/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: debug_gui.cpp,v 1.38 2009-05-27 09:15:41 qbix79 Exp $ */ #include "dosbox.h" #if C_DEBUG #include "control.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "support.h" #include "regs.h" #include "debug.h" #include "debug_inc.h" struct _LogGroup { char const* front; bool enabled; }; #include #include using namespace std; #define MAX_LOG_BUFFER 500 static list logBuff; static list::iterator logBuffPos = logBuff.end(); static _LogGroup loggrp[LOG_MAX]={{"",true},{0,false}}; static FILE* debuglog; extern int old_cursor_state; void DEBUG_ShowMsg(char const* format,...) { char buf[512]; va_list msg; va_start(msg,format); vsprintf(buf,format,msg); va_end(msg); /* Add newline if not present */ Bitu len=strlen(buf); if(buf[len-1]!='\n') strcat(buf,"\n"); if(debuglog) fprintf(debuglog,"%s",buf); if (logBuffPos!=logBuff.end()) { logBuffPos=logBuff.end(); DEBUG_RefreshPage(0); // mvwprintw(dbg.win_out,dbg.win_out->_maxy-1, 0, ""); } logBuff.push_back(buf); if (logBuff.size() > MAX_LOG_BUFFER) logBuff.pop_front(); logBuffPos = logBuff.end(); wprintw(dbg.win_out,"%s",buf); wrefresh(dbg.win_out); } void DEBUG_RefreshPage(char scroll) { if (scroll==-1 && logBuffPos!=logBuff.begin()) logBuffPos--; else if (scroll==1 && logBuffPos!=logBuff.end()) logBuffPos++; list::iterator i = logBuffPos; int maxy, maxx; getmaxyx(dbg.win_out,maxy,maxx); int rem_lines = maxy; wclear(dbg.win_out); while (rem_lines > 0 && i!=logBuff.begin()) { --i; for (string::size_type posf=0, posl; (posl=(*i).find('\n',posf)) != string::npos ;posf=posl+1) rem_lines -= (int) ((posl-posf) / maxx) + 1; // len=(posl+1)-posf-1 /* Const cast is needed for pdcurses which has no const char in mvwprintw (bug maybe) */ mvwprintw(dbg.win_out,rem_lines-1, 0, const_cast((*i).c_str())); } mvwprintw(dbg.win_out,maxy-1, 0, ""); wrefresh(dbg.win_out); } void LOG::operator() (char const* format, ...){ char buf[512]; va_list msg; va_start(msg,format); vsprintf(buf,format,msg); va_end(msg); if (d_type>=LOG_MAX) return; if ((d_severity!=LOG_ERROR) && (!loggrp[d_type].enabled)) return; DEBUG_ShowMsg("%10u: %s:%s\n",cycle_count,loggrp[d_type].front,buf); } static void Draw_RegisterLayout(void) { mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,0,"EAX="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,1,0,"EBX="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,2,0,"ECX="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,3,0,"EDX="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,14,"ESI="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,1,14,"EDI="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,2,14,"EBP="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,3,14,"ESP="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,28,"DS="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,38,"ES="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,48,"FS="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,58,"GS="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,0,68,"SS="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,1,28,"CS="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,1,38,"EIP="); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,2,75,"CPL"); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,2,68,"IOPL"); mvwaddstr(dbg.win_reg,1,52,"C Z S O A P D I T "); } static void DrawBars(void) { if (has_colors()) { attrset(COLOR_PAIR(PAIR_BLACK_BLUE)); } /* Show the Register bar */ mvaddstr(dbg.win_reg->_begy-1,0, "---(Register Overview )---"); /* Show the Data Overview bar perhaps with more special stuff in the end */ mvaddstr(dbg.win_data->_begy-1,0,"---(Data Overview Scroll: page up/down)---"); /* Show the Code Overview perhaps with special stuff in bar too */ mvaddstr(dbg.win_code->_begy-1,0,"---(Code Overview Scroll: up/down )---"); /* Show the Variable Overview bar */ mvaddstr(dbg.win_var->_begy-1,0, "---(Variable Overview )---"); /* Show the Output OverView */ mvaddstr(dbg.win_out->_begy-1,0, "---(OutPut/Input Scroll: home/end )---"); attrset(0); } static void MakeSubWindows(void) { /* The Std output win should go in bottem */ /* Make all the subwindows */ int win_main_maxy, win_main_maxx; getmaxyx(dbg.win_main,win_main_maxy,win_main_maxx); int outy=1; /* The Register window */ dbg.win_reg=subwin(dbg.win_main,4,win_main_maxx,outy,0); outy+=5; /* The Data Window */ dbg.win_data=subwin(dbg.win_main,10,win_main_maxx,outy,0); outy+=11; /* The Code Window */ dbg.win_code=subwin(dbg.win_main,11,win_main_maxx,outy,0); outy+=12; /* The Variable Window */ dbg.win_var=subwin(dbg.win_main,4,win_main_maxx,outy,0); outy+=5; /* The Output Window */ dbg.win_out=subwin(dbg.win_main,win_main_maxy-outy-1,win_main_maxx,outy,0); dbg.input_y=win_main_maxy-1; scrollok(dbg.win_out,TRUE); DrawBars(); Draw_RegisterLayout(); refresh(); } static void MakePairs(void) { init_pair(PAIR_BLACK_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(PAIR_BYELLOW_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW /*| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY */, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(PAIR_GREEN_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN /*| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY */, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(PAIR_BLACK_GREY, COLOR_BLACK /*| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY */, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(PAIR_GREY_RED, COLOR_WHITE/*| FOREGROUND_INTENSITY */, COLOR_RED); } static void LOG_Destroy(Section*) { if(debuglog) fclose(debuglog); } static void LOG_Init(Section * sec) { Section_prop * sect=static_cast(sec); const char * blah=sect->Get_string("logfile"); if(blah && blah[0] &&(debuglog = fopen(blah,"wt+"))){ }else{ debuglog=0; } sect->AddDestroyFunction(&LOG_Destroy); char buf[1024]; for (Bitu i=1;iGet_bool(buf); } } void LOG_StartUp(void) { /* Setup logging groups */ loggrp[LOG_ALL].front="ALL"; loggrp[LOG_VGA].front="VGA"; loggrp[LOG_VGAGFX].front="VGAGFX"; loggrp[LOG_VGAMISC].front="VGAMISC"; loggrp[LOG_INT10].front="INT10"; loggrp[LOG_SB].front="SBLASTER"; loggrp[LOG_DMACONTROL].front="DMA_CONTROL"; loggrp[LOG_FPU].front="FPU"; loggrp[LOG_CPU].front="CPU"; loggrp[LOG_PAGING].front="PAGING"; loggrp[LOG_FCB].front="FCB"; loggrp[LOG_FILES].front="FILES"; loggrp[LOG_IOCTL].front="IOCTL"; loggrp[LOG_EXEC].front="EXEC"; loggrp[LOG_DOSMISC].front="DOSMISC"; loggrp[LOG_PIT].front="PIT"; loggrp[LOG_KEYBOARD].front="KEYBOARD"; loggrp[LOG_PIC].front="PIC"; loggrp[LOG_MOUSE].front="MOUSE"; loggrp[LOG_BIOS].front="BIOS"; loggrp[LOG_GUI].front="GUI"; loggrp[LOG_MISC].front="MISC"; loggrp[LOG_IO].front="IO"; /* Register the log section */ Section_prop * sect=control->AddSection_prop("log",LOG_Init); Prop_string* Pstring = sect->Add_string("logfile",Property::Changeable::Always,""); Pstring->Set_help("file where the log messages will be saved to"); char buf[1024]; for (Bitu i=1;iAdd_bool(buf,Property::Changeable::Always,true); Pbool->Set_help("Enable/Disable logging of this type."); } MSG_Add("LOG_CONFIGFILE_HELP","Logging related options for the debugger.\n"); } void DBGUI_StartUp(void) { /* Start the main window */ dbg.win_main=initscr(); cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ noecho(); /* don't echo input */ nodelay(dbg.win_main,true); keypad(dbg.win_main,true); #ifndef WIN32 resizeterm(50,80); touchwin(dbg.win_main); #endif old_cursor_state = curs_set(0); start_color(); cycle_count=0; MakePairs(); MakeSubWindows(); } #endif