/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The DOSBox Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* $Id: mixer.cpp,v 1.54 2009/09/05 11:10:04 qbix79 Exp $ */ /* Remove the sdl code from here and have it handeld in the sdlmain. That should call the mixer start from there or something. */ #include #include #include #if defined (WIN32) //Midi listing #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #endif #include "SDL.h" #include "mem.h" #include "pic.h" #include "dosbox.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "timer.h" #include "setup.h" #include "cross.h" #include "support.h" #include "mapper.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "programs.h" #define MIXER_SSIZE 4 #define MIXER_SHIFT 14 #define MIXER_REMAIN ((1< MIN_AUDIO) return SAMP; else return MIN_AUDIO; } else return MAX_AUDIO; } static struct { Bit32s work[MIXER_BUFSIZE][2]; Bitu pos,done; Bitu needed, min_needed, max_needed; Bit32u tick_add,tick_remain; float mastervol[2]; MixerChannel * channels; bool nosound; Bit32u freq; Bit32u blocksize; } mixer; Bit8u MixTemp[MIXER_BUFSIZE]; MixerChannel * MIXER_AddChannel(MIXER_Handler handler,Bitu freq,const char * name) { MixerChannel * chan=new MixerChannel(); chan->scale = 1.0; chan->handler=handler; chan->name=name; chan->SetFreq(freq); chan->next=mixer.channels; chan->SetVolume(1,1); chan->enabled=false; mixer.channels=chan; return chan; } MixerChannel * MIXER_FindChannel(const char * name) { MixerChannel * chan=mixer.channels; while (chan) { if (!strcasecmp(chan->name,name)) break; chan=chan->next; } return chan; } void MIXER_DelChannel(MixerChannel* delchan) { MixerChannel * chan=mixer.channels; MixerChannel * * where=&mixer.channels; while (chan) { if (chan==delchan) { *where=chan->next; delete delchan; return; } where=&chan->next; chan=chan->next; } } void MixerChannel::UpdateVolume(void) { volmul[0]=(Bits)((1 << MIXER_VOLSHIFT)*scale*volmain[0]*mixer.mastervol[0]); volmul[1]=(Bits)((1 << MIXER_VOLSHIFT)*scale*volmain[1]*mixer.mastervol[1]); } void MixerChannel::SetVolume(float _left,float _right) { volmain[0]=_left; volmain[1]=_right; UpdateVolume(); } void MixerChannel::SetScale( float f ) { scale = f; UpdateVolume(); } void MixerChannel::Enable(bool _yesno) { if (_yesno==enabled) return; enabled=_yesno; if (enabled) { freq_index=MIXER_REMAIN; SDL_LockAudio(); if (donedone) { Bitu todo=needed-done; todo *= freq_add; todo = (todo >> MIXER_SHIFT) + ((todo & MIXER_REMAIN)!=0); handler(todo); } } void MixerChannel::AddSilence(void) { if (done inline void MixerChannel::AddSamples(Bitu len, const Type* data) { Bits diff[2]; Bitu mixpos=mixer.pos+done; freq_index&=MIXER_REMAIN; Bitu pos=0;Bitu new_pos; goto thestart; for (;;) { new_pos=freq_index >> MIXER_SHIFT; if (pos=len) return; if ( sizeof( Type) == 1) { if (!signeddata) { if (stereo) { diff[0]=(((Bit8s)(data[pos*2+0] ^ 0x80)) << 8)-last[0]; diff[1]=(((Bit8s)(data[pos*2+1] ^ 0x80)) << 8)-last[1]; } else { diff[0]=(((Bit8s)(data[pos] ^ 0x80)) << 8)-last[0]; } } else { if (stereo) { diff[0]=(data[pos*2+0] << 8)-last[0]; diff[1]=(data[pos*2+1] << 8)-last[1]; } else { diff[0]=(data[pos] << 8)-last[0]; } } //16bit and 32bit both contain 16bit data internally } else { if (signeddata) { if (stereo) { if (nativeorder) { diff[0]=data[pos*2+0]-last[0]; diff[1]=data[pos*2+1]-last[1]; } else { if ( sizeof( Type) == 2) { diff[0]=(Bit16s)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos*2+0])-last[0]; diff[1]=(Bit16s)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos*2+1])-last[1]; } else { diff[0]=(Bit32s)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos*2+0])-last[0]; diff[1]=(Bit32s)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos*2+1])-last[1]; } } } else { if (nativeorder) { diff[0]=data[pos]-last[0]; } else { if ( sizeof( Type) == 2) { diff[0]=(Bit16s)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos])-last[0]; } else { diff[0]=(Bit32s)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos])-last[0]; } } } } else { if (stereo) { if (nativeorder) { diff[0]=(Bits)data[pos*2+0]-32768-last[0]; diff[1]=(Bits)data[pos*2+1]-32768-last[1]; } else { if ( sizeof( Type) == 2) { diff[0]=(Bits)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos*2+0])-32768-last[0]; diff[1]=(Bits)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos*2+1])-32768-last[1]; } else { diff[0]=(Bits)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos*2+0])-32768-last[0]; diff[1]=(Bits)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos*2+1])-32768-last[1]; } } } else { if (nativeorder) { diff[0]=(Bits)data[pos]-32768-last[0]; } else { if ( sizeof( Type) == 2) { diff[0]=(Bits)host_readw((HostPt)&data[pos])-32768-last[0]; } else { diff[0]=(Bits)host_readd((HostPt)&data[pos])-32768-last[0]; } } } } } } Bits diff_mul=freq_index & MIXER_REMAIN; freq_index+=freq_add; mixpos&=MIXER_BUFMASK; Bits sample=last[0]+((diff[0]*diff_mul) >> MIXER_SHIFT); mixer.work[mixpos][0]+=sample*volmul[0]; if (stereo) sample=last[1]+((diff[1]*diff_mul) >> MIXER_SHIFT); mixer.work[mixpos][1]+=sample*volmul[1]; mixpos++;done++; } } void MixerChannel::AddStretched(Bitu len,Bit16s * data) { if (done>=needed) { LOG_MSG("Can't add, buffer full"); return; } Bitu outlen=needed-done;Bits diff; freq_index=0; Bitu temp_add=(len << MIXER_SHIFT)/outlen; Bitu mixpos=mixer.pos+done;done=needed; Bitu pos=0; diff=data[0]-last[0]; while (outlen--) { Bitu new_pos=freq_index >> MIXER_SHIFT; if (pos> MIXER_SHIFT); mixer.work[mixpos][0]+=sample*volmul[0]; mixer.work[mixpos][1]+=sample*volmul[1]; mixpos++; } } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m8(Bitu len, const Bit8u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s8(Bitu len,const Bit8u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m8s(Bitu len,const Bit8s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s8s(Bitu len,const Bit8s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m16(Bitu len,const Bit16s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s16(Bitu len,const Bit16s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m16u(Bitu len,const Bit16u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s16u(Bitu len,const Bit16u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m32(Bitu len,const Bit32s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s32(Bitu len,const Bit32s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m16_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit16s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s16_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit16s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m16u_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit16u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s16u_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit16u * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_m32_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit32s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::AddSamples_s32_nonnative(Bitu len,const Bit32s * data) { AddSamples(len,data); } void MixerChannel::FillUp(void) { SDL_LockAudio(); if (!enabled || doneMix(needed); chan=chan->next; } if (CaptureState & (CAPTURE_WAVE|CAPTURE_VIDEO)) { Bit16s convert[1024][2]; Bitu added=needed-mixer.done; if (added>1024) added=1024; Bitu readpos=(mixer.pos+mixer.done)&MIXER_BUFMASK; for (Bitu i=0;i> MIXER_VOLSHIFT; convert[i][0]=MIXER_CLIP(sample); sample=mixer.work[readpos][1] >> MIXER_VOLSHIFT; convert[i][1]=MIXER_CLIP(sample); readpos=(readpos+1)&MIXER_BUFMASK; } CAPTURE_AddWave( mixer.freq, added, (Bit16s*)convert ); } //Reset the the tick_add for constant speed if( Mixer_irq_important() ) mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; mixer.done = needed; } static void MIXER_Mix(void) { SDL_LockAudio(); MIXER_MixData(mixer.needed); mixer.tick_remain+=mixer.tick_add; mixer.needed+=(mixer.tick_remain>>MIXER_SHIFT); mixer.tick_remain&=MIXER_REMAIN; SDL_UnlockAudio(); } static void MIXER_Mix_NoSound(void) { MIXER_MixData(mixer.needed); /* Clear piece we've just generated */ for (Bitu i=0;inext) { if (chan->done>mixer.needed) chan->done-=mixer.needed; else chan->done=0; } /* Set values for next tick */ mixer.tick_remain+=mixer.tick_add; mixer.needed=mixer.tick_remain>>MIXER_SHIFT; mixer.tick_remain&=MIXER_REMAIN; mixer.done=0; } static void MIXER_CallBack(void * userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { Bitu need=(Bitu)len/MIXER_SSIZE; Bit16s * output=(Bit16s *)stream; Bitu reduce; Bitu pos, index, index_add; Bits sample; /* Enough room in the buffer ? */ if (mixer.done < need) { // LOG_MSG("Full underrun need %d, have %d, min %d", need, mixer.done, mixer.min_needed); if((need - mixer.done) > (need >>7) ) //Max 1 procent stretch. return; reduce = mixer.done; index_add = (reduce << MIXER_SHIFT) / need; mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq+mixer.min_needed) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; } else if (mixer.done < mixer.max_needed) { Bitu left = mixer.done - need; if (left < mixer.min_needed) { if( !Mixer_irq_important() ) { Bitu needed = mixer.needed - need; Bitu diff = (mixer.min_needed>needed?mixer.min_needed:needed) - left; mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq+(diff*3)) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; left = 0; //No stretching as we compensate with the tick_add value } else { left = (mixer.min_needed - left); left = 1 + (2*left) / mixer.min_needed; //left=1,2,3 } // LOG_MSG("needed underrun need %d, have %d, min %d, left %d", need, mixer.done, mixer.min_needed, left); reduce = need - left; index_add = (reduce << MIXER_SHIFT) / need; } else { reduce = need; index_add = (1 << MIXER_SHIFT); // LOG_MSG("regular run need %d, have %d, min %d, left %d", need, mixer.done, mixer.min_needed, left); /* Mixer tick value being updated: * 3 cases: * 1) A lot too high. >division by 5. but maxed by 2* min to prevent too fast drops. * 2) A little too high > division by 8 * 3) A little to nothing above the min_needed buffer > go to default value */ Bitu diff = left - mixer.min_needed; if(diff > (mixer.min_needed<<1)) diff = mixer.min_needed<<1; if(diff > (mixer.min_needed>>1)) mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq-(diff/5)) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; else if (diff > (mixer.min_needed>>4)) mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq-(diff>>3)) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; else mixer.tick_add = (mixer.freq<< MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; } } else { /* There is way too much data in the buffer */ // LOG_MSG("overflow run need %d, have %d, min %d", need, mixer.done, mixer.min_needed); if (mixer.done > MIXER_BUFSIZE) index_add = MIXER_BUFSIZE - 2*mixer.min_needed; else index_add = mixer.done - 2*mixer.min_needed; index_add = (index_add << MIXER_SHIFT) / need; reduce = mixer.done - 2* mixer.min_needed; mixer.tick_add = ((mixer.freq-(mixer.min_needed/5)) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; } /* Reduce done count in all channels */ for (MixerChannel * chan=mixer.channels;chan;chan=chan->next) { if (chan->done>reduce) chan->done-=reduce; else chan->done=0; } // Reset mixer.tick_add when irqs are important if( Mixer_irq_important() ) mixer.tick_add=(mixer.freq<< MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; mixer.done -= reduce; mixer.needed -= reduce; pos = mixer.pos; mixer.pos = (mixer.pos + reduce) & MIXER_BUFMASK; index = 0; if(need != reduce) { while (need--) { Bitu i = (pos + (index >> MIXER_SHIFT )) & MIXER_BUFMASK; index += index_add; sample=mixer.work[i][0]>>MIXER_VOLSHIFT; *output++=MIXER_CLIP(sample); sample=mixer.work[i][1]>>MIXER_VOLSHIFT; *output++=MIXER_CLIP(sample); } /* Clean the used buffer */ while (reduce--) { pos &= MIXER_BUFMASK; mixer.work[pos][0]=0; mixer.work[pos][1]=0; pos++; } } else { while (reduce--) { pos &= MIXER_BUFMASK; sample=mixer.work[pos][0]>>MIXER_VOLSHIFT; *output++=MIXER_CLIP(sample); sample=mixer.work[pos][1]>>MIXER_VOLSHIFT; *output++=MIXER_CLIP(sample); mixer.work[pos][0]=0; mixer.work[pos][1]=0; pos++; } } } static void MIXER_Stop(Section* sec) { } class MIXER : public Program { public: void MakeVolume(char * scan,float & vol0,float & vol1) { Bitu w=0; bool db=(toupper(*scan)=='D'); if (db) scan++; while (*scan) { if (*scan==':') { ++scan;w=1; } char * before=scan; float val=(float)strtod(scan,&scan); if (before==scan) { ++scan;continue; } if (!db) val/=100; else val=powf(10.0f,(float)val/20.0f); if (val<0) val=1.0f; if (!w) { vol0=val; } else { vol1=val; } } if (!w) vol1=vol0; } void Run(void) { if(cmd->FindExist("/LISTMIDI")) { ListMidi(); return; } if (cmd->FindString("MASTER",temp_line,false)) { MakeVolume((char *)temp_line.c_str(),mixer.mastervol[0],mixer.mastervol[1]); } MixerChannel * chan=mixer.channels; while (chan) { if (cmd->FindString(chan->name,temp_line,false)) { MakeVolume((char *)temp_line.c_str(),chan->volmain[0],chan->volmain[1]); } chan->UpdateVolume(); chan=chan->next; } if (cmd->FindExist("/NOSHOW")) return; chan=mixer.channels; WriteOut("Channel Main Main(dB)\n"); ShowVolume("MASTER",mixer.mastervol[0],mixer.mastervol[1]); for (chan=mixer.channels;chan;chan=chan->next) ShowVolume(chan->name,chan->volmain[0],chan->volmain[1]); } private: void ShowVolume(const char * name,float vol0,float vol1) { WriteOut("%-8s %3.0f:%-3.0f %+3.2f:%-+3.2f \n",name, vol0*100,vol1*100, 20*log(vol0)/log(10.0f),20*log(vol1)/log(10.0f) ); } void ListMidi(){ #if defined (WIN32) unsigned int total = midiOutGetNumDevs(); for(unsigned int i=0;i 31) E_Exit("Too long mixer channel name"); safe_strncpy(m_name,name,32); installed = true; return MIXER_AddChannel(handler,freq,name); } else { E_Exit("allready added mixer channel."); return 0; //Compiler happy } } MixerObject::~MixerObject(){ if(!installed) return; MIXER_DelChannel(MIXER_FindChannel(m_name)); } void MIXER_Init(Section* sec) { sec->AddDestroyFunction(&MIXER_Stop); Section_prop * section=static_cast(sec); /* Read out config section */ mixer.freq=section->Get_int("rate"); mixer.nosound=section->Get_bool("nosound"); mixer.blocksize=section->Get_int("blocksize"); /* Initialize the internal stuff */ mixer.channels=0; mixer.pos=0; mixer.done=0; memset(mixer.work,0,sizeof(mixer.work)); mixer.mastervol[0]=1.0f; mixer.mastervol[1]=1.0f; /* Start the Mixer using SDL Sound at 22 khz */ SDL_AudioSpec spec; SDL_AudioSpec obtained; spec.freq=mixer.freq; spec.format=AUDIO_S16SYS; spec.channels=2; spec.callback=MIXER_CallBack; spec.userdata=NULL; spec.samples=(Uint16)mixer.blocksize; mixer.tick_remain=0; if (mixer.nosound) { LOG_MSG("MIXER:No Sound Mode Selected."); mixer.tick_add=((mixer.freq) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; TIMER_AddTickHandler(MIXER_Mix_NoSound); } else if (SDL_OpenAudio(&spec, &obtained) <0 ) { mixer.nosound = true; LOG_MSG("MIXER:Can't open audio: %s , running in nosound mode.",SDL_GetError()); mixer.tick_add=((mixer.freq) << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; TIMER_AddTickHandler(MIXER_Mix_NoSound); } else { mixer.freq=obtained.freq; mixer.blocksize=obtained.samples; mixer.tick_add=(mixer.freq << MIXER_SHIFT)/1000; TIMER_AddTickHandler(MIXER_Mix); SDL_PauseAudio(0); } mixer.min_needed=section->Get_int("prebuffer"); if (mixer.min_needed>100) mixer.min_needed=100; mixer.min_needed=(mixer.freq*mixer.min_needed)/1000; mixer.max_needed=mixer.blocksize * 2 + 2*mixer.min_needed; mixer.needed=mixer.min_needed+1; PROGRAMS_MakeFile("MIXER.COM",MIXER_ProgramStart); }