode()) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_CONFIG_SECURE_DISALLOW")); return; } char drive; std::string label; std::vector paths; std::string umount; /* Check for unmounting */ if (cmd->FindString("-u",umount,false)) { WriteOut(UnmountHelper(umount[0]), toupper(umount[0])); return; } std::string type = "hdd"; std::string fstype = "fat"; cmd->FindString("-t",type,true); cmd->FindString("-fs",fstype,true); if(type == "cdrom") type = "iso"; //Tiny hack for people who like to type -t cdrom //Check type and exit early. if (type != "floppy" && type != "hdd" && type != "iso") { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED"),type.c_str()); return; } Bit16u sizes[4] = {0}; bool imgsizedetect = false; std::string str_size = ""; Bit8u mediaid = 0xF8; if (type == "floppy") { mediaid = 0xF0; } else if (type == "iso") { //str_size="2048,1,65535,0"; // ignored, see drive_iso.cpp (AllocationInfo) mediaid = 0xF8; fstype = "iso"; } cmd->FindString("-size",str_size,true); if ((type=="hdd") && (str_size.size()==0)) { imgsizedetect = true; } else { char number[21] = { 0 };const char * scan = str_size.c_str(); Bitu index = 0;Bitu count = 0; /* Parse the str_size string */ while (*scan && index < 20 && count < 4) { if (*scan==',') { number[index] = 0; sizes[count++] = atoi(number); index = 0; } else number[index++] = *scan; scan++; } if (count < 4) { number[index] = 0; //always goes correct as index is max 20 at this point. sizes[count] = atoi(number); } } if(fstype=="fat" || fstype=="iso") { // get the drive letter if (!cmd->FindCommand(1,temp_line) || (temp_line.size() > 2) || ((temp_line.size()>1) && (temp_line[1]!=':'))) { WriteOut_NoParsing(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_DRIVE")); return; } int i_drive = toupper(temp_line[0]); if (!isalpha(i_drive) || (i_drive - 'A') >= DOS_DRIVES || (i_drive - 'A') <0) { WriteOut_NoParsing(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_DRIVE")); return; } drive = static_cast(i_drive); } else if (fstype=="none") { cmd->FindCommand(1,temp_line); if ((temp_line.size() > 1) || (!isdigit(temp_line[0]))) { WriteOut_NoParsing(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY2")); return; } drive = temp_line[0]; if ((drive<'0') || (drive>=(MAX_DISK_IMAGES+'0'))) { WriteOut_NoParsing(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY2")); return; } } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED"),fstype.c_str()); return; } // find all file parameters, assuming that all option parameters have been removed while(cmd->FindCommand((unsigned int)(paths.size() + 2), temp_line) && temp_line.size()) { struct stat test; if (stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) { //See if it works if the ~ are written out std::string homedir(temp_line); Cross::ResolveHomedir(homedir); if(!stat(homedir.c_str(),&test)) { temp_line = homedir; } else { // convert dosbox filename to system filename char fullname[CROSS_LEN]; char tmp[CROSS_LEN]; safe_strncpy(tmp, temp_line.c_str(), CROSS_LEN); Bit8u dummy; if (!DOS_MakeName(tmp, fullname, &dummy) || strncmp(Drives[dummy]->GetInfo(),"local directory",15)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_NON_LOCAL_DRIVE")); return; } localDrive *ldp = dynamic_cast(Drives[dummy]); if (ldp==NULL) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_FILE_NOT_FOUND")); return; } ldp->GetSystemFilename(tmp, fullname); temp_line = tmp; if (stat(temp_line.c_str(),&test)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_FILE_NOT_FOUND")); return; } } } if (S_ISDIR(test.st_mode)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_MOUNT")); return; } paths.push_back(temp_line); } if (paths.size() == 0) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_FILE")); return; } if (paths.size() == 1) temp_line = paths[0]; if(fstype=="fat") { if (imgsizedetect) { FILE * diskfile = fopen_wrap(temp_line.c_str(), "rb+"); if (!diskfile) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_IMAGE")); return; } fseek(diskfile, 0L, SEEK_END); Bit32u fcsize = (Bit32u)(ftell(diskfile) / 512L); Bit8u buf[512]; fseek(diskfile, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buf,sizeof(Bit8u),512,diskfile)<512) { fclose(diskfile); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_IMAGE")); return; } fclose(diskfile); if ((buf[510]!=0x55) || (buf[511]!=0xaa)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_GEOMETRY")); return; } Bitu sectors=(Bitu)(fcsize/(16*63)); if (sectors*16*63!=fcsize) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_GEOMETRY")); return; } sizes[0]=512; sizes[1]=63; sizes[2]=16; sizes[3]=sectors; LOG_MSG("autosized image file: %d:%d:%d:%d",sizes[0],sizes[1],sizes[2],sizes[3]); } if (Drives[drive-'A']) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED")); return; } std::vector imgDisks; std::vector::size_type i; std::vector::size_type ct; for (i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { DOS_Drive* newDrive = new fatDrive(paths[i].c_str(),sizes[0],sizes[1],sizes[2],sizes[3],0); imgDisks.push_back(newDrive); if(!(dynamic_cast(newDrive))->created_successfully) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_CANT_CREATE")); for(ct = 0; ct < imgDisks.size(); ct++) { delete imgDisks[ct]; } return; } } // Update DriveManager for(ct = 0; ct < imgDisks.size(); ct++) { DriveManager::AppendDisk(drive - 'A', imgDisks[ct]); } DriveManager::InitializeDrive(drive - 'A'); // Set the correct media byte in the table mem_writeb(Real2Phys(dos.tables.mediaid) + (drive - 'A') * 9, mediaid); /* Command uses dta so set it to our internal dta */ RealPt save_dta = dos.dta(); dos.dta(dos.tables.tempdta); for(ct = 0; ct < imgDisks.size(); ct++) { DriveManager::CycleDisks(drive - 'A', (ct == (imgDisks.size() - 1))); char root[7] = {drive,':','\\','*','.','*',0}; DOS_FindFirst(root, DOS_ATTR_VOLUME); // force obtaining the label and saving it in dirCache } dos.dta(save_dta); std::string tmp(paths[0]); for (i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) { tmp += "; " + paths[i]; } WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_2"), drive, tmp.c_str()); if (paths.size() == 1) { DOS_Drive * newdrive = imgDisks[0]; switch (drive - 'A') { case 0: case 1: if(!((fatDrive *)newdrive)->loadedDisk->hardDrive) { if(imageDiskList[drive - 'A'] != NULL) delete imageDiskList[drive - 'A']; imageDiskList[drive - 'A'] = ((fatDrive *)newdrive)->loadedDisk; } break; case 2: case 3: if(((fatDrive *)newdrive)->loadedDisk->hardDrive) { if(imageDiskList[drive - 'A'] != NULL) delete imageDiskList[drive - 'A']; imageDiskList[drive - 'A'] = ((fatDrive *)newdrive)->loadedDisk; updateDPT(); } break; } } } else if (fstype=="iso") { if (Drives[drive-'A']) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED")); return; } MSCDEX_SetCDInterface(CDROM_USE_SDL, -1); // create new drives for all images std::vector isoDisks; std::vector::size_type i; std::vector::size_type ct; for (i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { int error = -1; DOS_Drive* newDrive = new isoDrive(drive, paths[i].c_str(), mediaid, error); isoDisks.push_back(newDrive); switch (error) { case 0 : break; case 1 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_MULTIPLE_CDROMS")); break; case 2 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED")); break; case 3 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_ERROR_OPEN")); break; case 4 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_TOO_MANY_DRIVES")); break; case 5 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_LIMITED_SUPPORT")); break; case 6 : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_INVALID_FILEFORMAT")); break; default : WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_UNKNOWN_ERROR")); break; } // error: clean up and leave if (error) { for(ct = 0; ct < isoDisks.size(); ct++) { delete isoDisks[ct]; } return; } } // Update DriveManager for(ct = 0; ct < isoDisks.size(); ct++) { DriveManager::AppendDisk(drive - 'A', isoDisks[ct]); } DriveManager::InitializeDrive(drive - 'A'); // Set the correct media byte in the table mem_writeb(Real2Phys(dos.tables.mediaid) + (drive - 'A') * 9, mediaid); // Print status message (success) WriteOut(MSG_Get("MSCDEX_SUCCESS")); std::string tmp(paths[0]); for (i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) { tmp += "; " + paths[i]; } WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_2"), drive, tmp.c_str()); } else if (fstype == "none") { FILE *newDisk = fopen_wrap(temp_line.c_str(), "rb+"); if (!newDisk) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_IMAGE")); return; } fseek(newDisk,0L, SEEK_END); Bit32u imagesize = (ftell(newDisk) / 1024); const bool hdd = (imagesize > 2880); //Seems to make sense to require a valid geometry.. if (hdd && sizes[0] == 0 && sizes[1] == 0 && sizes[2] == 0 && sizes[3] == 0) { fclose(newDisk); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_GEOMETRY")); return; } imageDisk * newImage = new imageDisk(newDisk, temp_line.c_str(), imagesize, hdd); if (hdd) newImage->Set_Geometry(sizes[2],sizes[3],sizes[1],sizes[0]); if(imageDiskList[drive - '0'] != NULL) delete imageDiskList[drive - '0']; imageDiskList[drive - '0'] = newImage; updateDPT(); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_MOUNT_NUMBER"),drive - '0',temp_line.c_str()); } // check if volume label is given. be careful for cdrom //if (cmd->FindString("-label",label,true)) newdrive->dirCache.SetLabel(label.c_str()); return; } }; void IMGMOUNT_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new IMGMOUNT; } Bitu DOS_SwitchKeyboardLayout(const char* new_layout, Bit32s& tried_cp); Bitu DOS_LoadKeyboardLayout(const char * layoutname, Bit32s codepage, const char * codepagefile); const char* DOS_GetLoadedLayout(void); class KEYB : public Program { public: void Run(void); }; void KEYB::Run(void) { if (cmd->FindCommand(1,temp_line)) { if (cmd->FindString("?",temp_line,false)) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_SHOWHELP")); } else { /* first parameter is layout ID */ Bitu keyb_error=0; std::string cp_string; Bit32s tried_cp = -1; if (cmd->FindCommand(2,cp_string)) { /* second parameter is codepage number */ tried_cp=atoi(cp_string.c_str()); char cp_file_name[256]; if (cmd->FindCommand(3,cp_string)) { /* third parameter is codepage file */ strcpy(cp_file_name, cp_string.c_str()); } else { /* no codepage file specified, use automatic selection */ strcpy(cp_file_name, "auto"); } keyb_error=DOS_LoadKeyboardLayout(temp_line.c_str(), tried_cp, cp_file_name); } else { keyb_error=DOS_SwitchKeyboardLayout(temp_line.c_str(), tried_cp); } switch (keyb_error) { case KEYB_NOERROR: WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_NOERROR"),temp_line.c_str(),dos.loaded_codepage); break; case KEYB_FILENOTFOUND: WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_FILENOTFOUND"),temp_line.c_str()); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_SHOWHELP")); break; case KEYB_INVALIDFILE: WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_INVALIDFILE"),temp_line.c_str()); break; case KEYB_LAYOUTNOTFOUND: WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_LAYOUTNOTFOUND"),temp_line.c_str(),tried_cp); break; case KEYB_INVALIDCPFILE: WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_INVCPFILE"),temp_line.c_str()); WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_SHOWHELP")); break; default: LOG(LOG_DOSMISC,LOG_ERROR)("KEYB:Invalid returncode %x",keyb_error); break; } } } else { /* no parameter in the command line, just output codepage info and possibly loaded layout ID */ const char* layout_name = DOS_GetLoadedLayout(); if (layout_name==NULL) { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_INFO"),dos.loaded_codepage); } else { WriteOut(MSG_Get("PROGRAM_KEYB_INFO_LAYOUT"),dos.loaded_codepage,layout_name); } } } static void KEYB_ProgramStart(Program * * make) { *make=new KEYB; } void DOS_SetupPrograms(void) { /*Add Messages */ MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_CDROMS_FOUND","CDROMs found: %d\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_FORMAT","%-5s %-58s %-12s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_2","Drive %c is mounted as %s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_STATUS_1","The currently mounted drives are:\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_1","Directory %s doesn't exist.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ERROR_2","%s isn't a directory\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ILL_TYPE","Illegal type %s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED","Drive %c already mounted with %s\n"); #ifdef HW_RVL MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_USAGE","Usage \033[34;1mMOUNT Drive-Letter Local-Directory\033[0m\nSo a MOUNT d usb:/windows mounts windows directory on USB as the d: drive\n"); #else MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_USAGE", "Usage \033[34;1mMOUNT Drive-Letter Local-Directory\033[0m\n" "For example: MOUNT c %s\n" "This makes the directory %s act as the C: drive inside DOSBox.\n" "The directory has to exist.\n"); #endif MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NOT_MOUNTED","Drive %c isn't mounted.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_SUCCESS","Drive %c has successfully been removed.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_UMOUNT_NO_VIRTUAL","Virtual Drives can not be unMOUNTed.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_WARNING_WIN","\033[31;1mMounting c:\\ is NOT recommended. Please mount a (sub)directory next time.\033[0m\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MOUNT_WARNING_OTHER","\033[31;1mMounting / is NOT recommended. Please mount a (sub)directory next time.\033[0m\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MEM_CONVEN","%10d Kb free conventional memory\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MEM_EXTEND","%10d Kb free extended memory\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MEM_EXPAND","%10d Kb free expanded memory\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_MEM_UPPER","%10d Kb free upper memory in %d blocks (largest UMB %d Kb)\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_ALLOC","%d kb allocated.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_DEALLOC","%d kb freed.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_DEALLOCALL","Used memory freed.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADFIX_ERROR","Memory allocation error.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_SUCCESS","MSCDEX installed.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_ERROR_MULTIPLE_CDROMS","MSCDEX: Failure: Drive-letters of multiple CD-ROM drives have to be continuous.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED","MSCDEX: Failure: Not yet supported.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_ERROR_PATH","MSCDEX: Specified location is not a CD-ROM drive.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_ERROR_OPEN","MSCDEX: Failure: Invalid file or unable to open.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_TOO_MANY_DRIVES","MSCDEX: Failure: Too many CD-ROM drives (max: 5). MSCDEX Installation failed.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_LIMITED_SUPPORT","MSCDEX: Mounted subdirectory: limited support.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_INVALID_FILEFORMAT","MSCDEX: Failure: File is either no ISO/CUE image or contains errors.\n"); MSG_Add("MSCDEX_UNKNOWN_ERROR","MSCDEX: Failure: Unknown error.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_RESCAN_SUCCESS","Drive cache cleared.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO", "\033[2J\033[32;1mWelcome to DOSBox\033[0m, an x86 emulator with sound and graphics.\n" "DOSBox creates a shell for you which looks like old plain DOS.\n" "\n" "For information about basic mount type \033[34;1mintro mount\033[0m\n" "For information about CD-ROM support type \033[34;1mintro cdrom\033[0m\n" "For information about special keys type \033[34;1mintro special\033[0m\n" "For more information about DOSBox, go to \033[34;1mhttp://www.dosbox.com/wiki\033[0m\n" "\n" "\033[31;1mDOSBox will stop/exit without a warning if an error occurred!\033[0m\n" "\n" "\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_START", "\033[32;1mHere are some commands to get you started:\033[0m\n" "Before you can use the files located on your own filesystem,\n" "You have to mount the directory containing the files.\n" "\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_WINDOWS", "\033[44;1m\xC9\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBB\n" "\xBA \033[32mmount c c:\\dosgames\\\033[37m will create a C drive with c:\\dosgames as contents.\xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" "\xBA \033[32mc:\\dosgames\\\033[37m is an example. Replace it with your own games directory. \033[37m \xBA\n" "\xC8\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBC\033[0m\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_OTHER", "\033[44;1m\xC9\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBB\n" "\xBA \033[32mmount c ~/dosgames\033[37m will create a C drive with ~/dosgames as contents.\xBA\n" "\xBA \xBA\n" "\xBA \033[32m~/dosgames\033[37m is an example. Replace it with your own games directory.\033[37m \xBA\n" "\xC8\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD" "\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xCD\xBC\033[0m\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_MOUNT_END", "When the mount has successfully completed you can type \033[34;1mc:\033[0m to go to your freshly\n" "mounted C-drive. Typing \033[34;1mdir\033[0m there will show its contents." " \033[34;1mcd\033[0m will allow you to\n" "enter a directory (recognised by the \033[33;1m[]\033[0m in a directory listing).\n" "You can run programs/files which end with \033[31m.exe .bat\033[0m and \033[31m.com\033[0m.\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_CDROM", "\033[2J\033[32;1mHow to mount a Real/Virtual CD-ROM Drive in DOSBox:\033[0m\n" "DOSBox provides CD-ROM emulation on several levels.\n" "\n" "The \033[33mbasic\033[0m level works on all CD-ROM drives and normal directories.\n" "It installs MSCDEX and marks the files read-only.\n" "Usually this is enough for most games:\n" "\033[34;1mmount d \033[0;31mD:\\\033[34;1m -t cdrom\033[0m or \033[34;1mmount d C:\\example -t cdrom\033[0m\n" "If it doesn't work you might have to tell DOSBox the label of the CD-ROM:\n" "\033[34;1mmount d C:\\example -t cdrom -label CDLABEL\033[0m\n" "\n" "The \033[33mnext\033[0m level adds some low-level support.\n" "Therefore only works on CD-ROM drives:\n" "\033[34;1mmount d \033[0;31mD:\\\033[34;1m -t cdrom -usecd \033[33m0\033[0m\n" "\n" "The \033[33mlast\033[0m level of support depends on your Operating System:\n" "For \033[1mWindows 2000\033[0m, \033[1mWindows XP\033[0m and \033[1mLinux\033[0m:\n" "\033[34;1mmount d \033[0;31mD:\\\033[34;1m -t cdrom -usecd \033[33m0 \033[34m-ioctl\033[0m\n" "For \033[1mWindows 9x\033[0m with a ASPI layer installed:\n" "\033[34;1mmount d \033[0;31mD:\\\033[34;1m -t cdrom -usecd \033[33m0 \033[34m-aspi\033[0m\n" "\n" "Replace \033[0;31mD:\\\033[0m with the location of your CD-ROM.\n" "Replace the \033[33;1m0\033[0m in \033[34;1m-usecd \033[33m0\033[0m with the number reported for your CD-ROM if you type:\n" "\033[34;1mmount -cd\033[0m\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_INTRO_SPECIAL", "\033[2J\033[32;1mSpecial keys:\033[0m\n" "These are the default keybindings.\n" "They can be changed in the \033[33mkeymapper\033[0m.\n" "\n" "\033[33;1mALT-ENTER\033[0m : Go full screen and back.\n" "\033[33;1mALT-PAUSE\033[0m : Pause DOSBox.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F1\033[0m : Start the \033[33mkeymapper\033[0m.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F4\033[0m : Update directory cache for all drives! Swap mounted disk-image.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-ALT-F5\033[0m : Start/Stop creating a movie of the screen.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F5\033[0m : Save a screenshot.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F6\033[0m : Start/Stop recording sound output to a wave file.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-ALT-F7\033[0m : Start/Stop recording of OPL commands.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-ALT-F8\033[0m : Start/Stop the recording of raw MIDI commands.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F7\033[0m : Decrease frameskip.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F8\033[0m : Increase frameskip.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F9\033[0m : Kill DOSBox.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F10\033[0m : Capture/Release the mouse.\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F11\033[0m : Slow down emulation (Decrease DOSBox Cycles).\n" "\033[33;1mCTRL-F12\033[0m : Speed up emulation (Increase DOSBox Cycles).\n" "\033[33;1mALT-F12\033[0m : Unlock speed (turbo button/fast forward).\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_NOT_EXIST","Bootdisk file does not exist. Failing.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_NOT_OPEN","Cannot open bootdisk file. Failing.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_WRITE_PROTECTED","Image file is read-only! Might create problems.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_PRINT_ERROR","This command boots DOSBox from either a floppy or hard disk image.\n\n" "For this command, one can specify a succession of floppy disks swappable\n" "by pressing Ctrl-F4, and -l specifies the mounted drive to boot from. If\n" "no drive letter is specified, this defaults to booting from the A drive.\n" "The only bootable drive letters are A, C, and D. For booting from a hard\n" "drive (C or D), the image should have already been mounted using the\n" "\033[34;1mIMGMOUNT\033[0m command.\n\n" "The syntax of this command is:\n\n" "\033[34;1mBOOT [diskimg1.img diskimg2.img] [-l driveletter]\033[0m\n" ); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_UNABLE","Unable to boot off of drive %c"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_IMAGE_OPEN","Opening image file: %s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_IMAGE_NOT_OPEN","Cannot open %s"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_BOOT","Booting from drive %c...\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_WO_PCJR","PCjr cartridge found, but machine is not PCjr"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_LIST_CMDS","Available PCjr cartridge commandos:%s"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_BOOT_CART_NO_CMDS","No PCjr cartridge commandos found"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_SPECIFY_FILE","Must specify ROM file to load.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_CANT_OPEN","ROM file not accessible.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_TOO_LARGE","ROM file too large.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_INCOMPATIBLE","Video BIOS not supported by machine type.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_UNRECOGNIZED","ROM file not recognized.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_LOADROM_BASIC_LOADED","BASIC ROM loaded.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_DRIVE","Must specify drive letter to mount image at.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY2","Must specify drive number (0 or 3) to mount image at (0,1=fda,fdb;2,3=hda,hdb).\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_GEOMETRY", "For \033[33mCD-ROM\033[0m images: \033[34;1mIMGMOUNT drive-letter location-of-image -t iso\033[0m\n" "\n" "For \033[33mhardrive\033[0m images: Must specify drive geometry for hard drives:\n" "bytes_per_sector, sectors_per_cylinder, heads_per_cylinder, cylinder_count.\n" "\033[34;1mIMGMOUNT drive-letter location-of-image -size bps,spc,hpc,cyl\033[0m\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_IMAGE","Could not load image file.\n" "Check that the path is correct and the image is accessible.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_INVALID_GEOMETRY","Could not extract drive geometry from image.\n" "Use parameter -size bps,spc,hpc,cyl to specify the geometry.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED","Type \"%s\" is unsupported. Specify \"hdd\" or \"floppy\" or\"iso\".\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED","Format \"%s\" is unsupported. Specify \"fat\" or \"iso\" or \"none\".\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_SPECIFY_FILE","Must specify file-image to mount.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_FILE_NOT_FOUND","Image file not found.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_MOUNT","To mount directories, use the \033[34;1mMOUNT\033[0m command, not the \033[34;1mIMGMOUNT\033[0m command.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_ALREADY_MOUNTED","Drive already mounted at that letter.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_CANT_CREATE","Can't create drive from file.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_MOUNT_NUMBER","Drive number %d mounted as %s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_NON_LOCAL_DRIVE", "The image must be on a host or local drive.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_IMGMOUNT_MULTIPLE_NON_CUEISO_FILES", "Using multiple files is only supported for cue/iso images.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_INFO","Codepage %i has been loaded\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_INFO_LAYOUT","Codepage %i has been loaded for layout %s\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_SHOWHELP", "\033[32;1mKEYB\033[0m [keyboard layout ID[ codepage number[ codepage file]]]\n\n" "Some examples:\n" " \033[32;1mKEYB\033[0m: Display currently loaded codepage.\n" " \033[32;1mKEYB\033[0m sp: Load the spanish (SP) layout, use an appropriate codepage.\n" " \033[32;1mKEYB\033[0m sp 850: Load the spanish (SP) layout, use codepage 850.\n" " \033[32;1mKEYB\033[0m sp 850 mycp.cpi: Same as above, but use file mycp.cpi.\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_NOERROR","Keyboard layout %s loaded for codepage %i\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_FILENOTFOUND","Keyboard file %s not found\n\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_INVALIDFILE","Keyboard file %s invalid\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_LAYOUTNOTFOUND","No layout in %s for codepage %i\n"); MSG_Add("PROGRAM_KEYB_INVCPFILE","None or invalid codepage file for layout %s\n\n"); /*regular setup*/ PROGRAMS_MakeFile("MOUNT.COM",MOUNT_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("MEM.COM",MEM_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("LOADFIX.COM",LOADFIX_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("RESCAN.COM",RESCAN_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("INTRO.COM",INTRO_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("BOOT.COM",BOOT_ProgramStart); #if C_DEBUG PROGRAMS_MakeFile("BIOSTEST.COM", BIOSTEST_ProgramStart); #endif PROGRAMS_MakeFile("LOADROM.COM", LOADROM_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("IMGMOUNT.COM", IMGMOUNT_ProgramStart); PROGRAMS_MakeFile("KEYB.COM", KEYB_ProgramStart); }