/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "dosbox.h" #include "inout.h" #include "vga.h" #include "debug.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "video.h" #include "pic.h" #define crtc(blah) vga.crtc.blah void VGA_MapMMIO(void); void VGA_UnmapMMIO(void); void vga_write_p3d5(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu iolen); Bitu DEBUG_EnableDebugger(void); void vga_write_p3d4(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu iolen) { crtc(index)=val; } Bitu vga_read_p3d4(Bitu port,Bitu iolen) { return crtc(index); } void vga_write_p3d5(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu iolen) { // if (crtc(index)>0x18) LOG_MSG("VGA CRCT write %X to reg %X",val,crtc(index)); switch(crtc(index)) { case 0x00: /* Horizontal Total Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; crtc(horizontal_total)=val; /* 0-7 Horizontal Total Character Clocks-5 */ break; case 0x01: /* Horizontal Display End Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; if (val != crtc(horizontal_display_end)) { crtc(horizontal_display_end)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } /* 0-7 Number of Character Clocks Displayed -1 */ break; case 0x02: /* Start Horizontal Blanking Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; crtc(start_horizontal_blanking)=val; /* 0-7 The count at which Horizontal Blanking starts */ break; case 0x03: /* End Horizontal Blanking Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; crtc(end_horizontal_blanking)=val; /* 0-4 Horizontal Blanking ends when the last 6 bits of the character counter equals this field. Bit 5 is at 3d4h index 5 bit 7. 5-6 Number of character clocks to delay start of display after Horizontal Total has been reached. 7 Access to Vertical Retrace registers if set. If clear reads to 3d4h index 10h and 11h access the Lightpen read back registers ?? */ break; case 0x04: /* Start Horizontal Retrace Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; crtc(start_horizontal_retrace)=val; /* 0-7 Horizontal Retrace starts when the Character Counter reaches this value. */ break; case 0x05: /* End Horizontal Retrace Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; crtc(end_horizontal_retrace)=val; /* 0-4 Horizontal Retrace ends when the last 5 bits of the character counter equals this value. 5-6 Number of character clocks to delay start of display after Horizontal Retrace. 7 bit 5 of the End Horizontal Blanking count (See 3d4h index 3 bit 0-4) */ break; case 0x06: /* Vertical Total Register */ if (crtc(read_only)) break; if (val != crtc(vertical_total)) { crtc(vertical_total)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the Vertical Total. Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 0. Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 5. Note: For the VGA this value is the number of scan lines in the display -2. */ break; case 0x07: /* Overflow Register */ //Line compare bit ignores read only */ vga.config.line_compare=(vga.config.line_compare & 0x6ff) | (val & 0x10) << 4; if (crtc(read_only)) break; if ((vga.crtc.overflow ^ val) & 0xd6) { crtc(overflow)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } else crtc(overflow)=val; /* 0 Bit 8 of Vertical Total (3d4h index 6) 1 Bit 8 of Vertical Display End (3d4h index 12h) 2 Bit 8 of Vertical Retrace Start (3d4h index 10h) 3 Bit 8 of Start Vertical Blanking (3d4h index 15h) 4 Bit 8 of Line Compare Register (3d4h index 18h) 5 Bit 9 of Vertical Total (3d4h index 6) 6 Bit 9 of Vertical Display End (3d4h index 12h) 7 Bit 9 of Vertical Retrace Start (3d4h index 10h) */ break; case 0x08: /* Preset Row Scan Register */ crtc(preset_row_scan)=val; vga.config.hlines_skip=val&31; if (IS_VGA_ARCH) vga.config.bytes_skip=(val>>5)&3; else vga.config.bytes_skip=0; // LOG_DEBUG("Skip lines %d bytes %d",vga.config.hlines_skip,vga.config.bytes_skip); /* 0-4 Number of lines we have scrolled down in the first character row. Provides Smooth Vertical Scrolling.b 5-6 Number of bytes to skip at the start of scanline. Provides Smooth Horizontal Scrolling together with the Horizontal Panning Register (3C0h index 13h). */ break; case 0x09: /* Maximum Scan Line Register */ if (IS_VGA_ARCH) vga.config.line_compare=(vga.config.line_compare & 0x5ff)|(val&0x40)<<3; if (IS_VGA_ARCH && (svgaCard==SVGA_None) && (vga.mode==M_EGA || vga.mode==M_VGA)) { // in vgaonly mode we take special care of line repeats (excluding CGA modes) if ((vga.crtc.maximum_scan_line ^ val) & 0x20) { crtc(maximum_scan_line)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } else { crtc(maximum_scan_line)=val; } vga.draw.address_line_total = (val &0x1F) + 1; if (val&0x80) vga.draw.address_line_total*=2; } else { if ((vga.crtc.maximum_scan_line ^ val) & 0xbf) { crtc(maximum_scan_line)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } else { crtc(maximum_scan_line)=val; } } /* 0-4 Number of scan lines in a character row -1. In graphics modes this is the number of times (-1) the line is displayed before passing on to the next line (0: normal, 1: double, 2: triple...). This is independent of bit 7, except in CGA modes which seems to require this field to be 1 and bit 7 to be set to work. 5 Bit 9 of Start Vertical Blanking 6 Bit 9 of Line Compare Register 7 Doubles each scan line if set. I.e. displays 200 lines on a 400 display. */ break; case 0x0A: /* Cursor Start Register */ crtc(cursor_start)=val; vga.draw.cursor.sline=val&0x1f; if (IS_VGA_ARCH) vga.draw.cursor.enabled=!(val&0x20); else vga.draw.cursor.enabled=true; /* 0-4 First scanline of cursor within character. 5 Turns Cursor off if set */ break; case 0x0B: /* Cursor End Register */ crtc(cursor_end)=val; vga.draw.cursor.eline=val&0x1f; vga.draw.cursor.delay=(val>>5)&0x3; /* 0-4 Last scanline of cursor within character 5-6 Delay of cursor data in character clocks. */ break; case 0x0C: /* Start Address High Register */ crtc(start_address_high)=val; vga.config.display_start=(vga.config.display_start & 0xFF00FF)| (val << 8); /* 0-7 Upper 8 bits of the start address of the display buffer */ break; case 0x0D: /* Start Address Low Register */ crtc(start_address_low)=val; vga.config.display_start=(vga.config.display_start & 0xFFFF00)| val; /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the start address of the display buffer */ break; case 0x0E: /*Cursor Location High Register */ crtc(cursor_location_high)=val; vga.config.cursor_start&=0xff00ff; vga.config.cursor_start|=val << 8; /* 0-7 Upper 8 bits of the address of the cursor */ break; case 0x0F: /* Cursor Location Low Register */ //TODO update cursor on screen crtc(cursor_location_low)=val; vga.config.cursor_start&=0xffff00; vga.config.cursor_start|=val; /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the address of the cursor */ break; case 0x10: /* Vertical Retrace Start Register */ crtc(vertical_retrace_start)=val; /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Retrace Start. Vertical Retrace starts when the line counter reaches this value. Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 2. Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 7. */ break; case 0x11: /* Vertical Retrace End Register */ crtc(vertical_retrace_end)=val; if (IS_EGAVGA_ARCH && !(val & 0x10)) { vga.draw.vret_triggered=false; if (GCC_UNLIKELY(machine==MCH_EGA)) PIC_DeActivateIRQ(9); } if (IS_VGA_ARCH) crtc(read_only)=(val & 128)>0; else crtc(read_only)=false; /* 0-3 Vertical Retrace ends when the last 4 bits of the line counter equals this value. 4 if clear Clears pending Vertical Interrupts. 5 Vertical Interrupts (IRQ 2) disabled if set. Can usually be left disabled, but some systems (including PS/2) require it to be enabled. 6 If set selects 5 refresh cycles per scanline rather than 3. 7 Disables writing to registers 0-7 if set 3d4h index 7 bit 4 is not affected by this bit. */ break; case 0x12: /* Vertical Display End Register */ if (val!=crtc(vertical_display_end)) { if (abs(static_cast((Bits)val-(Bits)crtc(vertical_display_end)))<3) { // delay small vde changes a bit to avoid screen resizing // if they are reverted in a short timeframe PIC_RemoveEvents(VGA_SetupDrawing); vga.draw.resizing=false; crtc(vertical_display_end)=val; VGA_StartResize(150); } else { crtc(vertical_display_end)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } } /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Display End. The display ends when the line counter reaches this value. Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 1. Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 6. */ break; case 0x13: /* Offset register */ crtc(offset)=val; vga.config.scan_len&=0x300; vga.config.scan_len|=val; VGA_CheckScanLength(); /* 0-7 Number of bytes in a scanline / K. Where K is 2 for byte mode, 4 for word mode and 8 for Double Word mode. */ break; case 0x14: /* Underline Location Register */ crtc(underline_location)=val; if (IS_VGA_ARCH) { //Byte,word,dword mode if ( crtc(underline_location) & 0x20 ) vga.config.addr_shift = 2; else if ( crtc( mode_control) & 0x40 ) vga.config.addr_shift = 0; else vga.config.addr_shift = 1; } else { vga.config.addr_shift = 1; } /* 0-4 Position of underline within Character cell. 5 If set memory address is only changed every fourth character clock. 6 Double Word mode addressing if set */ break; case 0x15: /* Start Vertical Blank Register */ if (val!=crtc(start_vertical_blanking)) { crtc(start_vertical_blanking)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of Vertical Blank Start. Vertical blanking starts when the line counter reaches this value. Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 3. */ break; case 0x16: /* End Vertical Blank Register */ if (val!=crtc(end_vertical_blanking)) { crtc(end_vertical_blanking)=val; VGA_StartResize(); } /* 0-6 Vertical blanking stops when the lower 7 bits of the line counter equals this field. Some SVGA chips uses all 8 bits! IBM actually says bits 0-7. */ break; case 0x17: /* Mode Control Register */ crtc(mode_control)=val; vga.tandy.line_mask = (~val) & 3; //Byte,word,dword mode if ( crtc(underline_location) & 0x20 ) vga.config.addr_shift = 2; else if ( crtc( mode_control) & 0x40 ) vga.config.addr_shift = 0; else vga.config.addr_shift = 1; if ( vga.tandy.line_mask ) { vga.tandy.line_shift = 13; vga.tandy.addr_mask = (1 << 13) - 1; } else { vga.tandy.addr_mask = ~0; vga.tandy.line_shift = 0; } //Should we really need to do a determinemode here? // VGA_DetermineMode(); /* 0 If clear use CGA compatible memory addressing system by substituting character row scan counter bit 0 for address bit 13, thus creating 2 banks for even and odd scan lines. 1 If clear use Hercules compatible memory addressing system by substituting character row scan counter bit 1 for address bit 14, thus creating 4 banks. 2 If set increase scan line counter only every second line. 3 If set increase memory address counter only every other character clock. 5 When in Word Mode bit 15 is rotated to bit 0 if this bit is set else bit 13 is rotated into bit 0. 6 If clear system is in word mode. Addresses are rotated 1 position up bringing either bit 13 or 15 into bit 0. 7 Clearing this bit will reset the display system until the bit is set again. */ break; case 0x18: /* Line Compare Register */ crtc(line_compare)=val; vga.config.line_compare=(vga.config.line_compare & 0x700) | val; /* 0-7 Lower 8 bits of the Line Compare. When the Line counter reaches this value, the display address wraps to 0. Provides Split Screen facilities. Bit 8 is found in 3d4h index 7 bit 4. Bit 9 is found in 3d4h index 9 bit 6. */ break; default: if (svga.write_p3d5) { svga.write_p3d5(crtc(index), val, iolen); } else { LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("VGA:CRTC:Write to unknown index %X",crtc(index)); } break; } } Bitu vga_read_p3d5(Bitu port,Bitu iolen) { // LOG_MSG("VGA CRCT read from reg %X",crtc(index)); switch(crtc(index)) { case 0x00: /* Horizontal Total Register */ return crtc(horizontal_total); case 0x01: /* Horizontal Display End Register */ return crtc(horizontal_display_end); case 0x02: /* Start Horizontal Blanking Register */ return crtc(start_horizontal_blanking); case 0x03: /* End Horizontal Blanking Register */ return crtc(end_horizontal_blanking); case 0x04: /* Start Horizontal Retrace Register */ return crtc(start_horizontal_retrace); case 0x05: /* End Horizontal Retrace Register */ return crtc(end_horizontal_retrace); case 0x06: /* Vertical Total Register */ return crtc(vertical_total); case 0x07: /* Overflow Register */ return crtc(overflow); case 0x08: /* Preset Row Scan Register */ return crtc(preset_row_scan); case 0x09: /* Maximum Scan Line Register */ return crtc(maximum_scan_line); case 0x0A: /* Cursor Start Register */ return crtc(cursor_start); case 0x0B: /* Cursor End Register */ return crtc(cursor_end); case 0x0C: /* Start Address High Register */ return crtc(start_address_high); case 0x0D: /* Start Address Low Register */ return crtc(start_address_low); case 0x0E: /*Cursor Location High Register */ return crtc(cursor_location_high); case 0x0F: /* Cursor Location Low Register */ return crtc(cursor_location_low); case 0x10: /* Vertical Retrace Start Register */ return crtc(vertical_retrace_start); case 0x11: /* Vertical Retrace End Register */ return crtc(vertical_retrace_end); case 0x12: /* Vertical Display End Register */ return crtc(vertical_display_end); case 0x13: /* Offset register */ return crtc(offset); case 0x14: /* Underline Location Register */ return crtc(underline_location); case 0x15: /* Start Vertical Blank Register */ return crtc(start_vertical_blanking); case 0x16: /* End Vertical Blank Register */ return crtc(end_vertical_blanking); case 0x17: /* Mode Control Register */ return crtc(mode_control); case 0x18: /* Line Compare Register */ return crtc(line_compare); default: if (svga.read_p3d5) { return svga.read_p3d5(crtc(index), iolen); } else { LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("VGA:CRTC:Read from unknown index %X",crtc(index)); return 0x0; } } }