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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace DSDecmp.Formats.Nitro
/// <summary>
/// Compressor and decompressor for the RLE format used in several of the games for the
/// newer Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
/// </summary>
public class RLE : NitroCFormat
public RLE() : base(0x30) { }
public override void Decompress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream)
Data header (32bit)
Bit 0-3 Reserved
Bit 4-7 Compressed type (must be 3 for run-length)
Bit 8-31 Size of decompressed data
Repeat below. Each Flag Byte followed by one or more Data Bytes.
Flag data (8bit)
Bit 0-6 Expanded Data Length (uncompressed N-1, compressed N-3)
Bit 7 Flag (0=uncompressed, 1=compressed)
Data Byte(s) - N uncompressed bytes, or 1 byte repeated N times
long readBytes = 0;
byte type = (byte)instream.ReadByte();
if (type != base.magicByte)
throw new InvalidDataException("The provided stream is not a valid RLE "
+ "compressed stream (invalid type 0x" + type.ToString("X") + ")");
byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[3];
instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 3);
int decompressedSize = base.Bytes2Size(sizeBytes);
readBytes += 4;
if (decompressedSize == 0)
sizeBytes = new byte[4];
instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 4);
decompressedSize = base.Bytes2Size(sizeBytes);
readBytes += 4;
int currentOutSize = 0;
while (currentOutSize < decompressedSize)
#region (try to) get the flag byte with the length data and compressed flag
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int flag = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (flag < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
bool compressed = (flag & 0x80) > 0;
int length = flag & 0x7F;
if (compressed)
length += 3;
length += 1;
if (compressed)
#region compressed: write the next byte (length) times.
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
int data = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (data < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
if (currentOutSize + length > decompressedSize)
throw new InvalidDataException("The given stream is not a valid RLE stream; the "
+ "output length does not match the provided plaintext length.");
byte bdata = (byte)data;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Stream.Write(byte[], offset, len) may also work, but only if it is a circular buffer
#region uncompressed: copy the next (length) bytes.
int tryReadLength = length;
// limit the amount of bytes read by the indicated number of bytes available
if (readBytes + length > inLength)
tryReadLength = (int)(inLength - readBytes);
byte[] data = new byte[length];
int readLength = instream.Read(data, 0, (int)tryReadLength);
readBytes += readLength;
outstream.Write(data, 0, readLength);
currentOutSize += readLength;
// if the attempted number of bytes read is less than the desired number, the given input
// length is too small (or there is not enough data in the stream)
if (tryReadLength < length)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentOutSize, decompressedSize);
// if the actual number of read bytes is even less, it means that the end of the stream has
// bee reached, thus the given input length is larger than the actual length of the input
if (readLength < length)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
if (readBytes < inLength)
throw new TooMuchInputException(readBytes, inLength);
public override int Compress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream)
if (inLength > 0xFFFFFF)
throw new InputTooLargeException();
List<byte> compressedData = new List<byte>();
// at most 0x7F+3=130 bytes are compressed into a single block.
// (and at most 0x7F+1=128 in an uncompressed block, however we need to read 2
// more, since the last byte may be part of a repetition).
byte[] dataBlock = new byte[130];
// the length of the valid content in the current data block
int currentBlockLength = 0;
int readLength = 0;
int nextByte;
int repCount = 1;
while (readLength < inLength)
bool foundRepetition = false;
while (currentBlockLength < dataBlock.Length && readLength < inLength)
nextByte = instream.ReadByte();
if (nextByte < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
dataBlock[currentBlockLength++] = (byte)nextByte;
if (currentBlockLength > 1)
if (nextByte == dataBlock[currentBlockLength - 2])
repCount = 1;
foundRepetition = repCount > 2;
if (foundRepetition)
int numUncompToCopy = 0;
if (foundRepetition)
// if a repetition was found, copy block size - 3 bytes as compressed data
numUncompToCopy = currentBlockLength - 3;
// if no repetition was found, copy min(block size, max block size - 2) bytes as uncompressed data.
numUncompToCopy = Math.Min(currentBlockLength, dataBlock.Length - 2);
#region insert uncompressed block
if (numUncompToCopy > 0)
byte flag = (byte)(numUncompToCopy - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < numUncompToCopy; i++)
// shift some possibly remaining bytes to the start
for (int i = numUncompToCopy; i < currentBlockLength; i++)
dataBlock[i - numUncompToCopy] = dataBlock[i];
currentBlockLength -= numUncompToCopy;
if (foundRepetition)
// if a repetition was found, continue until the first different byte
// (or until the buffer is full)
while (currentBlockLength < dataBlock.Length && readLength < inLength)
nextByte = instream.ReadByte();
if (nextByte < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
dataBlock[currentBlockLength++] = (byte)nextByte;
if (nextByte != dataBlock[0])
// the next repCount bytes are the same.
#region insert compressed block
byte flag = (byte)(0x80 | (repCount - 3));
// make sure to shift the possible extra byte to the start
if (repCount != currentBlockLength)
dataBlock[0] = dataBlock[currentBlockLength - 1];
currentBlockLength -= repCount;
// write any reamaining bytes as uncompressed
if (currentBlockLength > 0)
byte flag = (byte)(currentBlockLength - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < currentBlockLength; i++)
currentBlockLength = 0;
// write the RLE marker and the decompressed size
int compLen = compressedData.Count;
outstream.WriteByte((byte)(inLength & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 8) & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 16) & 0xFF));
// write the compressed data
outstream.Write(compressedData.ToArray(), 0, compLen);
// the total compressed stream length is the compressed data length + the 4-byte header
return compLen + 4;