/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "dosbox.h" #include "inout.h" #include "vga.h" #include "mem.h" #include "pic.h" #include "render.h" #include "mapper.h" static void write_crtc_index_other(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { vga.other.index=(Bit8u)val; } static Bitu read_crtc_index_other(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu /*iolen*/) { return vga.other.index; } static void write_crtc_data_other(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (vga.other.index) { case 0x00: //Horizontal total if (vga.other.htotal ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.htotal=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x01: //Horizontal displayed chars if (vga.other.hdend ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.hdend=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x02: //Horizontal sync position vga.other.hsyncp=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x03: //Horizontal sync width if (machine==MCH_TANDY) vga.other.vsyncw=(Bit8u)(val >> 4); else vga.other.vsyncw = 16; // The MC6845 has a fixed v-sync width of 16 lines vga.other.hsyncw=(Bit8u)(val & 0xf); break; case 0x04: //Vertical total if (vga.other.vtotal ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.vtotal=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x05: //Vertical display adjust if (vga.other.vadjust ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.vadjust=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x06: //Vertical rows if (vga.other.vdend ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.vdend=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x07: //Vertical sync position vga.other.vsyncp=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x09: //Max scanline val &= 0x1f; // VGADOC says bit 0-3 but the MC6845 datasheet says bit 0-4 if (vga.other.max_scanline ^ val) VGA_StartResize(); vga.other.max_scanline=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x0A: /* Cursor Start Register */ vga.other.cursor_start = (Bit8u)(val & 0x3f); vga.draw.cursor.sline = (Bit8u)(val&0x1f); vga.draw.cursor.enabled = ((val & 0x60) != 0x20); break; case 0x0B: /* Cursor End Register */ vga.other.cursor_end = (Bit8u)(val&0x1f); vga.draw.cursor.eline = (Bit8u)(val&0x1f); break; case 0x0C: /* Start Address High Register */ // Bit 12 (depending on video mode) and 13 are actually masked too, // but so far no need to implement it. vga.config.display_start=(vga.config.display_start & 0x00FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8); break; case 0x0D: /* Start Address Low Register */ vga.config.display_start=(vga.config.display_start & 0xFF00) | val; break; case 0x0E: /*Cursor Location High Register */ vga.config.cursor_start&=0x00ff; vga.config.cursor_start|=((Bit8u)val) << 8; break; case 0x0F: /* Cursor Location Low Register */ vga.config.cursor_start&=0xff00; vga.config.cursor_start|=(Bit8u)val; break; case 0x10: /* Light Pen High */ vga.other.lightpen &= 0xff; vga.other.lightpen |= (val & 0x3f)<<8; // only 6 bits break; case 0x11: /* Light Pen Low */ vga.other.lightpen &= 0xff00; vga.other.lightpen |= (Bit8u)val; break; default: LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("MC6845:Write %X to illegal index %x",val,vga.other.index); } } static Bitu read_crtc_data_other(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (vga.other.index) { case 0x00: //Horizontal total return vga.other.htotal; case 0x01: //Horizontal displayed chars return vga.other.hdend; case 0x02: //Horizontal sync position return vga.other.hsyncp; case 0x03: //Horizontal and vertical sync width if (machine==MCH_TANDY) return vga.other.hsyncw | (vga.other.vsyncw << 4); else return vga.other.hsyncw; case 0x04: //Vertical total return vga.other.vtotal; case 0x05: //Vertical display adjust return vga.other.vadjust; case 0x06: //Vertical rows return vga.other.vdend; case 0x07: //Vertical sync position return vga.other.vsyncp; case 0x09: //Max scanline return vga.other.max_scanline; case 0x0A: /* Cursor Start Register */ return vga.other.cursor_start; case 0x0B: /* Cursor End Register */ return vga.other.cursor_end; case 0x0C: /* Start Address High Register */ return (Bit8u)(vga.config.display_start >> 8); case 0x0D: /* Start Address Low Register */ return (Bit8u)(vga.config.display_start & 0xff); case 0x0E: /*Cursor Location High Register */ return (Bit8u)(vga.config.cursor_start >> 8); case 0x0F: /* Cursor Location Low Register */ return (Bit8u)(vga.config.cursor_start & 0xff); case 0x10: /* Light Pen High */ return (Bit8u)(vga.other.lightpen >> 8); case 0x11: /* Light Pen Low */ return (Bit8u)(vga.other.lightpen & 0xff); default: LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("MC6845:Read from illegal index %x",vga.other.index); } return (Bitu)(~0); } static void write_lightpen(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu) { switch (port) { case 0x3db: // Clear lightpen latch vga.other.lightpen_triggered = false; break; case 0x3dc: // Preset lightpen latch if (!vga.other.lightpen_triggered) { vga.other.lightpen_triggered = true; // TODO: this shows at port 3ba/3da bit 1 double timeInFrame = PIC_FullIndex()-vga.draw.delay.framestart; double timeInLine = fmod(timeInFrame,vga.draw.delay.htotal); Bitu current_scanline = (Bitu)(timeInFrame / vga.draw.delay.htotal); vga.other.lightpen = (Bit16u)((vga.draw.address_add/2) * (current_scanline/2)); vga.other.lightpen += (Bit16u)((timeInLine / vga.draw.delay.hdend) * ((float)(vga.draw.address_add/2))); } break; } } static double hue_offset = 0.0; static Bit8u cga_comp = 0; static bool new_cga = 0; static Bit8u cga16_val = 0; static void update_cga16_color(void); static Bit8u herc_pal = 0; static void cga16_color_select(Bit8u val) { cga16_val = val; update_cga16_color(); } static void update_cga16_color(void) { // New algorithm based on code by reenigne // Works in all CGA graphics modes/color settings and can simulate older and newer CGA revisions static const double tau = 6.28318531; // == 2*pi static const double ns = 567.0/440; // degrees of hue shift per nanosecond double tv_brightness = 0.0; // hardcoded for simpler implementation double tv_saturation = (new_cga ? 0.7 : 0.6); bool bw = (vga.tandy.mode_control&4) != 0; bool color_sel = (cga16_val&0x20) != 0; bool background_i = (cga16_val&0x10) != 0; // Really foreground intensity, but this is what the CGA schematic calls it. bool bpp1 = (vga.tandy.mode_control&0x10) != 0; Bit8u overscan = cga16_val&0x0f; // aka foreground colour in 1bpp mode double chroma_coefficient = new_cga ? 0.29 : 0.72; double b_coefficient = new_cga ? 0.07 : 0; double g_coefficient = new_cga ? 0.22 : 0; double r_coefficient = new_cga ? 0.1 : 0; double i_coefficient = new_cga ? 0.32 : 0.28; double rgbi_coefficients[0x10]; for (int c = 0; c < 0x10; c++) { double v = 0; if ((c & 1) != 0) v += b_coefficient; if ((c & 2) != 0) v += g_coefficient; if ((c & 4) != 0) v += r_coefficient; if ((c & 8) != 0) v += i_coefficient; rgbi_coefficients[c] = v; } // The pixel clock delay calculation is not accurate for 2bpp, but the difference is small and a more accurate calculation would be too slow. static const double rgbi_pixel_delay = 15.5*ns; static const double chroma_pixel_delays[8] = { 0, // Black: no chroma 35*ns, // Blue: no XORs 44.5*ns, // Green: XOR on rising and falling edges 39.5*ns, // Cyan: XOR on falling but not rising edge 44.5*ns, // Red: XOR on rising and falling edges 39.5*ns, // Magenta: XOR on falling but not rising edge 44.5*ns, // Yellow: XOR on rising and falling edges 39.5*ns}; // White: XOR on falling but not rising edge double pixel_clock_delay; int o = overscan == 0 ? 15 : overscan; if (overscan == 8) pixel_clock_delay = rgbi_pixel_delay; else { double d = rgbi_coefficients[o]; pixel_clock_delay = (chroma_pixel_delays[o & 7]*chroma_coefficient + rgbi_pixel_delay*d)/(chroma_coefficient + d); } pixel_clock_delay -= 21.5*ns; // correct for delay of color burst double hue_adjust = (-(90-33)-hue_offset+pixel_clock_delay)*tau/360.0; double chroma_signals[8][4]; for (Bit8u i=0; i<4; i++) { chroma_signals[0][i] = 0; chroma_signals[7][i] = 1; for (Bit8u j=0; j<6; j++) { static const double phases[6] = { 270 - 21.5*ns, // blue 135 - 29.5*ns, // green 180 - 21.5*ns, // cyan 0 - 21.5*ns, // red 315 - 29.5*ns, // magenta 90 - 21.5*ns}; // yellow/burst // All the duty cycle fractions are the same, just under 0.5 as the rising edge is delayed 2ns more than the falling edge. static const double duty = 0.5 - 2*ns/360.0; // We have a rectangle wave with period 1 (in units of the reciprocal of the color burst frequency) and duty // cycle fraction "duty" and phase "phase". We band-limit this wave to frequency 2 and sample it at intervals of 1/4. // We model our band-limited wave with 4 frequency components: // f(x) = a + b*sin(x*tau) + c*cos(x*tau) + d*sin(x*2*tau) // Then: // a = integral(0, 1, f(x)*dx) = duty // b = 2*integral(0, 1, f(x)*sin(x*tau)*dx) = 2*integral(0, duty, sin(x*tau)*dx) = 2*(1-cos(x*tau))/tau // c = 2*integral(0, 1, f(x)*cos(x*tau)*dx) = 2*integral(0, duty, cos(x*tau)*dx) = 2*sin(duty*tau)/tau // d = 2*integral(0, 1, f(x)*sin(x*2*tau)*dx) = 2*integral(0, duty, sin(x*4*pi)*dx) = 2*(1-cos(2*tau*duty))/(2*tau) double a = duty; double b = 2.0*(1.0-cos(duty*tau))/tau; double c = 2.0*sin(duty*tau)/tau; double d = 2.0*(1.0-cos(duty*2*tau))/(2*tau); double x = (phases[j] + 21.5*ns + pixel_clock_delay)/360.0 + i/4.0; chroma_signals[j+1][i] = a + b*sin(x*tau) + c*cos(x*tau) + d*sin(x*2*tau); } } Bitu CGApal[4] = { overscan, static_cast(2 + (color_sel||bw ? 1 : 0) + (background_i ? 8 : 0)), static_cast(4 + (color_sel&&!bw? 1 : 0) + (background_i ? 8 : 0)), static_cast(6 + (color_sel||bw ? 1 : 0) + (background_i ? 8 : 0)) }; for (Bit8u x=0; x<4; x++) { // Position of pixel in question bool even = (x & 1) == 0; for (Bit8u bits=0; bits<(even ? 0x10 : 0x40); ++bits) { double Y=0, I=0, Q=0; for (Bit8u p=0; p<4; p++) { // Position within color carrier cycle // generate pixel pattern. Bit8u rgbi; if (bpp1) rgbi = ((bits >> (3-p)) & (even ? 1 : 2)) != 0 ? overscan : 0; else if (even) rgbi = CGApal[(bits >> (2-(p&2)))&3]; else rgbi = CGApal[(bits >> (4-((p+1)&6)))&3]; Bit8u c = rgbi & 7; if (bw && c != 0) c = 7; // calculate composite output double chroma = chroma_signals[c][(p+x)&3]*chroma_coefficient; double composite = chroma + rgbi_coefficients[rgbi]; Y+=composite; if (!bw) { // burst on I+=composite*2*cos(hue_adjust + (p+x)*tau/4.0); Q+=composite*2*sin(hue_adjust + (p+x)*tau/4.0); } } double contrast = 1 - tv_brightness; Y = (contrast*Y/4.0) + tv_brightness; if (Y>1.0) Y=1.0; if (Y<0.0) Y=0.0; I = (contrast*I/4.0) * tv_saturation; if (I>0.5957) I=0.5957; if (I<-0.5957) I=-0.5957; Q = (contrast*Q/4.0) * tv_saturation; if (Q>0.5226) Q=0.5226; if (Q<-0.5226) Q=-0.5226; static const double gamma = 2.2; double R = Y + 0.9563*I + 0.6210*Q; R = (R - 0.075) / (1-0.075); if (R<0) R=0; if (R>1) R=1; double G = Y - 0.2721*I - 0.6474*Q; G = (G - 0.075) / (1-0.075); if (G<0) G=0; if (G>1) G=1; double B = Y - 1.1069*I + 1.7046*Q; B = (B - 0.075) / (1-0.075); if (B<0) B=0; if (B>1) B=1; R = pow(R, gamma); G = pow(G, gamma); B = pow(B, gamma); int r = static_cast(255*pow( 1.5073*R -0.3725*G -0.0832*B, 1/gamma)); if (r<0) r=0; if (r>255) r=255; int g = static_cast(255*pow(-0.0275*R +0.9350*G +0.0670*B, 1/gamma)); if (g<0) g=0; if (g>255) g=255; int b = static_cast(255*pow(-0.0272*R -0.0401*G +1.1677*B, 1/gamma)); if (b<0) b=0; if (b>255) b=255; Bit8u index = bits | ((x & 1) == 0 ? 0x30 : 0x80) | ((x & 2) == 0 ? 0x40 : 0); RENDER_SetPal(index,r,g,b); } } } static void IncreaseHue(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; hue_offset += 5.0; update_cga16_color(); LOG_MSG("Hue at %f",hue_offset); } static void DecreaseHue(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; hue_offset -= 5.0; update_cga16_color(); LOG_MSG("Hue at %f",hue_offset); } static void write_cga_color_select(Bitu val) { vga.tandy.color_select=val; switch(vga.mode) { case M_TANDY4: { Bit8u base = (val & 0x10) ? 0x08 : 0; Bit8u bg = val & 0xf; if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x4) // cyan red white VGA_SetCGA4Table(bg, 3+base, 4+base, 7+base); else if (val & 0x20) // cyan magenta white VGA_SetCGA4Table(bg, 3+base, 5+base, 7+base); else // green red brown VGA_SetCGA4Table(bg, 2+base, 4+base, 6+base); vga.tandy.border_color = bg; vga.attr.overscan_color = bg; break; } case M_TANDY2: VGA_SetCGA2Table(0,val & 0xf); vga.attr.overscan_color = 0; break; case M_CGA16: cga16_color_select(val); break; case M_TEXT: vga.tandy.border_color = val & 0xf; vga.attr.overscan_color = 0; break; default: //Else unhandled values warning break; } } static void write_cga(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0x3d8: vga.tandy.mode_control=(Bit8u)val; vga.attr.disabled = (val&0x8)? 0: 1; if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x2) { // graphics mode if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x10) {// highres mode if (cga_comp==1 || (cga_comp==0 && !(val&0x4))) { // composite display VGA_SetMode(M_CGA16); // composite ntsc 640x200 16 color mode } else { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY2); } } else { // lowres mode if (cga_comp==1) { // composite display VGA_SetMode(M_CGA16); // composite ntsc 640x200 16 color mode } else { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY4); } } write_cga_color_select(vga.tandy.color_select); } else { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY_TEXT); } VGA_SetBlinking(val & 0x20); break; case 0x3d9: // color select write_cga_color_select(val); break; } } static void CGAModel(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; new_cga = !new_cga; update_cga16_color(); LOG_MSG("%s model CGA selected", new_cga ? "Late" : "Early"); } static void Composite(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; if (++cga_comp>2) cga_comp=0; LOG_MSG("Composite output: %s",(cga_comp==0)?"auto":((cga_comp==1)?"on":"off")); // switch RGB and Composite if in graphics mode if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x2) write_cga(0x3d8,vga.tandy.mode_control,1); } static void tandy_update_palette() { // TODO mask off bits if needed if (machine == MCH_TANDY) { switch (vga.mode) { case M_TANDY2: VGA_SetCGA2Table(vga.attr.palette[0], vga.attr.palette[vga.tandy.color_select&0xf]); break; case M_TANDY4: if (vga.tandy.gfx_control & 0x8) { // 4-color high resolution - might be an idea to introduce M_TANDY4H VGA_SetCGA4Table( // function sets both medium and highres 4color tables vga.attr.palette[0], vga.attr.palette[1], vga.attr.palette[2], vga.attr.palette[3]); } else { Bit8u color_set = 0; Bit8u r_mask = 0xf; if (vga.tandy.color_select & 0x10) color_set |= 8; // intensity if (vga.tandy.color_select & 0x20) color_set |= 1; // Cyan Mag. White if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x04) { // Cyan Red White color_set |= 1; r_mask &= ~1; } VGA_SetCGA4Table( vga.attr.palette[vga.tandy.color_select&0xf], vga.attr.palette[(2|color_set)& vga.tandy.palette_mask], vga.attr.palette[(4|(color_set& r_mask))& vga.tandy.palette_mask], vga.attr.palette[(6|color_set)& vga.tandy.palette_mask]); } break; default: break; } } else { // PCJr switch (vga.mode) { case M_TANDY2: VGA_SetCGA2Table(vga.attr.palette[0],vga.attr.palette[1]); break; case M_TANDY4: VGA_SetCGA4Table( vga.attr.palette[0], vga.attr.palette[1], vga.attr.palette[2], vga.attr.palette[3]); break; default: break; } } } void VGA_SetModeNow(VGAModes mode); static void TANDY_FindMode(void) { if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x2) { if (vga.tandy.gfx_control & 0x10) { if (vga.mode==M_TANDY4) { VGA_SetModeNow(M_TANDY16); } else VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY16); } else if (vga.tandy.gfx_control & 0x08) { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY4); } else if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x10) VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY2); else { if (vga.mode==M_TANDY16) { VGA_SetModeNow(M_TANDY4); } else VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY4); } tandy_update_palette(); } else { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY_TEXT); } } static void PCJr_FindMode(void) { if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x2) { if (vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x10) { /* bit4 of mode control 1 signals 16 colour graphics mode */ if (vga.mode==M_TANDY4) VGA_SetModeNow(M_TANDY16); // TODO lowres mode only else VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY16); } else if (vga.tandy.gfx_control & 0x08) { /* bit3 of mode control 2 signals 2 colour graphics mode */ VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY2); } else { /* otherwise some 4-colour graphics mode */ if (vga.mode==M_TANDY16) VGA_SetModeNow(M_TANDY4); else VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY4); } tandy_update_palette(); } else { VGA_SetMode(M_TANDY_TEXT); } } static void TandyCheckLineMask(void ) { if ( vga.tandy.extended_ram & 1 ) { vga.tandy.line_mask = 0; } else if ( vga.tandy.mode_control & 0x2) { vga.tandy.line_mask |= 1; } if ( vga.tandy.line_mask ) { vga.tandy.line_shift = 13; vga.tandy.addr_mask = (1 << 13) - 1; } else { vga.tandy.addr_mask = (Bitu)(~0); vga.tandy.line_shift = 0; } } static void write_tandy_reg(Bit8u val) { switch (vga.tandy.reg_index) { case 0x0: if (machine==MCH_PCJR) { vga.tandy.mode_control=val; VGA_SetBlinking(val & 0x20); PCJr_FindMode(); if (val&0x8) vga.attr.disabled &= ~1; else vga.attr.disabled |= 1; } else { LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("Unhandled Write %2X to tandy reg %X",val,vga.tandy.reg_index); } break; case 0x1: /* Palette mask */ vga.tandy.palette_mask = val; tandy_update_palette(); break; case 0x2: /* Border color */ vga.tandy.border_color=val; break; case 0x3: /* More control */ vga.tandy.gfx_control=val; if (machine==MCH_TANDY) TANDY_FindMode(); else PCJr_FindMode(); break; case 0x5: /* Extended ram page register */ // Bit 0 enables extended ram // Bit 7 Switches clock, 0 -> cga 28.6 , 1 -> mono 32.5 vga.tandy.extended_ram = val; //This is a bit of a hack to enable mapping video memory differently for highres mode TandyCheckLineMask(); VGA_SetupHandlers(); break; default: if ((vga.tandy.reg_index & 0xf0) == 0x10) { // color palette vga.attr.palette[vga.tandy.reg_index-0x10] = val&0xf; tandy_update_palette(); } else LOG(LOG_VGAMISC,LOG_NORMAL)("Unhandled Write %2X to tandy reg %X",val,vga.tandy.reg_index); } } static void write_tandy(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0x3d8: val &= 0x3f; // only bits 0-6 are used if (vga.tandy.mode_control ^ val) { vga.tandy.mode_control=(Bit8u)val; if (val&0x8) vga.attr.disabled &= ~1; else vga.attr.disabled |= 1; TandyCheckLineMask(); VGA_SetBlinking(val & 0x20); TANDY_FindMode(); VGA_StartResize(); } break; case 0x3d9: vga.tandy.color_select=val; tandy_update_palette(); break; case 0x3da: vga.tandy.reg_index=(Bit8u)val; //if (val&0x10) vga.attr.disabled |= 2; //else vga.attr.disabled &= ~2; break; // case 0x3dd: //Extended ram page address register: // break; case 0x3de: write_tandy_reg((Bit8u)val); break; case 0x3df: // CRT/processor page register // See the comments on the PCJr version of this register. // A difference to it is: // Bit 3-5: Processor page CPU_PG // The remapped range is 32kB instead of 16. Therefore CPU_PG bit 0 // appears to be ORed with CPU A14 (to preserve some sort of // backwards compatibility?), resulting in odd pages being mapped // as 2x16kB. Implemeted in vga_memory.cpp Tandy handler. vga.tandy.line_mask = (Bit8u)(val >> 6); vga.tandy.draw_bank = val & ((vga.tandy.line_mask&2) ? 0x6 : 0x7); vga.tandy.mem_bank = (val >> 3) & 7; TandyCheckLineMask(); VGA_SetupHandlers(); break; } } static void write_pcjr(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0x3da: if (vga.tandy.pcjr_flipflop) write_tandy_reg((Bit8u)val); else { vga.tandy.reg_index=(Bit8u)val; if (vga.tandy.reg_index & 0x10) vga.attr.disabled |= 2; else vga.attr.disabled &= ~2; } vga.tandy.pcjr_flipflop=!vga.tandy.pcjr_flipflop; break; case 0x3df: // CRT/processor page register // Bit 0-2: CRT page PG0-2 // In one- and two bank modes, bit 0-2 select the 16kB memory // area of system RAM that is displayed on the screen. // In 4-banked modes, bit 1-2 select the 32kB memory area. // Bit 2 only has effect when the PCJR upgrade to 128k is installed. // Bit 3-5: Processor page CPU_PG // Selects the 16kB area of system RAM that is mapped to // the B8000h IBM PC video memory window. Since A14-A16 of the // processor are unconditionally replaced with these bits when // B8000h is accessed, the 16kB area is mapped to the 32kB // range twice in a row. (Scuba Venture writes across the boundary) // Bit 6-7: Video Address mode // 0: CRTC addresses A0-12 directly, accessing 8k characters // (+8k attributes). Used in text modes (one bank). // PG0-2 in effect. 16k range. // 1: CRTC A12 is replaced with CRTC RA0 (see max_scanline). // This results in the even/odd scanline two bank system. // PG0-2 in effect. 16k range. // 2: Documented as unused. CRTC addresses A0-12, PG0 is replaced // with RA1. Looks like nonsense. // PG1-2 in effect. 32k range which cannot be used completely. // 3: CRTC A12 is replaced with CRTC RA0, PG0 is replaced with // CRTC RA1. This results in the 4-bank mode. // PG1-2 in effect. 32k range. vga.tandy.line_mask = (Bit8u)(val >> 6); vga.tandy.draw_bank = val & ((vga.tandy.line_mask&2) ? 0x6 : 0x7); vga.tandy.mem_bank = (val >> 3) & 7; vga.tandy.draw_base = &MemBase[vga.tandy.draw_bank * 16 * 1024]; vga.tandy.mem_base = &MemBase[vga.tandy.mem_bank * 16 * 1024]; TandyCheckLineMask(); VGA_SetupHandlers(); break; } } static void CycleHercPal(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; if (++herc_pal>2) herc_pal=0; Herc_Palette(); VGA_DAC_CombineColor(1,7); } void Herc_Palette(void) { switch (herc_pal) { case 0: // White VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0x7,0x2a,0x2a,0x2a); VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0xf,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f); break; case 1: // Amber VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0x7,0x34,0x20,0x00); VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0xf,0x3f,0x34,0x00); break; case 2: // Green VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0x7,0x00,0x26,0x00); VGA_DAC_SetEntry(0xf,0x00,0x3f,0x00); break; } } static void write_hercules(Bitu port,Bitu val,Bitu /*iolen*/) { switch (port) { case 0x3b8: { // the protected bits can always be cleared but only be set if the // protection bits are set if (vga.herc.mode_control&0x2) { // already set if (!(val&0x2)) { vga.herc.mode_control &= ~0x2; VGA_SetMode(M_HERC_TEXT); } } else { // not set, can only set if protection bit is set if ((val & 0x2) && (vga.herc.enable_bits & 0x1)) { vga.herc.mode_control |= 0x2; VGA_SetMode(M_HERC_GFX); } } if (vga.herc.mode_control&0x80) { if (!(val&0x80)) { vga.herc.mode_control &= ~0x80; vga.tandy.draw_base = &vga.mem.linear[0]; } } else { if ((val & 0x80) && (vga.herc.enable_bits & 0x2)) { vga.herc.mode_control |= 0x80; vga.tandy.draw_base = &vga.mem.linear[32*1024]; } } vga.draw.blinking = (val&0x20)!=0; vga.herc.mode_control &= 0x82; vga.herc.mode_control |= val & ~0x82; break; } case 0x3bf: if ( vga.herc.enable_bits ^ val) { vga.herc.enable_bits=val; // Bit 1 enables the upper 32k of video memory, // so update the handlers VGA_SetupHandlers(); } break; } } /* static Bitu read_hercules(Bitu port,Bitu iolen) { LOG_MSG("read from Herc port %x",port); return 0; } */ Bitu read_herc_status(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu /*iolen*/) { // 3BAh (R): Status Register // bit 0 Horizontal sync // 1 Light pen status (only some cards) // 3 Video signal // 4-6 000: Hercules // 001: Hercules Plus // 101: Hercules InColor // 111: Unknown clone // 7 Vertical sync inverted double timeInFrame = PIC_FullIndex()-vga.draw.delay.framestart; Bit8u retval=0x72; // Hercules ident; from a working card (Winbond W86855AF) // Another known working card has 0x76 ("KeysoGood", full-length) if (timeInFrame < vga.draw.delay.vrstart || timeInFrame > vga.draw.delay.vrend) retval |= 0x80; double timeInLine=fmod(timeInFrame,vga.draw.delay.htotal); if (timeInLine >= vga.draw.delay.hrstart && timeInLine <= vga.draw.delay.hrend) retval |= 0x1; // 688 Attack sub checks bit 3 - as a workaround have the bit enabled // if no sync active (corresponds to a completely white screen) if ((retval&0x81)==0x80) retval |= 0x8; return retval; } void VGA_SetupOther(void) { Bitu i; memset( &vga.tandy, 0, sizeof( vga.tandy )); vga.attr.disabled = 0; vga.config.bytes_skip=0; //Initialize values common for most machines, can be overwritten vga.tandy.draw_base = vga.mem.linear; vga.tandy.mem_base = vga.mem.linear; vga.tandy.addr_mask = 8*1024 - 1; vga.tandy.line_mask = 3; vga.tandy.line_shift = 13; if (machine==MCH_CGA || IS_TANDY_ARCH) { extern Bit8u int10_font_08[256 * 8]; for (i=0;i<256;i++) memcpy(&vga.draw.font[i*32],&int10_font_08[i*8],8); vga.draw.font_tables[0]=vga.draw.font_tables[1]=vga.draw.font; } if (machine==MCH_CGA || IS_TANDY_ARCH || machine==MCH_HERC) { IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3db,write_lightpen,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3dc,write_lightpen,IO_MB); } if (machine==MCH_HERC) { extern Bit8u int10_font_14[256 * 14]; for (i=0;i<256;i++) memcpy(&vga.draw.font[i*32],&int10_font_14[i*14],14); vga.draw.font_tables[0]=vga.draw.font_tables[1]=vga.draw.font; MAPPER_AddHandler(CycleHercPal,MK_f11,0,"hercpal","Herc Pal"); } if (machine==MCH_CGA) { IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3d8,write_cga,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3d9,write_cga,IO_MB); MAPPER_AddHandler(IncreaseHue,MK_f11,MMOD2,"inchue","Inc Hue"); MAPPER_AddHandler(DecreaseHue,MK_f11,0,"dechue","Dec Hue"); MAPPER_AddHandler(CGAModel,MK_f11,MMOD1|MMOD2,"cgamodel","CGA Model"); MAPPER_AddHandler(Composite,MK_f12,0,"cgacomp","CGA Comp"); } if (machine==MCH_TANDY) { write_tandy( 0x3df, 0x0, 0 ); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3d8,write_tandy,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3d9,write_tandy,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3da,write_tandy,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3de,write_tandy,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3df,write_tandy,IO_MB); } if (machine==MCH_PCJR) { //write_pcjr will setup base address write_pcjr( 0x3df, 0x7 | (0x7 << 3), 0 ); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3da,write_pcjr,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3df,write_pcjr,IO_MB); } if (machine==MCH_HERC) { Bitu base=0x3b0; for (Bitu i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // The registers are repeated as the address is not decoded properly; // The official ports are 3b4, 3b5 IO_RegisterWriteHandler(base+i*2,write_crtc_index_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(base+i*2+1,write_crtc_data_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterReadHandler(base+i*2,read_crtc_index_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterReadHandler(base+i*2+1,read_crtc_data_other,IO_MB); } vga.herc.enable_bits=0; vga.herc.mode_control=0xa; // first mode written will be text mode vga.crtc.underline_location = 13; IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3b8,write_hercules,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(0x3bf,write_hercules,IO_MB); IO_RegisterReadHandler(0x3ba,read_herc_status,IO_MB); } else if (!IS_EGAVGA_ARCH) { Bitu base=0x3d0; for (Bitu port_ct=0; port_ct<4; port_ct++) { IO_RegisterWriteHandler(base+port_ct*2,write_crtc_index_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterWriteHandler(base+port_ct*2+1,write_crtc_data_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterReadHandler(base+port_ct*2,read_crtc_index_other,IO_MB); IO_RegisterReadHandler(base+port_ct*2+1,read_crtc_data_other,IO_MB); } } }