/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* Based of sn76496.c of the M.A.M.E. project */ #include "dosbox.h" #include "inout.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "mem.h" #include "setup.h" #include "pic.h" #include "dma.h" #include "hardware.h" #include #include #include "mame/emu.h" #include "mame/sn76496.h" #define SOUND_CLOCK (14318180 / 4) #define TDAC_DMA_BUFSIZE 1024 static struct { MixerChannel * chan; bool enabled; Bitu last_write; struct { MixerChannel * chan; bool enabled; struct { Bitu base; Bit8u irq,dma; } hw; struct { Bitu rate; Bit8u buf[TDAC_DMA_BUFSIZE]; Bit8u last_sample; DmaChannel * chan; bool transfer_done; } dma; Bit8u mode,control; Bit16u frequency; Bit8u amplitude; bool irq_activated; } dac; } tandy; static sn76496_device device_sn76496(machine_config(), 0, 0, SOUND_CLOCK ); static ncr8496_device device_ncr8496(machine_config(), 0, 0, SOUND_CLOCK); static sn76496_base_device* activeDevice = &device_ncr8496; #define device (*activeDevice) static void SN76496Write(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu data,Bitu /*iolen*/) { tandy.last_write=PIC_Ticks; if (!tandy.enabled) { tandy.chan->Enable(true); tandy.enabled=true; } device.write(data); // LOG_MSG("3voice write %X at time %7.3f",data,PIC_FullIndex()); } static void SN76496Update(Bitu length) { //Disable the channel if it's been quiet for a while if ((tandy.last_write+5000)Enable(false); return; } const Bitu MAX_SAMPLES = 2048; if (length > MAX_SAMPLES) return; Bit16s buffer[MAX_SAMPLES]; Bit16s* outputs = buffer; device_sound_interface::sound_stream stream; static_cast(device).sound_stream_update(stream, 0, &outputs, length); tandy.chan->AddSamples_m16(length, buffer); } bool TS_Get_Address(Bitu& tsaddr, Bitu& tsirq, Bitu& tsdma) { tsaddr=0; tsirq =0; tsdma =0; if (tandy.dac.enabled) { tsaddr=tandy.dac.hw.base; tsirq =tandy.dac.hw.irq; tsdma =tandy.dac.hw.dma; return true; } return false; } static void TandyDAC_DMA_CallBack(DmaChannel * /*chan*/, DMAEvent event) { if (event == DMA_REACHED_TC) { tandy.dac.dma.transfer_done=true; PIC_ActivateIRQ(tandy.dac.hw.irq); } } static void TandyDACModeChanged(void) { switch (tandy.dac.mode&3) { case 0: // joystick mode break; case 1: break; case 2: // recording break; case 3: // playback tandy.dac.chan->FillUp(); if (tandy.dac.frequency!=0) { float freq=3579545.0f/((float)tandy.dac.frequency); tandy.dac.chan->SetFreq((Bitu)freq); float vol=((float)tandy.dac.amplitude)/7.0f; tandy.dac.chan->SetVolume(vol,vol); if ((tandy.dac.mode&0x0c)==0x0c) { tandy.dac.dma.transfer_done=false; tandy.dac.dma.chan=GetDMAChannel(tandy.dac.hw.dma); if (tandy.dac.dma.chan) { tandy.dac.dma.chan->Register_Callback(TandyDAC_DMA_CallBack); tandy.dac.chan->Enable(true); // LOG_MSG("Tandy DAC: playback started with freqency %f, volume %f",freq,vol); } } } break; } } static void TandyDACDMAEnabled(void) { TandyDACModeChanged(); } static void TandyDACDMADisabled(void) { } static void TandyDACWrite(Bitu port,Bitu data,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0xc4: { Bitu oldmode = tandy.dac.mode; tandy.dac.mode = (Bit8u)(data&0xff); if ((data&3)!=(oldmode&3)) { TandyDACModeChanged(); } if (((data&0x0c)==0x0c) && ((oldmode&0x0c)!=0x0c)) { TandyDACDMAEnabled(); } else if (((data&0x0c)!=0x0c) && ((oldmode&0x0c)==0x0c)) { TandyDACDMADisabled(); } } break; case 0xc5: switch (tandy.dac.mode&3) { case 0: // joystick mode break; case 1: tandy.dac.control = (Bit8u)(data&0xff); break; case 2: break; case 3: // direct output break; } break; case 0xc6: tandy.dac.frequency = (tandy.dac.frequency & 0xf00) | (Bit8u)(data & 0xff); switch (tandy.dac.mode&3) { case 0: // joystick mode break; case 1: case 2: case 3: TandyDACModeChanged(); break; } break; case 0xc7: tandy.dac.frequency = (tandy.dac.frequency & 0x00ff) | (((Bit8u)(data & 0xf)) << 8); tandy.dac.amplitude = (Bit8u)(data>>5); switch (tandy.dac.mode&3) { case 0: // joystick mode break; case 1: case 2: case 3: TandyDACModeChanged(); break; } break; } } static Bitu TandyDACRead(Bitu port,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0xc4: return (tandy.dac.mode&0x77) | (tandy.dac.irq_activated ? 0x08 : 0x00); case 0xc6: return (Bit8u)(tandy.dac.frequency&0xff); case 0xc7: return (Bit8u)(((tandy.dac.frequency>>8)&0xf) | (tandy.dac.amplitude<<5)); } LOG_MSG("Tandy DAC: Read from unknown %X",port); return 0xff; } static void TandyDACGenerateDMASound(Bitu length) { if (length) { Bitu read=tandy.dac.dma.chan->Read(length,tandy.dac.dma.buf); tandy.dac.chan->AddSamples_m8(read,tandy.dac.dma.buf); if (read < length) { if (read>0) tandy.dac.dma.last_sample=tandy.dac.dma.buf[read-1]; for (Bitu ct=read; ct < length; ct++) { tandy.dac.chan->AddSamples_m8(1,&tandy.dac.dma.last_sample); } } } } static void TandyDACUpdate(Bitu length) { if (tandy.dac.enabled && ((tandy.dac.mode&0x0c)==0x0c)) { if (!tandy.dac.dma.transfer_done) { Bitu len = length; TandyDACGenerateDMASound(len); } else { for (Bitu ct=0; ct < length; ct++) { tandy.dac.chan->AddSamples_m8(1,&tandy.dac.dma.last_sample); } } } else { tandy.dac.chan->AddSilence(); } } class TANDYSOUND: public Module_base { private: IO_WriteHandleObject WriteHandler[4]; IO_ReadHandleObject ReadHandler[4]; MixerObject MixerChan; MixerObject MixerChanDAC; public: TANDYSOUND(Section* configuration):Module_base(configuration){ Section_prop * section=static_cast(configuration); bool enable_hw_tandy_dac=true; Bitu sbport, sbirq, sbdma; if (SB_Get_Address(sbport, sbirq, sbdma)) { enable_hw_tandy_dac=false; } //Select the correct tandy chip implementation if (machine == MCH_PCJR) activeDevice = &device_sn76496; else activeDevice = &device_ncr8496; real_writeb(0x40,0xd4,0x00); if (IS_TANDY_ARCH) { /* enable tandy sound if tandy=true/auto */ if ((strcmp(section->Get_string("tandy"),"true")!=0) && (strcmp(section->Get_string("tandy"),"on")!=0) && (strcmp(section->Get_string("tandy"),"auto")!=0)) return; } else { /* only enable tandy sound if tandy=true */ if ((strcmp(section->Get_string("tandy"),"true")!=0) && (strcmp(section->Get_string("tandy"),"on")!=0)) return; /* ports from second DMA controller conflict with tandy ports */ CloseSecondDMAController(); if (enable_hw_tandy_dac) { WriteHandler[2].Install(0x1e0,SN76496Write,IO_MB,2); WriteHandler[3].Install(0x1e4,TandyDACWrite,IO_MB,4); // ReadHandler[3].Install(0x1e4,TandyDACRead,IO_MB,4); } } Bit32u sample_rate = section->Get_int("tandyrate"); tandy.chan=MixerChan.Install(&SN76496Update,sample_rate,"TANDY"); WriteHandler[0].Install(0xc0,SN76496Write,IO_MB,2); if (enable_hw_tandy_dac) { // enable low-level Tandy DAC emulation WriteHandler[1].Install(0xc4,TandyDACWrite,IO_MB,4); ReadHandler[1].Install(0xc4,TandyDACRead,IO_MB,4); tandy.dac.enabled=true; tandy.dac.chan=MixerChanDAC.Install(&TandyDACUpdate,sample_rate,"TANDYDAC"); tandy.dac.hw.base=0xc4; tandy.dac.hw.irq =7; tandy.dac.hw.dma =1; } else { tandy.dac.enabled=false; tandy.dac.hw.base=0; tandy.dac.hw.irq =0; tandy.dac.hw.dma =0; } tandy.dac.control=0; tandy.dac.mode =0; tandy.dac.irq_activated=false; tandy.dac.frequency=0; tandy.dac.amplitude=0; tandy.dac.dma.last_sample=0; tandy.enabled=false; real_writeb(0x40,0xd4,0xff); /* BIOS Tandy DAC initialization value */ ((device_t&)device).device_start(); device.convert_samplerate(sample_rate); } ~TANDYSOUND(){ } }; static TANDYSOUND* test; void TANDYSOUND_ShutDown(Section* /*sec*/) { delete test; } void TANDYSOUND_Init(Section* sec) { test = new TANDYSOUND(sec); sec->AddDestroyFunction(&TANDYSOUND_ShutDown,true); }