
411 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
public class JavaDSDecmp {
public static int[] Decompress(HexInputStream his) throws IOException {
case 0x10: return Decompress10LZ(his);
case 0x11: return Decompress11LZ(his);
case 0x24:
case 0x28: return DecompressHuff(his);
case 0x30: return DecompressRLE(his);
default: return null;
private static int getLength(HexInputStream his) throws IOException {
int length = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
length = length | (his.readU8() << (i * 8));
if(length == 0) // 0 length? then length is next 4 bytes
length = his.readlS32();
return length;
private static int[] Decompress10LZ(HexInputStream his) throws IOException {
int[] outData = new int[getLength(his)];
int curr_size = 0;
int flags;
boolean flag;
int disp, n, b, cdest;
while (curr_size < outData.length)
try { flags = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
flag = (flags & (0x80 >> i)) > 0;
if (flag)
disp = 0;
try { b = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
n = b >> 4;
disp = (b & 0x0F) << 8;
try { disp |= his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
n += 3;
cdest = curr_size;
//Console.WriteLine("disp: 0x{0:x}", disp);
if (disp > curr_size)
throw new InvalidFileException("Cannot go back more than already written");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
outData[curr_size++] = outData[cdest - disp - 1 + j];
if (curr_size > outData.length)
try { b = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break;}// throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
try { outData[curr_size++] = b; }
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { if (b == 0) break; }
if (curr_size > outData.length)
return outData;
private static int[] Decompress11LZ(HexInputStream his) throws IOException {
int[] outData = new int[getLength(his)];
int curr_size = 0;
int flags;
boolean flag;
int b1, bt, b2, b3, len, disp, cdest;
while (curr_size < outData.length)
try { flags = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }
for (int i = 0; i < 8 && curr_size < outData.length; i++)
flag = (flags & (0x80 >> i)) > 0;
if (flag)
try { b1 = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
switch (b1 >> 4)
case 0:
// ab cd ef
// =>
// len = abc + 0x11 = bc + 0x11
// disp = def
len = b1 << 4;
try { bt = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
len |= bt >> 4;
len += 0x11;
disp = (bt & 0x0F) << 8;
try { b2 = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
disp |= b2;
case 1:
// ab cd ef gh
// =>
// len = bcde + 0x111
// disp = fgh
// 10 04 92 3F => disp = 0x23F, len = 0x149 + 0x11 = 0x15A
try { bt = his.readU8(); b2 = his.readU8(); b3 = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
len = (b1 & 0xF) << 12; // len = b000
len |= bt << 4; // len = bcd0
len |= (b2 >> 4); // len = bcde
len += 0x111; // len = bcde + 0x111
disp = (b2 & 0x0F) << 8; // disp = f
disp |= b3; // disp = fgh
// ab cd
// =>
// len = a + threshold = a + 1
// disp = bcd
len = (b1 >> 4) + 1;
disp = (b1 & 0x0F) << 8;
try { b2 = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { throw new InvalidFileException("Incomplete data"); }
disp |= b2;
if (disp > curr_size)
throw new InvalidFileException("Cannot go back more than already written");
cdest = curr_size;
for (int j = 0; j < len && curr_size < outData.length; j++)
outData[curr_size++] = outData[cdest - disp - 1 + j];
if (curr_size > outData.length)
try { outData[curr_size++] = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }// throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
if (curr_size > outData.length)
return outData;
// note: untested
private static int[] DecompressRLE(HexInputStream his) throws IOException{
int[] outData = new int[getLength(his)];
int curr_size = 0;
int i, rl;
int flag, b;
boolean compressed;
while (true)
// get tag
try { flag = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }
compressed = (flag & 0x80) > 0;
rl = flag & 0x7F;
if (compressed)
rl += 3;
rl += 1;
if (compressed)
try { b = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }
for (i = 0; i < rl; i++)
outData[curr_size++] = b;
for (i = 0; i < rl; i++)
try { outData[curr_size++] = his.readU8(); }
catch (EOFException ex) { break; }
if (curr_size > outData.length)
throw new InvalidFileException("curr_size > decomp_size; "+curr_size+">"+outData.length);
if (curr_size == outData.length)
return outData;
// note: untested
private static int[] DecompressHuff(HexInputStream his) throws IOException{
int firstByte = his.readU8();
int dataSize = firstByte & 0x0F;
if (dataSize != 8 && dataSize != 4)
throw new InvalidFileException("Unhandled dataSize "+Integer.toHexString(dataSize));
int decomp_size = getLength(his);
int treeSize = his.readU8();
HuffTreeNode.maxInpos = 4 + (treeSize + 1) * 2;
HuffTreeNode rootNode = new HuffTreeNode();
his.setPosition(4 + (treeSize + 1) * 2); // go to start of coded bitstream.
// read all data
int[] indata = new int[(int)(his.available() - his.getPosition()) / 4];
for (int i = 0; i < indata.length; i++)
indata[i] = his.readS32();
int curr_size = 0;
decomp_size *= dataSize == 8 ? 1 : 2;
int[] outdata = new int[decomp_size];
int idx = -1;
String codestr = "";
NLinkedList<Integer> code = new NLinkedList<Integer>();
while (curr_size < decomp_size)
codestr += Integer.toBinaryString(indata[++idx]);
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new InvalidFileException("not enough data.", e);
while (codestr.length() > 0)
codestr = codestr.substring(1);
Pair<Boolean, Integer> attempt = rootNode.getValue(code.getLast());
if (attempt.getFirst())
outdata[curr_size++] = attempt.getSecond();
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
if (code.getFirst().getValue() != 0)
throw ex;
if (codestr.length() > 0 || idx < indata.length-1)
while (idx < indata.length-1)
codestr += Integer.toBinaryString(indata[++idx]);
codestr = codestr.replace("0", "");
if (codestr.length() > 0)
System.out.println("too much data; str="+codestr+", idx="+idx+"/"+indata.length);
int[] realout;
if (dataSize == 4)
realout = new int[decomp_size / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < decomp_size / 2; i++)
if ((outdata[i * 2] & 0xF0) > 0
|| (outdata[i * 2 + 1] & 0xF0) > 0)
throw new InvalidFileException("first 4 bits of data should be 0 if dataSize = 4");
realout[i] = (byte)((outdata[i * 2] << 4) | outdata[i * 2 + 1]);
realout = outdata;
return realout;
class HuffTreeNode
protected static int maxInpos = 0;
protected HuffTreeNode node0, node1;
protected int data = -1; // [-1,0xFF]
/// <summary>
/// To get a value, provide the last node of a list of bytes &lt; 2.
/// the list will be read from back to front.
/// </summary>
protected Pair<Boolean, Integer> getValue(NLinkedListNode<Integer> code) throws InvalidFileException
Pair<Boolean, Integer> outData = new Pair<Boolean, Integer>();
if (code == null){
outData.setFirst(node0 == null && node1 == null && data >= 0);
return outData;
if(code.getValue() > 1)
throw new InvalidFileException("The list should be a list of bytes < 2. got: " + code.getValue());
int c = code.getValue();
HuffTreeNode n = c == 0 ? node0 : node1;
if(n == null)
return n.getValue(code.getPrevious());
protected int getValue(String code) throws InvalidFileException
NLinkedList<Integer> c = new NLinkedList<Integer>();
for(char ch : code.toCharArray())
Pair<Boolean, Integer> attempt = this.getValue(c.getLast());
return attempt.getSecond();
return -1;
protected void parseData(HexInputStream his) throws IOException
* Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node)
Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are:
Bit0-5 Offset to next child node,
Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1
Bit6 Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Bit7 Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node):
Bit0-7 Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8)
this.node0 = new HuffTreeNode();
this.node1 = new HuffTreeNode();
long currPos = his.getPosition();
int b = his.readU8();
long offset = b & 0x3F;
boolean end0 = (b & 0x80) > 0, end1 = (b & 0x40) > 0;
// parse data for node0
his.setPosition((currPos - (currPos & 1)) + offset * 2 + 2);
if (his.getPosition() < maxInpos)
if (end0)
node0.data = his.readU8();
// parse data for node1
his.setPosition((currPos - (currPos & 1)) + offset * 2 + 2 + 1);
if (his.getPosition() < maxInpos)
if (end1)
node1.data = his.readU8();
// reset position
public String toString()
if (data < 0)
return "<" + node0.toString() + ", " + node1.toString() + ">";
return "["+Integer.toHexString(data)+"]";
protected int getDepth()
if (data < 0)
return 0;
return 1 + Math.max(node0.getDepth(), node1.getDepth());