2024-04-02 16:16:29 +02:00

173 lines
6.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
fwpack - Pack/Unpack DRC/DRH firmware files
Created in 2024 by GaryOderNichts
Credits to drxtool for the firmware header logic and extracted files structure.
import sys, os
import binascii
import construct
class FirmwareType:
FIRMWARE_TYPE_DRC = 0x01010000
FIRMWARE_TYPE_DRH = 0x00010000
BlobHeader = construct.Struct(
"imageVersion" / construct.Int32ub,
"blockSize" / construct.Int32ub,
"sequencePerSession" / construct.Int32ub,
"imageSize" / construct.Int32ub,
assert(BlobHeader.sizeof() == 0x10)
FirmwareHeader = construct.Struct(
"type" / construct.Int32ul,
"superCRCs" / construct.Array(4, construct.Int32ul),
"headerCRC" / construct.Int32ul,
"subCRCs" / construct.Array(0x1000, construct.Int32ul),
assert(FirmwareHeader.sizeof() == 0x5000)
FirmwareSection = construct.Struct(
"offset" / construct.Int32ul,
"size" / construct.Int32ul,
"name" / construct.PaddedString(4, "ascii"),
"version" / construct.Int32ul,
assert(FirmwareSection.sizeof() == 0x10)
FirmwareFile = construct.Struct(
"blobHeader" / BlobHeader,
"firmwareHeader" / FirmwareHeader,
"firmwareData" / construct.Bytes(construct.this.blobHeader.imageSize - FirmwareHeader.sizeof()),
# Thanks to drxtool for the crctable logic
def verify_firmware_header(fw) -> bool:
# Verify header CRC
header_crc = binascii.crc32(FirmwareHeader.build(fw.firmwareHeader)[0:0xFFC])
if header_crc != fw.firmwareHeader.headerCRC:
return False
# Verify super crcs
subcrc_data = construct.Array(0x1000, construct.Int32ul).build(fw.firmwareHeader.subCRCs)
for i in range(4):
super_crc = binascii.crc32(subcrc_data[i*0x1000:i*0x1000+0x1000])
if super_crc != fw.firmwareHeader.superCRCs[i]:
return False
# Verify sub crcs
for i in range(len(fw.firmwareData) // 0x1000 + 1):
offset = i * 0x1000
length = 0x1000
if len(fw.firmwareData) - offset < length:
length = len(fw.firmwareData) - offset
sub_crc = binascii.crc32(fw.firmwareData[offset:offset + length])
if sub_crc != fw.firmwareHeader.subCRCs[i]:
return False
return True
def build_firmware_header(blob_type, firmware_data) -> dict:
# Calculate CRC for every 0x1000 bytes of firmware data
sub_crcs = [0] * 0x1000
for i in range(len(firmware_data) // 0x1000 + 1):
offset = i * 0x1000
length = 0x1000
if len(firmware_data) - offset < length:
length = len(firmware_data) - offset
sub_crcs[i] = binascii.crc32(firmware_data[offset:offset + length])
# Calculate the super CRCs
super_crcs = [0] * 4
subcrc_data = construct.Array(0x1000, construct.Int32ul).build(sub_crcs)
for i in range(4):
super_crcs[i] = binascii.crc32(subcrc_data[i*0x1000:i*0x1000+0x1000])
firmware_header = dict(type=blob_type, superCRCs=super_crcs, headerCRC=0, subCRCs=sub_crcs)
# Calculate the header CRC
firmware_header["headerCRC"] = binascii.crc32(FirmwareHeader.build(firmware_header)[0:0xFFC])
return firmware_header
def unpack_firmware(source_file, dest_dir):
fw = FirmwareFile.parse_file(source_file)
if not verify_firmware_header(fw):
print("Firmware header verification failed")
if fw.firmwareHeader.type == FirmwareType.FIRMWARE_TYPE_DRC:
print(f"DRC firmware version 0x{fw.blobHeader.imageVersion:08x}")
elif fw.firmwareHeader.type == FirmwareType.FIRMWARE_TYPE_DRH:
print(f"DRH firmware version 0x{fw.blobHeader.imageVersion:08x}")
print(f"Unsupported firmware type 0x{fw.firmwareHeader.type:08x}")
if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
# Write blob header and type
BlobHeader.build_file(fw.blobHeader, os.path.join(dest_dir, "blob_header.bin"))
construct.Int32ul.build_file(fw.firmwareHeader.type, os.path.join(dest_dir, "blob_type.bin"))
# Assume first part of the data is the index
index = FirmwareSection.parse(fw.firmwareData)
# Parse sections
sections = construct.Array(index.size // FirmwareSection.sizeof(), FirmwareSection).parse(fw.firmwareData)
for s in sections:
print(f"Saving {s.name} version 0x{s.version:08x} offset 0x{s.offset} size 0x{s.size}")
# write section to file
with open(os.path.join(dest_dir, s.name + ".bin"), "wb") as f:
f.write(fw.firmwareData[s.offset:s.offset + s.size])
def pack_firmware(source_dir, dest_file):
# Read blob header and type
blob_header = BlobHeader.parse_file(os.path.join(source_dir, "blob_header.bin"))
blob_type = construct.Int32ul.parse_file(os.path.join(source_dir, "blob_type.bin"))
# Parse sections from INDX
firmware_data = b""
sections = construct.GreedyRange(FirmwareSection).parse_file(os.path.join(source_dir, "INDX.bin"))
for s in sections:
print(f"Storing {s.name}...")
# read section data
section_data = b""
with open(os.path.join(source_dir, s.name + ".bin"), "rb") as f:
section_data = f.read()
# update section
s.size = len(section_data)
s.offset = len(firmware_data)
firmware_data += section_data
# Update total image size
blob_header.imageSize = FirmwareHeader.sizeof() + len(firmware_data)
# Build the final image size
FirmwareFile.build_file(dict(blobHeader=blob_header, firmwareHeader=build_firmware_header(blob_type, firmware_data), firmwareData=firmware_data), dest_file)
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print(f"Usage:\n{sys.argv[0]} <unpack/pack> <source> <destination>")
if sys.argv[1] == "unpack":
print(f"Unpacking {sys.argv[2]}...")
unpack_firmware(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
elif sys.argv[1] == "pack":
print(f"Packing {sys.argv[3]}...")
pack_firmware(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
print(f"Unknown mode \"{sys.argv[1]}\"")