using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using DSDecmp.Formats.Nitro; using DSDecmp.Formats; using System.IO; namespace DSDecmp { public static class NewProgram { /// /// The formats allowed when compressing a file. /// public enum Formats { LZOVL, // keep this as the first one, as only the end of a file may be LZ-ovl-compressed (and overlay files are oftenly double-compressed) LZ10, LZ11, HUFF4, HUFF8, RLE, HUFF, NDS, GBA, } public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { PrintUsage(); #if DEBUG Console.ReadLine(); #endif return; } int argIndex = 0; bool compress = false; Formats compressFormat = Formats.NDS; #region check for the -c option and its parameter(s) if (args[argIndex].Equals("-c")) { argIndex++; compress = true; if (args.Length < argIndex + 2) { Console.WriteLine("A compression format and input file is required in order to compress."); Console.WriteLine(); PrintUsage(); return; } switch (args[argIndex].ToLower()) { case "lz10": compressFormat = Formats.LZ10; break; case "lz11": compressFormat = Formats.LZ11; break; case "lzovl": compressFormat = Formats.LZOVL; break; case "rle": compressFormat = Formats.RLE; break; case "huff4": compressFormat = Formats.HUFF4; break; case "huff8": compressFormat = Formats.HUFF8; break; case "huff": compressFormat = Formats.HUFF; break; case "gba*": compressFormat = Formats.GBA; break; case "nds*": compressFormat = Formats.NDS; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown compression format " + args[argIndex]); Console.WriteLine(); PrintUsage(); return; } argIndex++; // handle the format options switch (compressFormat) { case Formats.LZ10: case Formats.GBA: if (args[argIndex].Equals("-opt")) { LZ10.LookAhead = true; argIndex++; } break; case Formats.LZ11: if (args[argIndex].Equals("-opt")) { LZ11.LookAhead = true; argIndex++; } break; case Formats.LZOVL: if (args[argIndex].Equals("-opt")) { LZOvl.LookAhead = true; argIndex++; } break; case Formats.NDS: if (args[argIndex].Equals("-opt")) { LZ10.LookAhead = true; LZ11.LookAhead = true; LZOvl.LookAhead = true; argIndex++; } break; } } #endregion if (args.Length < argIndex + 1) throw new ArgumentException("No input file given."); bool guessExtension = false; if (args[argIndex].Equals("-ge")) { guessExtension = true; argIndex++; } if (args.Length < argIndex + 1) throw new ArgumentException("No input file given."); string input = args[argIndex++]; string output = null; if (args.Length > argIndex) output = args[argIndex++]; if (compress) Compress(input, output, compressFormat, guessExtension); else Decompress(input, output, guessExtension); #if DEBUG Console.ReadLine(); #endif } private static void PrintUsage() { Console.WriteLine("DSDecmp - Decompressor for compression formats used on the NDS - by Barubary"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage:\tDSDecmp (-c FORMAT FORMATOPT*) (-ge) input (output)"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Without the -c modifier, DSDecmp will decompress the input file to the output"); Console.WriteLine(" file. If the output file is a directory, the output file will be placed in"); Console.WriteLine(" that directory with the same filename as the original file. The extension will"); Console.WriteLine(" be appended with a format-specific extension."); Console.WriteLine("The input can also be a directory. In that case, it would be the same as"); Console.WriteLine(" calling DSDecmp for every non-directory in the given directory with the same"); Console.WriteLine(" options, with one exception; the output is by default the input folder, but"); Console.WriteLine(" with '_dec' appended."); Console.WriteLine("If the output does not exist, it is assumed to be the same type as the input"); Console.WriteLine(" (file or directory)."); Console.WriteLine("If there is no output file given, it is assumed to be the directory of the"); Console.WriteLine(" input file."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("With the -ge option, instead of a format-specific extension, the extension"); Console.WriteLine(" will be guessed from the first four bytes of the output file. Only"); Console.WriteLine(" non-accented letters or numbers are considered in those four bytes."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("With the -c option, the input is compressed instead of decompressed. FORMAT"); Console.WriteLine("indicates the desired compression format, and can be one of:"); Console.WriteLine(" --- formats built-in in the NDS ---"); Console.WriteLine(" lz10 - 'default' LZ-compression format."); Console.WriteLine(" lz11 - LZ-compression format better suited for files with long repetitions."); Console.WriteLine(" lzovl - LZ-compression used in 'overlay files'."); Console.WriteLine(" rle - Run-Length Encoding 'compression'."); Console.WriteLine(" huff4 - Huffman compression with 4-bit sized data blocks."); Console.WriteLine(" huff8 - Huffman compression with 8-bit sized data blocks."); Console.WriteLine(" --- utility 'formats' ---"); Console.WriteLine(" huff - The Huffman compression that gives the bext compression ratio."); Console.WriteLine(" nds* - The built-in compression format that gives the best compression"); Console.WriteLine(" ratio. Will never compress using lzovl."); Console.WriteLine(" gba* - The built-in compression format that gives the best compression"); Console.WriteLine(" ratio, and is also supported by the GBA."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The following format options (FORMATOPT) are available:"); Console.WriteLine(" lz10, lz11, lzovl, gba* and nds*:"); Console.WriteLine(" -opt : employs a better compression algorithm to boost the compression"); Console.WriteLine(" ratio. Not using this option will result in using the algorithm"); Console.WriteLine(" originally used to compress the game files."); Console.WriteLine(" Using this option for the gba* and nds* will only have effect on"); Console.WriteLine(" the lz10, lz11 and lzovl algorithms."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("If the input is a directory when the -c option, the default output directory"); Console.WriteLine(" is the input directory appended with '_cmp'."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Supplying the -ge modifier together with the -c modifier, the extension of the"); Console.WriteLine(" compressed files will be extended with the 'FORMAT' value that always results"); Console.WriteLine(" in that particualr format (so 'lz11', 'rle', etc)."); Console.WriteLine("If the -ge modifier is not present, the extension of compressed files will be"); Console.WriteLine(" extended with .cdat"); } #region compression methods private static void Compress(string input, string output, Formats format, bool guessExtension) { if (!File.Exists(input) && !Directory.Exists(input)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot compress a file or directory that does not exist (" + input + ")"); return; } // set the default value of the output if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { if (Directory.Exists(input)) { string newDir = Path.GetFullPath(input) + "_cmp"; if (!Directory.Exists(newDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(newDir); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(input)) { Compress(file, newDir, format, guessExtension); } return; } else { if (!guessExtension) output = input; // the .cdat extension is added automatically else output = Path.GetDirectoryName(input); } } if (Directory.Exists(input)) { if (!Directory.Exists(output)) Directory.CreateDirectory(output); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(input)) { Compress(file, output, format, guessExtension); } return; } // compress the input MemoryStream compressedData = new MemoryStream(); Formats compressedFormat; int outsize = DoCompress(input, compressedData, format, out compressedFormat); if (outsize < 0) return; bool mustAppendExt = !Directory.Exists(output) && !File.Exists(output); if (Directory.Exists(output)) { output = CombinePaths(output, Path.GetFileName(input)); } if (mustAppendExt && Path.GetExtension(output) == ".dat") output = RemoveExtension(output); if (guessExtension) output += "." + compressedFormat.ToString().ToLower(); else if (mustAppendExt) output += ".cdat"; using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(output)) { compressedData.WriteTo(outStream); Console.WriteLine(compressedFormat.ToString() + "-compressed " + input + " to " + output); } } private static int DoCompress(string infile, MemoryStream output, Formats format, out Formats actualFormat) { CompressionFormat fmt = null; switch (format) { case Formats.LZ10: fmt = new LZ10(); break; case Formats.LZ11: fmt = new LZ11(); break; case Formats.LZOVL: fmt = new LZOvl(); break; case Formats.RLE: fmt = new RLE(); break; case Formats.HUFF4: Huffman.CompressBlockSize = Huffman.BlockSize.FOURBIT; fmt = new Huffman(); break; case Formats.HUFF8: Huffman.CompressBlockSize = Huffman.BlockSize.EIGHTBIT; fmt = new Huffman(); break; case Formats.HUFF: return CompressHuff(infile, output, out actualFormat); case Formats.GBA: return CompressGBA(infile, output, out actualFormat); case Formats.NDS: return CompressNDS(infile, output, out actualFormat); default: throw new Exception("Unhandled compression format " + format); } actualFormat = format; using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(infile)) { try { return fmt.Compress(inStream, inStream.Length, output); } catch (Exception s) { // any exception generated by compression is a fatal exception Console.WriteLine(s.Message); return -1; } } } private static int CompressHuff(string infile, MemoryStream output, out Formats actualFormat) { return CompressBest(infile, output, out actualFormat, Formats.HUFF4, Formats.HUFF8); } private static int CompressGBA(string infile, MemoryStream output, out Formats actualFormat) { return CompressBest(infile, output, out actualFormat, Formats.HUFF4, Formats.HUFF8, Formats.LZ10, Formats.RLE); } private static int CompressNDS(string infile, MemoryStream output, out Formats actualFormat) { return CompressBest(infile, output, out actualFormat, Formats.HUFF4, Formats.HUFF8, Formats.LZ10, Formats.LZ11, Formats.RLE); } private static int CompressBest(string infile, MemoryStream output, out Formats actualFormat, params Formats[] formats) { // only read the input data once from the file. byte[] inputData; using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(infile)) { inputData = new byte[inStream.Length]; inStream.Read(inputData, 0, inputData.Length); } MemoryStream bestOutput = null; int minCompSize = int.MaxValue; actualFormat = Formats.GBA; foreach (Formats format in formats) { #region compress the file in each format, and save the best one MemoryStream currentOutput = new MemoryStream(); CompressionFormat realFormat = null; switch (format) { case Formats.HUFF4: Huffman.CompressBlockSize = Huffman.BlockSize.FOURBIT; realFormat = new Huffman(); break; case Formats.HUFF8: Huffman.CompressBlockSize = Huffman.BlockSize.EIGHTBIT; realFormat = new Huffman(); break; case Formats.LZ10: realFormat = new LZ10(); break; case Formats.LZ11: realFormat = new LZ11(); break; case Formats.LZOVL: realFormat = new LZOvl(); break; case Formats.RLE: realFormat = new RLE(); break; } int currentOutSize; try { using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(inputData)) { currentOutSize = realFormat.Compress(inStream, inStream.Length, currentOutput); } } catch (InputTooLargeException i) { Console.WriteLine(i.Message); actualFormat = format; return -1; } catch (Exception) { continue; } if (currentOutSize < minCompSize) { bestOutput = currentOutput; minCompSize = currentOutSize; actualFormat = format; } #endregion } if (bestOutput == null) { Console.WriteLine("The file could not be compressed in any format."); return -1; } bestOutput.WriteTo(output); return minCompSize; } #endregion #region decompression methods private static void Decompress(string input, string output, bool guessExtension) { if (!File.Exists(input) && !Directory.Exists(input)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot decompress a file or directory that does not exist (" + input + ")"); return; } // set the default value of the output if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { if (Directory.Exists(input)) { string newDir = Path.GetFullPath(input) + "_dec"; if (!Directory.Exists(newDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(newDir); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(input)) { Decompress(file, newDir, guessExtension); } return; } else { if (!guessExtension) output = input; // '.dat' gets added automatically if -ge is not given else output = Path.GetDirectoryName(input); } } if (Directory.Exists(input)) { if (File.Exists(output)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot decompress a folder to a single file."); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(output)) Directory.CreateDirectory(output); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(input)) { Decompress(file, output, guessExtension); } return; } byte[] inData; using (FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(input)) { inData = new byte[inStream.Length]; inStream.Read(inData, 0, inData.Length); } MemoryStream decompressedData = new MemoryStream(); long decSize = -1; Formats usedFormat = Formats.NDS; // just try all formats, and stop once one has been found that can decompress it. foreach (Formats f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Formats))) { using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(inData)) { decSize = Decompress(inStream, decompressedData, f); if (decSize >= 0) { usedFormat = f; break; } } } if (decSize < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Could not decompress " + input + "; no matching compression method found."); return; } bool mustAppendExt = !Directory.Exists(output) && !File.Exists(output); if (Directory.Exists(output)) { output = CombinePaths(output, Path.GetFileName(input)); } byte[] outData = decompressedData.ToArray(); if (mustAppendExt) { switch (Path.GetExtension(output)) { case ".cdat": case ".lz10": case ".lz11": case ".lzovl": case ".rle": case ".huff4": case ".huff8": output = RemoveExtension(output); break; } } if (guessExtension) { string ext = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((outData[i] >= 'a' && outData[i] <= 'z') || (outData[i] >= 'A' && outData[i] <= 'Z') || char.IsDigit((char)outData[i])) ext += (char)outData[i]; else break; } if (ext.Length > 0) output += "." + ext; else output += ".dat"; } else if(mustAppendExt) output += ".dat"; using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(output)) { outStream.Write(outData, 0, outData.Length); Console.WriteLine(usedFormat.ToString() + "-decompressed " + input + " to " + output); } } private static long Decompress(MemoryStream inputStream, MemoryStream output, Formats format) { CompressionFormat realFormat = null; switch (format) { case Formats.HUFF: realFormat = new Huffman(); break; case Formats.LZ10: realFormat = new LZ10(); break; case Formats.LZ11: realFormat = new LZ11(); break; case Formats.LZOVL: realFormat = new LZOvl(); break; case Formats.RLE: realFormat = new RLE(); break; default: return -1; } if (!realFormat.Supports(inputStream, inputStream.Length)) return -1; try { return realFormat.Decompress(inputStream, inputStream.Length, output); } catch (TooMuchInputException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return output.Length; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not decompress using the " + format.ToString() + " format; " + e.Message); return -1; } } #endregion private static string CombinePaths(string dir, string file) { if (Path.IsPathRooted(file)) return file; if (!dir.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "") && !dir.EndsWith(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar + "")) return dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + file; else return dir + file; } private static string RemoveExtension(string path) { return Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } } }