Added support for compression used in overlay files of the DS, as well as the arm9.bin file. The format is mostly LZ-0x10 in reverse, but has a small difference in the calculation of the Disp value for compressed blocks. The complete file also need not be compressed.

This commit is contained in:
barubary 2011-01-15 21:38:13 +00:00
parent 2b231bcbb8
commit 2334261982

View File

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ namespace DSDecmp
static bool AllowLZ10 = true;
static bool AllowLZ11 = true;
static bool AllowLZ40 = true;
static bool AllowOVL = true;
static bool ForceOVL = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
@ -67,6 +69,14 @@ namespace DSDecmp
AllowLZ40 = !rest.Contains("4");
AllowNone = !rest.Contains("n");
AllowRLE = !rest.Contains("r");
AllowOVL = !rest.Contains("o");
string[] newArgs = new string[args.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, newArgs.Length);
args = newArgs;
else if (args[0] == "-ovl")
ForceOVL = true;
string[] newArgs = new string[args.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, newArgs.Length);
args = newArgs;
@ -103,7 +113,8 @@ namespace DSDecmp
private static void Usage()
Console.WriteLine("useage: DSDecmp (-ce) (-n[h014nr]) infile [outfolder [maxlen]]\nor: DSDecmp (-ce) infolder [outfolder [maxlen]]");
Console.WriteLine("useage: DSDecmp (-ce) (-n[h014nro] | -ovl) infile [outfolder [maxlen]]");
Console.WriteLine("or: DSDecmp (-ce) (-n[h014nro] | -ovl) infolder [outfolder [maxlen]]");
Console.WriteLine("maxlen is optional and hexadecimal, and all files that would be larger than maxlen when decompressed are ignored");
Console.WriteLine("Adding the -ce flag will copy every file that generates an error while processing to the output dir, and does not wait for user confirmation.");
Console.WriteLine("Adding the -n flag with any number of the characters h,0,1,n, or r will disable compression formats of the corresponding letter;");
@ -113,6 +124,12 @@ namespace DSDecmp
Console.WriteLine("4 - LZ 0x40");
Console.WriteLine("n - None-compression (ie: 0x00 first byte, next 3 bytes file size - 4)");
Console.WriteLine("r - Run-Length Encoding");
Console.WriteLine("o - LZ Overlay compression");
Console.WriteLine("Providing the -ovl flag (the -n and -ovl flags cannot appear together) will "
+ "try to decompress the given file(s) with the DS's overlay compression. Normally, "
+ "this format is only recognized if the file name is 'arm9.bin' or "
+ "'overlay_X.bin' (with X any number).");
private static void WriteDebug(string s)
@ -164,6 +181,33 @@ namespace DSDecmp
#region Method: Decompress
static void Decompress(string filein, string outflr)
// check if we need to decompress the file using Overlay compression first
string filename = Path.GetFileName(filein);
if (AllowOVL)
if (filename == "arm9.bin"
|| Regex.Match(filename, "overlay_[0-9]+\\.bin").Success
|| ForceOVL)
DecompressLZOverlay(filein, outflr);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Could not properly decompress {0:s};", filein);
if (CopyErrors)
CopyFile(filein, outflr);
FileStream fstr = File.OpenRead(filein);
if (fstr.Length > int.MaxValue)
throw new Exception("Files larger than 2GB cannot be decompressed by this program.");
@ -1025,7 +1069,7 @@ namespace DSDecmp
// if D == 1, actual format is:
// -> GHEF is length
// -> GHEF is length - 0x110
// -> ABC is disp
if (len == 0)
len = br.ReadByte() + 0x10;
@ -1093,6 +1137,140 @@ namespace DSDecmp
#region LZ Overlay
private static void DecompressLZOverlay(string filein, string outflr)
// Overlay LZ compression is basically just LZ-0x10 compression.
// however the order if reading is reversed: the compression starts at the end of the file.
// Assuming we start reading at the end towards the beginning, the format is:
* u32 extraSize; // decompressed data size = file length - header size + this value
* u8 headerSize;
* u24 compressedLength; // can be less than file size (w/o header). If so, the rest of the file is uncompressed.
* u8[headerSize-8] padding; // 0xFF-s
* 0x10-like-compressed data follows (without the usual 4-byte header).
* The only difference is that 2 should be added to the DISP value in compressed blocks
* to get the proper value.
* The u32 and u24 are read most significant byte first.
* If extraSize is 0, there is no headerSize, decompressedLength or padding;
* the data starts immediately, and is uncompressed.
* arm9.bin has 3 extra u32 values at the 'start' (ie: end of the file),
* which may be ignored (and are ignored here).
// save the input file in a buffer, since we need to read backwards.
// reverse the array once we're done reading
byte[] inbuffer = new byte[0];
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(filein)))
if (filein.EndsWith("arm9.bin"))
// arm9.bin has 0xC extra bytes we don't need. Without those the format
// is the same as with overlay files.
inbuffer = new byte[reader.BaseStream.Length - 0xC];
inbuffer = new byte[reader.BaseStream.Length];
reader.Read(inbuffer, 0, inbuffer.Length);
// decompress the input. this results in an output buffer that is reversed,
// so reverse that after decompression as well.
byte[] outbuffer = new byte[0];
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(inbuffer)))
int extraSize = (reader.ReadByte() << 24)
| (reader.ReadByte() << 16)
| (reader.ReadByte() << 8)
| (reader.ReadByte());
outbuffer = new byte[inbuffer.Length + extraSize];
if (extraSize == 0)
// if the extra size if 0, there is no overlay compression.
reader.Read(outbuffer, 0, outbuffer.Length);
byte headerLength = reader.ReadByte();
int compressedSize = (reader.ReadByte() << 16)
| (reader.ReadByte() << 8)
| reader.ReadByte();
// skip the padding
reader.BaseStream.Position += headerLength - 8;
// decompress the compressed part
#region LZ-0x10-like decompression
int decomp_size = compressedSize + extraSize;
int curr_size = 0;
byte b;
int n, disp, j, cdest;
while (curr_size < decomp_size)
byte flags = reader.ReadByte();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
bool flag = (flags & (0x80 >> i)) > 0;
if (flag)
disp = 0;
try { b = reader.ReadByte(); }
catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
n = b >> 4;
disp = (b & 0x0F) << 8;
try { disp |= reader.ReadByte(); }
catch (EndOfStreamException) { throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
n += 3;
cdest = curr_size;
if (disp > curr_size)
throw new Exception("Cannot go back more than already written");
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
outbuffer[curr_size++] = outbuffer[cdest - disp - 3 + j];
try { b = reader.ReadByte(); }
catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; }// throw new Exception("Incomplete data"); }
try { outbuffer[curr_size++] = b; }
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { if (b == 0) break; }
if (curr_size > decomp_size)
// if there is any uncompressed part, copy that to the buffer as well
int decompressedLength = (int)(reader.BaseStream.Length - reader.BaseStream.Position);
if (decompressedLength > 0)
//byte[] other = reader.ReadBytes(decompressedLength);
reader.Read(outbuffer, curr_size, decompressedLength);
// write the output to a file. Replace the .bin extension with .ovl.
string infname = Path.GetFileName(filein);
string outfname = infname.Substring(0, infname.Length - 3) + "ovl";
string outfile = Path.Combine(outflr, outfname);
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Create(outfile)))
Console.WriteLine("LZ-Overlay compressed " + filein);
#region helper methods
private static string byte_to_bits(byte b)