
305 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using DSDecmp;
namespace GameFormats
/// <summary>
/// Compressor/decompressor for the LZE format found in Luminous Arc games. Format specification by Roger Pepitone; http://pastebin.com/qNgSB2f9
/// </summary>
public class LuminousArc : CompressionFormat
public override string ShortFormatString
get { return "LZE/Le"; }
public override string Description
get { return "A variant of an LZ/RLE scheme found in Luminous Arc games."; }
public override string CompressionFlag
get { return "Le"; }
public override bool SupportsCompression
get { return false; }
* An LZE / Le file consists of the following:
- A six byte header
- A series of blocks
The header consists of:
- 2 bytes: 0x4c, 0x65 ("Le" in ASCII)
- 4 bytes: the size of the uncompressed data in little-endian format
Each block consists of:
- 1 byte: the types for the following mini-records
(2 bits per type, stored with the first type at the least
significant bit)
- 4 mini-records
Each mini-record consists of:
- If its type is 0:
-- 2 bytes BYTE1 BYTE2: Write (3 + (BYTE2 >> 4)) bytes from
back (5 + (BYTE1 | ((BYTE2 & 0xf) << 8))) to output
- If its type is 1:
-- 1 byte BYTE1: Write (2 + (BYTE >> 2)) bytes from
back (1 + (BYTE & 3)) to output
- If its type is 2:
-- 1 byte: (copied to output stream)
- If its type is 3:
-- 3 bytes: (copied to output stream)
The last block may go over the end; if so, ignore any excess data.
#region Method: Supports(Stream, inLength)
/// <summary>
/// Determines if this format may potentially be used to decompress the given stream.
/// Does not guarantee success when returning true, but does guarantee failure when returning false.
/// </summary>
public override bool Supports(System.IO.Stream stream, long inLength)
long streamStart = stream.Position;
if (inLength <= 6) // min 6 byte header
return false;
byte[] header = new byte[2];
stream.Read(header, 0, 2);
if (header[0] != 'L' || header[1] != 'e')
return false;
byte[] outLength = new byte[4];
stream.Read(outLength, 0, 4);
if (IOUtils.ToNDSu32(outLength, 0) == 0)
return inLength == 6;
// as long as the magic is OK, anything else is fine for now. (for this superficial check)
return true;
stream.Position = streamStart;
public override long Decompress(System.IO.Stream instream, long inLength, System.IO.Stream outstream)
long readBytes = 0;
byte[] magic = new byte[2];
instream.Read(magic, 0, 2);
if (magic[0] != 'L' || magic[1] != 'e')
throw new InvalidDataException("The provided stream is not a valid LZE (Le) "
+ "compressed stream (invalid magic '" + (char)magic[0] + (char)magic[1] + "')");
byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[4];
instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 4);
uint decompressedSize = IOUtils.ToNDSu32(sizeBytes, 0);
readBytes += 4;
// the maximum 'DISP-5' is 0xFFF.
int bufferLength = 0xFFF + 5;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
int bufferOffset = 0;
int currentOutSize = 0;
int flags = 0, mask = 3;
while (currentOutSize < decompressedSize)
// (throws when requested new flags byte is not available)
#region Update the mask. If all flag bits have been read, get a new set.
// the current mask is the mask used in the previous run. So if it masks the
// last flag bit, get a new flags byte.
if (mask == 3)
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
flags = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (flags < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
mask = 0xC0;
mask >>= 2;
flags >>= 2;
switch (flags & 0x3)
case 0:
#region 0 -> LZ10-like format
#region Get length and displacement('disp') values from next 2 bytes
// there are < 2 bytes available when the end is at most 1 byte away
if (readBytes + 1 >= inLength)
// make sure the stream is at the end
if (readBytes < inLength)
instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int byte1 = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
int byte2 = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (byte2 < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
// the number of bytes to copy
int length = byte2 >> 4;
length += 3;
// from where the bytes should be copied (relatively)
int disp = ((byte2 & 0x0F) << 8) | byte1;
disp += 5;
if (disp > currentOutSize)
throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot go back more than already written. "
+ "DISP = 0x" + disp.ToString("X") + ", #written bytes = 0x" + currentOutSize.ToString("X")
+ " at 0x" + (instream.Position - 2).ToString("X"));
int bufIdx = bufferOffset + bufferLength - disp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
byte next = buffer[bufIdx % bufferLength];
buffer[bufferOffset] = next;
bufferOffset = (bufferOffset + 1) % bufferLength;
currentOutSize += length;
case 1:
#region 1 -> compact LZ10-like format
#region Get length and displacement('disp') values from next byte
// there are < 2 bytes available when the end is at most 1 byte away
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int b = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (b < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
// the number of bytes to copy
int length = b >> 2;
length += 2;
// from where the bytes should be copied (relatively)
int disp = (b & 0x03);
disp += 1;
if (disp > currentOutSize)
throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot go back more than already written. "
+ "DISP = 0x" + disp.ToString("X") + ", #written bytes = 0x" + currentOutSize.ToString("X")
+ " at 0x" + (instream.Position - 1).ToString("X"));
int bufIdx = bufferOffset + bufferLength - disp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
byte next = buffer[bufIdx % bufferLength];
buffer[bufferOffset] = next;
bufferOffset = (bufferOffset + 1) % bufferLength;
currentOutSize += length;
case 2:
#region 2 -> copy 1 byte
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int next = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (next < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
buffer[bufferOffset] = (byte)next;
bufferOffset = (bufferOffset + 1) % bufferLength;
case 3:
#region 3 -> copy 3 bytes
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int next = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (next < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
buffer[bufferOffset] = (byte)next;
bufferOffset = (bufferOffset + 1) % bufferLength;
throw new Exception("BUG: Mask is not 2 bits long!");
if (readBytes < inLength)
// the input may be 4-byte aligned.
if ((readBytes ^ (readBytes & 3)) + 4 < inLength)
throw new TooMuchInputException(readBytes, inLength);
// (this happens rather often for Le files?)
return decompressedSize;
private int MaskRsh(int value, int mask)
int maskCopy = mask;
int masked = value & mask;
if (maskCopy == 0)
return masked;
while ((maskCopy & 1) == 0)
masked >>= 1;
maskCopy >>= 1;
return masked;
public override int Compress(System.IO.Stream instream, long inLength, System.IO.Stream outstream)
throw new NotImplementedException();