2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Text ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
namespace DSDecmp
unsafe class Program
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
static uint MAX_OUTSIZE = 0xA00000 ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
const int N = 4096 , F = 18 ;
const byte THRESHOLD = 2 ;
const int NIL = N ;
static bool showAlways = true ;
const int LZ77_TAG = 0x10 , LZSS_TAG = 0x11 , RLE_TAG = 0x30 , HUFF_TAG = 0x20 , NONE_TAG = 0x00 ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
static bool CopyErrors = false ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( args . Length = = 0 ) { Usage ( ) ; return ; }
if ( args [ 0 ] = = "-ce" )
CopyErrors = true ;
string [ ] newArgs = new string [ args . Length - 1 ] ;
Array . Copy ( args , 1 , newArgs , 0 , newArgs . Length ) ;
args = newArgs ;
if ( args . Length = = 1 )
if ( Directory . Exists ( args [ 0 ] ) ) // only directory given? output to same directory
args = new string [ ] { args [ 0 ] , args [ 0 ] } ;
else if ( File . Exists ( args [ 0 ] ) ) // only file given? output to same dir as file
args = new string [ ] { args [ 0 ] , Directory . GetParent ( args [ 0 ] ) . FullName } ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( args . Length ! = 2 & & args . Length ! = 3 )
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Usage ( ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
return ;
if ( args . Length = = 3 )
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
MAX_OUTSIZE = uint . Parse ( args [ 2 ] , System . Globalization . NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ; /**/
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
args [ 0 ] = makeSlashes ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
args [ 1 ] = makeSlashes ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( args [ 1 ] ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( args [ 0 ] ) ) /**/
Decompress ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] ) ;
DecompressFolder ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] ) ; /**/
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
private static void Usage ( )
Console . WriteLine ( "useage: DSDecmp (-ce) infile [outfolder [maxlen]]\nor: DSDecmp (-ce) infolder [outfolder [maxlen]]" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "maxlen is optional and hexadecimal, and all files that would be larger than maxlen when decompressed are ignored" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "adding the -ce flag will copy every file that generates an error while processing to the output dir, and does not wait for user confirmation." ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
private static void WriteDebug ( string s )
System . Diagnostics . Debug . WriteLine ( s ) ;
if ( showAlways )
Console . WriteLine ( s ) ;
#region method : DecompressFolder
private static void DecompressFolder ( string inflr , string outflr )
showAlways = false ; // only print errors/failures
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) & & ! outflr . EndsWith ( "\\" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
StreamWriter sw = null ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( inflr ) )
Console . WriteLine ( "No such file or folder: " + inflr ) ;
return ;
string [ ] files = Directory . GetFiles ( inflr ) ;
foreach ( string fname in files )
Decompress ( makeSlashes ( fname ) , outflr ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
if ( sw = = null )
sw = new StreamWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + "lzsslog.txt" , FileMode . Create ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( e . Message ) ;
sw . WriteLine ( e . Message ) ;
string copied = fname . Replace ( inflr , outflr ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( copied ) )
File . Copy ( fname , copied ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Done decompressing files in folder " + inflr ) ;
if ( sw ! = null )
Console . WriteLine ( "Errors have been logged to " + outflr + "lzsslog.txt" ) ;
sw . Flush ( ) ;
sw . Close ( ) ;
#region Method : Decompress
static void Decompress ( string filein , string outflr )
FileStream fstr = File . OpenRead ( filein ) ;
if ( fstr . Length > int . MaxValue )
throw new Exception ( "Files larger than 2GB cannot be decompressed by this program." ) ;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( fstr ) ;
byte tag = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
br . Close ( ) ;
switch ( tag > > 4 )
case LZ77_TAG > > 4 :
if ( tag = = LZ77_TAG )
DecompressLZ77 ( filein , outflr ) ;
else if ( tag = = LZSS_TAG )
Decompress11LZS ( filein , outflr ) ;
CopyFile ( filein , outflr ) ;
break ;
case RLE_TAG > > 4 : DecompressRLE ( filein , outflr ) ; break ;
case NONE_TAG > > 4 : DecompressNone ( filein , outflr ) ; break ;
case HUFF_TAG > > 4 : DecompressHuffman ( filein , outflr ) ; break ;
default : CopyFile ( filein , outflr ) ; break ;
catch ( InvalidDataException )
CopyFile ( filein , outflr ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Console . WriteLine ( "Could not properly decompress {0:s};" , filein ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( e . Message ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( e . StackTrace ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( CopyErrors )
CopyFile ( filein , outflr ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
#region Method : CopyFile
/// <summary>
/// Copies a file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filein">The input file</param>
/// <param name="outflr">The output folder. (the file keeps its name, other files get overwritten)</param>
static void CopyFile ( string filein , string outflr )
filein = makeSlashes ( filein ) ;
string outfname = filein . Substring ( filein . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
outfname = outflr + outfname ;
File . Copy ( filein , outfname , true ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Copied " + filein + " to " + outflr ) ;
#region RLE
static void DecompressRLE ( string filein , string outflr )
/ * SWI 14 h ( GBA / NDS7 / NDS9 ) - RLUnCompWram
SWI 15 h ( GBA / NDS7 / NDS9 ) - RLUnCompVram ( NDS : with Callback )
Expands run - length compressed data . The Wram function is faster , and writes in units of 8 bits . For the Vram function the destination must be halfword aligned , data is written in units of 16 bits .
If the size of the compressed data is not a multiple of 4 , please adjust it as much as possible by padding with 0. Align the source address to a 4 Byte boundary .
r0 Source Address , pointing to data as such :
Data header ( 32 bit )
Bit 0 - 3 Reserved
Bit 4 - 7 Compressed type ( must be 3 for run - length )
Bit 8 - 31 Size of decompressed data
Repeat below . Each Flag Byte followed by one or more Data Bytes .
Flag data ( 8 bit )
Bit 0 - 6 Expanded Data Length ( uncompressed N - 1 , compressed N - 3 )
Bit 7 Flag ( 0 = uncompressed , 1 = compressed )
Data Byte ( s ) - N uncompressed bytes , or 1 byte repeated N times
r1 Destination Address
r2 Callback parameter ( NDS SWI 15 h only , see Callback notes below )
r3 Callback structure ( NDS SWI 15 h only , see Callback notes below )
Return : No return value , Data written to destination address . * /
FileStream fstr = new FileStream ( filein , FileMode . Open ) ;
if ( fstr . Length > int . MaxValue )
throw new Exception ( "Files larger than 2GB cannot be RLE-compressed files." ) ;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( fstr ) ;
long decomp_size = 0 , curr_size = 0 ;
int i , rl ;
byte flag , b ;
bool compressed ;
if ( br . ReadByte ( ) ! = RLE_TAG )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "File {0:s} is not a valid RLE file" , filein ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE )
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} and will not be decompressed." , filein , MAX_OUTSIZE ) ) ;
if ( showAlways )
Console . WriteLine ( "Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})" , filein , decomp_size ) ;
#region decompress
byte [ ] outdata = new byte [ decomp_size ] ;
while ( true )
// get tag
try { flag = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; }
compressed = ( flag & 0x80 ) > 0 ;
rl = flag & 0x7F ;
if ( compressed )
rl + = 3 ;
rl + = 1 ;
//curr_size += rl;
if ( compressed )
try { b = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; } // throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid RLE format in file {0:s}; incomplete data near EOF.", filein)); }
for ( i = 0 ; i < rl ; i + + )
outdata [ curr_size + + ] = b ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < rl ; i + + )
try { outdata [ curr_size + + ] = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; } // throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid RLE format in file {0:s}; incomplete data near EOF.", filein)); }
if ( curr_size > decomp_size )
Console . WriteLine ( "curr_size > decomp_size; {0:x}>{1:x}" , curr_size , decomp_size ) ;
break ; // throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZSS file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
if ( curr_size = = decomp_size )
break ;
#region save
string ext = "" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( ( char ) outdata [ i ] ) )
ext + = ( char ) outdata [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ext . Length = = 0 )
ext = "dat" ;
ext = "." + ext ;
filein = filein . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
outflr = outflr . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
string outfname = filein . Substring ( filein . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( outfname . Contains ( "." ) )
outfname = outfname . Substring ( 0 , outfname . LastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
/ * while ( File . Exists ( outflr + outfname + ext ) )
outfname + = "_" ; /**/
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + outfname + ext , FileMode . Create ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < outdata . Length ; i + + )
bw . Write ( outdata [ i ] ) ;
bw . Flush ( ) ;
bw . Close ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "RLE decompressed " + filein ) ;
#region Huffman
static void DecompressHuffman ( String filename , String outflr )
/ *
Data Header ( 32 bit )
Bit0 - 3 Data size in bit units ( normally 4 or 8 )
Bit4 - 7 Compressed type ( must be 2 for Huffman )
Bit8 - 31 24 bit size of decompressed data in bytes
Tree Size ( 8 bit )
Bit0 - 7 Size of Tree Table / 2 - 1 ( ie . Offset to Compressed Bitstream )
Tree Table ( list of 8 bit nodes , starting with the root node )
Root Node and Non - Data - Child Nodes are :
Bit0 - 5 Offset to next child node ,
Next child node0 is at ( CurrentAddr AND NOT 1 ) + Offset * 2 + 2
Next child node1 is at ( CurrentAddr AND NOT 1 ) + Offset * 2 + 2 + 1
Bit6 Node1 End Flag ( 1 = Next child node is data )
Bit7 Node0 End Flag ( 1 = Next child node is data )
Data nodes are ( when End Flag was set in parent node ) :
Bit0 - 7 Data ( upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8 )
Compressed Bitstream ( stored in units of 32 bits )
Bit0 - 31 Node Bits ( Bit31 = First Bit ) ( 0 = Node0 , 1 = Node1 )
* /
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( File . OpenRead ( filename ) ) ;
byte firstByte = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
int dataSize = firstByte & 0x0F ;
if ( ( firstByte & 0xF0 ) ! = HUFF_TAG )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "Invalid huffman comressed file; invalid tag {0:x}" , firstByte ) ) ;
//Console.WriteLine("Data size: {0:x}", dataSize);
if ( dataSize ! = 8 & & dataSize ! = 4 )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "Unhandled dataSize {0:x}" , dataSize ) ) ;
int decomp_size = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
decomp_size | = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
//Console.WriteLine("Decompressed size: {0:x}", decomp_size);
byte treeSize = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
HuffTreeNode . maxInpos = 4 + ( treeSize + 1 ) * 2 ;
//Console.WriteLine("Tree Size: {0:x}", treeSize);
HuffTreeNode rootNode = new HuffTreeNode ( ) ;
rootNode . parseData ( br ) ;
//Console.WriteLine("Tree: {0:s}", rootNode.ToString());
br . BaseStream . Position = 4 + ( treeSize + 1 ) * 2 ; // go to start of coded bitstream.
// read all data
uint [ ] indata = new uint [ ( br . BaseStream . Length - br . BaseStream . Position ) / 4 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < indata . Length ; i + + )
indata [ i ] = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
long curr_size = 0 ;
decomp_size * = dataSize = = 8 ? 1 : 2 ;
byte [ ] outdata = new byte [ decomp_size ] ;
int idx = - 1 ;
string codestr = "" ;
LinkedList < byte > code = new LinkedList < byte > ( ) ;
int value ;
while ( curr_size < decomp_size )
codestr + = uint_to_bits ( indata [ + + idx ] ) ;
catch ( IndexOutOfRangeException e )
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ( "not enough data." , e ) ;
while ( codestr . Length > 0 )
code . AddFirst ( byte . Parse ( codestr [ 0 ] + "" ) ) ;
codestr = codestr . Remove ( 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( rootNode . getValue ( code . Last , out value ) )
outdata [ curr_size + + ] = ( byte ) value ;
catch ( IndexOutOfRangeException ex )
if ( code . First . Value ! = 0 )
throw ex ;
code . Clear ( ) ;
if ( codestr . Length > 0 | | idx < indata . Length - 1 )
while ( idx < indata . Length - 1 )
codestr + = uint_to_bits ( indata [ + + idx ] ) ;
codestr = codestr . Replace ( "0" , "" ) ;
if ( codestr . Length > 0 )
Console . WriteLine ( "too much data; str={0:s}, idx={1:g}/{2:g}" , codestr , idx , indata . Length ) ;
byte [ ] realout ;
if ( dataSize = = 4 )
realout = new byte [ decomp_size / 2 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < decomp_size / 2 ; i + + )
if ( ( outdata [ i * 2 ] & 0xF0 ) > 0
| | ( outdata [ i * 2 + 1 ] & 0xF0 ) > 0 )
throw new Exception ( "first 4 bits of data should be 0 if dataSize = 4" ) ;
realout [ i ] = ( byte ) ( ( outdata [ i * 2 ] < < 4 ) | outdata [ i * 2 + 1 ] ) ;
realout = outdata ;
#region save
string ext = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( ( char ) realout [ i ] ) )
ext + = ( char ) realout [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ext . Length = = 0 )
ext = "dat" ;
ext = "." + ext ;
filename = filename . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
outflr = outflr . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
string outfname = filename . Substring ( filename . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( outfname . Contains ( "." ) )
outfname = outfname . Substring ( 0 , outfname . LastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
while ( File . Exists ( outflr + outfname + ext ) )
outfname + = "_" ;
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + outfname + ext , FileMode . CreateNew ) ) ;
bw . Write ( realout ) ;
bw . Flush ( ) ;
bw . Close ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Huffman decompressed {0:s}" , filename ) ;
#region None
private static void DecompressNone ( string filein , string outflr )
FileStream fstr = new FileStream ( filein , FileMode . Open ) ;
if ( fstr . Length > int . MaxValue )
throw new Exception ( "Filer larger than 2GB cannot be NONE-compressed files." ) ;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( fstr ) ;
long decomp_size = 0 ;
int i ;
if ( br . ReadByte ( ) ! = NONE_TAG )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "File {0:s} is not a valid NONE file, it does not have the NONE-tag as first byte" , filein ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size ! = fstr . Length - 0x04 )
throw new InvalidDataException ( "File {0:s} is not a valid NONE file, the decompression size shold be the file size - 4" ) ;
#region save
string ext = "" ;
char c ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( c = ( char ) br . ReadByte ( ) ) )
ext + = c ;
break ;
if ( ext . Length = = 0 )
ext = "dat" ;
ext = "." + ext ;
br . BaseStream . Position - = i = = 4 ? 4 : i + 1 ;
filein = filein . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
outflr = outflr . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
string outfname = filein . Substring ( filein . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( outfname . Contains ( "." ) )
outfname = outfname . Substring ( 0 , outfname . LastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
while ( File . Exists ( outflr + outfname + ext ) )
outfname + = "_" ;
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + outfname + ext , FileMode . CreateNew ) ) ;
bw . Write ( br . ReadBytes ( ( int ) decomp_size ) ) ;
bw . Flush ( ) ;
bw . Close ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "NONE-decompressed {0:s}" , filein ) ;
#region tag 0x10 LZ77
static void DecompressLZ77 ( string filein , string outflr )
/ * Data header ( 32 bit )
Bit 0 - 3 Reserved
Bit 4 - 7 Compressed type ( must be 1 for LZ77 )
Bit 8 - 31 Size of decompressed data
Repeat below . Each Flag Byte followed by eight Blocks .
Flag data ( 8 bit )
Bit 0 - 7 Type Flags for next 8 Blocks , MSB first
Block Type 0 - Uncompressed - Copy 1 Byte from Source to Dest
Bit 0 - 7 One data byte to be copied to dest
Block Type 1 - Compressed - Copy N + 3 Bytes from Dest - Disp - 1 to Dest
Bit 0 - 3 Disp MSBs
Bit 4 - 7 Number of bytes to copy ( minus 3 )
Bit 8 - 15 Disp LSBs
* /
FileStream fstr = new FileStream ( filein , FileMode . Open ) ;
if ( fstr . Length > int . MaxValue )
throw new Exception ( "Filer larger than 2GB cannot be RLE-compressed files." ) ;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( fstr ) ;
long decomp_size = 0 , curr_size = 0 ;
int flags , i , j , disp , n ;
bool flag ;
byte b ;
long cdest ;
if ( br . ReadByte ( ) ! = LZ77_TAG )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file" , filein ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE )
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed." , filein , MAX_OUTSIZE , decomp_size ) ) ;
else if ( decomp_size = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE < < 8 )
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed." , filein , MAX_OUTSIZE , decomp_size ) ) ;
if ( showAlways )
Console . WriteLine ( "Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})" , filein , decomp_size ) ;
#region decompress
byte [ ] outdata = new byte [ decomp_size ] ;
while ( curr_size < decomp_size )
try { flags = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; }
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
flag = ( flags & ( 0x80 > > i ) ) > 0 ;
if ( flag )
disp = 0 ;
try { b = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
n = b > > 4 ;
disp = ( b & 0x0F ) < < 8 ;
try { disp | = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
n + = 3 ;
cdest = curr_size ;
//Console.WriteLine("disp: 0x{0:x}", disp);
if ( disp > curr_size )
throw new Exception ( "Cannot go back more than already written" ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < n ; j + + )
outdata [ curr_size + + ] = outdata [ cdest - disp - 1 + j ] ;
//curr_size += len;
if ( curr_size > decomp_size )
//throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}.", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
break ;
try { b = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; } // throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
try { outdata [ curr_size + + ] = b ; }
catch ( IndexOutOfRangeException ) { if ( b = = 0 ) break ; }
if ( curr_size > decomp_size )
//throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
break ;
while ( br . ReadByte ( ) = = 0 ) { } // if we read a non-zero, print that there is still some data
Console . WriteLine ( "Too many data in file; current INPOS = {0:x}" , br . BaseStream . Position - 1 ) ;
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { }
#region save
string ext = "" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( ( char ) outdata [ i ] ) )
ext + = ( char ) outdata [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ext . Length = = 0 )
ext = "dat" ;
ext = "." + ext ;
filein = filein . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
outflr = outflr . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
string outfname = filein . Substring ( filein . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( outfname . Contains ( "." ) )
outfname = outfname . Substring ( 0 , outfname . LastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
while ( File . Exists ( outflr + outfname + ext ) )
outfname + = "_" ;
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + outfname + ext , FileMode . CreateNew ) ) ;
bw . Write ( outdata ) ;
bw . Flush ( ) ;
bw . Close ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "LZ77 Decompressed " + filein ) ;
#region tag 0x11 LZSS
static void Decompress11LZS ( string filein , string outflr )
/ * Data header ( 32 bit )
Bit 0 - 3 Reserved
Bit 4 - 7 Compressed type ( must be 1 for LZ77 )
Bit 8 - 31 Size of decompressed data . if 0 , the next 4 bytes are decompressed length
Repeat below . Each Flag Byte followed by eight Blocks .
Flag data ( 8 bit )
Bit 0 - 7 Type Flags for next 8 Blocks , MSB first
Block Type 0 - Uncompressed - Copy 1 Byte from Source to Dest
Bit 0 - 7 One data byte to be copied to dest
Block Type 1 - Compressed - Copy LEN Bytes from Dest - Disp - 1 to Dest
If Reserved is 0 : - Default
Bit 0 - 3 Disp MSBs
Bit 4 - 7 LEN - 3
Bit 8 - 15 Disp LSBs
If Reserved is 1 : - Higher compression rates for files with ( lots of ) long repetitions
Bit 4 - 7 Indicator
If Indicator > 1 :
Bit 0 - 3 Disp MSBs
Bit 4 - 7 LEN - 1 ( same bits as Indicator )
Bit 8 - 15 Disp LSBs
If Indicator is 1 :
Bit 0 - 3 and 8 - 19 LEN - 0x111
Bit 20 - 31 Disp
If Indicator is 0 :
Bit 0 - 3 and 8 - 11 LEN - 0x11
Bit 12 - 23 Disp
* /
FileStream fstr = new FileStream ( filein , FileMode . Open ) ;
if ( fstr . Length > int . MaxValue )
throw new Exception ( "Filer larger than 2GB cannot be LZSS-compressed files." ) ;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader ( fstr ) ;
int decomp_size = 0 , curr_size = 0 ;
int i , j , disp , len ;
bool flag ;
byte b1 , bt , b2 , b3 , flags ;
int cdest ;
int threshold = 1 ;
if ( br . ReadByte ( ) ! = LZSS_TAG )
throw new InvalidDataException ( String . Format ( "File {0:s} is not a valid LZSS-11 file" , filein ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE )
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (1)" , filein , MAX_OUTSIZE , decomp_size ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
else if ( decomp_size = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
decomp_size + = br . ReadByte ( ) < < ( i * 8 ) ;
if ( decomp_size > MAX_OUTSIZE < < 8 )
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "{0:s} will be larger than 0x{1:x} (0x{2:x}) and will not be decompressed. (2)" , filein , MAX_OUTSIZE , decomp_size ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( showAlways )
Console . WriteLine ( "Decompressing {0:s}. (outsize: 0x{1:x})" , filein , decomp_size ) ;
byte [ ] outdata = new byte [ decomp_size ] ;
while ( curr_size < decomp_size )
try { flags = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; }
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 & & curr_size < decomp_size ; i + + )
flag = ( flags & ( 0x80 > > i ) ) > 0 ;
if ( flag )
try { b1 = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
switch ( b1 > > 4 )
#region case 0
case 0 :
// ab cd ef
// =>
// len = abc + 0x11 = bc + 0x11
// disp = def
len = b1 < < 4 ;
try { bt = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
len | = bt > > 4 ;
len + = 0x11 ;
disp = ( bt & 0x0F ) < < 8 ;
try { b2 = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
disp | = b2 ;
break ;
#region case 1
case 1 :
// ab cd ef gh
// =>
// len = bcde + 0x111
// disp = fgh
// 10 04 92 3F => disp = 0x23F, len = 0x149 + 0x11 = 0x15A
try { bt = br . ReadByte ( ) ; b2 = br . ReadByte ( ) ; b3 = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
len = ( b1 & 0xF ) < < 12 ; // len = b000
len | = bt < < 4 ; // len = bcd0
len | = ( b2 > > 4 ) ; // len = bcde
len + = 0x111 ; // len = bcde + 0x111
disp = ( b2 & 0x0F ) < < 8 ; // disp = f
disp | = b3 ; // disp = fgh
break ;
#region other
default :
// ab cd
// =>
// len = a + threshold = a + 1
// disp = bcd
len = ( b1 > > 4 ) + threshold ;
disp = ( b1 & 0x0F ) < < 8 ;
try { b2 = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { throw new Exception ( "Incomplete data" ) ; }
disp | = b2 ;
break ;
if ( disp > curr_size )
throw new Exception ( "Cannot go back more than already written" ) ;
cdest = curr_size ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < len & & curr_size < decomp_size ; j + + )
outdata [ curr_size + + ] = outdata [ cdest - disp - 1 + j ] ;
if ( curr_size > decomp_size )
//throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}.", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
break ;
try { outdata [ curr_size + + ] = br . ReadByte ( ) ; }
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { break ; } // throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
if ( curr_size > decomp_size )
//throw new Exception(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header", filein));
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File {0:s} is not a valid LZ77 file; actual output size > output size in header; {1:x} > {2:x}", filein, curr_size, decomp_size));
break ;
while ( br . ReadByte ( ) = = 0 ) { } // if we read a non-zero, print that there is still some data
Console . WriteLine ( "Too much data in file; current INPOS = {0:x}" , br . BaseStream . Position - 1 ) ;
catch ( EndOfStreamException ) { }
#region save
string ext = "" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
if ( char . IsLetterOrDigit ( ( char ) outdata [ i ] ) )
ext + = ( char ) outdata [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ext . Length = = 0 )
ext = "dat" ;
ext = "." + ext ;
filein = filein . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
outflr = outflr . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
string outfname = filein . Substring ( filein . LastIndexOf ( "/" ) + 1 ) ;
2010-09-21 10:05:10 +00:00
if ( outfname . Contains ( "." ) )
outfname = outfname . Substring ( 0 , outfname . LastIndexOf ( '.' ) ) ;
2009-06-07 13:40:49 +00:00
if ( ! outflr . EndsWith ( "/" ) )
outflr + = "/" ;
while ( File . Exists ( outflr + outfname + ext ) )
outfname + = "_" ; /**/
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter ( new FileStream ( outflr + outfname + ext , FileMode . Create ) ) ;
bw . Write ( outdata ) ;
bw . Flush ( ) ;
bw . Close ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "LZSS-11 Decompressed " + filein ) ;
#region helper methods
private static string byte_to_bits ( byte b )
string o = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
o = ( ( ( b & ( 1 < < i ) ) > > i ) & 1 ) + o ;
return o ;
private static string uint_to_bits ( uint u )
string o = "" ;
for ( int i = 3 ; i > - 1 ; i - - )
o + = byte_to_bits ( ( byte ) ( ( u & ( 0xFF < < ( i * 8 ) ) ) > > ( i * 8 ) ) ) ;
return o ;
private static byte peekByte ( BinaryReader br )
byte b = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
br . BaseStream . Position - - ;
return b ;
private static string makeSlashes ( string path )
StringBuilder sbin = new StringBuilder ( path ) ,
sbout = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
char c ;
while ( sbin . Length > 0 )
c = sbin [ 0 ] ;
sbin . Remove ( 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( c = = '\\' )
sbout . Append ( '/' ) ;
sbout . Append ( c ) ;
return sbout . ToString ( ) ;
class HuffTreeNode
internal static int maxInpos = 0 ;
internal HuffTreeNode node0 , node1 ;
internal int data = - 1 ; // [-1,0xFF]
/// <summary>
/// To get a value, provide the last node of a list of bytes < 2.
/// the list will be read from back to front.
/// </summary>
internal bool getValue ( LinkedListNode < byte > code , out int value )
value = data ;
if ( code = = null )
return node0 = = null & & node1 = = null & & data > = 0 ;
if ( code . Value > 1 )
throw new Exception ( String . Format ( "the list should be a list of bytes < 2. got:{0:g}" , code . Value ) ) ;
byte c = code . Value ;
bool retVal ;
HuffTreeNode n = c = = 0 ? node0 : node1 ;
retVal = n ! = null & & n . getValue ( code . Previous , out value ) ;
return retVal ;
internal int this [ string code ]
LinkedList < byte > c = new LinkedList < byte > ( ) ;
foreach ( char ch in code )
c . AddFirst ( ( byte ) ch ) ;
int val = 1 ;
return this . getValue ( c . Last , out val ) ? val : - 1 ;
internal void parseData ( BinaryReader br )
/ *
* Tree Table ( list of 8 bit nodes , starting with the root node )
Root Node and Non - Data - Child Nodes are :
Bit0 - 5 Offset to next child node ,
Next child node0 is at ( CurrentAddr AND NOT 1 ) + Offset * 2 + 2
Next child node1 is at ( CurrentAddr AND NOT 1 ) + Offset * 2 + 2 + 1
Bit6 Node1 End Flag ( 1 = Next child node is data )
Bit7 Node0 End Flag ( 1 = Next child node is data )
Data nodes are ( when End Flag was set in parent node ) :
Bit0 - 7 Data ( upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8 )
* /
this . node0 = new HuffTreeNode ( ) ;
this . node1 = new HuffTreeNode ( ) ;
long currPos = br . BaseStream . Position ;
byte b = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
long offset = b & 0x3F ;
bool end0 = ( b & 0x80 ) > 0 , end1 = ( b & 0x40 ) > 0 ;
// parse data for node0
br . BaseStream . Position = ( currPos - ( currPos & 1 ) ) + offset * 2 + 2 ;
if ( br . BaseStream . Position < maxInpos )
if ( end0 )
node0 . data = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
node0 . parseData ( br ) ;
// parse data for node1
br . BaseStream . Position = ( currPos - ( currPos & 1 ) ) + offset * 2 + 2 + 1 ;
if ( br . BaseStream . Position < maxInpos )
if ( end1 )
node1 . data = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
node1 . parseData ( br ) ;
// reset position
br . BaseStream . Position = currPos ;
public override string ToString ( )
if ( data < 0 )
return "<" + node0 . ToString ( ) + ", " + node1 . ToString ( ) + ">" ;
return String . Format ( "[{0:x}]" , data ) ;
internal int Depth
if ( data < 0 )
return 0 ;
return 1 + Math . Max ( node0 . Depth , node1 . Depth ) ;